
DNA origami contributing to building nanodevices

Recent years scientists have been studying ways to use synthetic DNA as a building block to create smaller and faster devices, and they have made great progress in this field. Each DNA strand is formed of one of four "codes" which can link to only one complementary code each, thus binding two DNA strands together. Scientists are using this inherent coding to manipulate and "fold" DNA to form "origami nanostructures": extremely small two- and three-dimensional shapes that can then be used as construction material to build nanodevices such as nanomotors for use in targeted drug delivery inside the body. But assembling DNA origami units into larger structures remains challenging.

A team of scientists at Kyoto University's Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) has developed an approach that could bring us one step closer to the nanomachines of the future.

They used a double layer of lipids (fats) containing both a positive and a negative charge. DNA origami structures were weakly absorbed onto the lipid layer through an electrostatic interaction. The weak bond between the origami structures and the lipid layer allowed them to move more freely than in other approaches, facilitating their interaction with one another to assemble and form larger structures.

The scientists anticipate that this approach will further expand the potential applications of DNA origami structures and their assemblies in the fields of nanotechnology, biophysics and synthetic biology.

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