
Mexican scientists use optical technology to detect cell

Mexican Institute of Biomedical UNAM carried out a "high-speed biological detection technology" project, the detector of the invention to combine the characteristics of the laser principle analysis of cell and cell fluorescence analysis. When the antibody molecule labeled by a fluorescent substance bound to the phosphor, the phosphor absorbs and releases light of varying wavelengths, and then to capture the laser light into the meter. Each cell in the different proteins have different luminosity, so that Mouse Platelet Factor 4 ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-95923/ can analyze the cell size, the molecular structure of the cell membrane, cytoplasm and components of intracellular proteins described expression or deletion functions.

The instrument is well suited to study the mechanism of the immune response of T lymphocytes. According to the cytoplasm and cell membrane structure composition changes can be observed in the proliferative response of T lymphocytes during immune response and, therefore, the detection technology is mainly used for immunology and infectious diseases research. Another feature is its speed, and analysis of sixty thousand per cell can be detected by using two laser beams of the same cells can separate the six different colors, and are classified according to cell size or structure. At present, the technology used is the most advanced in Latin America, and soon will be extended to Mexico Hospital, basic research and clinical immunology to detect.


Breast universal cell surface marker gene for breast cancer treatment offers new ideas

Breast adults, and yet also hidden cell industry, "Diva" - pluripotent stem cells. These can breast cells into all types of "universal cell" in the process of breast development carve for breast cancer treatment provides a new way of thinking. The loss of stem cells will lead to degenerative disease, manifested as organ degeneration, premature aging and other; and excessive proliferation and tumor lesion is thrown. Mammary stem cell disease is likely to be one of the important causes of breast cancer. Breast cell lineage studies will help to understand the origins of breast cancer cells. By a variety of types of breast epithelial cells, the top of the Human ferritin ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-78429/ for mammary stem cells. However, these mammary stem cells has not yet been found, even this can differentiate into many types of cells "pluripotent stem cells" in the presence or absence of breast species has also been questioned.

This study demonstrates that these pluripotent stem cells that can differentiate in the process of formation of mammary gland development in all types of breast cells, "Refresh" theory of a single mammary stem cell differentiation potential of existing properties. In addition, the study also further explore the origins of the relationship between breast cancer cells and breast cancer cells and stem cells has laid a solid foundation. Moreover, since the newly discovered breast stem cell markers are cell surface receptors, the receptors for drugs designed to work does not need to be able to enter the cell, and thus would be ideal drug target, is expected to treat lesions caused by stem cells and now some therapy had no significant effect of breast cancer patients.


The new mechanism programmed to induce iPS heavy GATA proteins

GATA family of proteins plays an important role in the lineage differentiation and transdifferentiation process. Before large-scale screening study found that cell reprogramming factors OCT4 dry crucial factor can be regulated within the development and differentiation of mesoderm (ME) (such as GATA3, GATA6, PAX1) instead, but the lineage-specific clues Contact and GATA proteins and activation of pluripotent how to adjust the balance between the two.

The study found that all of the GATA family members (GATA1-GATA6) can replace Oct4 induced pluripotent cells, and induction of the time was different phases of the cell reprogramming gene expression profiles during the analysis found that GATA proteins can inhibit the ectoderm lineage gene thereby increasing the expression of cell fate toward pluripotency. By studying the domain of GATA family of proteins found in the C-terminal zinc finger structure of a critical conserved DNA-binding domain of the GATA family members induce pluripotency. The use of RNA-Seq and ChIP-Seq comprehensive analysis, the researchers found that pluripotency-associated factor GATA family members Sall4 is induced reprogramming directly target and as a bridge between the lineage differentiation factor GATA members can link up role pathway.

This study illustrates the important role of GATA proteins induce iPS reprogramming and internal mechanisms, but also prompted Mouse Estradiol ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-75683/ in cell fate transformation process as the media plays an important role in laying the foundation for future research, the research results published in Cell Research.


The new study found that the underlying mechanisms of cell migration guide

If at any time in the millions of cells in the human migration, usually they are to "aid" the immune system, repair, or to provide some support around. If this migration out of trouble, it will lead to tumors and metastatic cancers. But why cell migration? One of the reasons people are still poorly understood.

Cell migration is a way of evolution preserved, whether or nematode in vivo in mammals, and humans are similar to involve many of the same genes. The researchers chose one of the most suitable animal - Beauty implicit elegans to study liver spread or migration of cells, because they have many of the same human genes, but also during reproductive development, which connect the body of a cell migration away almost is the entire length of the body.

They use high-performance microscope to identify nematode larvae of two years has connected cells, during the interval of 12 hours. Connect the removal of cells from the nematode body by sequencing and computational analysis to determine Rat Progesterone ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-98271/ is active in both the migration point of expression. In addition, they also identified some of the new features of worms and humans genes. Learn more about the different methods of cell migration, is expected to develop new drugs targeting specific genes contain the process of development. Steinberg said they also intend to continue to analyze the nematodes migrate more related genes, including genes similar to the final mastered higher organisms such as humans.


Stem cells and stem cell niche interaction

Known hematopoietic stem cells from the aorta of the cells, these stem cells circulating in the body, until you find the stem cell niche for hematopoietic ready. Researchers in the transparent zebrafish embryo stem cells marked in green, and then reveals the formation of stem cell niche by time-lapse imaging.

Endothelial cells of the hematopoietic stem cells close to wrapping up, "stem cells to feel this way in the 'den' first step in a happy, like a mother to embrace." At this time of hematopoietic stem cells come into contact with nearby stromal cells or trophoblast, Mouse Cystatin C ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-73147/ can help stem cells maintain adhesion. Seize trophoblast stem cells, like a baby to glue his mother.

Researchers series of confocal microscopy and electron microscopy images, to reproduce this process in zebrafish, and build a complete 3D structure of stem cells, endothelial cells and stromal cells through. "This is the first time in the high-resolution level of stem cells and stem cell niche interaction in vivo imaging," Zon said.

Finally, surrounded with the stem cells begin to divide. They will leave the stem cell niche one, to reach the final of the hematopoietic sites. In mice, the researchers conducted a similar imaging studies found that mammalian hematopoietic stem cells also experienced similar process. In humans, hematopoietic stem cells are bone marrow final home.

Zon, who wants to improve bone marrow transplantation on this basis. They were in a large number of chemical screening in zebrafish embryos and found Lycorinecan promote hematopoietic stem cells and stem cell niche interaction, generate more hematopoietic stem cells.


Chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy for cancer has now entered clinical trials

By Dartmouth Norris Cancer Research Center laboratory developed cancer Sentman chimeric antigen receptor (Chimeric antigen receptor, CAR) T cells is currently undergoing Phase I clinical trials, researchers, Professor Charles Sentman that we developed CAR therapy in the treatment of many different cancers have a wide range of application, later studies have shown, CAR therapy can not only eliminate tumors in experimental animals organism, and effectively inhibit the recurrence of cancer.

CN-CS1 is the first clinical trials of a first therapy, it is possible to raise an autologous NKG2D cell receptor CAR T cell therapy, NKG2D as a natural killer cell receptors, targeting most of Rat Kidney injury molecule 1 ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-82149/ which may in the presence of ligands, including blood cancer and solid tumors; current clinical trial investigators conducted in hematological cancers, such as leukemia and myeloma, the current value is widely used in clinical trials in the treatment so as to have more cancer research reaching prospects.

With a new generation of platform technologies, many related to other therapies currently undergoing preclinical development phase, the next-generation platform technology developed in the laboratory from Sentman CAR T cells can be with another innovative TCR- inhibitory molecules (TIMs ) combined; TIMs CAR therapy can be used to perform T cell research healthy donors, thus after avoid graft versus host reactions (Graft-Versus-Host-Disease, GVHD). If successful, TIM / CAR therapy therapy will minimize the time spent, and decreased patient costs.

Finally, the researchers Sentman said, we are very pleased to be the opportunity we have developed a new type of therapy used in clinical treatment, it has a very important significance for the development of novel cancer immunotherapy, the potential of cell therapy CAR will also improve patient health tremendous hope.


New single-cell genomics technologies

Embryo is how the formation of our lungs, muscles, nerves and other tissues of the cells? A new method can be decoded so that the embryonic cells capable of proliferating universal genetic instructions and transformed into the body of many types of specialized cells.

The beginning of a group is the same cell, with the proliferation of constantly changing shape and function, we eventually becomes lungs, muscles, nerves, and other features of the body all cells in the tissue. This embryo has the ability to create miracles.

Now, in a reverse tissue engineering feat, researchers at Stanford University begins to unravel and make embryonic cells can proliferate into the genetic code to perform complex biological functions of all the different specialized cells.

The interdisciplinary research team selected mice at different time points in the development cycle, access to the lung cells from mouse embryos. The use of new single-cell genomic analysis of new technologies, they recorded at each time point of gene activation. Although their study of lung cells, their technology is applicable to all cell types.

Head of the research team, the College of Engineering at Stanford University professor Stephen Quake, said: "This is how to do reverse engineering organization devised a blueprint."

In published in "Nature" (Nature) research paper in the journal, he and co-author, Professor of Biochemistry, Stanford University School of Medicine, Mark Krasnow, as well as an assistant professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine Tushar Desai along with a detailed description of these experiments.

Alveolar cells they studied using this reverse engineering methods. Alveolar vascular receiving oxygen and remove carbon dioxide in a "transfer station."

Quake laboratory postdoctoral scholar Barbara Treutlein, and Krasnow laboratory postdoctoral researcher Doug Brownfield together from three stages of pregnancy: 14.5 days, 16.5 days and 18.5 days Mouse Insulin-like growth factor 1 ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-84017/ to obtain embryonic mice at 198 lung cells. They also made some of the lung cells from adult mice.

Using standard enzyme technology, let them dissolve in lung tissue cells together to form proteins, followed by sub-elected as the focus of their research specific alveolar cell types. Their next step involves reverse engineering process as the core of their new skills.

Recall eyedropper is how it works. Extruded rubber ball exhaust air; put it filled with a solution to make the solution; rubber ball again squeeze out the liquid. In recent years, the use of bio-level mathematicians in which the principles developed microfluidic device, which can precisely draw a single cell from the solution, the study of its genetic material into the separation chamber

Quake laboratory research has lead to the use of single-cell microfluidic chips. In this study, they used a microfluidic device to capture the 198 samples of lung cells. Then they use single-cell genome sequencing to detect each time point in each cell activation genes.

How they are to decipher the genome of a single cell in the activity of it? Each nucleus contains DNA of the entire genome of an organism. This is why a single cell organism may construct a reason. But at a specific point in time a particular gene in a cell, only a portion of an active state. This is also different from the reasons why the lung cells of hair cells; each cell with a different set of activation gene to control its functionality.

Genes control cell activity by generating mRNA. Each mRNA directed to the cell to produce a special protein. Cell is essentially a group of interacting proteins. Thus activation of mRNAs known to understand the function of the cells are trapped in the microfluidic device is provided when a lens.

Using this process, researchers at Stanford University for the first time reveals precisely these special alveolar lung cells toward mature regulatory genes at each stage of development.

The researchers obtained two important studies on the tip of the alveolar cell types important discovery and development. Type I alveolar cells are the body's most flat cells. Located next to the type I alveolar cells, blood cells are responsible for the transmission of oxygen or carbon dioxide to obtain. Thickness of these cells is essential for the promotion of this gas exchange.

Type II alveolar cells small, cube-shaped. They secrete a number of proteins to prevent alveolar atrophy, in order to maintain the internal space of oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass.

The use of single-cell genomics, researchers can manipulate the reverse development process, reveals the former single cell type body is how to generate two different mature alveolar cells.

The researchers also captured the precursor cells into mature cell state transitions of the cell, to get some information about the differentiation of alveolar cells important understanding.

Although the study will focus on the lung cells that capture single cells in different stages of embryonic development, gene activity by measuring mRNA sequencing techniques applied to reverse or manipulate other organizations.

In addition to studies of embryonic development, this technology can also be used in a clinical setting. For example, researchers can study the differences between individual cell tumor, enhance our understanding of the various stages of cancer, contributed to a better, more targeted therapies.

Desai said: "We recognize that this technology is a specific cell populations, including a quantum rare cell populations with specific functional diversity of cell types in the overall ability of a leap to get the full molecular characteristics of each cell type, including their sent and received. signal, will be able to show a snapshot of a single communication between cells, it is possible to provide an attractive therapeutic target for the disease. "


The evolution of life, or rather driven by ribosomal DNA

According to Science Daily reported that since the discovery of how DNA encodes genetic information since most studies on the evolution of life have focused on genes. According to "selfish gene" theory, the presence of cells and organisms just as protective wrap and transfer genes. The new study challenges the theory that if any individual is made "selfish", then it must be the ribosome. This discovery will be the end of all our understanding of the evolution of life, as well as the function of the ribosome itself.

Ribosomes are large and complex molecules in all living cells exist. It contains the genetic information in DNA is transcribed into all the cells can perform most of the work and the mechanism of protein structure of cells. When the organic chemist molecules anthropomorphic, they said elements "want at the lowest energy structure in the form of value." This means that when they have the energy, molecules can be transformed into different configurations, but they still have a possible return state. DNA is still tightly curled state, very difficult to unlock the researchers have not yet fully understand how different molecules unlock and expand it so that replication and transformation.

So the answer Meredith realized that from the perspective of organic chemistry, "DNA What needs" the problem is: it needs to keep curled into a knot. DNA does not want to copy and transformation, so she concluded that DNA is unlikely to be the evolutionary process of dynamic facilitator, so this also raises another question: So in the end is who you want to copy and transformation?

For Meredith and Robert, the answer is obvious: the ribosome. Its rest state is "ready to DNA into proteins." In addition, not only in the ribosome cells in all organisms, they are all living species in almost exactly the same.

Ribosome is composed of two types of molecules: proteins and RNA. RNA is structurally very similar to DNA, which exist in three forms. One form of ribosomal RNA, or said rRNA, textbook knowledge that it is purely structural, composed of ribose "machine" framework or skeleton. Two other RNA, messenger RNA (mRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA), located outside of the ribosome, which is mainly to help ribosomal "machine" instruction composed of a protein according to DNA. Messenger RNA transcripts of DNA genetic information and pass it to the ribosome. The messenger RNA is transfer RNA information into an amino acid, Mouse Cystatin C ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-73147/ is formed on the ribosome assembly protein.

By the "discovery" of inspiration, Meredith will the selfish gene theory upside down. If the ribosome is "selfish" want to replicate itself? Whether the ribosome will cycle ribosomal RNA interactions with proteins to - to create what we now know of the messenger RNA and transfer RNA-- and secure storage assembly instruction invented DNA? If true, then the ribosomal RNA sequence should match the messenger RNA and transfer RNA, and DNA sequences encoding ribosomal protein phase.

Robert this latest hypothesis was tested, he all the ribosomal RNA and RNA, DNA and protein database of E. coli were compared. If you want to self-replicate ribosomes, ribosomal RNA sample must contain three things people never noticed. First, it must itself genes encoding ribosomal proteins to form a work containing "machine." Second, he must contain messenger RNA needed to pass their genetic information to the "machine." Finally, it must be coded so that the necessary transfer RNA messenger RNA into protein.

Meredith and Robert shows the structure of all the above-mentioned structure of ribosomal RNA in E. coli have a surprisingly good match. "We show traces of ribosomal RNA comprises messenger RNA, transfer RNA and protein structure and function itself encoding the 'gene' is. Ribosome is not just a passive transcribed by the DNA." Robert expressed.

Selfish ribosome model opens in mudflats, marine hydrothermal vents formed during lightning even simple biomolecules last common ancestor common (last universal common ancestor, called LUCA) huge gap between theory. Meredith added: "probably selfish ribosome rendering intimate relationships with other organisms between, we all just different organisms belonging ribosome it."


Proprietary secondary development of scientific and technological progress award first prize

"I hope that through our technology can transform the look of all commonly used Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine to enhance scientific and technological content, so that the ancient Chinese medicine into the ranks of modern technology." Said this man is Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine TRADITIONAL Academy of Sciences. He led the team to complete the "secondary development of proprietary core technology system, a research and industrialization" project has just won the 2014 annual National Science and Technology Progress Award.

Chinese medicine is our unique health resources, is an important national industry, has an important significance in the overall economic and social development. However, due to historical reasons, Chinese science and technology base is relatively weak, resulting in clinical medicine vague position, extensive pharmaceutical technology, quality control, backward technology, poor risk management and control processes. "These factors restrict the bigger and stronger varieties of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine our country nearly ten thousand varieties, with annual sales of just over a hundred varieties billion, over ten million little big brands." Said Zhang Boli.

Clinical need "good medicine" industry needs "big medicine", how to cultivate a large variety of high quality and effective medicine, is an important issue in the development of the pharmaceutical industry.

Restrictive proprietary varieties bigger and stronger factor TRADITIONAL thought to include two aspects: First, the complexity of medicine itself, the second is research lag, the Human epidermal growth factor receptor ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/html/product/CSB-E12124h.html of a broad clinical orientation, physical unclear efficacy, mechanism of action is unknown, extensive pharmaceutical technology, under the quality control standards.

Significant demand around the bigger and stronger proprietary varieties of traditional Chinese medicine industry to promote science and technology, and conservation-efficient transformation TRADITIONAL led the research group pioneered the secondary development of proprietary research strategy, after eight years, presented in original medicines secondary development of theory, method and technology strategy, the creation of proprietary systems engineering based secondary development model, the formation of high-tech development and the integration of traditional Chinese medicine industry characteristics make a large variety of traditional Chinese medicine are emerging.

According to Zhang Boli, the project completed a total of 32 secondary development of proprietary varieties, with sales of over billion varieties from three to 12, only a year in 2013 with sales of 50 billion, is the last year 4.6 times the total sales of more than 20 billion yuan.

"At present, the project technology has been in the country 19 provinces and cities to promote applied to hundreds of Chinese enterprises.", Said Zhang Boli, proved proprietary second development is a small investment, quick, effective way to drive innovation across the development of Chinese medicine industry not only to promote the adjustment of industrial structure, change the mode of economic development, while serving healthcare reform, benefit people's livelihood, can provide safe and effective for the prevention and treatment of major diseases, cheap drugs, to guarantee the success of health care reform, and promote the development of bio-pharmaceutical industry, will play to a major role in promoting, producing a significant economic and social benefits.


Diabetes more likely in sleep apnea sufferers

According to a new study from a team of Mexican researchers, people who have respiration and heartbeat abnormalities while they sleep, known as obstructive sleep apnea, could go on to develop diabetes, especially if there’s a family history of the disease. Sleep apnea is an airway obstruction caused by the tongue which causes breathing disruptions for a number seconds.

A person with apnea and diabetes risk factors is more likely to get the metabolic disease, since the sleep disorder causes metabolic transformations by escalating insulin resistance, the study team said. They added that low-quality sleep causes an increase in weight because the brain transmits signals that produce a boost in appetite and the desire to eat carbohydrates.

Study author Rossana Huerta Albarran, a neurology specialist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), noted that using electronic devices in bed could exasperate the problems associated with sleep apnea. Rafael Santana, medical specialist at the Sleep Disorders Clinic of the UNAM, said there is no perfect amount of time that a person should sleep, as it depends on age and needs of the body. For example, an infant might need up to 16 hours a day, but Human Haptoglobin ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-83112/ may only need four or five hours. Another study published in November revealed that sleep apnea also leads to lower exercise capacity – potentially amplifying the negative metabolic impacts of the condition.

That study, published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, found individuals with moderate to acute obstructive sleep apnea could have an intrinsic lack of ability to burn high levels of oxygen during intense aerobic exercise. The study researchers said their findings remained consistent even after considering the effects of obesity.


Non-enveloped viruses mechanism dsRNA

Researchers in non-enveloped double-stranded RNA viruses - carp reovirus (Grass Carp Reovirus, GCRV) model for the study using single particle electron microscopy frozen constructed GCRV infectious subviral particles (ISVP) High atomic resolution model, this model includes membrane penetration protein VP5 and three of the six core protein conformational isomers of nearly 5000 protein residues revealed viral breakthrough during the invasion by the resting membrane penetration protein (dormant) state to start a dynamic process (Priming) state transitions. This innovative discovery mechanism for further study viruses and related prevention and treatment of viral diseases provides an important basis.

All along, the scientists for membrane fusion mechanism of cell entry of enveloped viruses has been very in-depth study, but for non-enveloped virus cell invasion mechanism is poorly understood. Wuhan virus belonging to the aquatic virus virology and structural and functional disciplines main research group, State Key Laboratory of Human Progesterone ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-98266/ for the study, carried out, including humans, mammals, aquatic animals, plants, structure and function of insect genome dsRNA virus capsid protein and comparison study to examine the interplay between viral dsRNA endogenous viral transcription and replication mechanism of outer capsid proteins during infection of the host cell .

Currently, the relevant research work is to further promote and expand. By constructing the outer capsid protein gene mutation recombinant clones, outer capsid protein expression in vitro and were packaged in vitro and nucleocapsid mutations with functional sites in order for non-enveloped viruses enter cells molecular mechanisms gain a deeper understanding of and ultimately achieve the purpose of blocking the virus.


Genentech arthritis drug Actemra expanded indications

A few days ago, Genentech drug Actemra rheumatoid arthritis treatment have the latest FDA-approved indications. Actemra is a human IL-6 receptor monoclonal antibody inhibiting drug class, the latest approved for those with one or more tumor necrosis factor antagonists in an inadequate response - severe active rheumatoid arthritis in adult patients.

FDA made the decision based on a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial data type Ⅲ, confirmed these patients using Actemra + MTX combination therapy for one year after treatment, in terms of preventing joint damage more effective than placebo. You can find a good Human echinococcus antibody IgG ELISA Kit in cusabio. visit this link: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-114582/