
Many autoimmune diseases have common susceptibility genes

Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine was informed that Shen Nan research team from its affiliated Yan Chai Hospital collaborated with the United States South Carolina Medical University and other institutions to find susceptibility genes associated with a variety of autoimmune diseases, finding new targets for the intervention treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, primary Sjogren's syndrome and other autoimmune diseases. Related results have been published online in the journal Natural – Genetics, which also publishes other studies on recombinant human proteins.

To carry out the mechanism research on autoimmune diseases from the gene level and then to find an effective target for intervention has been the focus of the study in recent years for Chinese and foreign rheumatoid immunologists. Shen Nan research team joint includes the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Institute of Health Sciences Institute of Health Science, Peking University People's Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, South Carolina Medical University and other research units. They made use of immune chip and found a significant susceptibility site which is significantly related to systemic lupus erythematosus. Since this site is located in the genomic noncoding region, gene expression correlation analysis suggests that this locus is not a functional site. However, the site is located near the complex region of the repeatable multi-copy region and can't be used to find a functional site of disease linked to this site using high-throughput second-generation sequencing (NGS). Thus, the researchers are never able to lock the pathogenesis of intervention, nor are they able to study the function change mechanism of pathogenic sites.

The researchers used a specific long fragment gene amplification sequencing method in the complex gene region and found another functional genetic susceptibility site. The mutation type of susceptibility this site would cause NCF1 protein amino acid changes, resulting in the reduction of NAPDH oxidase reactive oxygen production, thus participating in the development of the disease.

"More importantly, the site is also associated with the genetic susceptibility of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and primary Sjogren's syndrome," said Shen Nan. In the research method, this study used the first generation of sequencing method to find functional pathogenesis site, making up for the second generation of sequencing technology loopholes and providing a new way of thinking for the future discovery of functional pathogenic multi-gene complex genetic diseases. Flarebio offers recombinant proteins of good quality such as recombinant TLR2 at competitive prices.

