
HIV also love to eat sweets

A new study from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and Vanderbilt University found that HIV craving sweets, which became one of its fatal weakness.

To activate immune cells invade to go after it in the desire to get the virus from the cells of the sugar and nutrients to achieve replication and push it growing wild in the body.
Scientists have found that immune cells turn on sugar and nutrient rich pipeline of switches. Then they used an experimental compound to block the switch, shut down the pipeline, thereby starving HIV. The virus can not replicate in human cells in vitro.
This finding may also be used in the treatment of cancer, the cancer is well known that cells in the sugar and other nutrients also has a great demand for these materials it needs to achieve growth and spread.

However, until now, no one knows to signal to the newly activated T cells, asking them to step in repairing the sugar and other nutrients. These nutrients will become cellular and viral genetic material required for the growth component.

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and Vanderbilt University scientists have stated, the first step in T cell to the pantry in stock, involving open a called phospholipase D1 (PLD1) cell components. Then they used an experimental compound to block PLD1, shut down the pipeline.

The study found that this compound may also slow down the abnormal activation of immune cell proliferation. Some current HIV drugs can prevent HIV growth, but it will not affect HIV touched abnormal excessive activation of immune cells and growth.

Excessive immune cell growth is considered to contribute to the lifelong persistence of HIV, leading to excessive inflammation caused premature organ damage in patients with HIV - even when live virus suppression in current drugs.

When HIV enters the bloodstream, it will look to the commander in chief of the immune system - activated CD4 + T cells. These activated cells already in the blood of other pathogens or allergens responded, being mad food glucose and amino acids from the blood, they need these substances to produce DNA components. Cell factories operating at full capacity to produce these components to produce soldiers.

Before cancer cells are addicted to sugar added to Northwestern University in 2012, Taylor was a teacher at Vanderbilt University. Taylor knew his colleagues at Vanderbilt University mass screening of breast cancer cells blocked the growth potential drug discovered a compound. This compound PLD1 prevented by blocking the growth of breast cancer cells. Taylor and his colleagues wondered whether the same block in Antibody service http://about.cusabio.com/m-186.html to block HIV enzyme can utilize nutrient supply to the cells, inhibit the invasion of HIV.

Their work confirms this. In vitro, this complex was cut off glucose and other nutrients, preventing the HIV DNA construct sufficient to generate its genetic material required for replication.

