
Scientists first discover the second generation of parthenogenesis Chiloscyllium

According to the British newspaper Daily Mail report, when there is no male around the female shark mating, they will use their own special skill - parthenogenesis. Before, scientists thought it would enter an evolutionary dead end, posterity parthenogenesis cannot reproduce. However, scientists have a new study shows that having Chiloscyllium miracle fertility, far exceeding previous expectations, the current second-generation first discovered parthenogenesis Chiloscyllium.

Bavaria Animal Collection Center Nicholas - Manchester Lauber (Nicolas Straube) a research team led by Dr. of Karlsruhe City National History Museum reared a Chiloscyllium tested and found it does not "own father".

More importantly, this female shark in the absence of male condition also can breed offspring. The latest study, published in a recent issue of “Journal of Fish Biology,” the researchers believes that this is the first case so far observed the second generation of vertebrate parthenogenesis.

Chiloscyllium is a smaller size of the shark, which lives in coral reefs in Indonesia waters, spawning offspring. For egg-laying species, parthenogenesis occurs in the fertilized egg has no sperm cells condition. This means that the offspring of DNA inherited only from the mother's body, but not from the parent.

Parthenogenesis appeared in some reptiles, for some species is a universal phenomenon, the scientists observed that some of the current captive animals due to lack of a mate, and take parthenogenesis way to procreate. In 2002, the United States and a female shark aquarium Detroit male shark will be born not in contact with the three small sharks. However, scientists in the wild also observed a similar phenomenon, Oklahoma rattlesnakes and American scientists have found home Copperhead use parthenogenesis to achieve the breed. 2015 Florida study researchers analyzed the phenomenon of inbreeding sawfish, sawfish are found in a few generations through parthenogenesis way fertility.

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