
Researchers have identified the gene which affecting brain tumor development

Researchers at Cedars-Sinai have identified a stem cell regulatory gene that affects the growth of brain tumors and it can strongly affect patient survival. The findings involving recombinant human proteins are published in the online version of Scientific Reports, which will allow physicians to get closer to the goal: to better predict the prognosis of brain tumor patients and to develop more personalized treatments for them.

In order to enhance the understanding of how glioma stem cells (GCSCs) reproduce and how they affect patient survival, the researchers spent three years analyzing the genetic composition of more than 4,000 brain tumors. During their investigation, they identified genes that regulate tumor growth, and the gene is called ZEB1. Researchers' analysis showed that patients with brain cancer without this gene often had a lower survival rate.

"The cancer in patients who do not have this gene in the tumor is more aggressive and develops into an uncontrollable number of cell types," said Dr. John Yu, associate professor of neurosurgery oncology and deputy director of the Department of Neurosurgery. These new information can help us measure mutations in these patients so that we can provide more accurate prognosis and treatment plans.

When cancer cells (also known as malignant cells) appear in the brain tissue, brain cancer happens. This year, more than 23,000 people will suffer from primary cancerous tumor of brain. According to the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society, about 16,000 of these patients will die.

Yu and colleagues have pointed out that although some brain cancer patients are born without this gene and others have, the gene has become less powerful over time - it may have a pathogenic effect.

"Compared with those with the gene, we found that the survival time was reduced by eight and a half months in patients with mild glioma with ZEB1 gene mutations," said Yu, co-chair of Cedars-Sinai Surgical Neuroinology. "We know that chemotherapy in some people with gene loss is ineffective, so we have to treat them with different drugs." Flarebio provides you with good-quality recombinant proteins including recombinant Nrg2 at competitive prices.

