
Hypertension is greatly related to Alzheimer's disease

Researchers at the Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute in New York recently published an article in the Journal of Clinical Investigation revealed that hypertension affects neurovascular regulation and recognition in the brain. Through research using recombinant human proteins, The mechanism of perivascular macrophage (PVM) has been found to play a key role in this process.

Studies have shown that long-term (14-day) infusion of ANGII in mice can cause a slow increase in blood pressure (to model hypertension) and cause brain neurovascular dysregulation, whereas the latter may affect brain recognition Knowledge function.

The researchers found that perivascular macrophages play an important role in the above-mentioned alterations in function, which is necessary for ANGII to cause neurovascular regulatory mechanisms. When mice were infused with ANGII for a long time, ANGII could cross the blood-brain barrier and enter the perivascular space. At this time, ANGII can bind to the ANGII-type receptor (AT1R) on the perivascular macrophage surface, enabling the latter to activate the NOX2-type NADPH oxidase, thereby catalyzing the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and causing damage to the brain Oxidative Stress in Regulatory Mechanism of Neurovascular. In contrast, short-term rapid infusion did not allow ANGII to cross the blood-brain barrier.

In order to better simulate human hypertensive conditions, the researchers used a chronic hypertensive mouse model strain BPH / 2J experiments. These mice have significant brain neurovascular regulatory mechanism abnormalities and cognitive dysfunction. The results showed that when the perivascular macrophages were clodronate clearance, the AT1R was blocked or ROS was cleared and the neurovascular regulatory mechanism abnormalities would be significantly reduced; perivascular macrophage clearance is more significantly to improve the cognitive function of mice.

This study shows that perivascular macrophages in the case of hypertension can occur under the oxidative stress caused by the inflammatory response, causing the brain neurovascular regulatory mechanisms and cognitive abnormalities of the brain, and it suggests that perivascular macrophages as the potential target of drugs are expected to reduce brain function due to high blood pressure and damage. Flarebio offers good-quality recombinant proteins such as recombinant PIGR for your research.

