
It is promising to treat cancer with healthy people's immunity

The researchers from the Netherlands Cancer Institute and the University of Oslo / Oslo University Hospital discovered a new breakthrough in cancer immunotherapy. Their studies showed that even if the patient's own immune cells can't recognize and fight the tumor, other immune cells may play this role. The study has been published in the journal Nature on May 19.

This study shows that the introduction of DNA in mutations in cancer cells to immune activated cells can create an immune response in healthy immune cells of healthy donors. By inserting target groups in immune cells of donators back to the immune cells of cancer patients, the researchers can make the patient's own immune cells to recognize cancer cells.

The purpose of Cancer immunotherapy which is rapidly developing is to create some technologies that can help some of the patient's own immune system to fight cancer. There are many reasons stopping the immune system to control cancer cells. First, the activity of immune cells have a lot of "gate" to control, it may interfere with their function, these "gate" inactivation treatment for a variety of human cancers are tested. The second reason is that some patients may be immune cells do not start to recognize cancer cells as foreign substances. Therefore, help the immune system to better recognize cancer cells cancer immunotherapy is the most important concern.

Netherlands Cancer Institute Ton Schumacher and Johanna Olweus of the University of Oslo decided to test the "borrowed the immune system," Is it possible to recognize cancer cells as foreign bodies. Identify foreign body cells by immune cells called T cells to achieve. All T cells in our body scans the surface of other cells, including cancer cells, to check whether these cell surface protein fragments should not exist. Upon recognition of these foreign protein fragments, T cells will kill these cells. Because cancer cells as well as the wrong protein, it will also show the external surface protein fragment, which is a new antigen, as virus-infected cells expressing viral protein fragments.

In order to determine whether the patient's T cells to foreign protein fragments on all cancer cells respond to the research team first of all possible before new antigens on the surface of three different melanoma patients were planning. 3 patients, the cancer seems to show a lot of new and different antigens. But when the researchers tried to incorporate these new antigens and T cell cancer patients within a pair, a foreign protein fragments most cancer cells have been ignored.

The second step, the researchers examined why the same new antigens can be identified healthy volunteers T cells. Shockingly, these donor T cells can recognize a significant portion of new antigens, and these new antigens have been ignored by the patient's own T cells.

Ton Schumacher said, in a sense, our findings suggest that the immune response of cancer cells can be strengthened; there are many features of cancer cells can be considered exotic features. You can achieve this goal is to find a way suitable donor T cells paired with a new antigen. These T cells use receptors donations can be used for patients with T cells genetically modified so that they can recognize cancer cells.

Johanna Olweus said that the research shows that obtaining cancer immunity from donors is feasible. However, it also needs a lot of work to determine how the patient may benefit from this discovery. Therefore, we need to find the enhanced method. We are exploring high-throughput methods to identify cancer cells on T cells that can be detected by the new antigen and isolate the corresponding cells. But the results show that we can get cancer-specific immunity from healthy human blood, and this method is promising.

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