
Scientists have discovered that bacteria can produce hydrogen extreme

Missouri University of Science and Technology, Professor of Biological Sciences Dr. Mo Ermi Melanie and her team of Soap Lake in Washington State found that the "salt of anaerobic bacteria of the genus hydrogeninformans", the bacteria can produce hydrogen under saline conditions, the chemical elements hydrogen will help us to reduce the world's dependence on oil.

Extremophiles are best suited to living microorganisms in extreme environments, collectively, including thermophilic, psychrophilic, eosinophils, basophils, piezophilic, addicted to gold, anti-radiation, anti-dry and extreme anaerobic other types. Live in such a harsh environment, "salt anaerobic genus hydrogeninformans" In some contaminated landfill and other conditions can also occur metabolism.

She found a new species of bacteria that can produce hydrogen and 1,3-propanediol at high PH value and high salinity conditions, this discovery has a high industrial value. An organic compound Human Haptoglobin ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-83112/ can be synthesized in many industrial products, such as composite materials, adhesives, laminates and coatings. It can also be used as an antifreeze solution.

Hydrogen can be used as an alternative to gasoline planes, trains, automobiles fuel production equipment is not in place. If you want to use hydrogen instead of gasoline, then the "salt of anaerobic bacteria of the genus hydrogeninformans" large-scale industrial production will be an important solution, although the program will not be achieved immediately.

