
Certain immune system cells play an important role in obesity

Early studies suggest that certain immune system cells may play an important role in body weight control. Now scientists have known, immune cells may contribute to obesity in mice resist. The new findings are published in the journal Nature.

The researchers found that people with relatively thin compared ILC2s cells in abdominal fat in obese adults is less common, but more importantly, in the mouse experiments, they found that seemed to irritate ILC2s "beige" fat cells, thereby enhancing the calorie burning. Seen in this light, these (ILC2) cells do not work properly in obesity.

Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City, said researcher David Artis: exactly why or how this happens is not clear, but for future research are key issues. He said the ultimate hope is to develop new ways to solve obesity. Over the past few years, researchers have been trying to understand how the immune system, metabolism and weight control. This sounds surprising, because the body's immune defense system is mainly infections, but evolutionary point of view it makes sense.

He explained that, although the immediate task of the immune system is to fight infection, but it is conceivable that some components of the immune system under stress conditions, the evolution of evolution and adipose tissue had "communication" to change the body's metabolism. As you can imagine, the immune system to "tell" the body's adipose tissue will face malnutrition, but also allow the body to adapt to stress conditions.

Dr. Charles Billington noted that when people are injured or have an allergic reaction, the body often into the "high metabolism" or revved burn calories. But Billington says this study and other recent work shows how the immune system, metabolism, and may have weight control. However, he also stressed that there are many unknown factors, there is some overlap between the immune system and metabolism, we do not really know.

ILC2s is a group of immune cells to help fight infections, allergies play a role in the. Artis and his colleagues wanted to know whether these cells may have other effects. The researchers began to study in obese adults and adults of normal weight belly fat. It turned out that obese people have less fat ILC2s, the same as the experimental mice obese. The researchers then injected with interleukin-33 to laboratory mice, interleukin-33 is a protein of the immune system. The researchers found that Human Kidney injury molecule 1 ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-82146/ , which increases calorie burning.

White fat, Billington explained that store extra calories, the body expressed as a beer belly or love handles. But there is another type of fat called brown fat is to burn calories to generate heat. In addition to white and brown varieties, there is a third category of body fat called beige fat. Like brown fat, which burns calories to generate heat. More importantly, beige fat may play an important role in the prevention of obesity.

In his experiment team, ILC2 cells seem beige animal fat by enhancing memory, in order to improve burn calories. Obviously, this research is in its early stages, there are a lot of work to do. But the goal is to better understand the communication between the immune system and the body fat, the development of new ways to treat obesity.

