
German pharmaceutical companies to increase investment in China

German pharmaceutical industry leader Bayer and Merck are to their respective Chinese businesses to invest, because the two companies are taking advantage of a new wave of investments and acquisitions to compete for global market share.

China's pharmaceutical market is growing rapidly, with total market reached $ 102 billion, will soon be ranked the world's second-largest pharmaceutical market after the United States.

In September of this year, Merck invested $ 80 million in a new factory in Nantong, Jiangsu broke ground, and in the last year, the company has expanded its partnerships with the Chinese focus on cancer drugs biopharmaceutical research company Baekje Divine . Merck is a large scale than competitors Bayer has announced a plan that will be $ 100 million investment in its Beijing Pharmaceutical Factory. A month ago, Bayer also announced the acquisition of Yunnan Rainbow Pharmaceutical Group, but did not disclose the specific amount of the transaction, which is the second large-scale mergers and acquisitions pile Bayer conducted in the Chinese market.

In order to meet the needs of an aging society, the Chinese government is committed to improving the availability of health care and medical services, while Western pharmaceutical companies have had responded, Bayer and Merck is one of only two representatives.

However, overseas drug manufacturers want to enter the Chinese market is not easy, because of China's drug approval process is slow, strict regulatory standards and increasingly fierce international competition. The two German companies are currently utilizing their high quality reputation of the pharmaceutical and willing to share relevant technical track record, seeking to gain an advantage in competing for market share in China in the process.

"Germany has a very good brand recognition in the Chinese market." McKinsey's German subsidiary in charge of the pharmaceutical business, Thomas ? Rudolph (Thomas Rudolph) said. Compared with the US pharmaceutical company, the German drug dealers in addition to a cash investment in the Chinese market will also be more willing to develop their own technology to China, Rudolph said.

According to Deloitte Statistics data show that China's pharmaceutical market is growing at 15% per annum growth. Rudolph noted that this market has become large enough that Western visitors so far have not yet really started "Bull." For example, Pfizer Oncology from the United States is a leader in the field, while Bayer is a leader in the field of diabetes treatment.

Bayer's pharmaceutical sales last year of 112 million euros (Human AsAb ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-114542/), where sales from the China market share of approximately 10%. Bayer will be published in Thursday's quarter ended September 30 earnings report, analysts expect this quarter in the company's overall pharmaceutical sales and pharmaceutical sales in China have increased.

President of Bayer HealthCare prescription drug China / Hong Kong region Kangluo Ke (Alok Kanti), said the company's goal is to keep the "three or top four transnational" druggist's position on the Chinese market. He also said that despite China's pharmaceutical market is very promising, but the market also brings great challenges. For example, the regulatory hurdles means that if you want to launch a new drug in the Chinese market, then in general than the time required to launch the same product in the US market more than a maximum of four years.

At the same time, overseas drug manufacturers want to perform follow the standard in China has also become costly, especially after so GSK involved in bribery scandal even more so. Chinese government in this British drug dealers last month fined $ 490 million, and the judgment it toward Chinese doctors and hospitals to promote their products bribery charges. GlaxoSmithKline declined to comment, but had quoted the September release of a letter of apology, said the company "fully investigated the facts and evidence."

In addition, Western drug companies also face competition from low-priced products to local companies. Partner of Deloitte China sector ? Mike Brown (Mike Braun) pointed out, you want to fight with these local companies, Bayer and Merck and other companies' need for local production for the local market "in order to gain an advantage in regulation.

US pluripotent stem cells cultivated with gastric tissue

Recently, US scientists in the laboratory successfully guide the embryonic human stem cells through developmental stages, cultivate a miniature "stomach." Although this piece of living tissue much bigger than a sesame seed, but it has the same human stomach and glandular structures, and even accommodate intestinal bacteria. The researchers noted that the study opens a window to let people see the deformation stage in human embryonic cells develop into what organ. These "Organ Class stomach" can be used for the study of disease, response to the drug test the stomach and the like. Related papers published in this week's "Nature" magazine.
The team is used for the culture of micro pluripotent stem cells of the stomach, i.e., in a suitable environment can develop into any cell type. But to induce them to press a particular route development, the need to accurately reproduce the signal sequence and timing of the uterine environment in the laboratory - when and where to send out a signal of proteins and hormones, which tell cells into tissue. Previous studies have used this technique to train a small number of kidney, liver, brain and intestine.

The key cells into pluripotent stem cells of the stomach is an interactive path, like a converter controls the tissue is grown in the gut or in the antrum (human ATGA ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-114554/) were grown. According to "Nature" magazine website on October 30 (Beijing time) reported that in about 3 days old hours of stem cells, the researchers prepared to give it added a mixture of proteins, including noggin (noggin), inhibition hand path and time added a dose of retinoic acid. 9 days later, cells were left in the "protein bath" in the self-growth.

The first 34 days, when the organoid diameter of only a few millimeters, there is no blood cells and immune cells, but also unable to digest food or bile. But their structures and glandular development of each feature, and are very similar to control tissue. The study leader, Children's Medical Center of Cincinnati, Ohio, developmental biologist James Wells said, In this respect, they are "and a real stomach is very similar."

Stanford University stem cell biologist, said Calvin library Austria, can reproduce a simple stomach in a dish, is a remarkable technical achievement.

Researchers also micro stomach as subjects to which the injection of Helicobacter pylori to study human disease, which is a bacteria against gastric antrum can cause ulcers and stomach cancer. It was found that within 24 hours, so that kind of organ Helicobacter pylori accelerated cell division twice, and activate a particular gene c-met, and this gene may cause tumors. In the human stomach infected with H. pylori will appear after these consequences.

The researchers say they can not only embryonic stem cells, but also with the skin induced pluripotent stem cells cultured classes stomach organs. Washington University School of Medicine gastrointestinal pathologist Jason Mills said that if this kind of organ culture thousands, each from a different human cells and infect them with the pathogen, we can study the function of individual genes.

Wells said the research team's long-term goal is to develop the human stomach tissue to repair ulcers. He and some colleagues have been trying to block the employing class organ stomach hole mice.


Immunomodulatory Properties of IL-26

An associate professor of biology recently co-authored a research paper that identifies IL-26 is a 171-amino acid protein. IL-26 is expressed in sure herpesvirus-transformed T cells however not in primary excited T cells. IL-26 signals through a receptor complex comprising two distinct proteins called IL-20 receptor 1 and IL-10 receptor 2. By sign through this receptor complicated, IL-26 induces fast phosphorylation of the transcription factors STAT1 and STAT3, that enhance IL-10 and IL-8 secretion and as expression of the CD54 molecule on the surface of animal tissue cells.

IL-26 was detected in many T lymphocyte lines, including human T lymphocyte cancer of the blood virus-transformed cell lines. IL-26 is created by activated memory however not by naive CD4+ T cells, severally of costimulation. IL-26 could influence sure aspects of the response, the foremost operate of IL-26 remains to be outlined. As a primary step in process IL-26 activities, we tend to known a receptor complicated specific for IL-26 and characterised the signal transduction events induced by this protein.

IL-26( www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-84485/ ) was quantified by ELISA. Briefly, 96-well plates were coated with 5 μg/ml polyclonal goat anti-IL-26 Ab. After saturation with PBS containing 2% non-fat powdered milk, plates were in turn incubated with samples or recombinant human IL-26, with a biotinylated polyclonal goat anti-IL-26 Ab and so with streptavidin-HRP. Plates were washed between every steps and sure Abs were disclosed with the TMB substrate. Optical density was measured at λ = 450 nm.


New self-healing materials and bioprocessing technologies

For most people biofilms conjure up images of slippery stones in a streambed and dirty drains. While there are plenty of "bad" biofilms around -- they even cause pesky dental plaque and a host of other more serious medical problems -- a team at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University sees biofilms as a robust new platform for designer nanomaterials that could clean up polluted rivers, manufacture pharmaceutical products, fabricate new textiles, and more.

In short, they want to give biofilms a facelift, and have developed a novel protein engineering system called BIND to do so. Using BIND, which stands for Biofilm-Integrated Nanofiber Display, the team said biofilms could be tomorrow's living foundries for the large-scale production of biomaterials that can be programmed to provide functions not possible with existing materials. They have reported the proof-of-concept in Nature Communications .

"Most biofilm-related research today focuses on how to get rid of biofilms, but we demonstrate here that we can engineer these super tough natural materials to perform specific functions -- so we may want them around in specific quantities and for specific applications," said Wyss Institute Core Faculty member Neel Joshi, Ph.D., the study's senior author. Joshi is also an Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS).

Biofilms also self-assemble and self-heal. "If they get damaged, they grow right back because they are living tissues," said lead author Peter Nguyen, Ph.D., a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Wyss Institute and Harvard SEAS.

Biofilms are communities of bacteria ensconced in a slimy, but extremely tough, matrix of extracellular material composed of sugars, proteins, genetic material and more. During biofilm formation individual bacteria pump out proteins that self-assemble outside the cell -- creating tangled networks of fibers that essentially glue the cells together into communities that keep the bacteria safer than they would be on their own.

Interest in biofilm engineering is skyrocketing, and while several other teams have recently developed genetic tools to control biofilm formation, Joshi's team altered the composition of the extracellular material itself -- essentially turning it into a self-replicating production platform to churn out whatever material they wish to produce.

"Until recently there was not enough cooperation between synthetic biologists and biomaterials researchers to exploit the synthetic potential of biofilms this way. We are trying to bridge that gap," Joshi said.

The team genetically fused a protein with a particular desired function -- for example, one known to adhere to steel -- onto a small protein called CsgA that is already produced by E. coli bacteria. Monkey LH ELISA Kit www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-156110/ service technology from CUSABIO. The appended domain then went along for the ride through the natural process by which CsgA gets secreted outside the cell, where it self-assembled into supertough proteins called amyloid nanofibers. These amyloid proteins retained the functionality of the added protein -- ensuring in this case that the biofilm adhered to steel.

Amyloid proteins traditionally get a bad rap for their role in causing tremendous health challenges such as Alzheimer's disease, but in this case their role is fundamental to making BIND so robust. These amyloids can spontaneously assemble into fibers that, by weight, are stronger than steel and stiffer than silk.

"We are excited about the versatility of the method, too," Joshi said. The team demonstrated an ability to fuse 12 different proteins to the CsgA protein, with widely varying sequences and lengths. This means in principle that they can use this technology to display virtually any protein sequence -- a significant feature because proteins perform an array of impressive functions from binding to foreign particles to carrying out chemical reactions, transmitting signals, providing structural support, and transporting or storing certain molecules.

Not only can these functions be programmed into the biofilm one at a time, but they can be combined to create multifunctional biofilms as well.

The concept of the microbial factory is not a new one, but for the first time it is being applied to materials, as opposed to soluble molecules like drugs or fuels. "We are essentially programming the cells to be fabrication plants," Joshi said. "They don't just produce a raw material as a building block, they orchestrate the assembly of those blocks into higher order structures and maintain that structure over time."

"The foundational work Neel and his team are doing with biofilms offers a glimpse into a much more environmentally sustainable future where gargantuan factories are reduced to the size of a cell that we can program to manufacture new materials that meet our everyday needs -- from textiles to energy and environmental clean-up," said Wyss Institute Founding Director Don Ingber, M.D., Ph.D.

For now the team has demonstrated the ability to program E. coli biofilms that stick to certain substrates, such as steel, others that can immobilize an array of proteins or promote the templating of silver for construction of nanowires.


Research reveals DEFB123

A findings was described in the Oct. 16 issue of the journal Nature Medicine, could cause researchers to rethink DEFB123. DEFB123 exerted antimicrobial activity against a broad spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative bacterium, that was assessed by microbroth dilution assay and radial diffusion zone assay. The amide showed lipopolysaccharide-binding activity during a genus Limulus amoebocyte lysate assay. DEFB123 prevented LPS-induced growth gangrene factor-alpha secretion during a murine white corpuscle cell line. DEFB123 abolished LPS-mediated MAPK induction in these cells. Protection against LPS-mediated effects was then investigated during a murine model of acute infection. The artificial beta-defensin DEFB123 prevents LPS-induced mortality in C57BL/6 mice during a therapeutic approach. The physiological role of beta-defensins might embrace interference with LPS-action on macrophages, a perform erst thought to be restricted to the family of cathelicidins, a structurally unrelated cluster of antimicrobial peptides.

CUSABIO DEFB123 elisa kit( www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-74401) employs the quantitative sandwich accelerator bioassay technique. Antibody specific for DEFB123 has been pre-coated onto a microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and any DEFB123 present is sure by the immobilized protein. when removing any unbound substances, a biotin-conjugated protein specific for DEFB123 added to the wells. Following a wash to get rid of any unbound avidin-enzyme chemical agent, a substrate resolution is added to the wells and color develops in proportion to the quantity of DEFB123 sure within the initial step. The DEFB123 elisa kit colour development is stopped and the intensity of the colour is measured.


New hope for HIV infection-antiretroviral therapy

Recently, the University of California, San Francisco New clinical research shows that compared with HIV-infected people who do not use stimulants, 341 using methamphetamine and cocaine treatment of HIV-infected people initially effective antiretroviral approach. Findings of the study showed that many stimulant users can accurately grasp the anti-retroviral treatment, so enough to avoid the negative clinical consequences. Antiretroviral therapy can cause some better clinical benefits, including stimulants users and non-stimulant users.

In the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study study, the medical staff cure HIV-infected people and encourage them to stop or reduce the use of stimulants. Such abuse of stimulants and effective management of AIDS clinical care will improve the patient's condition and reduce new infections.

AIDS department of San Francisco General Hospital to create an integrated service delivery system, it can serve as a template for other clinics. AIDS patients in primary care clinics in application focused team care approach, including the abuse of stimulants and opioids for effective management. Medical personnel found to reduce or stop before Doping, some patients start taking antiretroviral drugs, this is very good clinical results, such changes typically require more complex behavior, emotional, interpersonal and environmental changes.

If you need more biotechnology news, pls visit this link:http://about.cusabio.com/m-177.html


University of Utah confirm the mystery of proinsulin

A new study from the University of Utah confirms that proinsulin is the precursor of endocrine and C-peptide. It's transported to the vesicle wherever it's packaged  into humor vesicles, where it's processed by a series of proteases to make mature endocrine. Proinsulin levels can be elevated in patients with insulin-producing isle cell tumors. These patients suffer from hypoglycaemic attacks as a result of inappropriate secretion of endocrine by the tumors. Diagnostic evaluations oftentimes need a protracted quick, yet as supplementary tests as well as a antidiabetic drug screen and measuring of C-peptide, proinsulin and beta-hydroxybutyrate. The inappropriate over-secretion of endocrine by insulinomas causes unleash of exaggerated numbers of immature humor granules with incompletely processed proinsulin, leading to elevated plasma proinsulin concentrations.

When endocrine was purified from bovine or porcine pancreata, all the proinsulin wasn't removed. When some individuals used these insulins, the proinsulin caused the body to react with a rash, to resist the endocrine, or perhaps to create dents or lumps in the skin at the place wherever the endocrine was injected. To avoid misdiagnoses, all proinsulin measurements employed in the diagnostic workup of patients with hypoglycaemia should be taken in the context of synchronous  sicknesses, the glucose concentration at the time of sampling. Patients with chronic failure or kind two diabetes will have exaggerated proinsulin, C-peptide and endocrine values.

CUSABIO proinsulin elisa kit is a FDA registered in vitro diagnostic tool for the quantification of human proinsulin in a clinical setting or research laboratory. Utilizing a dual-monoclonal antibody sandwich ELISA format, bi-level control set, and 96-well microplate comprising removable strips, CUSABIO proinsulin elisa kit( www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-96325 ) has the performance characteristics and flexibility necessary to confidently measure up to 40 samples in duplicate.


University of Utah confirm the mystery of proinsulin

A new study from the University of Utah confirms that proinsulin is the precursor of endocrine and C-peptide. It's transported to the vesicle wherever it's packaged  into humor vesicles, where it's processed by a series of proteases to make mature endocrine. Proinsulin levels can be elevated in patients with insulin-producing isle cell tumors. These patients suffer from hypoglycaemic attacks as a result of inappropriate secretion of endocrine by the tumors. Diagnostic evaluations oftentimes need a protracted quick, yet as supplementary tests as well as a antidiabetic drug screen and measuring of C-peptide, proinsulin and beta-hydroxybutyrate. The inappropriate over-secretion of endocrine by insulinomas causes unleash of exaggerated numbers of immature humor granules with incompletely processed proinsulin, leading to elevated plasma proinsulin concentrations.

When endocrine was purified from bovine or porcine pancreata, all the proinsulin wasn't removed. When some individuals used these insulins, the proinsulin caused the body to react with a rash, to resist the endocrine, or perhaps to create dents or lumps in the skin at the place wherever the endocrine was injected. To avoid misdiagnoses, all proinsulin measurements employed in the diagnostic workup of patients with hypoglycaemia should be taken in the context of synchronous  sicknesses, the glucose concentration at the time of sampling. Patients with chronic failure or kind two diabetes will have exaggerated proinsulin, C-peptide and endocrine values.

CUSABIO proinsulin elisa kit is a FDA registered in vitro diagnostic tool for the quantification of human proinsulin in a clinical setting or research laboratory. Utilizing a dual-monoclonal antibody sandwich ELISA format, bi-level control set, and 96-well microplate comprising removable strips, CUSABIO proinsulin elisa kit( www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-96325 ) has the performance characteristics and flexibility necessary to confidently measure up to 40 samples in duplicate.


High wave of mergers in IVD industry

In recent years, In global in vitro diagnostics market, the average annual compound growth rate of 8%. 2010 global in vitro diagnostics market has reached $ 46 billion. According to the forecast, 2014-2016, the annual compound growth rate of the global in vitro diagnostics market will be maintained at 8%, nearly $ 70 billion in 2016.

Many pharmaceutical companies through acquisitions enter in vitro diagnostic reagents market. In April, Roche spend $ 450 million acquisition of IQuum company, IQumm focused on developing products for the molecular diagnostics market. Molecular diagnosis is the primary diagnostic method for prenatal diagnosis. It is more specific and precision than other biochemical diagnosis. In September, Beijing Leadman acquisition of a stake in Desai Desai diagnostic systems and diagnostic products. Germany Desai is headquartered in is is a large multinational professional development, production and marketing of in vitro diagnostic products.

With the high incidence of the disease, the aging population increases, economic development, as well as higher demand of medical services, in vitro diagnostics market will continue to expand. Although the basic realization of our current biochemical diagnosis localization, but in immunodiagnostic and molecular diagnostic high-end technology, still largely dependent on foreign products. Recently, in vitro diagnostic industry domestic laws and regulations were revised, the in vitro diagnostics industry chain all kinds of participants, independent laboratories need to clear the opportunities and challenges they face. Vitro Diagnostics has developed rapidly in tumor diagnosis, prenatal diagnosis, genetic disease testing, infectious disease detection, related companies need to keep up with market demand quickly meet the needs of clinical applications. In addition, many of the Chinese in vitro diagnostic companies began to try to open up overseas markets, Europe and the United States need to understand the registration regulations and market access standards.

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Postal Address:Wuhan Hi-tech Medical Devices Park, Building B11, #818 Gaoxin Road, Donghu Hi-Tech Development Area, Wuhan, Hubei Province 430206, P.R.China

Tel: +86-27-87582341

Fax: +86-27-87196150

Homepage: CUSABIO


The visit from PSL

The business development manager James Mosedale from PSL had a visit to CUSABIO recently. Our general manager and technical director received him warmly and had a friendly talk in the meeting room, and reached a preliminary cooperation intention.

PSL is a life science and consulting company, it provides technical advisory services and management training for management personnel mainly. James hopes to make special services for CUSABIO through this visit, such as website construction more close to foreign culture, rapid and economic way of cargo transportation, etc. From the talk, both sides reached a consensus on cooperation.

After the meeting, James visited the R&D department, production department and our new office accompanied by the leaderships.
Postal Address:Wuhan Hi-tech Medical Devices Park, Building B11, #818 Gaoxin Road, Donghu Hi-Tech Development Area, Wuhan, Hubei Province 430206, P.R.China

Tel: +86-27-87582341

Fax: +86-27-87196150


Arousal effect of orexin A

A study of the removal of orexin A in Oregon suggests that orexin A can increase arousal, alertness, attention, and tonus. Orexin A has no result on subjects are well invigorated. The foremost vital facet result orexin A is assumed to own is counteracting the consequences of hypersomnia. An absence of orexin A seems to cause hypersomnia. Deficit amounts of orexin A can build individuals sleepyheaded and suggests that by adding it into the brain, narcoleptic effects are reduced.

Orexin A can increase hormone secretion and reduces glucose-stimulated hormone unharness from isolated islets. Orexin A infusion can increase plasma hormone and aldohexose levels and reduces plasma hormone in fasted rats. Orexin A may modulate island internal secretion secretion to keep up blood sugar levels throughout fast. The result of orexin A on hormone and hormone unharness is concentration dependent. The concentration of orexin A necessary to check a bearing is on top of that of current orexin A, if orexin A were free regionally among the islets, the island cells would be exposed to high concentrations of amide.

CUSABIO orexin A elisa kit( www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-94567 ) uses enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay based on the Biotin double antibody sandwich technology to assay the orexin A. The shades of solution and the concentration of orexin A are positively correlated. Small volumes of orexin A elisa kit may occasionally become entrapped in the seal of the product vial during shipment and storage. Certain products may require to ship with dry ice.

Contact Us

Postal Address:Wuhan Hi-tech Medical Devices Park, Building B11, #818 Gaoxin Road, Donghu Hi-Tech Development Area, Wuhan, Hubei Province 430206, P.R.China

Tel: +86-27-87582341

Fax: +86-27-87196150

Email: cusabio@cusabio.com admin@cusabio.cn

Leave a message here:www.cusabio.com/about1_21.html


Protein Impact Risk of APOE

Now, University of California researchers have for the first time investigated that APOE is a category of apolipoprotein found in the chylomicron and Intermediate-density lipoprotein. In peripheral tissues, APOE is primarily created by the liver and macrophages, and mediates cholesterin metabolism in an isoform-dependent manner. In the central system, APOE is especially created by astrocytes, and transports cholesterin to neurons via APOE receptors, which are members of the density compound protein receptor cistron family.

APOE is 299 amino acids long and transports lipoproteins, fat-soluble vitamins, and cholesterin into the body fluid system then into the blood. It's synthesized in the main in the liver, however has additionally been found in different tissues like the brain, kidneys, and spleen. In the system, non-neuronal cell sorts, most notably neuroglia and glia, are the first producers of APOE, whereas neurons preferentially specific the receptors for APOE. There are seven presently known class receptors for APOE that belong to the evolutionarily preserved density compound protein receptor cistron family.

APOE was at first recognized for its importance in compound protein metabolism and disorder. Defects in APOE lead to familial dysbetalipoproteinemia aka sort III metabolic disorder, in which hyperbolic plasma cholesterin and triglycerides are the consequence of impaired clearance of particle, lipoprotein and beta-lipoprotein remnants. In the field of immune regulation, a growing range of studies purpose to APOE's interaction with several immunologic processes, including suppressing T lymphocyte proliferation, phagocyte functioning regulation, protein substance presentation facilitation to natural killer T lymphocyte similarly as modulation of inflammation and reaction.

CUSABIO sheep APOE( www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-64942 ) can determine between the sheep APOE genotype and the sheep prion disease, scrapie, existed. The sheep APOE cDNA contained an open reading frame consisting of 948 base pairs that encoded 316 amino acids. The sheep APOE was composed of four exons separated by three introns, and the ORF was encoded by three exons, designated exons 2, 3, and 4.

Contact Us

Postal Address:Wuhan Hi-tech Medical Devices Park, Building B11, #818 Gaoxin Road, Donghu Hi-Tech Development Area, Wuhan, Hubei Province 430206, P.R.China

Tel: +86-27-87582341

Fax: +86-27-87196150

Email: cusabio@cusabio.com admin@cusabio.cn

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