
US pluripotent stem cells cultivated with gastric tissue

Recently, US scientists in the laboratory successfully guide the embryonic human stem cells through developmental stages, cultivate a miniature "stomach." Although this piece of living tissue much bigger than a sesame seed, but it has the same human stomach and glandular structures, and even accommodate intestinal bacteria. The researchers noted that the study opens a window to let people see the deformation stage in human embryonic cells develop into what organ. These "Organ Class stomach" can be used for the study of disease, response to the drug test the stomach and the like. Related papers published in this week's "Nature" magazine.
The team is used for the culture of micro pluripotent stem cells of the stomach, i.e., in a suitable environment can develop into any cell type. But to induce them to press a particular route development, the need to accurately reproduce the signal sequence and timing of the uterine environment in the laboratory - when and where to send out a signal of proteins and hormones, which tell cells into tissue. Previous studies have used this technique to train a small number of kidney, liver, brain and intestine.

The key cells into pluripotent stem cells of the stomach is an interactive path, like a converter controls the tissue is grown in the gut or in the antrum (human ATGA ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-114554/) were grown. According to "Nature" magazine website on October 30 (Beijing time) reported that in about 3 days old hours of stem cells, the researchers prepared to give it added a mixture of proteins, including noggin (noggin), inhibition hand path and time added a dose of retinoic acid. 9 days later, cells were left in the "protein bath" in the self-growth.

The first 34 days, when the organoid diameter of only a few millimeters, there is no blood cells and immune cells, but also unable to digest food or bile. But their structures and glandular development of each feature, and are very similar to control tissue. The study leader, Children's Medical Center of Cincinnati, Ohio, developmental biologist James Wells said, In this respect, they are "and a real stomach is very similar."

Stanford University stem cell biologist, said Calvin library Austria, can reproduce a simple stomach in a dish, is a remarkable technical achievement.

Researchers also micro stomach as subjects to which the injection of Helicobacter pylori to study human disease, which is a bacteria against gastric antrum can cause ulcers and stomach cancer. It was found that within 24 hours, so that kind of organ Helicobacter pylori accelerated cell division twice, and activate a particular gene c-met, and this gene may cause tumors. In the human stomach infected with H. pylori will appear after these consequences.

The researchers say they can not only embryonic stem cells, but also with the skin induced pluripotent stem cells cultured classes stomach organs. Washington University School of Medicine gastrointestinal pathologist Jason Mills said that if this kind of organ culture thousands, each from a different human cells and infect them with the pathogen, we can study the function of individual genes.

Wells said the research team's long-term goal is to develop the human stomach tissue to repair ulcers. He and some colleagues have been trying to block the employing class organ stomach hole mice.

