
New discoveries help develop more safe and effective drug

GPCRs are the largest and most important human receptor protein family. GPCRs in almost all biological processes, and most of the diseases, including neuropsychiatric disorders, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, inflammation and cancer in both play a role. Almost half of current drug use GPCRs are to achieve a therapeutic effect.

The new study investigated the mechanism of action of GPCRs at the molecular level, reveals some important knowledge about how drug-related treatment on this receptor family interaction.

Professor Arthur Christopoulos from Monash University, Australia, Rat Insulin-like growth factor 1 ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-84020/ said he hoped this study will contribute to create a more targeted, less side effects of the drug.

"We've solved this research study a new class of drug molecules over time, and how to combine and alter the structure of GPCR proteins in order to achieve the secret of its unique molecular effects," said Professor Christopoulos said.

"This kind of study can explain the behavior of the drug at the molecular level, and to promote the structural basis of the design of a more targeted new drug."

One starts with a known GPCR crystal structure as a template, the research team used computer simulations to map out how and receptor are able to "find" each other different drugs, and when they interact is how to change their shape and direction. Importantly, some predictions generated by computer simulation, both through new biological experiments as well as through the rational design of more effective targeting GPCR molecules has been verified.


DNA testing information to be protected

Recently, some experts encourage people to donate their large public databases of DNA, in order to be able to promote genetic testing and diagnosis faster. But many people need to make sure that their genomic information is safe, strict management standards.

In Canada, the protection of citizens against racial discrimination is a basic national policy. But now, Canadians are facing genetic discrimination. Existing law does not protect the privacy of personal genetic information, so insurance companies and employers through personal genetic test results to decide whether to provide insurance or job opportunities.

Two brothers, which participate in genetic testing brother, was informed that the gene mutation, there is a high risk of long QT syndrome Human Estradiol ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-75680/ . His brother in the job for fear of being discovered employer, so refused genetic testing. Who is the right approach? Thanks to the timely prevention and treatment, his brother greatly reduce the chance of a heart attack, but he did not get life insurance. Did not participate in genetic testing to obtain life insurance brother died at the age of 40, leaving behind his wife and young children. Because of privacy protection, the employer can not inquire about a person's marital status, but they can learn personal genetic information.

Genetic testing can help doctors make an accurate diagnosis and more effective treatment options, and ultimately save lives and reduce health care costs. But patients are often faced with a dilemma: take the test, you can improve the quality of their health; Once the risk is detected, they are likely to be discriminated against, or deprived of some opportunities.


Certain immune system cells play an important role in obesity

Early studies suggest that certain immune system cells may play an important role in body weight control. Now scientists have known, immune cells may contribute to obesity in mice resist. The new findings are published in the journal Nature.

The researchers found that people with relatively thin compared ILC2s cells in abdominal fat in obese adults is less common, but more importantly, in the mouse experiments, they found that seemed to irritate ILC2s "beige" fat cells, thereby enhancing the calorie burning. Seen in this light, these (ILC2) cells do not work properly in obesity.

Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City, said researcher David Artis: exactly why or how this happens is not clear, but for future research are key issues. He said the ultimate hope is to develop new ways to solve obesity. Over the past few years, researchers have been trying to understand how the immune system, metabolism and weight control. This sounds surprising, because the body's immune defense system is mainly infections, but evolutionary point of view it makes sense.

He explained that, although the immediate task of the immune system is to fight infection, but it is conceivable that some components of the immune system under stress conditions, the evolution of evolution and adipose tissue had "communication" to change the body's metabolism. As you can imagine, the immune system to "tell" the body's adipose tissue will face malnutrition, but also allow the body to adapt to stress conditions.

Dr. Charles Billington noted that when people are injured or have an allergic reaction, the body often into the "high metabolism" or revved burn calories. But Billington says this study and other recent work shows how the immune system, metabolism, and may have weight control. However, he also stressed that there are many unknown factors, there is some overlap between the immune system and metabolism, we do not really know.

ILC2s is a group of immune cells to help fight infections, allergies play a role in the. Artis and his colleagues wanted to know whether these cells may have other effects. The researchers began to study in obese adults and adults of normal weight belly fat. It turned out that obese people have less fat ILC2s, the same as the experimental mice obese. The researchers then injected with interleukin-33 to laboratory mice, interleukin-33 is a protein of the immune system. The researchers found that Human Kidney injury molecule 1 ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-82146/ , which increases calorie burning.

White fat, Billington explained that store extra calories, the body expressed as a beer belly or love handles. But there is another type of fat called brown fat is to burn calories to generate heat. In addition to white and brown varieties, there is a third category of body fat called beige fat. Like brown fat, which burns calories to generate heat. More importantly, beige fat may play an important role in the prevention of obesity.

In his experiment team, ILC2 cells seem beige animal fat by enhancing memory, in order to improve burn calories. Obviously, this research is in its early stages, there are a lot of work to do. But the goal is to better understand the communication between the immune system and the body fat, the development of new ways to treat obesity.


CRISPR miss the whole genome

CRISPR-Cas genes are among the most popular editing tools. Recently, the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) research team has developed a new method for detecting CRISPR off-target effects in the genome-wide, GUIDE-seq (Genome-wide Unbiased Indentification of DSBs Evaluated by Sequencing). The results published in the journal Nature Biotechnology on December 16 in.

"People in the past when it detects CRISPR-Cas nuclease-induced off-target DNA breaks, often presupposes off target sites and target sites similar .GUIDE-seq is the first method does not need to do so, but it is quite sensitive," This senior author of the study, associate professor at Harvard Medical School, said J. Keith Joung. "This is very important for the clinical assessment of CRISPR-Cas security."

Guiding CRISPR-Cas RNA nuclease (RGN) by disconnecting the double-stranded DNA to introduce genetic changes, RGN Cas contain a nuclease and a short RNA sequence complementary to the target DNA. Joung, who first reported last year, when the difference between the target fragment of DNA fragments in five nucleotides, CRISPR-Cas RGN will be off target. Such off-target mutation can cause side effects, including cancer, to identify and reduce these CRISPR DSB is to ensure that the foundation of clinical safety.

The researchers used a short double-stranded oligonucleotides to mark CRISPR-Cas-induced off-target fracture, sequencing these genomic regions where the label, it is possible to determine the location of off-target mutation. Studies have shown that even the appearance of an off-target mutation frequencies as low as 0.1%, GUIDE-seq also been able to detect. Because Human Haptoglobin ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-83112/ in a large off-target and target site local differences, so off-target DSB number and position is difficult to predict.


Human skin cells can be transplanted into a simple method with leukocyte

American scientists have for the first time using a simple method to human skin cells into white blood cells that can be transplanted. As we all know, the white blood cells are the immune system's "guardian", can help the body fight off infection and intruders. The researchers said the new study will help them conceive therapy, the new white blood cells into the body to deal with cancer or other illnesses.

From induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells to produce blood cells often fail to implant an organ or bone marrow, but also may lead to tumors; and researchers have developed, called "indirect lineage transformation" of new technology takes only two week, it will not generate tumors, while previous studies indicate that this new technology can be used to generate human vascular cells.

The main author of the study, researchers Salk Institute Ignacio Sancho - Martinez said: "We did not let the skin cells back to stem cells, but rather the use of new technology that allows skin cells to forget that Horse Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-84107/ , then let it be converted to the type of cells we need. in the latest study, we have successfully transformed in order to let their white blood cells. Moreover, the induction of cell loss of memory and guide its 'morph' for new cells only two creatures elements. "

In the new study, scientists have to borrow new technology will become a molecule called SOX2 has plasticity, that is, they are allowed to lose the memory of a particular cell type, then let the researchers called miRNA125b of genetic factors, induced cells into white blood cells.

Currently, toxicology, cell transplantation, pre-clinical and clinical studies, such as proof of concept before going to researchers. They said the latest study them towards the use of stem cell transplantation for the treatment of human diseases, but also a step closer.

Reveal secrets collagen growth at the molecular level

A research team from Texas A & M University biomedical engineers composed of at the molecular level to reveal how the growth of collagen and how it helps the body to form a variety of structures, including bones, tendons, blood vessels, skin, various structural heart, even the cornea and so on.

Using computer models and newly developed computer program, an associate professor of biomedical engineering at A & M University Wonmuk Hwang, has been able to distinguish the difference between a complex network of collagen formation under different conditions at the molecular level. His findings as scientific journal "Physical Review Letters" featured cover article.

Collagen, widespread use as a cosmetic, is the body's most abundant kind of protein. As the major structural protein of connective tissue, they are also tendons, ligaments and skin were found. Furthermore the cornea, cartilage, bone, blood vessels and teeth are rich in these proteins. Hwang studied collagen is how to form such a diverse materials. In particular, he studied the collagen fibers on the surface of how to assemble orderly network.

Hwang said surface assembly of collagen, particularly with biomedical engineers are looking for collagen-based coating implantable medical devices, in order to prevent the equipment being refused the body's immune system.

"We compared the differences in the structure of collagen formation on," Hwang said, the difference between what is real, "these molecules from different parts of the body between the? What differences exist between the formation of collagen and bone formation cornea? If you study the problem at the molecular level, you can begin to see the difference. our research aims to provide a quantitative and detailed analysis of these differences. "

As part of his study, Hwang found that collagen fibers assembled into a complex network of triangular shape, wherein the larger the shape of a small filled. Hwang explained that this type of structure is composed of a network of scientists based on fractal division. Bovine Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-84103/ distributed throughout nature, such as water systems, clouds, shoreline and mountains. Similar networks or even in between the light carrying optical nanofibers based electronics.

To explain this phenomenon has been widely observed, Hwang developed a theoretical and computational model for network formation process, so that he accurately predicted and simulated growth process of the network. Hwang collagen network to test the model, using a computer program, he developed a technique called CAFé, (Hwang aid of a computer program called CAFé, collagen network test model) or called computer-aided features extraction. Hwang explained, CAFE can identify complex network of collagen fibers single image.

By combining models and CAFé, making this method becomes unreliable. Hwang said that in order to accurately distinguish between different networks to form under slightly different experimental conditions, similar to the distinction between the two actually looks like there are subtle differences in the painting. This is the scientists are trying to understand collagen and it is an important milestone for versatility.


The essential role of senescent cells

Cells under certain pressure conditions will forever lose the ability to divide, a process known as cellular senescence. Cellular senescence bad reputation, although it can prevent precancerous cells, thereby inhibiting the growth of cancer, but it is also considered an important driving force of human aging. Over time accumulate senescent cells, will continue to release a series of inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, growth factors and proteases, build organizational environment in many diseases, such as arthritis, atherosclerosis and the elderly cancer.

Buck Institute Judith Campisi and Marco Demaria found cellular senescence in fact be beneficial in wound repair process, they identified senescent cells secrete factors promoting wound repair. The study was published recently in the journal Developmental Cell.

Now many researchers try to remove senescent cells, prevent the development of age-related diseases. And this study has important significance for them. The researchers constructed two different mouse models, one can observe in vivo and removal of senescent cells, there are two other key mutations blocking the senescence program. The researchers found that Human anti-hepatitis B virus e antibody ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-114473/ in the collagen-producing cells and vascular wall cells. These senescent cells secrete PDGF-AA to accelerate wound closure, PDGF-AA is a growth factor present in the platelet.

In blocking the aging process in mice, wound closure is greatly delayed. Researchers recombinant PDGF-AA introduction of these mice, these mice wound repair back to normal.

Studies have shown that in the process of tissue repair aging cells appear shorter, and in aging or chronic tissue senescent cells persist. In addition, in vitro cultured cells to induce senescence, PDGF-AA activation occurs at a very early period. This shows that the senescent cells beneficial or harmful, may depend on time-dependent regulation of secretion. This study suggests that in addition to preventing cancer, cellular senescence may assume more beneficial role in human life.


Reveals the roots of acute myeloid leukemia

In the small part of cancer patients, the treatment is intended to cure diseases in turn lead to a form of leukemia, a poor prognosis. The traditional view that a series of chemotherapy and radiotherapy-induced genetic mutations can kill harmful cancer cells while stimulating careless acute myeloid leukemia (AML) formation.

Now a new study from the University of Washington School of Medicine, challenged the treatment of cancer is the direct cause of treatment-related AML in this view.

Studies have shown that cancer diagnosed years ago with individuals age, number of hematopoietic stem cells accumulate mutations in P53. When the formation of the cancer, the mutant cells are more resistant to treatment, and after exposure to Mouse glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibody IgM ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-114807/ accelerated proliferation, which subsequently led to the AML.

Published in the December 8 "Nature" (Nature) magazine these findings for predicting which patients have a risk of developing treatment-related AML, and find some way to avoid the formation of AML has opened up new avenues of research.

In the United States each year, about 18,000 confirmed cases of AML, about two thousand of cases are due to past exposure to chemotherapy or radiation induced (Further reading: Nature released a major discovery of cancer drug resistance mechanisms). Even given active treatment, therapy-related AML is almost always fatal.

Senior author of the paper, director of the Genome Institute at Washington University Richard K. Wilson, said: "This is in contrast with doctors and scientists have long accepted the fact that it allows us to propose a new hypothesis: In patients with therapy-related AML diagnosed long before as part of the aging process P53 random mutation accumulation in some hematopoietic stem cells.


The driving mechanism of the body's uptake of glucose in the brain

Glucose is a carbohydrate component, which is also the main source of energy used by brain cells, recently, researchers from Imperial College London studied by rat identified a novel mechanism that reveals into the brain glucose content, and the ability to stimulate the brain in animals actively looking glucose absence of glucose, research published in the international Journal on JouRNAl of Clinical Investigation.

The researchers believe that this mechanism plays in favor of human-driven sugar and starchy foods in an important role, said Dr. James Gardiner, our brains rely on large amounts of glucose for energy, while glucose is an important nutrient, but in the past evolutionary process, we are difficult to obtain glucose, so we have to glucose-rich foods like deep-rooted feelings and preferences of Mouse hepatitis B virus e antigen ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-82185/ .

Article, the researchers assume that enzymes called glucokinase glucose in driving our "enthusiasm" on plays an important role, glucokinase can participate in the liver and pancreas to glucose sensing process, and the presence of glucokinase in the hippocampus, may be necessary to regulate the body's various functions, including food intake, but the specific molecular mechanism involved is not yet clear. The researcher found that when rats 24 hours without eating, the brain hippocampus appetite regulation center glucose kinase activity will be significantly increased.

When the researchers used a virus to increase the hippocampus glucokinase activity, they found that rats will give priority to food consume more glucose, and when the glucokinase activity decreased, the amount of glucose consumption would be reduced accordingly . Said Dr. Gardiner, in this study we first found in the brain of the existence of such a special nutrient reaction system, it is not just energy intake system, when we recall the time of their daily diet would think different nutrients, rather than heat.


Open source qPCR: Everyone can do DNA diagnostics

English full name is Real-time Quantitative PCR Detecting System, namely real-time quantitative nucleic acid amplification detection system, also known as gene amplification in real-time quantitative fluorescence detection system, which refers to the polymerase chain reaction PCR.

Real-time PCR thermal cycler (Real-Time PCR) is a powerful technique that can detect this type of E. coli and listeria foodborne contaminants can diagnose AIDS (HIV) and malaria such infections, currently raging Ebola virus on the African continent can also use it to help diagnose. Selective breeding of plants and animals, monitoring water quality and found that the genomic DNA mutations that may occur, these problems can be easily resolved qPCR. qPCR can help humans earlier completion of the Human Genome Project, in the near future, perhaps immortality is no longer a luxury.

However, the conventional PCR machine costs up to $ 2,000, in those places really need, it is hard to afford its high cost. In order to change this situation, Chai Biotechnologies from California begun making more Mouse Estradiol ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-75683/ . In 2010, the founder Josh Perfetto and Tito Jankowski start on Kickstarter to raise the public, and successfully delivered the world's first open-source real-time PCR thermal cycler. Today, about 800 people around the world in the PCR was required to use the. Four years later, Chai Biotechnologies again embarked on Kickstarter, this time, Josh set up an include electrical, mechanical, optical and software engineers, including a strong R & D team, and their goal is to qPCR upgrade to a more professional level, not only only copy DNA, but also to convert it into data.

The new gene knockin technology insertion of foreign genes

Recently, researchers from Hiroshima University, etc. The use of a novel gene knockin technology to achieve effective exogenous gene inserted into the genome, now the technology has been in human cells, animal models, such as frogs and the successful implementation of the silkworm, this technology not only can make the gene in cells in culture is inserted, may also be implemented in the insertion of foreign genes in various organisms. The findings are published in the journal Nature published the sub NatureCommunications.

Programmable nuclease genome editing can be realized homologous recombination-mediated gene insertion, however, the level of activity of homologous recombination in cultured cells and the majority of organisms is very low, which is the current development of homologous recombination-mediated gene insertion technology has brought some new problems.

Article, the researchers Ken-ichiT.Suzuki that we use a transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALENs), and short palindromic repeat regularly spaced by precisely into the target chromosome system (PITCh) mediated sequence gathering successfully achieved the inserted gene.

TALENs mediated PITCh donor can make an exogenous DNA can be targeted effectively integrate into human chromosomes in cells and animal models; researchers also said that the future to HUMAN ESTRADIOL ELISA KIT http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-75680/ mediated PITCh technology might be in not carrying plasmid backbone when applied to human cells sequence studies.

PITCh system has applications in many areas, including the development of disease model cells, animal models for drug screening and therapy development; researchers said that this new gene insertion technology will increase the production efficiency of recombinant proteins useful class cultured animal cells, such as pharmaceutical materials.

In silkworm cells, this new technology can help create more award functional recombinant silk protein, the researchers said finally, PITCh system will be able to enhance the effectiveness of gene editing technology in a variety of cells, especially in those with recombination lower level cells.


Scientists influenza vaccine skin patch

Darrell Irvine, Paula Hammond et al found that the micro-needle combination with a polyelectrolyte multilayer technology, can enhance the effect of DNA vaccine delivery. This is achieved with the use of biological agents joint delivery of DNA to achieve the same effect, can increase the intake of cell nucleic acids. This "patch" of the polymer micro-needle is used on the skin, the vaccine will be loaded biodegradable polyelectrolyte film implanted skin surface. Contact with the skin layer of the polymer is dissolved will occur in the application process, so that the micro needle can be removed quickly and easily. Implanted film is released DNA and immunostimulatory RNA into the skin, the duration of the release process is adjustable from a few days to several weeks.

Such multi-layer technique using micro needles triggered immune responses can greatly exceed the direct injection of DNA vaccine. In addition, such a patch containing micro needles can be stored for several weeks at room temperature dry environment without loss of activity. Because it does not require refrigeration technology and Monkey Insulin ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-84817/ embedded biological agents can remain active for a long time, therefore, the vaccine is very suitable for worldwide patch delivery.


Anticholesterol rosuvastatin not associated with reduced risk for fractures

Treatment with the anticholesterol medicine rosuvastatin calcium did not reduce the risk of fracture among men and women who had elevated levels of an inflammatory biomarker, according to a report published online by JAMA Internal Medicine.

Fractures resulting from the bone-weakening disease osteoporosis are a burden facing an aging population. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and osteoporosis may share common biological pathways with inflammation key to the development of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and possibly the development of osteoporosis. Several studies suggest statin users may have a reduced risk of fractures, while other studies find no association, according to the study background.

Jessica M. Pena, M.D., M.P.H., of Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, and co-authors examined whether statin therapy reduced the risk of fracture in the JUPITER (Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: an Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin) trial that enrolled 17,802 men (older than 50 years) and women (older than 60 years). Participants had inflammatory biomarker high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels of at least 2 mg/L. Participants were divided equally in two groups: one group received 20 mg daily of rosuvastatin while the other received placebo.

There were 431 fractures reported during the study with 221 fractures among participants who took rosuvastatin compared with 210 fractures among individuals who received placebo, according to the study results. The incidence of fracture in the rosuvastatin group was 1.20 per 100 person-years and in the placebo group 1.14 per 100 person-years. Overall, Mouse Progesterone ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-98268/ was not associated with an increased risk of fracture.

"Our study does not support the use of statins in doses used for cardiovascular disease prevention to reduce the risk of fracture," the study concludes.