
There may be a short course of treatment for chronic hepatitis C

Recently, the study report of the annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases states that RG-101, a candidate drug from Regulus Therapeutics in combination with direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapy requires only four weeks of treatment to cure most of the hepatitis C patients, according to the research through recombinant rat proteins.

The treatment of hepatitis C in recent years has undergone great changes with the introduction of DAA therapy. This type of drug works directly on targets associated with hepatitis C virus replication. Compared with previous interferon-based therapies, it has better efficacy and fewer side effects. The advent of DAA drugs has made it possible to cure hepatitis C, but the current standard course of oral DAA is 8 to 24 weeks. The shortest course of treatment will not be less than 8 weeks.

RG-101 is an innovative injection therapy targeting microRNA-122 (miR-122, miR-122) developed by Regulus. MiR-122 is one of the most abundant miRs in the liver and plays an important role in the stability, replication and protein translation of hepatitis C virus in hepatocytes. The advantage of RG-101 is that it targets hepatitis C virus in a completely new pattern, and it is effective against all genotypes of hepatitis C virus against strains that are resistant to certain DAA drugs because of gene mutations. Therefore, its combination with DAA therapy may enhance the efficacy of hepatitis C virus and shorten the course of treatment.

The results reported in this scientific report came from a clinical phase 2 trial involving 79 patients with HCV. These patients received RG-101 injections on the first day and were divided into three groups, receiving four weeks of different types of oral DAA therapy approved by the FDA. The first group received ledipasvir / sofobuvivr treatment; the second group received simeprevir treatment; the third group received daclatasivr treatment. At the end of the 28-day course, the patient received another RG-101 injection on day 29.

The results showed that at the 12th week after the end of the treatment period, 100% of the patients in the first group, 96% in the second group and 92% of the third group had decreased to undetectable levels. At week 24 after the end of the treatment period, 100% of the patients in the first group, 80% of the patients in the second group and 89% of the patients in the third group were undetectable. And these combination therapies only have mild to moderate side effects, and no patients stopped treatment due to side effects.

"The focus of this research is to find shorter, better-effective and safer methods of treatment for hepatitis C," said one of the head of the clinical trial at the Hepatology Center of Buda in Budapest, Hungary. "Our results suggest that there may be a short course of treatment for chronic hepatitis C," Dr. Mihály Makara said. Flarebio provides you with good-quality recombinant proteins such as recombinant CDH15 at great prices.

