
T cell therapy: new opportunity of treating ALL

Scientists say that their first clinical trials of using edited immune cells to attack specific leukemia have achieved extraordinary success. In a test, the symptoms of ninety-four percent of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) disappeared completely. The response rate of other patients suffering from leukemia was higher than 80 percent, and more than half of patients with terminal acute lymphoblastic leukemia had their symptoms relieved.

American researcher Stanley Riddell in the Advancement of Science conference said, "To be honest, this level of response rate in patients with advanced leukemia is without precedent in medicine."

In order to implement T-cell therapy, doctors must first be removed from the patient's immune cells, and to mark them point to a receptor molecule on certain cancers, these immune cells then they then transferred back into the patient. Riddell said, "So let us mixed results, some researchers believe that reducing the dose of T cells capable of reducing the risk of side effects brought about. Most of the patients we test invited only 2-5 months of life." St. blood scholar Raphael University Chiara Bonini very hopeful this therapy, she said she was 15 years never seen such response rates. She said: "It really is an innovative pharmaceutical .T cells are alive, not to mention they also have been alive in our bodies."

Now researchers have conducted clinical trials only for specific leukemia, they also admit that they need to research for cancer therapy, and will track how long patients stay in remission. Sometimes hidden in cancer cells inside the body, so that the body's immune system can't detect; they sometimes make the immune system overworked.

Since the rescheduling of the immune system and lead to dangerous side effects including immune cells overwork cytokine release syndrome (sCRS), including, T cell therapy is often used as a last resort. Patients involved in the trial, 20 patients because sCRS fever, hypotension, and neurotoxic, two patients died and chemotherapy for all patients participating in the trial have been invalid.

When asked when can progress beyond the limited research trials, Riddell's answer was hesitant, but Bonini said, "I think we have been very close for some cell products," she also said she wants to be a modified memory T cells eventually be able to provide long-term line of defense for the body, using the "10 years ago, remember cancer cells, you do not perceive when it kills quickly."

In this most promising study, 35 patients with ALL received the modified T cell therapy; wherein the human symptoms of 94 per cent (although these symptoms will reappear) eased. More than 40 have also been suffering from lymphoma treatment, remission rate at 50 percent. Speaking of new therapies, Riddell said: "Like with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, it can't save everyone I think has become a pillar of immunotherapy for cancer therapy."

The study about ALL is currently being reviewed.

Refer to this link to learn more about life science: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-human-Medium-chain-specific-acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase-mitochondrial-11089628.html

