
New study shows new great discoveries in cancer research field

Recently, the US National Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Institute (NIBIB) and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) researchers found, eliminate some tumors which are believed to be beneficial for the cell growth won't slow down or stop the growth of tumors. In fact, after ten days when the cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are eliminated, the risk of primary tumor metastasis to the mice's lungs and bones showed a sharp increase. Biotechnology scientists use CAFs having some genes that can make these cells at defining moments in tumor progression of self-destruction.

The scientists are still not very clear about what causes cancer growth and metastasis. CAFs are considered to be fibroblast cells produced by the body. The cancer cells can hijack and use them to maintain their growth. However, since the fibroblasts present in the human body, it is difficult to follow and study the impact of these cancer cells.

Dr. Rosemarie Hunziker NIBIB tissue engineering project director, said, "This work has stressed the cancer problem in two important things first, we are dealing with a complex disease, which has so many aspects, we actually only just. Secondly begin to describe it, this method shows the power of cell engineering - manipulation of a key cell in the tumor environment, and 'how to grow the cancer, and how it might be controlled in the future' offers new insights."

MGH assistant professor of surgery and bioengineering, Dr. Biju Parekkadan and his research team designed an experiment aimed at a better understanding of tumor cells present in the environment (known as the tumor microenvironment or TME), and CAFs in tumor growth effect. In order to understand whether targeting CAFs may be restricted mice implanted breast tumor growth, they used a genetic "kill switch" to CAFs were bioengineered. Cells are designed such that when a compound toxic to surrounding cells exposed to, they will die.

After the tumor implantation, Parekkadan and his team chose two different stages of tumor growth in both phases CAFs were killed. When is eliminated in the third or fourth day CAFs, they found that, compared with the remains CAFs tumors, tumor growth or metastasis risk, there is not much difference. However, tumor associated macrophages - cells associated with metastasis, increased at this early stage.

When the team waits to eliminate CAFs, or until the eleventh day of the tenth day, they found that in addition to the increase in macrophages, cancer cells are more likely to spread to the lungs and bones in mice. From this experiment unexpected results may stimulate more research on the role of CAFs in tumor growth and metastasis.

Parekkadan said: "On CAFs, simplistic idea is that we should perhaps try to destroy they have evidence to support this idea, until recently I think so, but now, when using engineering methods, over time, selective removal of CAFs, these results may be a signal that tells us to be more fully explored the dynamics of the tumor microenvironment, cancer treatment and time to intervene.”

More research may reveal "exists to destroy tumor targeting CAFs scientific evidence", as well as recognize the tumor response time. Although a method of treatment which can’t affect the initial tumor growth, however, it is important, we must realize that most cancer deaths are due to metastasis to vital organs caused by tumor, rather than the direct effect of the primary tumor.

In cancer research, there are many unexpected discovery, for example, in January this year, researchers at the University of Missouri (MU) School of Medicine found that a known to inhibit the growth and proliferation of many types of cancer genes in certain types of colorectal cancer in, but it has the opposite effect. The results of this study lay a new foundation of the treatment of colorectal cancer. In December, researchers at Nanyang Technological University Teoh Swee Hin, find another of these cancers treatment options - with dead bacteria to treat cancer, the surprising findings published in the Journal of Nature series Scientific Reports.

More details can be found here: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Plant-arachidonic-Acid-AA-ELISA-kit-1080384.html

