
New butterflies naturally produced by gene transfer been discovered

Research teams from two universities have discovered that genes originating from parasitic wasps are present in the genomes of many butterflies. These genes were acquired through a wasp-associated virus that integrates into DNA. Wasp genes have now been domesticated and likely play a role in in protecting butterflies against other pathogenic viruses.
The study reveals that butterflies constitute naturally produced GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) during the course of evolution, including the Monarch, an iconic species for naturalists and well-known for its spectacular migrations. The findings highlight that the genes introduced in GM insects can be transferred between distant species.
Braconid wasps lay their eggs inside caterpillars inject bracovirus to circumvent the caterpillars' immune response to reproduce. The bracoviruses injected can integrate into the DNA of parasitized caterpillars and control caterpillar development to enable them to be the host.
In the genomes of several species of butterfly and moth, including the famous Monarch, the silkworm and insect pests like the Fall Armyworm and the Beet Armyworm, Bracovirus genes can be found. The identified integrated genes are not only remnants. The results suggest that they play a protective role against other viruses present in nature. What's more, the genes harboured by bracoviruses is not limited to viral genes, some of them originated from the wasp. For instance, in armyworm species, a group of genes transferred was more closely related to genes from hymenoptera, including the honey bee, rather than lepidoptera.
The results suggest the risk that GM-parasitoid wasps are produced, as genes artificially introduced into wasp species used for biological control could be transferred into the genomes of the targeted pests. Production of GM wasps expressing insecticide resistance for biological control of pests, may lead to involuntary transmission of this resistance to the herbivorous insects.
The results of the research led by teams from the University of Valencia and the University of Tours were published in PLOS Genetics on the 17th of September 2015. You can get more information about the GM problem.
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