
What is the key factor that decides whether you can grow inversely

Years will leave traces on everyone, but the depth of this trace is individual. A recent study published in the journal Current Biology reports that whether you look young or not depends on your genes. MC1R gene will make people grow red hair and pale skin. Now scientists have found that the perception of the individual variation and age-related gene on. Carry a particular variant MC1R people look two years older than their actual age. "This is the first to find such genes," Manfred Kayser Netherlands, Erasmus MC University.

Previous studies have shown that a person's perception of age affected by genetic and environmental factors in a group. Interestingly, the perception seems to predict an individual's age, health and death. This shows that our biological age and state of health and appearance important link.

Kayser and colleagues of 2,000 six hundred elderly genome and face digital photos in-depth analysis. Studies have shown that the elderly age and looks MC1R gene variant strongly associated with carrying a particular variant MC1R people look two years older than their actual age. This relationship MC1R mutation and age perception is not affected by age, sex, skin color, sunburn and other factors. In addition to affecting the color, MC1R also inflammation, DNA damage repair work in the process. MC1R gene may affect human physical appearance it is through this way, we decided to look not years of age. Such studies can help people learn more about the nature of health and aging.

Aging makes us the original luxuriant hair is more sparse, or even completely disappear. Science magazine two papers, in the form of a commentary article, reveals the mysterious mechanisms behind this process, describes the relationship between aging, hair loss and dry cells. Tokyo Medical and Dental University research team found that aging will damage the hair follicle stem cells to make them into the skin. As time goes by slowly, this problem occurs on a growing number of stem cells, eventually leading to hair follicles to shrink and disappear.

In the last journey of life, the body functions gradually aging degradation, getting closer and closer to death. A comprehensive understanding of human aging is not easy, because the process is quite complex. Researchers Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing published in Cell Systems magazine articles, first proposed four levels of aging, aging research and discusses some of the problems in this framework. Corresponding author of the article is Pei Liu (De-Pei Liu) early academicians and Dr. Hou-Zao Chen.

Joslin Diabetes Center scientists hava conducted aging research at one millimeter-long nematode. They found different ways (such as caloric restriction and rapamycin therapy) to extend the life will affect the expression of collagen and other extracellular matrix proteins (ECM). Extracellular matrix is an important framework that provides support matrix for the tissues, organs and bones. Related papers are published in the journal Nature.

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