
Ten most popular databases of protein research

Previously/Before then, GEN website made a list of the most popular databases of protein research. See detailed list of the following:

1. BioGRID database was established in 2003. It is a database about protein - protein interactions and gene interaction database. Some wonderful studies on recombinant mouse protein also come from here.

2. DDBJ database was established in 1984. It is one of the world's three major DNA databases. Together with the NCBI's GenBank and EBI EMBL database, they compose of international DNA databases which updates daily exchange of data and information.

3. Database of Interacting Proteins is a database records protein - protein interactions which have been experimentally determined. This database is intended to provide a comprehensive and integrated tool for the scientific community to browse and efficiently extract protein interactions related to biological processes for network information interaction. In addition to details of cataloging protein - protein interactions, DIP is also useful for understanding protein function and protein - protein relationship, studying the properties of protein interaction networks, predicting benchmarking protein - protein interaction and studying the evolutionary of protein - protein interactions.

4. ExPasy database collects a lot of information, providing a range of tools and links for biologists to solve the puzzle of the information age.

5. Gepasi database is a modeling software about biochemical systems. It simulates the kinetics systems of biochemical reactions and provides a number of tools to model data to perform metabolic control analysis and linear stability analysis.

6. IntAct database provides a free, open-source analysis tool for intermolecular interactions.

7. KEGG database is an utilities repository with advanced features which helps to understand biological systems.

8. MINT is a database about molecular interactions. Data sources are mainly from scientific literature related to verification of protein - protein relatio.

9. SWISS-PROT is annotated protein sequence database and maintained by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI).

10. Uniprot database provides comprehensive and high-quality information of protein sequence and protein functions for the scientific community and it also offers them with some technologies of recombinant proteins.

