
High intake high-fiber foods can reduce the risk of female breast cancer

In the United States, breast cancer is the second most common female cancer big. By 2015, more than 246,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Dr. Maryam Farvid Harvard University School of Public Health noted that most explore the link between fiber intake and breast cancer risk is not prominent results of previous studies. She pointed out that these studies have generally focused on adolescence and early adulthood people's diet, because this period is closely related to a number of risk factors for breast cancer.

In order to overcome the deficiencies of the study, the researchers studied 90,534 women (participants in the Nurses' Health Study 2) conducted a follow-up survey and data analysis. The researchers analyzed data on women dietary fiber intake, the participants also evaluated the incidence of breast cancer. The results showed that, compared to early adulthood cellulose intake fewer women, high fiber intake reduced the risk of women suffering from breast cancer 12-19%; more fiber intake of adolescent women who suffer 16% reduction in risk of breast cancer, the risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer decreased by 24%.

In addition, the researchers found that the more fiber intake in early adulthood, the lower the risk of breast cancer in the future, the daily intake of 10g of cellulose (the equivalent of an apple and two slices of whole wheat bread), the women suffering from breast cancer the risk reduction of 13%. If you get cellulose from fruits and vegetables, then a woman's risk of breast cancer is reduced more.

The researchers are also unclear why the intake of fiber-rich diet may reduce a woman's risk of developing breast cancer. They assume that high-fiber foods can help women reduce high blood estrogen levels, thereby reducing the risk of cancer in women.

The researchers suggested that young women should intake more foods rich in fiber to reduce the risk of suffering from breast cancer.

Harvard University professor of nutrition and epidemiology, Walter Willett, pointed out that many other studies shows that if children and adolescence are exposed to carcinogens or anticancer substance, it is easy to change their breast tissue. Some evidence suggests that more fiber intake of teens or adolescence will reduce their risk of cancer.

Refer to this linnk: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Sheep-Interleukin-11IL-11-ELISA-KIT-1035330.html

