
The fatal weakness of leukemia has been discovered

Scientists have discovered two kinds of signaling proteins that make cancer cells resistant to chemotherapy, and according to studies on recombinant human proteins, they can eliminate leukemia by blocking these signal proteins.

The findings are published in Nature Medicine, and researchers at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center have shown that blocking the combination of signal protein c-Fos and Dusp1 may cure a variety of kinase-driven, refractory leukemia and solid Cancer, including acute myeloid leukemia (AML), lung cancer, breast cancer and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).

"We believe that our data will change the way we think about cancer development and targeted care over the next five years," the researchers said. "This study identifies the potential weakness of the kinase to drive cancer, and we suggest that it is cured and not treated."

After identifying c-Fos and Dusp1, the researchers used a combination therapy approach. Treatment combinations include: 1. Personal therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, imatinib; 2. Single inhibitor treatment of c-Fos Dusp1; 3. Imatinib treatment of two molecular inhibitors c-Fos Dusp1 binding treatment. The results of the study showed that after a month of treatment, 90% of the mice were treated with imatinib in combination with two molecular inhibitors, and there were no signs of residual disease. In addition, the researchers also found that the use of a single inhibitor can also eradicate the disease in mice.

Before the clinical trial, the researchers also need to repeatedly verify that they will continue to track the test c-Fos and Dusp1 on the kinase-driven effects of various types of cancer. Flarebio provides you with superior recombinant proteins like recombinant ECEL1 at competitive prices.

