
New drug has been developed to treat lung cancer

According to a new study presented at the European Society for Clinical Oncology in Copenhagen, through research using recombinant horse proteins, researchers have developed a novel antibody that boosts the immune system against tumor cells. In patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), it is more effective than conventional chemotherapy.

In Phase III clinical trials, patients who were not previously treated took the drug called pemumab and showed more frequent efficacy and longer lifespan. After 10 months, they developed a disease progression compared to receiving chemotherapy of the patients less. More specifically, compared with chemotherapy alone, the drug reduced the likelihood of cancer progression by half and reduced overall mortality by 40%.

The effect of this new drug is so good that scientists can't believe that they simply suspend the clinical trials so that all patients are replaced by this drug. Their clinical findings have been published in the New England Journal of Medicine. "Be mindful of this day. This is a new era of lung cancer treatment," researcher Stefan Zimmermann said in an interview in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Pemumab, developed by Merck, has been approved by the FDA as a second-line treatment for patients with advanced head and neck cancer, but its first-line treatment has not been confirmed. In an early clinical trial, a similar drug called naduzumab did not achieve the desired results, and the results showed that it was not more effective in the treatment of lung cancer than chemotherapy.

But the new clinical trial is specifically for NSCLC patients. Most cancer cells in these patients contain a protein called PD-L1 that prevents white blood cells from unnecessarily killing healthy cells, but also helps the cancer cells to be destroyed. According to the research team, about a quarter of NSCLC patients with advanced disease are consistent with this description.

Compared to traditional methods of care, pumu monoclonal antibody reduced the mortality of these patients by 40% in the experiment. In another small clinical trial, the researchers found that if combined paimuomab with chemotherapy, the effect is even more significant. Flarebio offers high-quality recombinant proteins like recombinant TLR2 at good prices.

