
To treat breast cancer spread with nanoparticles

Recently, the researchers found through research using recombinant horse proteins that nanoparticles can slow tumor growth so that the treatment of breast cancer more effective, and thus treating breast cancer spread.

The journal ASC Nano published the article entitled "using pRNA nanoparticles to overcome the tamoxifen resistance of breast cancer". Scientists have developed a multi-functional RNA nanoparticle which can promote the treatment of breast cancer.

Researchers used nanosecond delivery systems to treat tumor-growing proteins called MED1 and to treat her-2-positive breast cancer. In addition, they used moxifen to make cancer cells more sensitive.

"Most breast cancers have been shown to be estrogen receptors, the anti-stimulant drug moxifen has been widely used in the treatment, but the treatment is not satisfactory. Estrogen receptor-positive tumors are unresponsive to them, or they produce drug resistance after the treatment. "In this study, we have developed an innovative design that utilizes HER2 and MED1 for these tumors," reports from the Science Daily.

The team developed the nanoparticles which can effectively link HER-2 with breast cancer cells, so MED1 will gradually reduce. Researchers use these biosafety nanoparticles for use in animals.

"These nanoparticles, combined with Moxifene, have a dramatic effect on the treatment of breast cancer, which is known to play a crucial role in the proliferation, relapse and resistance of cancer cells. Eliminating these cells represents progress, and it also provides a more ideal treatment for breast cancer patients."

Researchers also said that the new discovery will be more effective for the treatment of breast cancer. Of course, more clinical trials need to be conducted. Flarebio provides superior recombinant proteins like recombinant ECE1 for your research.

