
Is nursing intervention have good impact on nipple in suckling period?

Recently, a study on exploring the system of nursing intervention of nipple in suckling period was done. The study was aimed at investigating the system of nursing intervention on the impact of breast chapped Methods.

As we know, nipple is a common complication of breast-feeding, chapped ring around the nipple was laceration, unilateral or bilateral disease. Mild for the superficial skin laceration, the depth of subcutaneous tissue with severe , wound bleeding, or covered with purulent discharge. Since the nipple is full of rich physiological characteristics of nerve endings, in the event of chapped, maternal pain, especially when the pain increased during lactation. Nipple skin mainly smaller gap and ulcer bleeding, is one of the common problems of breastfeeding, the nipple is rich in wealth of nerves and blood vessels, the infant often leads to severe pain sucking, indirect, reduce breastfeeding rates. Lactating nipple after the occurrence of lymphatic extension of easy to make bacteria invasion, is conducive to bacterial growth and reproduction within the mammary glands http://www.cusabio.com/.

What's worse, after the nipple, the shorter the interval between feeding the baby, making it difficult to repair tissue, it is not easy to heal, for which most of the fear of maternal breast-feeding, the number of babies sucking reduced, which leads to milk stasis and mastitis complicated. A serious impact on maternal and child health, reduce breastfeeding rates.

Pregnancy strengthen the nipple care, scrub with warm water every 1 to 2 times the nipple so the nipple epidermal hyperplasia, variable thick and flexible, you can reduce postpartum nipple skin damage and prevent the occurrence of nipple. Ttrimester pregnant women through health education that will lead to nipple understand the relevant factors are familiar with the proper methods and techniques of breastfeeding, maternal postpartum easy to grasp in the right breast-feeding method to avoid the baby sucking too long, sucking the nipple skin damage caused too many times. To avoid the baby to sleep with the nipple so the nipple laceration soaked to prevent the occurrence of nipple. Postpartum breastfeeding guide nursing mothers completed each After squeezing the nipple smear a small amount of milk, milk contains anti-infective substances, a lot of fat, protein, have antibacterial, moisturizing the role of skin repair, can effectively prevent the occurrence of nipple.

The study shows that taken care intervention system nipple lactating women was 2.5% incidence was significantly lower than the control group, 32.1%, also lower than the small sesame oil Waicha prevent the incidence of postpartum nipple.

In conclusion, the system can significantly reduce the nursing interventions in the incidence of nipple, on the initial prevention of maternal nipple has a positive effect occurs.

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/ST3GAL2-Antibody-FITC-conjugated-11098182.html

