
Taller, smarter children partly comes from diverse parental genes

The children of parents who came from further distances are likely to be taller and smarter over their peers, according to a recent study of genetic diversity. The study indicates that height and intelligence may be increasing because more and more people are marrying people from more distant areas all over the world. This survey involves 350,000 people from around 100 communities across four continents.

Researchers discovered that, the more distantly related a person's parents were, the taller he tended to be, the higher he scored on cognitive tests and the better his levels of educational attainment. Nevertheless, the researchers didn't find any links between genetic diversity and high blood pressure or cholesterol level, which was proved in previous study. Most people tend to believe a diversiform gene-pool is better. However, the saying that height is associated with diversity remains to be doubted.

The study used genetic data to look for instances of when people had inherited identical copies of genes from their parents – an indicator that their ancestors were related. Then they compared this relatedness measure to sixteen biomedical traits. The result is that only height, lung capacity, general cognitive ability and educational attainment, these four traits, were related to genetic diversity. It shows that “outbreeding” may have advantages over the course of human evolution.

The study is published in the journal Nature.

More can be found here: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/CD235a-Polyclonal-Antibody-11106191.html

