
Depression by as much attention and cancer

If the extent of the damage to people as a standard to measure depression will be the highest ranking that a disease which should get our biggest concern, then suppression of a class of diseases. Approximately 350 million of the world people are tortured depression, so depression has become the most common disease worldwide, became the leading causes of patient loss of labor (disability), about 2 / 3 patients with depression will commit suicide to end their lives.

Although depression is so common, but we always intentionally or unintentionally neglected disease. In the UK, about 3/4 of the depressed patients do not get the diagnosis or treatment, even been diagnosed, only about Human ferritin ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-78429/ can help clinical treatment, the condition was alleviated. Newcastle University (Newcastle University, UK) psychologist Tom Foley responded by saying that it is simply incredible. If this happens in oncology, it is definitely a major scandal.

In the case of research in the field, too, depression-related research work to be far behind the field of oncology. Today's oncology research is a very lively and very prosperous areas of research, scientists have found numerous genetic mutations associated with cancer, but also developed a variety of genetically targeted therapies and drugs are also constructed out many very clever animal models. In contrast, depression research, it is entirely another scene: the once been high hopes of treatment programs in clinical trials are defeated, genetic research is related to crop failure. Currently researchers are engaged in the study of depression and even still committed to under "depression" a scientific definition to eliminate misunderstandings we have been on hold for this disease.

Because there are now many new experimental techniques, researchers are beginning to depression associated with neural circuits to start more in-depth research, trying to find able to use such a magnet (magnets) or current (electrical current) and other techniques to control these nerves methods loop. Brown University (Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island) Noah Philip psychiatrists believe that these research work will lead us to discover novel treatments from traditional antidepressants. He said that the treatment of depression may not be as simple as a neurotransmitter supplements. This is completely normal in correcting a set of different neural networks. For example, the Task Force on Mayberg being tested deep brain stimulation (deep-brain stimulation) method can alleviate the symptoms of depression. According to her, preliminary studies have found significant efficiency of the process up to 75%. Mayberg hoping new imaging technology to provide aid for the surgery because it can further improve the efficacy of deep brain stimulation therapy.

