
Direct link DNA repair and cancer

BRCA2 germline mutations in the cells is increased susceptibility to breast and ovarian cancer, the cells of the BRCA2 function may have been many studies. BRCA2 have been found with the RAD51 protein interactions, and regulation of its function, the function of DNA repair and recombination RAD51 about. Their interaction on the physiological activity of cells.

Tom Blundell, Ashok Venkitaraman and colleagues reported in Nature BRCA2 structural basis for the regulation of RAD51. They describe the BRCA2 BRC4 (BRC repeat 4), and the RAD51 homeodomain of RecA formed crystal structure of the complex. They reported BRC repeated RAD51 conserved domains are very similar, thereby BRCA2 can modulate the activity of RAD51.

When mammalian cells, DNA is damaged, RAD51 damage at the end of the formation of DNA oligomer, a nucleic acid-protein complex formation for DNA repair is required. The researchers compared the composite structure and RAD51 homolog of bacterial RecA BRCA2-RAD51 and BRCA2 complexes formed. They found that the sequences have a sequence BRC4 a conserved sequence of RecA very similar, they may also be speculated RAD51 through a similar mechanism BRC4 phase separation. Human Testoterone ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-107004/ from bacteria to humans, are very conservative, it also shows a general mechanism acting on the BRCA2 protein-DNA repair.

Finally, the researchers found that the tumor was found BRCA2 mutations can cause previously have affected its interaction with RAD51 and RAD51 which leads to DNA damage can not be repaired. This important discovery for the treatment of cancer drug development accordingly provides a new way of thinking.

