
Human skin cells can be transplanted into a simple method with leukocyte

American scientists have for the first time using a simple method to human skin cells into white blood cells that can be transplanted. As we all know, the white blood cells are the immune system's "guardian", can help the body fight off infection and intruders. The researchers said the new study will help them conceive therapy, the new white blood cells into the body to deal with cancer or other illnesses.

From induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells to produce blood cells often fail to implant an organ or bone marrow, but also may lead to tumors; and researchers have developed, called "indirect lineage transformation" of new technology takes only two week, it will not generate tumors, while previous studies indicate that this new technology can be used to generate human vascular cells.

The main author of the study, researchers Salk Institute Ignacio Sancho - Martinez said: "We did not let the skin cells back to stem cells, but rather the use of new technology that allows skin cells to forget that Horse Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-84107/ , then let it be converted to the type of cells we need. in the latest study, we have successfully transformed in order to let their white blood cells. Moreover, the induction of cell loss of memory and guide its 'morph' for new cells only two creatures elements. "

In the new study, scientists have to borrow new technology will become a molecule called SOX2 has plasticity, that is, they are allowed to lose the memory of a particular cell type, then let the researchers called miRNA125b of genetic factors, induced cells into white blood cells.

Currently, toxicology, cell transplantation, pre-clinical and clinical studies, such as proof of concept before going to researchers. They said the latest study them towards the use of stem cell transplantation for the treatment of human diseases, but also a step closer.

