
Recombinant human Monocyte differentiation antigen CD14 by the trait to their offspring

A new study by researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine in mice showed that, DNA of bacteria living in the body, and can be a way similar to the parent's own DNA, a trait will be passed to offspring. The author believes that this discovery means that a significant new factor scientists studying "how genes influence disease and health", the need to consider - microbial DNA passed from mother to child. Commensal bacteria influence such as weight, behavior such traits. But until now, researchers believe that the Recombinant human Monocyte differentiation antigen CD14  http://www.cusabio.com/protein-Recombinant_Protein-1031647/ effects are in the process of life of a person obtained. This is the first show, DNA of bacteria can be a way to pass from mother to offspring, the impact of specific traits, such as immunity and inflammation.

Researchers mice symbiotic bacteria and animal susceptibility to intestinal injury linked. Mice having a certain genetic bacteria susceptible to damage, which is by exposure to chemical substances caused. Female mice can transmit the bacteria to their offspring, making them vulnerable. While other mice carrying different bacteria are less affected. In the short term, these findings may help scientists study transgenic mice eliminate an important "error." In many areas of research, scientists have been faced with the sudden emergence of intermittent, mice often unexplained new or altered traits. Characters usually spread from one habitat to another mouse, shows that the spread of microbial infection is the cause. But the trait has been passed from mother to offspring, thus suggesting a genetic cause.

When scientists will have low levels of mouse antibodies have high levels of antibodies in mice and mixed in captivity, in a few weeks all the mice have low levels of antibodies. These mice when they were hybridized offspring mother has a low level of antibodies generated, also have low levels of antibody. Eventually, scientists have learned that one of the culprits causing the spread of low-level antibody may be a bacterium called sutterella. The bacteria present in low IgA and other bacteria in mice can be explained in two ways low antibody levels spread: mice were mixed together in captivity, through the spread of bacteria normally get a low antibody levels, the mother put the same mouse The bacterium is passed to their offspring.


Gastric bypass surgery mechanism behind diabetes

Recently, Lund University research team has clarified why gastric bypass surgery often can quickly relieve the symptoms of diabetes. 85% of type 2 diabetic patients underwent gastric bypass surgery within a few days will be able to recover from the disease, blood glucose levels return to normal.
Previous studies of the samples underwent gastric bypass surgery patients before and after treatment were analyzed, but the result is often incorrect. Because they may not recognize the effect caused by the fact that the surgery itself, but that weight loss and reduced food intake and other factors.
Lund University Diabetes Center, said Nils Wierup in gastric bypass surgery, the food in the stomach and bypasses most of the stomach and duodenum. Only a small portion of the Human C-Peptide ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-72512/ is directly connected to the upper portion of the small intestine. In some cases, the surgeon inserts a catheter into the stomach no longer in contact with food. This gives researchers the opportunity to study the exact difference between before and after surgery in patients with food intake.

Experimenter participate were given a certain amount of nutritional drinks, before intake, and within a very short period of time after the interval blood samples. The results when the patient nutritional drink after drink, blood insulin levels rose by nearly five times. Rose sharply in the control of blood glucose levels play a significant role in the intestinal hormones, and certain amino acids.

There are also significant changes in blood lipid levels, roughly halved. Nils Wierup, we believe these changes are why gastric bypass surgery can cure type 2 diabetes answer. We also see some gut hormones involved in herein, there may be hundreds or more complex involving in vivo glucose metabolism.
Surgeon Jan Hedenbro added: If we can find the mechanism behind this, in the long run, some pills instead of surgery will be able to achieve the same result, to help relieve the symptoms of diabetes.


The study said the risk of women drinking coffee may reduce the risk of endometrial cancer

Now, recently published in "Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention" magazine reveals discovery drink four or more cups of caffeinated beverages can help women reduce the risk of up to 18% of the risk of endometrial cancer.

In this study, researchers evaluated more than 2800 women with health problems diet. They found that drinking more than four cups of coffee a day for women than the risk of endometrial cancer do not drink coffee or drink less coffee, women reduced by 18%.

Data show that this year an estimated 55,000 women may be suffering from endometrial cancer, and in more severe cases, the disease is fatal. These findings are based on previous studies, and those studies have shown that coffee may reduce the risk of health problems.

Members of the cancer research at Imperial College London epidemic, and the study's lead author Melissa Merritt in a recent press release said: "intake with different amounts of coffee reduces the risk of endometrial cancer is concerned. we do not be surprised, because this and previous studies are consistent with the conclusions. "she added," We use a Mouse Insulin-like growth factor 1 ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-84017/ with the previous study to investigate the association of coffee intake and endometrial cancer between . this is important, because we can results of different studies are compared. "

However, researchers have noticed Contact coffee and reduced between endometrial cancer and must be a causal relationship. And the study did not distinguish between regular coffee and decaf coffee. In fact, some studies have even indicated that drinking coffee can cause health problems. For example, in some cases, excessive caffeine and hyperactivity, insomnia and even depression related.

Reported that although there is no clear reason for the possibility can lead to endometrial cancer, researchers recognize that certain risks, including hormonal disorders, diabetes and obesity, may increase health problems.

A healthy diet and exercise can help reduce the risk of health problems.


Mitochondrial DNA damage caused by antiviral innate immune response

Recently, researchers from leading international online journal nature, Yale University School of Medicine, published their results of a new study, they found that the antiviral innate immune process, mitochondria play a crucial role.

Under normal conditions, the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) within each cell there are thousands of copies, and is packaged into hundreds of higher-order structure, called the nucleoid. TFAM binding protein is responsible for a large number of mtDNA class nuclear regulatory structure, as well as the number of mutual isolation. Completely remove the mtDNA would seriously damage the process of oxidative phosphorylation, calcium-dependent trigger stress signaling and metabolic adaptive responses. However, observed in a number of human diseases and the aging process the cells are still not well defined on the response mtDNA instability. Researchers proved by TFAM defects caused due to stress will moderate mtDNA antiviral signaling pathways involved in cell and enhance a series of interferon-stimulated gene expression. In the mechanism, they found Rabbit C-Peptide ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-115364/ will promote mtDNA escape into the cytoplasm, is captured DNA receptors cGAS, promote STING-IRF3-dependent signaling pathways, leading to increase in interferon-stimulated gene expression, enhanced type I interferon response, and promote cell resist the effects of the virus. In addition, the spore measles virus can induce mtDNA stress, enhanced signaling pathways stage of infection and type I interferon antiviral response.

In summary, results of this study showed that the immune response is critical for mitochondrial natural, mtDNA intrinsic stress is a cell antiviral signaling switch, suggesting that cells may by monitored mtDNA balance, coordination classic viral induction of innate immune mechanisms started anti-virus system.


Guangzhou hospital clarify ANGPTL7 promote biological amplification mechanism of hematopoietic stem cells

Successfully amplified hematopoietic stem cells can effectively promote hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in clinical applications. Some classes angiogenic proteins, such as angiopoietin-like 7, can improve the hematopoietic stem cell proliferation. However, ANGPTL7 promotion of human hematopoietic stem cells proliferation and activation of downstream signaling pathways of understanding is still not clear.

Study, the experimenters found a can promote human hematopoietic stem cells and progenitor cells in mouse fetal liver cells, the cell-specific expression of Angptl7 protein. In addition, the study also found ANGPLT7 protein can promote Mouse Insulin-like growth factor 1 ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-84017/ and progenitor cells in vivo xenograft host amplification and hematopoietic systems reconstruction. RNA-Seq analysis showed that, ANGPTL7 activation of human hematopoietic stem cells and cells expressing the CXCR4, HOXB4 and WNT downstream targets. In addition, chemical regulation may weaken the role of WNT signaling pathway ANGTPL7 on human hematopoietic stem cells and progenitor cells.

The study found that the secretion of growth factors ANGPTL7 is human hematopoietic stem cells and progenitor cells and hematopoietic reconstitution important regulator of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has important clinical significance.


Scientists have discovered that bacteria can produce hydrogen extreme

Missouri University of Science and Technology, Professor of Biological Sciences Dr. Mo Ermi Melanie and her team of Soap Lake in Washington State found that the "salt of anaerobic bacteria of the genus hydrogeninformans", the bacteria can produce hydrogen under saline conditions, the chemical elements hydrogen will help us to reduce the world's dependence on oil.

Extremophiles are best suited to living microorganisms in extreme environments, collectively, including thermophilic, psychrophilic, eosinophils, basophils, piezophilic, addicted to gold, anti-radiation, anti-dry and extreme anaerobic other types. Live in such a harsh environment, "salt anaerobic genus hydrogeninformans" In some contaminated landfill and other conditions can also occur metabolism.

She found a new species of bacteria that can produce hydrogen and 1,3-propanediol at high PH value and high salinity conditions, this discovery has a high industrial value. An organic compound Human Haptoglobin ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-83112/ can be synthesized in many industrial products, such as composite materials, adhesives, laminates and coatings. It can also be used as an antifreeze solution.

Hydrogen can be used as an alternative to gasoline planes, trains, automobiles fuel production equipment is not in place. If you want to use hydrogen instead of gasoline, then the "salt of anaerobic bacteria of the genus hydrogeninformans" large-scale industrial production will be an important solution, although the program will not be achieved immediately.


Depression by as much attention and cancer

If the extent of the damage to people as a standard to measure depression will be the highest ranking that a disease which should get our biggest concern, then suppression of a class of diseases. Approximately 350 million of the world people are tortured depression, so depression has become the most common disease worldwide, became the leading causes of patient loss of labor (disability), about 2 / 3 patients with depression will commit suicide to end their lives.

Although depression is so common, but we always intentionally or unintentionally neglected disease. In the UK, about 3/4 of the depressed patients do not get the diagnosis or treatment, even been diagnosed, only about Human ferritin ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-78429/ can help clinical treatment, the condition was alleviated. Newcastle University (Newcastle University, UK) psychologist Tom Foley responded by saying that it is simply incredible. If this happens in oncology, it is definitely a major scandal.

In the case of research in the field, too, depression-related research work to be far behind the field of oncology. Today's oncology research is a very lively and very prosperous areas of research, scientists have found numerous genetic mutations associated with cancer, but also developed a variety of genetically targeted therapies and drugs are also constructed out many very clever animal models. In contrast, depression research, it is entirely another scene: the once been high hopes of treatment programs in clinical trials are defeated, genetic research is related to crop failure. Currently researchers are engaged in the study of depression and even still committed to under "depression" a scientific definition to eliminate misunderstandings we have been on hold for this disease.

Because there are now many new experimental techniques, researchers are beginning to depression associated with neural circuits to start more in-depth research, trying to find able to use such a magnet (magnets) or current (electrical current) and other techniques to control these nerves methods loop. Brown University (Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island) Noah Philip psychiatrists believe that these research work will lead us to discover novel treatments from traditional antidepressants. He said that the treatment of depression may not be as simple as a neurotransmitter supplements. This is completely normal in correcting a set of different neural networks. For example, the Task Force on Mayberg being tested deep brain stimulation (deep-brain stimulation) method can alleviate the symptoms of depression. According to her, preliminary studies have found significant efficiency of the process up to 75%. Mayberg hoping new imaging technology to provide aid for the surgery because it can further improve the efficacy of deep brain stimulation therapy.