
Non-enveloped viruses mechanism dsRNA

Researchers in non-enveloped double-stranded RNA viruses - carp reovirus (Grass Carp Reovirus, GCRV) model for the study using single particle electron microscopy frozen constructed GCRV infectious subviral particles (ISVP) High atomic resolution model, this model includes membrane penetration protein VP5 and three of the six core protein conformational isomers of nearly 5000 protein residues revealed viral breakthrough during the invasion by the resting membrane penetration protein (dormant) state to start a dynamic process (Priming) state transitions. This innovative discovery mechanism for further study viruses and related prevention and treatment of viral diseases provides an important basis.

All along, the scientists for membrane fusion mechanism of cell entry of enveloped viruses has been very in-depth study, but for non-enveloped virus cell invasion mechanism is poorly understood. Wuhan virus belonging to the aquatic virus virology and structural and functional disciplines main research group, State Key Laboratory of Human Progesterone ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-98266/ for the study, carried out, including humans, mammals, aquatic animals, plants, structure and function of insect genome dsRNA virus capsid protein and comparison study to examine the interplay between viral dsRNA endogenous viral transcription and replication mechanism of outer capsid proteins during infection of the host cell .

Currently, the relevant research work is to further promote and expand. By constructing the outer capsid protein gene mutation recombinant clones, outer capsid protein expression in vitro and were packaged in vitro and nucleocapsid mutations with functional sites in order for non-enveloped viruses enter cells molecular mechanisms gain a deeper understanding of and ultimately achieve the purpose of blocking the virus.

