
Scientists find a new compound which can kill drug-resistant cancer cells

Many cancer deaths are because that cancer has resistance to chemotherapy drugs, which also contributed to the development of overcoming this obstacle in the field. Although more and more recombinant human proteins are developed to fight against cancer, it is no enough. A latest research shows that researchers have discovered a new compound that can kill multidrug resistant cancer cells in mice. The team includes members from Pamplona of Navarre, Spain and Krakow, Poland Jagiellonian University School of Medicine, and they published their findings in the journal Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry.

Lead author from the University of Navarra and the Jagiellonian University Dr. Enrique Dominguez said, "Our study reports a new method of fighting against cancer with drug resistance. We know there is more research to be conducted, but we are pleased to be able to develop new possibilities and we feel delighted on these results."

The new study came from 57 kinds of compounds which were identified as having anti-cancer properties, the team believed some of which may enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs. The study focuses on the so-called "efflux pump", which is exposure to cancer chemotherapy to develop a common defense mechanism. Located within the cell membrane, efflux pump is a protein which excludes toxic compound out of cells, and such a protein is called ABCB1. In the study, recombinant mouse proteins and recombinant rat proteins are widely used.

The team wanted to see whether selenocompounds which was found in previous studies can block ABCB1 efflux pump. After multidrug resistance (MDR) in murine T cell lymphoma running a variety of in-vitro experiments, the researchers found that these compounds can prevent efflux pump more effectively than other compounds. They also found that these compounds can trigger cancer cell apoptosis and cell suicide. The most active selenocompounds cab kills about 80 percent of cancer cells in mice.

They acknowledged that the results are only the beginning of the long process of developing a new drug, and the next step will be to conduct vivo experiments on these compounds. Flarebio offers high-quality recombinant proteins such as recombinant Cdh9. Welcome to get more information on its official website.

