
Be aware of breast cancer at any time of a woman's life

A new study showed that women who often used antibiotics are at a risk of breast cancer twice as much as normal women, while women who had been prescribed antibiotics for more than five hundred days had an increased risk of breast cancer compared to those who did not. So there is concern that women may choose not to have antibiotics for bacterial infections which will result in serious harm if not treated well.

Today, we know a lot about specific risks that affect the chances of suffering from breast cancer. There is a strong link between age and breast cancer risk. Recent research has shown that women who carry a mutation of one of two genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2 have an 80 percent chance of developing breast cancer during their whole lifetime. Under normal conditions, these genes act to prevent breast cancer. But if they mutate and become abnormal, they no longer function, which leads to a higher risk of breast cancer. Thus, this gene should be measured in women who have a strong family history of breast cancer, particularly if it occurs at a young age. Other factors increasing risk of breast cancer that are not modifiable are menarche at a younger age, menopause at an older age, having no children or only one child at an older age.

There are also some risk factors that are clearly modifiable. First and foremost is the risk in women who take hormone replacement after the menopause. Studies indicate that taking estrogen and progesterone not only increases risk of breast and uterine cancer, but also increases risk of stroke, heart attack, and Alzheimer’s disease. If you are already at risk of breast cancer, you must avoid hormone replacement therapy.

Besides, there is evidence showing that breast cancer is related to dietary fat intake. Higher fat intake leads to higher risk. Population studies show that women that consume high fat diets have a much higher risk of breast cancer than people having a low-fat diet. In addition, lack of exercise, excessive cigarette smoking, and alcohol intake also increase the risk of breast cancer.

There are actually some strategies that can be used to reduce risk if you have a high risk of breast cancer. The most important thing is to do everything you can to reduce the modifiable risk factors. Exercise, eat a prudent diet, avoid post-menopausal hormone replacement, don’t smoke and avoid excessive alcohol intake. Have mammograms every other years when at low risk or annually from age 40 when at high risk. If you have a very strong family history or carry the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, you should consider chemoprevention by the use of medications like Tamoxifen. Some women may choose to undergo bilateral mastectomy for their risk is relatively high. Women should be aware and sensible in their whole lifetime to prevent or cure the disease when it is possible.

read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/SLC34A2-Antibody-HRP-conjugated-11106193.html

