
Parsing of cancer stem cells

The study was led Chinese scientists Cleveland Medical Center Baoshi Deng (Shideng Bao) Dr., which is currently Professor of Life Sciences, Xiamen University. The main research interests include DNA damage signal transduction prosecution system, the relationship between cell cycle prosecution system dysfunction and tumorigenesis, the molecular mechanism of tumor angiogenesis and tumor development, biological treatment and prevention of cancer, stem cell technology and its application in medicine Application on.

Glioblastoma fast-growing tumor, short course, is one of the most common glioma, accounting for over 25% of gliomas, the most vicious kind. The main method of treatment is surgical resection and postoperative radiotherapy combined, as has the incidence of the key is not found, so these regimens are not smug, glioblastoma cure rate is very low, the survival period is very short.

In recent years, cancer stem cell theory proposed for the generation and treatment of tumors provides a new way of thinking. There is much evidence that many types of glioma stem cells present in the group has a characteristic cell, called glioma stem cells. It is closely related to the development of glioma. In-depth understanding of these glioma stem cells, we have the right to know and understand the genesis and development of Recombinant human ADM http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-human-ADM-11031219.html as invasive, metastasis, resistance etc have important theoretical significance and potential applications value.

Because of glioma stem cells are usually located in the perivascular microenvironment (nich), there is likely to experience a mesenchymal differentiation, the researchers suspect that GSC is it possible to generate a perivascular cells. In this article, the researchers confirmed that glioma stem cells generate the peripheral cells, supporting vascular function and tumor growth.

Strengthens the immune system can be suppressed brain

Dendritic cells are specialized cells, which typically capture microorganisms, and then migrate to the lymph nodes, by stimulating other immune members, such as T cells, repel invaders.

Dendritic cells have been used for a variety of tumor types - those that affect the brain tumor immunotherapy include. The therapy is usually collected from these patients dendritic cells, and then obtained by expression of an antigen from the tumor, by engineered way to construct a vaccine, then reinfusion into the patient. Once in the patient, reinfusion of engineered dendritic cells activate T cells, we can face and to react against tumors and tumor recurrence.

Dr. Mitchell and his colleagues wanted to know, dendritic cells migrate to the lymph nodes is able to improve the effectiveness of the vaccine. To test this idea, a group of glioblastoma patients were randomized to receive a tetanus booster shot before the first injection of dendritic cell vaccines expressing tumor antigens. Booster is designed to initiate an immune response vaccination sites, which can facilitate larger immune response. While the other group received their own immature dendritic cells, but not tetanus vaccine. After comparing the two groups of patients with the vaccine, for glioblastoma effects.

Studies have shown that the presence of cytomegalovirus in glioblastomas, but Mouse Platelet Factor 4 ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Mouse-Platelet-Factor-4PF-4-ELISA-Kit-95923.html is still unclear, whether the virus can cause cancer or lead to the sustainable development of the disease. Glioblastoma is a very serious devastating brain cancer, five-year survival rate is usually less than 10%. From time of diagnosis, survival time is usually no more than 2 years.

"The role of glioblastoma cytomegalovirus, which a few years in the field of research has been controversial. These new results, especially changes in survival, suggesting that the virus may be an effective target for immunotherapy .Mitchell results of Dr. and his colleagues found, to promote the role of basic research, and this potential therapy for CMV in brain cancer or other possible cancers. "Dr. person directly in charge of the project NINDS Jane Fountain said.

The results show that, prior to vaccination, first giving a needle tetanus boosters, can increase the probability of dendritic cells migrate to the lymph nodes, which has an important influence clinical outcome. Patients receiving tetanus booster, survival after diagnosis of over 36.6 months, while the average survival time is only accept injection of dendritic cells in patients who only 18.5 months.

"We did not expect to enhance the migration of dendritic cells, will improve our clinical outcomes in patients with such a dramatic change," Dr. Mitchell said.

Next, the researchers used a mouse model to determine, tetanus enhancer is how to increase the dendritic cells migrate to the lymph nodes. The results showed that mice tetanus vaccine enhancer activated T cells in the recall reaction in exposed. This process is known as chemical messengers by CCL3 completed, at the same time, these T cells will increase the probability of dendritic cells migrate to the lymph nodes, and ultimately improve the inhibition of dendritic cell vaccine on tumor growth.

"Dendritic cell vaccine for malignant glioma can be very effective to improve the migration of dendritic cells. Our job now is to understand to accept this vaccine, is how to improve patient outcomes," Dr. Mitchell said. He added that these results also need a lot of clinical studies for validation.

In addition, with regard to the role of CMV in glioblastoma in a need for further research, it is also necessary to further define, reinforcing mechanisms in cancer vaccine therapy.


Brain training or help to improve attention deficit

The brain training program or inattention contribute to help people focus on the goals and tasks of daily life. At least, that is the intent of a particular research project. The new findings make two kinds of opposing views at loggerheads finally victorious party. Earlier point of view, there is insufficient evidence that training the brain to perform a specific task can improve the cognitive ability, while others believe that this approach can play a role in some cases.

From the University of Melbourne, Australia's Jared Horvath said its watershed that brain training can improve the ability of the practice. "It means that if the training program uses a working memory game, you will be improvements in working memory games without improvements in other areas."

But Torkel Klingberg Megan Spencer-Smith Monash University in Melbourne and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden argued that brain training would benefit everyday life, at least for the existence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or other relevant note Force of people did.

They focused on the one called Cogmed the project, which is designed to enhance their personal memories or temporarily can use the language or visual information. For example, people may participate in the experiment is shown a series of words, and then Antibody service http://about.cusabio.com/m-186.html in the reverse order recall these words. The experiment requires 35 minutes of training a day, five days a week of training, continuous training in five weeks. The project is designed for children with ADHD, but can also be extended to adults of different ages.

Spencer-Smith and Klingberg the 12 randomized controlled experimental results were analyzed combined results of the study show, Cogmed training continued at least four months after the lower degree of inattention.


Famous Harvard researcher analytic signal-regulated

From the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University, etc. The researchers found leukemia, a key signaling mechanism was proposed before the AKT / FOXOs unknown new features, introduce new treatments for leukemia patients of different genotypes ideas. AKT is also known as protein kinase B (PKB), is a relative molecular mass of 60 000 serine / threonine kinase, the protein associated with a number of malignancies, partial inhibition of FOXO by tumor suppressor involved in tumorigenesis. In this article, the researchers discovered a new type of irreversible effects in acute myeloid leukemia AML AKT / FOXOs http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Drosophila-melanogaster--Forkhead-box-protein-Ofoxo-partial-895378.html for further study AML mechanisms and cancer signaling pathways proposed new insights.

AML Acute myeloid leukemia is a primary abnormal blood cells in the bone marrow rapidly growing invasive cancer, the incidence increases as people age. The most common symptoms of AML is weight loss, fatigue, fever, night sweats and anorexia, can diffuse infiltration of the disease to other parts of the body such as the lymph nodes, liver and spleen.

In this article, the researchers analyzed a number of AML patients, regardless of their genotype is found, four percent of the AML patients in FOXOs are activated, which is contrary to previous findings. By further experiments, researchers have found that with AML indeed other cancers, which requires a low expression of AKT, and high expression of FOXO. And this is also related to the activity of FOXO JNK / c-JUN signaling pathways related to these experimental data suggest that the AKT / FOXO, as well as the important role of JNK / c-JUN signaling pathway in terms of maintaining the differentiation barriers, such barriers can be used Targeted inhibition of leukemia, which will propose new ideas to treat leukemia patients of different genotypes, and also help scientists in-depth analysis of signaling pathways in leukemia.

In addition, Scadden doctoral research group also recently on Natureiotechnology magazine, reported that stem cells and other new method for separating blood cells and tumor cells. They peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MCs) into pulsed electric field, the mononuclear cells can be selectively removed, and some small lymphocytes can be preserved, these small lymphocytes remaining in function, and can be centrifuged They will be separated from the dead cells.

The researchers first MCs and tumor cells were mixed and then the mixture was placed in an electric field, the tumor cells can be selectively removed. Moreover, the a portable electric field after implantation of tumor cells into immunodeficient mice, no tumor. Finally, studies of peripheral blood stem cells will be placed in the electric field studies, found that the method can increase the CD34- positive / CD38- negative stem cells while maintaining their functions. This method is compared with the use of antibody was purified cell separation technique, the system requires less reagent, and therefore the lower the cost. For those who need a transplant patients with hematologic malignancies in terms of the method is the best way to get the separation and purification of stem cells.


Hypothalamic regulation of prolactin receptor outer periphery

PRLR is a cytokine receptor family member, associated with breast development, lactation, cell division and proliferation, such as a variety of functions. Before functional studies on the regulation of metabolism PRLR mainly in peripheral tissues. For example PRLR knockout mice after systemic injection of glucose, the blood sugar level is higher than normal mice. This study suggests that PRLR mainly through indirect regulation of islet density, thereby regulating blood sugar levels. Prior studies have found this group an important role in regulating insulin sensitivity in the liver PRLR area.

At present, it has been found in humans PRLR has five subtypes, there are two kinds of rodents. Which is the main function of long lPRLR subtype hypothalamus. IPRLR overexpression and inhibition of expression of adenovirus. Mice were injected by the third ventricle adenovirus found in the hypothalamus overexpression lPRLR can improve insulin sensitivity in liver, while knockout lPRLR hepatic insulin http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Goat-insulin-like-growth-factor-1IGF-1ELISA-Kit-84016.html sensitivity will decrease.

Further study confirmed that regulate glucose metabolism lPRLR peripheral nerve signals pass through the hypothalamus and liver STAT5 signaling pathway of the vagus. Enrich people's understanding of the interaction between the various organs of the regulation of glucose metabolism, helps to strengthen the diabetes and related metabolic diseases pathogenesis understanding.

Hypothalamic regulation of prolactin receptor outer periphery

PRLR is a cytokine receptor family member, associated with breast development, lactation, cell division and proliferation, such as a variety of functions. Before functional studies on the regulation of metabolism PRLR mainly in peripheral tissues. For example PRLR knockout mice after systemic injection of glucose, the blood sugar level is higher than normal mice. This study suggests that PRLR mainly through indirect regulation of islet density, thereby regulating blood sugar levels. Prior studies have found this group an important role in regulating insulin sensitivity in the liver PRLR area.

At present, it has been found in humans PRLR has five subtypes, there are two kinds of rodents. Which is the main function of long lPRLR subtype hypothalamus. IPRLR overexpression and inhibition of expression of adenovirus. Mice were injected by the third ventricle adenovirus found in the hypothalamus overexpression lPRLR can improve insulin sensitivity in liver, while knockout lPRLR hepatic insulin http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Goat-insulin-like-growth-factor-1IGF-1ELISA-Kit-84016.html sensitivity will decrease.

Further study confirmed that regulate glucose metabolism lPRLR peripheral nerve signals pass through the hypothalamus and liver STAT5 signaling pathway of the vagus. Enrich people's understanding of the interaction between the various organs of the regulation of glucose metabolism, helps to strengthen the diabetes and related metabolic diseases pathogenesis understanding.


DNA replication solutions

Every time a human cell division, had to copy the six billion DNA bases, one by one is clearly unrealistic. In fact, DNA replication machine will also intervene more than a starting point, carry out the division of labor. DNA replication is one of the most basic cellular processes, it would be of genetic diversity, disease risk and impact of human evolution.

We know that the mutation rate can affect the timing of replication, early late copies of the DNA fragment or more error prone. If the replication timing differences between individuals, then the mutation risk genome will be completely different. The researchers found that replication timing differences cause some people are more prone to certain leukemia. JAK2 gene mutations known to cause this type of cancer, and this mutation carriers tend to a specific genetic polymorphism, but previously it was not clear what the two are linked. McCarroll et al found that the genetic polymorphisms and copy related premature start, which made it easier for JAK2 mutation occurs.

The researchers found that this can be achieved, because they have developed a new way to study Cusa Taq DNA Polymerase http://www.cusabio.com/Tools-enzyme/Cusa-Taq-DNA-Polymerase-1028780.html Previously this type of research is rather cumbersome, require several weeks of cell culture, but also in the special cell sorting instrument, is a costly and time-consuming complex experiments. Copy the start sooner, the more the number of copies of the gene. Researchers on the basis of the copy number for the genome of different individuals to establish a personalized copy timing spectrum. Subsequently, the researchers through Genome-wide association study identified 16 replication timing-related sites, and named for the replication timing of quantitative trait loci (rtQT). Research shows that this diversity is very common.


CUSABIO Human opiorphin ELISA kit for you

The major active and less hydrophobic form (18-min retention time) corresponds to the 5 aa residues QRFSR with an experimental molecular mass [determined by surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization–time of flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF MS) analysis] of 690 Da (693-Da theoretical molecular mass). Its molecular characteristics are similar to those of the reference synthetic QRFSR peptide (690 Da), which also presents a second molecular form of 769 Da most likely corresponding to an acetate salt form  Good Human opiorphin ELISA kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Human-opiorphin-ELISA-kit-1035168.html  The minor active and more hydrophobic form (26-min retention time) corresponds to two coeluted molecular components, one of 665-Da molecular mass and the second one of 6,493-Da molecular mass. The amino acid determination of the lowest molecular mass was not possible. It may correspond to the cyclization of the N-terminal glutamine residue of the QRFSR peptide to a more hydrophobic pyroglutamic acid active form (GlpRFSR). The highest molecular mass corresponds to a salivary basic proline-rich peptide, P-E (15).

Our data provide direct evidence for the existence of a natural inhibitor of the cell-surface hNEP peptidase, a QRFSR pentapeptide, which is secreted into the human saliva and whose activity is related to the rat sialorphin QHNPR pentapeptide (13) and bovine spinorphin LVVYPWT heptapeptide (7); we named it Opiorphin. Furthermore, it appears that Opiorphin corresponds to the putative mature product of the PRL1 precursor (16). Human PROL1 gene (also known as PRL1 or BPLP gene) is expressed in human salivary glands and belongs to the same multigene family as the sialorphin RATSMR1 precursor (Vcsa1 gene; ref. 11). It encodes a secreted polypeptide, predicted from the cDNA (16), that contains in the N-terminal region a putative peptide QRFSR processed by selective cleavage at consensus sites (recognition sites for signal peptidase and paired basic amino acid convertase). Thus, the combined functional biochemical approach and genomic information give the clues to assign a function to the PROL1 gene product.


Recombinant Bacteroides vulgatus Alpha-1,3-galactosidase B

Product Type : Recombinant Protein
Size : 1mg
Link    :       http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Bacteroides-vulgatus--Alpha-13-galactosidase-B-11079945.html
Uniprot Num : A6KWM0
Code : CSB-YP406363BOP >> Yeast
CSB-BP406363BOP >> Baculovirus
CSB-MP406363BOP >> Mammalian cell
Research Area : Others
Gene Names : glaB1
Expression Region : 19-592aa
Product Info : His-tag
Mol. Weight : 69.06kD
Protein Description : Full length


Scientists discover gene scarring

A study of the University of Bristol (University of Bristol) showed inhibition of a gene can make the wound heal faster and reduce scarring. This finding not only for skin wounds, and illness or abdominal surgery for organ tissue damage caused has great significance.

When the skin is damaged a blood clot formation, wound repair damaged cells begin to bottom, resulting in scarring. Scar tissue repair process is a naturally occurring, skin cuts or burns after a very conspicuous. Scars may be small, such as the knee abrasions; it may be large, such as diabetes, leg ulcers. And the scar is not limited to the skin, all will have scar tissue repair, for example, alcohol-induced liver damage can cause fibrosis and liver failure; scarring after abdominal surgery can often lead to serious complications.

Tissue damage can induce inflammation, releasing white cells kill microorganisms, to protect the skin from infection. The same is a white cell guide collagen layer, and these layers of collagen helps wound healing, but they protrude from the surrounding skin and cause scarring. Results Bristol University Professor Paul Martin and colleagues showed that Recombinant Human C-C motif chemokine 25 http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Human-C-C-motif-chemokine-25-1030849.html is one of the genes trigger scarring. Rubbing the wound which can suppress OPN colloids, can accelerate healing and reduce scarring. Its role is to increase the blood vessels around the wound to accelerate tissue regeneration and reconstruction.


Mammalian Cell Expression System

High expression level, easy operation, short circle, low cost and easy cultivation with high density and large-scale are the advantages of prokaryotic expression system. To complete antibody and glycoprotein biological drugs, the synthesis, secretion ,bio-activation, stability in vivo and immunogenicity of the expression product are often affected by the folding of the peptides , the forming of disulfide bond , the type of glycosylation and whether has glycosylation or not. The product is non- glycosylated and usually exist in form of inclusion body , because the prokaryotic cell has no endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus which are related to glycosylation. Although the yeast , insect and other eukaryotic cell has the modification of glycosylation, the way of glycosylation is different from that of the human and the other mammalian cell does. Compare with other eukaryotic cell expression system, the proteins from target gene expressed in mammalian cell are nearly the same with the nature proteins in the term of structure, glycosylation style and the way of glycosylation, and can be assembled into multi-subunit protein. Moreover, the mammalian cell can be cultivated in suspension way or in serum-free medium with high density which the volume could reach to 1000 L and even more.

In conclusion, the advantages of mammalian cell expression system are forming right folding of protein, having many post-translation processing functions such as carrying out complex N-style glycosylation , accurate O –style glycosylation and so on. Therefore, product from mammalian cell is the most close to the nature proteins of advanced creature in the respect of the molecular structure, character of physics and chemistry, and biological function.

CUSABIO have special vectors which  have the advantages of quick cloning target gene , facilitating purification and improving the expression level of the interest protein. Buy it here: http://about.cusabio.com/m-208.html


Combination therapy is expected to treat pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a common fatal cancer, five-year survival rate of only 6%. Because of memory due to cancer therapy resistance and failure, so urgent emergence of new therapies.
Scientists generally believe that before the drug penetration is poor, can not enter the pancreatic cancer cells is the cause of treatment failure. But there CSHL Professor David Tuveson led research team found that there are other reasons.
Related reports published in the latest issue of PNAS journal. Scientists have found that there is substance to maintain pancreatic tumor cancer survival. Cancer cells in the surrounding matrix molecules, such as Recombinant human Potassium-transporting ATPase subunit beta http://www.cusabio.com/protein-Recombinant_Protein-1030502/ can provide survival signals to the cancer cells so the cancer cells avoid chemotherapy damage.

Dr. Tuveson said drug delivery is a problem, there are more important issue is the nutritional factor enables cancer cells to escape the scourge of cancer.
But scientists have found a blocked pancreatic cancer cell growth promoting methods. FG-3019 antibody capable of binding to the molecule to prevent CTGF provide survival signals to pancreatic cancer cells, the drug has entered Phase 1/2 clinical trials. CTGF signal part by the called XIAP (X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis) mediated by the molecule, XIAP naming its source function, the molecule is capable of maintaining the cells from apoptosis and activity.
Research team led by Dr. Tuveson with pancreatic cancer in mice as a model to study the role of FG-3019. Using FG-3019 in combination with gemcitabine chemotherapy drugs can prevent the growth of pancreatic cancer cells in mice. XIAP down cancer cells, while the apoptosis of cancer cells increases. Importantly, mice life after FG-3019 and gemcitabine treatment has improved significantly.
The results showed that the use of combined therapy is expected to overcome the problem of drug resistance of cancer cells that can help while using chemotherapy drugs into the interior of the tumor and cancer cell survival signal blocking drugs combined with chemotherapy.
There are other causes of cancer death for drugs, such as Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL antagonist, these two molecules are molecules prevent cell apoptosis. Dr. Tuveson said, there are some pro-apoptotic drugs, although we have not yet detected the test results, but is theoretically possible.