
Exercise is not the role of hormones in the body metabolism

One can control how body fat storage and use of molecules was found. This is called the iris pigment hormone, seems to amplify the energy consumption in mice after exercise, for the treatment of diabetes and obesity research and development potential to open the way. But follow-up studies have yielded inconsistent conclusions, which led many scientists to suspect that the hormone did not play a role in human metabolism. Currently, the research antibody kit questioned the reliability of a review for the iris pigment further. Such a kit is typically used to detect iris pigment.

Harvard Medical School, a cell biologist Bruce Spiegelman and colleagues describe how FNDC5 called protein is to enhance metabolism in mice. In general, muscle after exercise will produce this protein. They found that a FNDC5 fragment - brown adipocytes Iris Pigment, run more like energy is secreted into the blood stream, and enables the white fat cells store energy consumption. The researchers also found that serum iris pigment, but after a few weeks of endurance training, Iris hormone levels seem to increase.

University of London, King's College systems biologist James Timmons said the new paper changed the debate about the fundamental elements of Iris. He is also opposed to such contact FNDC5 and human movement. He said, iris pigment in the human body and there is no reliable data for the positive support, before the paper-based ELISA tests should be withdrawn. A prime ELISA Owner Iris, pointed out that in fact the size of the loop iris pigment molecules are still subject to controversy, which Rat Testosterone ELISA Kit  http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Rat-TestosteroneT-ELISA-Kit-107011.html  led to the laboratory in the presence of inconsistency on how to measure the hormone.

On the other hand, Spiegelman stressed that not all previous studies rely on human iris pigment ELISA kit. For example, last year, Celi reported human blood levels of the hormone mild, and have increased after exercise. The research team used a more sophisticated technique called mass spectrometry, the technology can ionize and weigh their ingredients, to identify the sample molecules.

