
New method of anti-cancer method: taking advantage of drug resistance of cancer cells

Due to the resistance of cancer cells, the function of proteasome inhibitors in the treatment of cancer is limited. According to this study using recombinant mouse proteins, researchers at the Whitehead Institute have found a mechanism of resistance that occurs naturally in a variety of cancers that expose the fragility of drugs and stimulate natural cell death.

The finding, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is titled "Inhibition of 19 s proteasome unit labeling of cell changes in various cancer states".

Hydrolases are large protein complexes that play an important role in regulating degradation and maintaining intracellular protein balance. When the cells become cancerous and produce tremendous pressure and are responsible for maintaining the protein balance. This goal is called proteasome inhibitors. Although proteasome inhibitors are effective in killing cancer cells in culture dishes (in vitro), they are severely limited in clinical use because of their resistance.

"At the moment, we have discovered an intuitive mechanism by which cells can obtain proteasome inhibitors in vitro," explains the team leader. "In our report, we describe in detail the effects of this mechanism on a variety of human cancers. In addition, we have determined that this mechanism is widely present in cells in a wide variety of states and can be combined with existing drugs."

By analyzing thousands of cancer cells and tumors, the researchers found that those cells resistant to proteasome inhibitors were inhibited.

In addition to resistance to proteasome inhibitors, the researchers report that inhibition of the expression of the proteasome subunit reflects a wide range of cellular genetic alterations. This facilitates treatment with biomarker methods.

"Resistance to cancer stems from multiple mechanisms, genetic or epigenetics. With this finding, we can develop new strategies and new compounds as arrays and make use of their drug-resistant properties which are more susceptible to effectively treat a variety of cancer types," said the research team leader. Flarebio provides you with high-quality recombinant proteins like recombinant ITGB2 at good prices.

