
Cancer metastasis isn't regulated by different changes of genome

Scientists have discovered dozens of genetic mutations which are associated with the cancer progression, but it seems that cancer metastasis isn't regulated by different changes of genome. Researchers from the French National Health and Medical Research (INSERM) completed the analysis of hundreds of patients with colorectal cancer, discovering that the mode of "drive" mutations is between primary tumors and metastatic tumors. The research results were published in the journal Science Translational Medicine on February 24.

The spread of cancer (also known as metastasis) can attack more human tissues, eventually leading to the collapse of the whole organism. In many cancers, cancer cell proliferation is the most deadly threat. It is often possible through surgery, drugs, chemotherapy or radiation therapy to successfully treat the primary tumor, but the cancer spread to other organs of the body once it is difficult to be curbed. Therefore, the transfer of cancer research is still looking for the ultimate cutting-edge cancer cure.

In recent years, scientists have been hoping to understand the genomic changes associated with cancer metastasis-related, but the latest study found that metastatic colorectal cancer and gene mutation does not appear, but with several immune-related changes associated, such as changes in the expression of immune genes, cytotoxic lymphocyte abundance decreased lymphatic reduction.

"Over the years has been a concern of this field of research is actually not the main reason for the clinical course of the transfer," immune from Stanford University cancer researcher Edgar Engleman (not involved in the study) says, "In fact, research direction again points to the immune response.”

French National Health and Medical Research Institute Comprehensive Cancer Immunology Laboratory head of Jérôme Galon said that what driving cancer metastasis is, we know very little. To find clues, he and his colleagues from more than 800 patients suffering from colorectal cancer, analyzing their genetic data or tissue sample, hoping to find factors associated with tumor metastasis.

They against 48 kinds of cancer-associated mutations were scanned, but the patient did not find cancer metastasis which occurs frequently, which is also published in 2008 a study in PNAS consistent results. The latter pointed out that most of these mutant genes are similar in primary tumors and metastasis. Mutation spectrum "could not explain why these cancers will be transferred happen", the author of the article, Arizona State University, Raymond DuBois said.

"Clearly, genetically altered tumor cells and is not associated with tumor metastasis show," Galon said, "In fact, the most striking conclusions on the contrary," The only mutation coincided with the non-tumor metastasis.

Although the researchers found no mutation in the mutation patterns that can explain the behavior of tumor metastasis, they found that differential expression of genes still existed between the primary tumor and metastatic tumour. Some of these genes patients with metastatic tumor in vivo reduced, while a little expression increased. Genes with decreased expression involved in the immune system, and genes with increased expression played an important role in translation, endocytosis and other cellular activity.

Go through this link to know more: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Guinea-pig-dopamineDA-ELISA-kit-1035515.html

Research on C. elegans. expands understanding of the aging process

In a recent US study led by Sanford Burnham Prebys Institute for Medical Research (SBP), scientists have discovered a protein that can prolong the natural life of C. elegans. C. elegans are a kind of worms which are commonly used for the study on aging and longevity. The findings are published in today's issue in journal Cell Reports. It expands our understanding of the aging process, and may offer a new way to delay the onset of age-related human diseases such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.

First author, former graduate student associate professor SBP development, aging and regeneration projects Malene Hansen Laboratory Philip McQuary said, "We found that we can increase the amount of protein called arginine kinase by -1 (ARGK-1), and to extend the life .ARGK-1 can maintain the availability of intracellular ATP, we suspect that elevated levels of this protein can trigger a fuel sensor, which regulate energy balance, and prolong life."

By comparing normal nematodes and lack of S6 kinase (S6K) nematode protein levels, the study team identified ARGK-1, the genetically altered so that nematodes are living longer at least 25%. Reduce S6K protein also significantly extend the life of some other organisms, including laboratory mice, indicating that this pathway controls aging, is evolutionarily conserved.

McQuary said, "ARGK-1 was aroused our attention, because it S6K in mutant C. elegans nematode than the normal level of 30 times when we prepared normal expression nematode ARGK-1, which shows significantly longer survival, thus also means ARGK-1 itself can prolong life."

ARGK-1 and its mammalian equivalents - creatine kinase, can be energy (in the form of phosphoric acid arginine or creatine phosphate) transport to different locations cells. The team found that, like C. elegans, as in the absence of a similar protein S6K mice brain, elevated creatine kinase levels.

McQuary added, "Interestingly, we found that creatine supplements - creatine kinase substrate, can improve health and longevity in mice, and may provide a beneficial effect on Parkinson's disease patients, thus suggesting that these enzymes It plays a potential role in aging and aging-related diseases."

"Pick out the function of cells which are protected for a correct understanding 'ARGK-1 on how to support the life of nematodes and other organisms', is crucial."

Hansen explains, "The main goal of our study of aging is not just looking for a method to extend human life, but also to understand 'our cells and tissues, why over time become less and less functional' such insights. It enables us to develop better preventive health care, to improve the overall health of the elderly, or develop interventions to slow or even stop the progression of aging-related diseases."

Hansen said, "For example, in cancer, some tumors can highly activate S6K to meet the needs of tumor growth. A further understanding of the relationship between creatine kinase and S6K might bring new ways to develop new drugs for age-related diseases including cancer."

More can be found here: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Rabbit-creatine-kinase-BB-isoenzyme-CK-BB-ELISA-kit-1035550.html


Gene technology improves the efficiency of gene sequencing

Research on genes has gone through long years. Today, gene technology brings the humans not only health care reform but also the cognitive changes of life-style and even the whole world.

In 1865, Austrian geneticist Gregor Mendel proposed Mendel's genetic law, namely the law of separation and the law of free combination. He revealed that genes are passed from generation to generation and they determine the genetic characteristics. Later, scientists consistently proved Mendel's genetic law. But until 1909, the US evolutionary biologist, geneticist and embryologist Thomas Hunt Morgan discovered a genetic mechanism of chromosomes and established the theory of chromosomes, becoming the founder of modern experimental biology. Since then, the basis of genetic research was born and thus taking root and growing.

Gene technology is another leap forward in 1990. US Congress officially approved and launched the Human Genome Project, planning to totally invest $ 3 billion to analyze the entire human genome in at least 15 years. Scientists from the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Japan and China participated in the plan. It is envisaged that in 2005, scientists would unlock about 25,000 gene codes in human body and complete gene mapping of the whole human genome. That's to say, they should unlock the secret of 3 billion of base-pairs which compose the 25,000 genes of the human body. The Human Genome Project is also known as "Lunar Probe Project" of life sciences.

But it was not until 2005, on June 26th in 2000, the "working draft" of human genome was first published, driving the development of genome sequencing technology. Before such great development of gene sequencing technology, scientists carried out manual sequencing by X-ray and slowly evolved into the use of sequencers which can only read a few hundred of base-pairs in a segment. After the success of Human Genome Project, scientists' work is more effective, for they can conduct reading work of multiple segments by using of instruments.

High-efficiency gene sequencing makes genetic testing more civilized. Once upon a time, in the times of old equipment and technology disjointed with demands, the determination of a person's genome required a dozen years and hundreds of millions of money. But now, the gene technology has developed to the condition of completing the sequencing of the genome of a human body at the cost of about $ 1,000.

Go through this link to read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Clone/RSc1635-1089576.html

Gene technology contributes more to medical field

The more humans understand genes, the higher demands modern medical mode calls for. Taking lung cancer as an example, it is one of the most common malignant tumors in the world and it has become the first cause of death in China's urban population. Among them, non-small cell lung cancer accounts for about 80% of all lung cancer; about 75% of patients are found in the advanced stage and 5-year survival rate is very low. In the 1960s, doctors relied mainly on cytotoxic therapy to treat patients, and the response rate is less than 5%; in 2003, scientists found that EGFR is an important pathogenic factor and switched to target drug gefitinib, improving the efficiency to 10%; in 2005, scientists discovered EGFR mutation is a sensitive marker, and the sensitive populations includes Asian women who do not smoke, accounting 14% of the total number, improving the targeted drug efficiency to 70% to 80% and life extended by 30 months. This is based on molecular typing of individualized drug therapy.

The successful development of drugs targeting allows us to get into the precise medical era. People can conduct prevention or treatment of certain diseases according to their genetic characteristics. In the past two years, some parts of China began to popularize hearing screening of newborns. For the SLC26A4 gene-carried children, their parents need to be careful not to let children participate in strenuous physical activity and strictly prevent head injury. While children carrying mitochondrial gene A1555G are often in high-risk groups of "a needle deafness". Inflammation or taking gentamicin and other aminoglycoside will cause deafness to them. Previously, many children had to bear the pain of deafness due to unconsciousness of the condition, but now the genome sequencing allows us to avoid the recurrence of the tragedy.

Michael Snyder from Stanford University School of Medicine found that his risk of suffering from type Ⅱ diabetes is very high during the study, although he didn't have related symptoms at that time. He did suffer from type Ⅱ diabetes before long. But because it was discovered in time, the disease got a good control. Similarly, US actress Angelina Jolie is also a beneficiary of genetic testing. Because her family has a genetic history of breast and ovarian cancer, so she resolutely made breast and ovarian surgery.

Gene sequencing used to be a dream which comes true now. In the future, gene technology will go further and even play a role in the food safety aspects. The food can be traced for both food source and whether or not the food's contents match the gene label. People can also judge what on earth it is, whether it is harmful or not and whether it is a protected species. Gene will probably change the way we learn.

Know more about gene sequencing and life science here: http://www.cusabio.com/Clone/SE1153-1089575.html


Great breakthrough: manipulating neuron through with light

Recently, a group of researchers at the University of Oxford induced the external decoding of associative memory in mammals for the first time. Researchers published an article in the journal Nature Neurosciencel, describing how they induced the formation of associative memory in the test mice, as well as the technology they used to record it and the memory is deleted.

When scientists continue to study the brain, they are to learn more information about "approach of storing or eliminating memory". Just two years ago, a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) found that they could make the formation of mice's brain memory, thereby forcing it to remember things that had never happened. In this new study, researchers have found a way to let the mice stop to make connection between a certain room and a pleasant experience - a way of recording associative memory.

These experiments include: firstly, the researchers made the mice to have associative memory by placing a small amount of cocaine in the room. After a very short time, comparing with another room only provided with salt liquor, the mice were more willing to stay in the room with a little cocaine. Next, the researchers confirmed the place cells which was related to the pleasant memory in the hippocampus of mice. This allowed them to modify the genes turn the cells into light-sensitive cells. The researchers inserted the fiber-optic cable into the brain regions and opened it. At the same time, they allowed the mice entered the room with cocaine for another time. They found that the mice didn't like the room any longer - the associative memory had disappeared. They also found that other play cells became active, which may lead to the condition that the mice created a new cognitive map unconsciously, and it had no relation with the room of pleasant memory.

The research team said this is the first time that they use external technque to re-encode the memory of mammalian. They pointed out that this also confirms what is the so-called memory trace theory. This theory holds the view that memory is stored biophysically by organisms, and it emerges due to the biochemical changes in the brain region.

Light genetics makes it possible to manipulate neurons by light and this technology was named in the list of major advancements in The Scientist selection in 2015. Scientists read their activies bu combining genetic controlling neurons and Optogenetics and they are continuing to improve the technology. Some studies have been conducted to manipulate memory using this techology of Optogenetics.

Go through this link>> http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/Rabbit-anti-human-Transcription-factor-p65-polyclonal-Antibody-11106202.html

US hospitals co-develop a new method to detecting Zika virus rapidly

Two hospitals in the United States said on 24th that researchers from both the two sides developed a rapid detection reagent of Zika virus. It can shorten the present diagnosis time from weeks to hours, the effect of which makes it very prominent among the similar products.

The two hospitals metioned above are Houston Methodist Hospital and Texas Children's Hospital and both of them are located in the southwestern United States, Texas. These two hospitals today issued a joint communique stating that with the use of this reagent, a doctor can detect genetic components of Zika virus from blood, amniotic fluid and urine. Currently, this detection method is only used in the two hospitals, but the hospital expressed its willingness to promote the new approach to other health institutions.

James Mather, head of Pathology and Gene Department Houston Methodist Hospital, said to the local media that the Department of Health recommended that all pregnant women who had travelled in Zika fever infected areas should receive the necessary checks. The appearance of this rapid detection method is undoubtedly an important progress.

Specialist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston also believes that mosquito activity is rampant after the weather gets hot, which increases the risk of Zika virus spreading in some areas of the southwestern United States. The detection method mentioned above is particularly important for timely track of Zika virus.

On 2ed this month, the first Zika fever patients was discovered in Dallas County, Texas, which is the first case of Zika virus found in native America. This patient is infected with Zika virus through sexual transmission. According to the statement of US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Bulletin on 23th, 14 cases which are suspected to be infected with Zika virus through sexual contact have been found in the United States, including several pregnant women.

World Health Organization officials say on 12th that currently there are 10 biotech companies which can provide Zika virus detection methods based on nucleic acid or serum; another 10 companies are developing methods for detecting the virus. However, these tests have not been independently verified by far, nor approvals have been obtained from related supervision departments.

Go through this link to read more>> http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/Rabbit-anti-human-Histone-deacetylase-3-polyclonal-Antibody-11106203.html


Researchers find new harm that preeclampsia would bring to pregnant woman

Heart abnormalities during women's pregnancy may increase the risk of pregnancy-related high blood pressure in future pregnancy (pre-eclampsia).

According to a Feb. 22 research in the journal Hypertension, the incidence of pre-eclampsia during pregnancy is about 3% to 8%, which is a serious complication of pregnancy. The researchers said that when preeclampsia happened, neonatal often need to be quickly taken out in order not to cause harm to the mother and child.

Associate Professor Herbert Valensise from the second university school of medicine, gynecology and obstetrics of Rome said, "Women who are pregnant with preeclampsia for the first time should be informed of the potential risks and what recommendations they should comply with from the doctors. The doctors should take preeclampsia during pregnancy as risk factors for cardiovascular adverse events for pregnant women in following days. When we asked the patient about the cardiac risk factors such as outside smoking, alcohol consumption as well as family history and other lipids, blood pressure especially the occurrence of pre-eclampsia should also be asked during pregnancy."

Previous studies showed that women who had a history of pre-eclampsia in subsequent pregnancies are more prone to meet this situation again, and the risk of cardiovascular disease is greatly increased later. This new study included 75 women who show preeclampsia during first pregnancy and also included 147 healthy women pregnant for the first time. The average age of these women was 34-years-old, and all women received electrocardiogram trace test after they gave birth to children in the 12-18 month. Within 24 months, all of these women become pregnant again.

The researchers found that 29 percent of the women pregnant for the first time with pre-eclampsia suffered from the same disease in the second pregnancy. Compared with women who didn't have pre-eclampsia previously, the former type of pregnant women's form and function of ventriculus sinister changed. To be specific, there was a significant reduction in blood pump of ventriculus sinister.

The researchers pointed out that they need larger sample data to verify the findings again in the future.

Go through this link as you like>> http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Canis-familiaris-Dog--Epididymal-secretory-protein-E1-11106392.html

Newly-developed drug may be possible to cure tick disease

Japanese researchers recently announced that animal experiments have shown the drug Favipiravir is effective for the treatment of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome which takes ticks as infection vectors. Since it has gone through security check as influenza drugs, Favipiravir is expected to be used to treat this "Tick disease" soon.

Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome, commonly known as "tick disease", is an acute infectious disease caused by a new kind of Bunia virus and this virus takes ticks for the infection vectors. In western Japan, there are 170 cases being reported in the past three years, including 46 deaths. There are no effective therapeutic drugs and vaccines at present.

Researchers at National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Japan say they made the laboratory mice infected with the relevant virus, and then let them take Favipiravir within five days. Comparing the mice above with mice without treatment and mice taking antiviral drugs Ribavirin, the researchers found that mice without treatment almost all died; about 40% of the mice taking ribavirin died; while mice taking Favipiravir all survived.

In another experiment, the research team postponed Favipiravir to the mice infected with virus. The findings showed that, the mice all survived even the drugs were taken on the third day of infection; there are still about half of the mice survived when the drugs were taken in the fifth day of infection.

The drug Favipiravir was developed by Pittsburgh Labbe Toyama Chemical Company, and was approved to be produced and sold as a new anti-flu drug in Japan in 2014. As an approved drug in the market, its safety and its side effects are relatively clear, thus it is expected to be used to treat "tick disease" soon.

We recommend the following content for you>> http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Saccharomyces-cerevisiae-strain-ATCC-204508--S288c-Bakers-yeast-Exopolyphosphatase-11106394.html


The inrease of methylation that helps the HIV virus replicate

Researchers from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, found that HIV infected human immune cells can trigger the significant increase of a chemically modified human viral RNA - methylation, thereby helping the virus replicate. The study published in the February 22 journal Nature Microbiology establishes a new mechanism of the interaction between controlling HIV replication and the host's immune system.

Senior author of the paper, Dr. Tariq Rana, Professor, University of California San Diego School of Medicine, said: "Over the years we have a number of pharmaceutical companies and colleagues have been working on the development of targeted HIV genetic material --RNA drugs, but failed to push it into the clinical now we know the reason - we do not use these modified RNA target sequence to develop drugs, and the reality of RNA are different.”

In human cells, RNA is responsible to a command from the nucleus to the cytoplasm DNA the genetic material to go, in the cytoplasm of cells using these machine instructions to build proteins. In contrast, the entire HIV genome is composed of RNA rather than DNA constructed. The virus hijack the cellular machinery of the host to itself RNA translation into protein.

Cells can be controlled or change its function by chemically modifying RNA. One is referred to as N6- methyl adenosine (m6A) modified in humans and other organisms are common. In 2011, the Chinese chemical biologist Professor He Chuan the first to discover, the first can be reversed most common mRNA methylation modification: N6- methyl adenosine (m6A) of RNA demethylase, certificates and DNA and protein seen as adding and removing the methyl group can significantly affect these messenger RNA, and gene expression. June 2015, Professor He Chuan m6A reveals a new feature: the regulation of messenger RNA (mRNA) translation efficiency. These groundbreaking findings published in the journal Cell. October 2015, Samie R. Jaffrey Cornell University who led the research team published an article that, mRNA 5 'UTR of the RNA methylation (m6A) does not depend on the hat can promote protein translation in the journal Cell.

But until now people for m6A in the human immune system, as well as in our cells and invading pathogens such as HIV interaction between the roles is poorly understood.

In this study, Rana research team first discovered m6A modifications in HIV RNA. They also studied the infection of human immune cells during m6A for HIV RNA and function of the human host.

The first author of the paper, Rana laboratory Gianluigi Lichinchi graduate student, said: "People always thought m6A is a stable cell RNA modification of new studies confirms it is very dynamic, fast response to external stimuli such as viral infections in the future, these studies. The discovery could help improve and enhance HIV / AIDS vaccine design and efficacy."

Rev protein of HIV RNA is encoded by the gene. When constructed Rev protein in the cytoplasm of human host cells, they will return to the nucleus, where, Rev gathered on an HIV RNA known as Rev-responsive element (RRE) is a special site. Rev helped to transport the new generation of HIV RNA transcript into the host cytoplasm. This is an important step in viral replication.

The team is determined; m6A on human and viral RNA modification affects HIV Rev protein and RNA RRE interaction between. When the researchers responsible for silencing removed from the RNA enzyme m6A, HIV replication increases. In contrast, when they were silent m6A add up to the RNA enzyme, HIV replication reduces - the researchers say can be used in pharmacological studies have found that to fight HIV infection.

Rana said, "Such modification in research in the physical structure and HIV RNA genome of HIV field over the past 30 years had been missed. If other viruses having RNA genomes also use this mechanism to escape m6A modified immune surveillance and control them, I wouldn't be surprised. These viruses include influenza virus, hepatitis C virus, Ebola virus and Zika virus and so."

More details>> http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Homo-sapiens-Human-Glycogen-synthase-kinase-3-beta-11106412.html

Science: cells' fate which can be regulated

According to a study published in the February 18 journal Science, some neurons in adult mouse's brain created the characteristics and physiological of the characteristics and physiological of nearby astrocytes. McGill University researchers and colleagues identified that it is molecular signal called sonic hedgehog (Shh) secreted by the neurons that contributes to these changes.

Ed Ruthazer (not involved in the study), neurologist at Montreal Neurological Institute of McGill University, said, "What extremely excited us of this paper is that the fate of a cell may be decided by its interaction with neighbors after it has established its morphology and location in brain. This conversion is not trivial, for it seems to fundamentally recombine the cell's transcriptome."

Astrocytes are non-neuronal cells in the central nervous system. They support and regulate the function of neurons. In 2013, researchers at Duke University demonstrated that astrocytes are essential to stop bleeding after a stroke or brain injury and promote repair. Neuroscientists at Stanford University School of Medicine confirmed that the astrocytes may actively remove synaptic nerve cell circuits by selectively trimming. In 2014, researchers at the University of California, San Francisco reported, malfunctioning astrocytes may contribute to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and this kind of neurodegenerative diseases, and even autism and schizophrenia and other developmental disorders. Swedish scientists have confirmed that in the damage parts of the brain, astrocytes can form immature nerve cells, and then they develop into mature nerve cells.

There are various astrocytes in mammalian brain performing a variety of specialized functions. Keith Murai, the new study's lead author from McGill University, said that this diversity is largely thought to be formed in embryonic development and early development after birth. "But after that, it is believed that some characteristics of these cells are cured in their later life."

However, MuraiI and his colleagues took a different view. "Some neural circuits around astrocytes are so specialized. It is difficult to imagine that all the decisions of these cells' characteristic in this time of development. After all, the neural circuits themselves fully form until much later."

In order to investigate whether it is possible that the astrocytes continue to shape, Murai research team searched for possible control of the gene product in the continuing development of adult neurons and astrocytes. To simplify the problem, the researchers put the focus on the cerebellar cortex. There are only two types of astrocytes in this region: Bergmann glial cells which surrounds the Purkinje cells (PCs) nerve impulses receiving area; velate astrocytes (VAs), which surrounds the granulosa cells (GCs). Their results revealed a number of candidate factors, and there is a signal path emerges: Shh signal.

Murai explained, Shh is known to play an important role in many developmental form factors in the development of embryos occurs, including the impact of brain cells specialized. "People used to think that after the completion of the development of this signaling pathway in the brain will be closed and removed, but the new study confirmed even in the adult brain in this signaling pathway remains very potent."

The researchers found that the PC is the cerebellum neurons generated protein Shh; Shh receptor abundantly expressed in BG instead VA cells.

In addition, BGs need Shh signal from PCs to maintain their identity. When the researchers used transgenic technology closed in the adult mouse brain PCs generated or Shh Shh signaling in BGs, BG and Vas cells using similar transcriptional profiling. On the other hand, if the enhanced Vas Shh signaling, these cells will become more like BGs.

"We almost can Shh signal level one type of astrocyte exchange said another. It’s not just involving a small number of factors, in response to this signaling pathway genes turn on or off the hundreds." Murai said.

The research team also found evidence that, Shh controls can also affect other areas of the brain astrocytes, changing these cells electrophysiology.

Cell biologist at Duke University Cagla Eroglu (not involved in the study) said: "The most important point is that the fate of astrocytes molecule is not fixed." Shape of these cells does not seem to have plasticity. Despite the impact of Shh signaling and electrical behavior of the expression profile of astrocytes, cell morphology remained unchanged.

Cagla said, the finding that astrocytes have greater plasticity than previously thought is "exciting and interesting, but still needs to determine its precise function of this phenomenon according to the animal's behavior or learning ability."

Go through this link to know more: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Rabbit-Vascular-endothelial-growth-factor-receptor-1FLT1-ELISA-kit-1035338.html


Newly-developed device that can complete perfectly high throughput screening

Screening a library of compounds and choosing compounds having the desired biological activity are one of selected and effective methods of developing new drugs, but this method requires large, expensive and complicated equipment. Today, the Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) of Brian M. Paegel team designed a core part of a screening system, will reduce the size and cost of screening equipment several orders of magnitude.

The current high-throughput screening systems typically occupy 10,000 square feet of space or more, and the need to spend millions of dollars. They rely heavily on libraries of compounds can retrieve robot apparatus, each of the compounds into “assay microplate” separate hole and determining the biological activity of each compound. Such a system is amazing screening efficiency, but its cost is also amazing, limit their large-scale application.

Paegel said, "This device we developed is very small, but the function can be comparable to high-throughput screening of compounds."

They use the "one-bead-one-compound (OBOC)" library, where each bead is connected one compound. This library preparation is quick and inexpensive, basically as laboratory consumables. "Building a compound that contains millions of OBOC library probably only spends a week and $ 500," senior researcher Paegel laboratory Alexander K. Price said, is the first author of this paper.

The compound even in the microbeads into the micro filter apparatus is still a technical problem. Paegel and Price designed a desktop device in order to meet these challenges, and can filter OBOC library. The microfluidic device based on the principle of inkjet printing technology and manufacturing, "Hopper suspension" before using the inventive team, OBOC library beads were introduced into tiny droplets conducted specific tests (e.g. enzyme activity assay). These droplets than high-volume throughput screening about 100,000 volumes of test used less.

Then, the device with UV-induced photochemical reaction, the compound released from each bead, after the reaction period, recording the results of each droplet.

Them this device is named LIGHTSABR (Light-Induced and Graduated High-Throughput Screening after Bead Release). The key innovation is that it allows the user to adjust the amount of ultraviolet radiation to change the beads were released compounds in order to adjust the dose of the test compound. The team by screening HIV-1 protease (which is caused by a key enzyme in HIV replication) inhibitors, successfully demonstrated this dose adjustments.

Paegel next step will be committed to the promotion and Price LIGHTSABR system. "Around the world, hundreds of laboratories can run their own miniaturized screening equipment, using their own test methods for drug screening for the most interesting target," Price said.

We recommend this for you>> http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Rat-Lymphotoxin-alphaLTA-ELISA-kit-11089487.html

New study shows new great discoveries in cancer research field

Recently, the US National Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Institute (NIBIB) and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) researchers found, eliminate some tumors which are believed to be beneficial for the cell growth won't slow down or stop the growth of tumors. In fact, after ten days when the cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are eliminated, the risk of primary tumor metastasis to the mice's lungs and bones showed a sharp increase. Biotechnology scientists use CAFs having some genes that can make these cells at defining moments in tumor progression of self-destruction.

The scientists are still not very clear about what causes cancer growth and metastasis. CAFs are considered to be fibroblast cells produced by the body. The cancer cells can hijack and use them to maintain their growth. However, since the fibroblasts present in the human body, it is difficult to follow and study the impact of these cancer cells.

Dr. Rosemarie Hunziker NIBIB tissue engineering project director, said, "This work has stressed the cancer problem in two important things first, we are dealing with a complex disease, which has so many aspects, we actually only just. Secondly begin to describe it, this method shows the power of cell engineering - manipulation of a key cell in the tumor environment, and 'how to grow the cancer, and how it might be controlled in the future' offers new insights."

MGH assistant professor of surgery and bioengineering, Dr. Biju Parekkadan and his research team designed an experiment aimed at a better understanding of tumor cells present in the environment (known as the tumor microenvironment or TME), and CAFs in tumor growth effect. In order to understand whether targeting CAFs may be restricted mice implanted breast tumor growth, they used a genetic "kill switch" to CAFs were bioengineered. Cells are designed such that when a compound toxic to surrounding cells exposed to, they will die.

After the tumor implantation, Parekkadan and his team chose two different stages of tumor growth in both phases CAFs were killed. When is eliminated in the third or fourth day CAFs, they found that, compared with the remains CAFs tumors, tumor growth or metastasis risk, there is not much difference. However, tumor associated macrophages - cells associated with metastasis, increased at this early stage.

When the team waits to eliminate CAFs, or until the eleventh day of the tenth day, they found that in addition to the increase in macrophages, cancer cells are more likely to spread to the lungs and bones in mice. From this experiment unexpected results may stimulate more research on the role of CAFs in tumor growth and metastasis.

Parekkadan said: "On CAFs, simplistic idea is that we should perhaps try to destroy they have evidence to support this idea, until recently I think so, but now, when using engineering methods, over time, selective removal of CAFs, these results may be a signal that tells us to be more fully explored the dynamics of the tumor microenvironment, cancer treatment and time to intervene.”

More research may reveal "exists to destroy tumor targeting CAFs scientific evidence", as well as recognize the tumor response time. Although a method of treatment which can’t affect the initial tumor growth, however, it is important, we must realize that most cancer deaths are due to metastasis to vital organs caused by tumor, rather than the direct effect of the primary tumor.

In cancer research, there are many unexpected discovery, for example, in January this year, researchers at the University of Missouri (MU) School of Medicine found that a known to inhibit the growth and proliferation of many types of cancer genes in certain types of colorectal cancer in, but it has the opposite effect. The results of this study lay a new foundation of the treatment of colorectal cancer. In December, researchers at Nanyang Technological University Teoh Swee Hin, find another of these cancers treatment options - with dead bacteria to treat cancer, the surprising findings published in the Journal of Nature series Scientific Reports.

More details can be found here: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Plant-arachidonic-Acid-AA-ELISA-kit-1080384.html


Gene editing technology: a double-edged sword for medical field

Gene editing technology springs up in recent years - in Brazil, it is used to produce transgenic mosquitoes to fight the rampant Zika virus; in the UK, it will be used to alter gene of human embryos, fertilized eggs develop into healthy to reveal gene mystery embryos.

Many people worry, gene editing technology makes rapid development of human society into ethical dilemmas. However, the estimated few people expect, it recently released US intelligence community annual global threat assessment report, to be included in the "mass destruction and the proliferation of weapons of" threat list.

The "leap" gene editing technology brings concerns. The report said, "As the wide distribution of this dual-use technology, low cost, and accelerating development among its intentional or unintentional misuse could have brought the national economy and national security a broad impact."

Gene editing techniques include the transformation of a variety of DNA in living cells new technologies. According to MIT "Technology Review" magazine's official website reported, this reflects the CIA, National Security Agency and other US spy agencies and intelligence gathering "collective wisdom" of the non-confidential report, there is no specific "name" something technology. Our first thought should be CRISPR technology. CRISPR technology is the latest and most common gene editing technology, low cost, easy to use. Just spend $ 60 can buy the basic materials needed CRISPR technology, the network even have free way to get these materials.

Doctoral tutor Xi Qiao Ran at School of Life Sciences in Tsinghua University told Technology Daily reporter, her own laboratory are using this technique. "CRISPR technology can be said to be a major breakthrough in the field of life sciences. Many tasks which were tough for the scientists now can be achieved in a very short period of. It would be a leap forward." But it is this "leap" that makes many people uneasy.

Daniel Gerstein, former Deputy Minister of the Department of Homeland Security, a senior policy analyst at the RAND Corporation, said he was worry that someone will incorrectly apply this technology to develop some powerful pathogens. In his view, there may be a gene editing catastrophic, for the genome is the essence of life.

Read more as you like: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/CD235a-Polyclonal-Antibody-11106191.html

Great breakthrough in implantable artificial kidney which is based on chip

The kidney is an amazing organ. It continues to work for 24 hours a day cleaning the blood and dealing with waste disposal. Every day, these organs which are on both sides of the spine and below the ribs, with a shape of soy and fist-size, filter 150 liters of blood and produce 12 liters of urine.

Transplantation is the best treatment of renal failure, but the demand for organs far greater than the supply. US Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network said there are more than 100,000 patients waiting for kidney transplant list, but last year, only 17,108 patients to get transplants.

Overall, the National Kidney Foundation estimates that more than 460,000 Americans suffer from end-stage renal disease, and 13 patients have died while waiting for kidney donation during the day in the United States. They say love kidney disease Medicare bill - including prescription drugs, including - - 2012 is about $ 87 billion.

Kidney specialist and assistant professor of medicine at the University of Tennessee Medical Center Nashville van Magdeburg, nephrologist William H. Fissell IV and his research team hopes to end this disastrous scenario, he said, "We are developing a biological mixing device can be simulated kidneys remove enough waste, salt and water, so that the patient no longer needs dialysis "goal is to produce a device small enough - approximately the size of the bottle size - so you can put patient. Implantable artificial kidney filters and contains a microchip living kidney cells and energy supply by the patient's own heart.

The kidneys project was started over a decade ago. In 2003, it received the first batch of financial allocations from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the recent US National Institutes of Health (NIH) to Fissell professor and his research partner, the University of California, San Francisco longtime collaborator Shuvo Roy providing up to 4 years, up to $ 6 million in funding.

In 2012, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to give fast-track review of the project - one is used to promote and accelerate for the treatment of serious illness and possibly resolve not meet the medical needs of the current review of the way the drug. The team hopes to be able to carry out before the end of 2017 pilot studies of silicon filter. Professor Fissell said he had a lot of patients eager to participate, he expressed admiration for these patients. As he concluded, "My patient is definitely my hero. Again and again they came back from the jaws of death. They accepted the heavy burden of disease, because they want to survive. They are willing to bear all the risk to other patients."

Refer to this link: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/Rabbit-anti-human-DNA-replication-licensing-factor-MCM3-polyclonal-AntibodyMCM3-11106199.html


T cell therapy: new opportunity of treating ALL

Scientists say that their first clinical trials of using edited immune cells to attack specific leukemia have achieved extraordinary success. In a test, the symptoms of ninety-four percent of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) disappeared completely. The response rate of other patients suffering from leukemia was higher than 80 percent, and more than half of patients with terminal acute lymphoblastic leukemia had their symptoms relieved.

American researcher Stanley Riddell in the Advancement of Science conference said, "To be honest, this level of response rate in patients with advanced leukemia is without precedent in medicine."

In order to implement T-cell therapy, doctors must first be removed from the patient's immune cells, and to mark them point to a receptor molecule on certain cancers, these immune cells then they then transferred back into the patient. Riddell said, "So let us mixed results, some researchers believe that reducing the dose of T cells capable of reducing the risk of side effects brought about. Most of the patients we test invited only 2-5 months of life." St. blood scholar Raphael University Chiara Bonini very hopeful this therapy, she said she was 15 years never seen such response rates. She said: "It really is an innovative pharmaceutical .T cells are alive, not to mention they also have been alive in our bodies."

Now researchers have conducted clinical trials only for specific leukemia, they also admit that they need to research for cancer therapy, and will track how long patients stay in remission. Sometimes hidden in cancer cells inside the body, so that the body's immune system can't detect; they sometimes make the immune system overworked.

Since the rescheduling of the immune system and lead to dangerous side effects including immune cells overwork cytokine release syndrome (sCRS), including, T cell therapy is often used as a last resort. Patients involved in the trial, 20 patients because sCRS fever, hypotension, and neurotoxic, two patients died and chemotherapy for all patients participating in the trial have been invalid.

When asked when can progress beyond the limited research trials, Riddell's answer was hesitant, but Bonini said, "I think we have been very close for some cell products," she also said she wants to be a modified memory T cells eventually be able to provide long-term line of defense for the body, using the "10 years ago, remember cancer cells, you do not perceive when it kills quickly."

In this most promising study, 35 patients with ALL received the modified T cell therapy; wherein the human symptoms of 94 per cent (although these symptoms will reappear) eased. More than 40 have also been suffering from lymphoma treatment, remission rate at 50 percent. Speaking of new therapies, Riddell said: "Like with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, it can't save everyone I think has become a pillar of immunotherapy for cancer therapy."

The study about ALL is currently being reviewed.

Refer to this link to learn more about life science: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-human-Medium-chain-specific-acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase-mitochondrial-11089628.html

Newly-published blood donation guideline is published to guard against Zika virus

To prevent the spread of Zika virus, the US Food and Drug Administration issued a new guideline on Feb 16th, suggesting people who once went to Zika virus endemic areas in four weeks have to wait at least another four weeks before blood donation.

US FDA says there is the risky people of spreading Zika virus also include those who showed Zika virus infection symptoms in the last four weeks, as well as with people who live in the Zika virus endemic areas or who have sexual contact in the past three months. All these kinds of people need the same delay of four weeks to donate blood. The symptoms of Zika virus are similar to dengue fever, and they include fever, rash, headache, muscle and joint pain.

The agency also recommended that, if the Zika virus endemic areas need transfusions, it is best to obtain whole blood or blood components used for transfusion from no virus endemic areas.

FDA said that there are two reasons for the introduction of this guideline: first, there is the risk of the spread of Zika virus during the process of transfusion in spite that this event has not been found in the United States; the second is that about 80% of the Zika virus infection does not show symptoms. To prevent the spread of the virus Zika, the agency also plans to release delay donation guidelines on human cells, tissues and related medical products.

Continue to read: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-mouse-Oxysterol-binding-protein-related-protein-11-11089629.html


Swedish scientists find new immune cell subsets by single cell RNA technology

Scientists have a more detailed study on the recent-found immune cells in human body - innate lymphocytes (ILCs) and the findings are published in the journal Nature Immunology. Swedish scientists at Karolinska Institutet find three kind of immune cell subsets through analysis of gene expression of single tonsil cell and further reveal the function of these cells in vivo.

Inherent lymphocytes (ILCs) are a class only recently discovered in the human body's immune cells. Due to the current understanding about the inherent understanding of the majority of lymphocytes are derived from animal studies of the stomach and small intestine inflammation and infection. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the body's innate lymphocytes.

Previous studies have shown the inherent lymphocyte function for maintaining mucosal barrier is very important (mucosal lungs, small intestine and other mucosal sites against invading microorganisms with a first line of defense). Although there is increasing evidence that inflammation, bowel disease, asthma, and cancer are related to the intrinsic lymphocyte population, there remains a need for further studies on the basis of precise understanding of the specific role of innate lymphocytes.

Both studied human tonsil lymphocytes are inherent cooperation by the Rickard Sandberg and Jenny Mjsberg led the research team. So far, it has been characterized three major inherent human lymphocyte populations. In this study, research collaboration team used a novel technology that can allow scientists to classify human tonsil cells, and detecting the gene expression of these cells. In this way, the research team of hundreds of cells one by one classification, thereby discriminating between human tonsil cells inherent lymphocytes.

"We used cluster analysis techniques inherent lymphocytes into ILC1, ILC2, ILC3 and NK (natural killer cells) according to their respective gene expression profiling," Karolinska's Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, School of Medicine Sandberg Professor says. "Our analysis also found that some of ILCs expressed genes of unknown function, the function may indicate ILCs than before we know more."

By analyzing the gene expression profiles of individual cells (transcriptional profiling), researchers have known that previous discovery of a ILCs cell population can be further classified. "We have identified three new ILC3 subsets, which subsets have different patterns of gene expression, signaling molecules and therefore they have different responses and produce different protein", Mj Karolinska Institutet's Department of Pharmacy sberg said, "Overall, our research has told a lot about this uncharacterized cell knowledge, these data will be an important resource for other researchers."

Learn more here: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Rabbit-creatine-kinase-BB-isoenzyme-CK-BB-ELISA-kit-1035550.html

Targeted therapy may be possible to treat inflammatory and allergic diseases from now on

Tsukuba University scientists showed that the death of epithelial cells plays an important role in controlling the size of barrier body size of specific populations is important; this discovery will help treat a range of diseases targeted. Currently researchers can't fully explain how the factors regulating the body T (Treg) immune cells, T cells can affect other components of the immune system and inflammation. However, recent-published article in Nature Immunologyon suggest that researchers at the University of Tsukuba has proved beneficial intestinal bacteria on T cell proliferation, epithelial cell death, but its inhibition.

The latest research built on previous studies, based on previous studies has shown that bacteria, also known as symbionts, can adjust the status of the organization, including the impact on T cells. These cells have immunomodulatory activity, but the specific mechanism is not clear. This issue is particularly important in terms of the surface barrier. Such as the distribution of a large number of epithelial cells in the gastrointestinal tract, these epithelial cells show apoptosis or cell death. Prior to this study, these dead cells are not clear whether there is a special role.

Through a lot of tests, the research team found that the death or apoptosis of cells can inhibit T cells in fact. Generally, the intestinal bacteria of T cells role in promoting. A special group of related molecules were identified - the results may be T cell-associated disease or disorder effective T cells.

Co-author of "This is an important study because it shows that these apoptotic epithelial cells, although the body's own waste, but a positive effect on the intestinal environment." University of Tsukuba article immune system Akira Shibuya said. "And Interestingly, the immune cells are dendritic cells symbiotic bacteria promote T cell proliferation medium, but epithelial cell apoptosis through surface phosphatidylserine can block this effect."

By blocking the gene expression in mouse dendritic cells, the number of T cells increased significantly. Thus researchers realized that this gene can inhibit the proliferation of T cells. Phosphatidylserine product encoded by the gene and apoptosis of epithelial cells on the interaction of dendritic cells by blocking the β- interferon signaling molecules, thereby promoting the proliferation of T cells.

"In normal mice and apoptosis of epithelial cells phosphatidylserine receptor knockout mice difference between our study groups demonstrate potential role," First author Chigusa Nakahashi-Oda said. When these effects due to the epithelial cell death could not take place after the destructive inflammatory bowel become less severe, in another set of experiments on mice skin and respiratory tract inflammation reducing effect.

Since it has been clearly verified that the immune system is associated with the channel has clearly different molecules, the researchers hope that by targeting T-cell therapy-related diseases, such as inflammatory and allergic diseases.

Go through this link as you like: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Human-Coronaviruses-IgG-ELISA-kit-1035578.html


Hair follicle stem cells turns to epidermal keratinocytes, which makes hair follicles lose ability of growing hair

It is well-known that human hair gradually becomes sparse with age. But why exactly this phenomenon happened? A new study has opened this mystery: aging turns the hair follicle stem cells to epidermal keratinocytes gradually so that the hair follicles have lost the ability to grow hair.

Experiments on mice conducted by researchers from Japan and other countries showed that with age increasing, the DNA of hair follicle stem cells continue to be damaged which leads to damage of collagen digestion of a kind of cell called Collagen 17A1, and the damage of these proteins in turn results in the phenomenon that hair follicle stem cells translate into epidermal keratinocytes and shed. This makes the hair follicles gradually shrink and eventually completely enter into the epidermis, thus losing the ability to regenerate hair. If Collagen 17A1 is overexpressed, the transformation of hair follicle stem cells into epidermal keratinocytes would be suppressed. The researchers subsequently compared the hair follicles situation of women in different ages. They found that with age, hair follicles actually getting smaller and the content of Collagen 17A1 is also reduce, indicating that hair sparse caused by aging is also due to this mechanism. The study is published in the latest issue of the journal Science.

This current issue of the journal Science also reported another research relevant to hair growth. Hair follicle stem cell would alternately enter into two stages of growing and dormant and there would be no new hair grows out in dormant stage. Researchers from the United States found that, Foxc1 transcription factor is capable of regulating this cycle of hair follicle stem cells, and disrupting the transition between the two states will interfere with its expression. Both studies will help us to better understand the growth of hair.

If you want to learn more about life science and health, feel free to click here>> http://www.cusabio.com/Clone/c1714-1089580.html

Researchers find new way to treat infections caused by clostridium difficile

Infections caused by clostridium difficile are quite difficult to deal with clinically. A new study shows that a small molecule containing selenium is expected to have effective treatment for this type of disease. Interestingly, this compound doesn’t kill bacteria as straightforward as antibiotics do, but makes toxins secreted by the bacteria become ineffective.

Clostridium difficile, also known as prismatic Bacillus difficile, can lead to pseudomembranous colitis, patients often accompanied by symptoms of diarrhea. In the US alone, there are dozens of people each year are caused by bacteria infection problems. Infection is usually caused by patients taking broad-spectrum antibiotics or chemotherapy broke normal intestinal microbial balance and lead. At present the main method of treating clostridium difficile infection is still in clinical use of antibiotics, but the effect is not ideal.

In recent years, a number of drug developers have come up with new ideas to deal with bacterial infections: drugs not directly kill bacteria that cause infection, but to undermine the effectiveness of toxins secreted by the bacteria, thus making the symptoms alleviated and will not kill other dead bacteria at the same time. Certain proteins produced by clostridium difficile can cause inflammation of the intestinal tract. Stanford University researchers screened a large number of compounds, and found a selenium-contained compound which is called Ebselen can act on these proteins and make them ineffective.

Experiments in mice showed that this compound can effectively alleviate the symptoms of infection caused by clostridium difficile. Although further clinical trials have not yet started, clinical trials of applying this compound to the treatment of other diseases are already underway. The researchers hope that this compound will soon be able to help those who suffered the clostridium difficile.

Related reading>> http://www.cusabio.com/Clone/RSc1635-1089576.html


Apply gene editing technology in treatment of retinitis pigmentosa

US scientists have been using gene editing repair cells may lead to mutations pigmentary retinal degeneration, this genetic disease can lead to retinal degeneration, and within a decade lead to total blindness. In fact, this disease is one of the main causes of the loss of young people from around the world. The researchers used CRISPR technique to repair the affected cells, which marks the first time ever, scientists have replaced the stem cells from the patient's own tissue and sensory disorders associated defective gene.

The results of this study were published in Scientific Reports, the paper details how the researchers extracted from the skin of patients with retinitis pigmentosa in the sample. Then use skin samples, researchers in the laboratory to create stem cells used as a basis for gene editing. CRISPR technology allows scientists to cut and replace the individual GMOs DNA, effectively rewriting the genetic code.

In this case, the researchers used the technique to repair CRISPR stem cells from a patient (still contain lead pigmentary retinal degeneration mutation) in a gene defect. CRISPR is not allowed because the current technology is also applied to human beings, so this study will only go so far; but here the achievements show that the future is expected to be used in human gene editing.

According to the researchers, if the repaired stem cells into healthy retinal cells, they can be transplanted back into the patient's body. Without mutation, healthy cells can make patients see again. "Our goal is to develop a personalized treatment of eye diseases," Columbia University Medical Center ophthalmologist Stephen Tsang said, "We still have some way to go, but we believe that the first therapeutic application is the treatment of CRISPR eye disease. Here we have shown that the initial step is feasible."

Traditional organ transplant is different because the repair cells from the patient's own body tissue. The researchers believe that the patient's body will not be rejection of the immune system, and it is easy to receive genetically edit cells. This means there is no need to use drugs to inhibit organ rejection. The researchers said the most likely candidate is the first clinical application of CRISPR. Compared to other parts of the body, eye surgery easier and more easily detected after surgery. "Retinal disease is a perfect model of dry cell surgery, because we have advanced surgical techniques, the cells can be accurately implanted to where it is needed," Vinit Mahajan, team member from the University of Iowa said.

Due to genetic problems also edit applied to human security and moral, we do not know when we can use CRISPR to treat blindness. But scientists involved in the study believe that their proof of concept demonstrated significant potential of this technology, and we should go this way. Tsang said, "There is a lot of work to do before we treat patients. We should ensure that we only modify specific single mutation, without other changes in the genome."

Learn more as you like>> http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/HIST1H2AG--Antibody-11106201.html

Ethnic Chinese professor develops saliva test that can detect cancer in a short time

Scientists are studying a set of cancer detection that can be completed within 10 minutes only through the saliva. Ethnic Chinese David Wong, Oncology Professor from University of California, said that this detection can detect when the tumor DNA is circulating in body fluids, also known as "liquid biopsy." The degree of precision of saliva test is up to 100% and the operation is also very simple. Not only pharmacists and dentists but also individuals can operate it at home.

Currently, scientists can only detect cancer by a blood test on condition that you have accepted a tumor biopsy and sequenced thus getting the genetic characteristics of the track. However, although this approach can detect the spread of cancer, it cannot be used as the initial test, and it may show false-positive results.

Professor David Wong's tests showed that a drop of saliva can provide enough data to give a precise diagnosis as soon as possible. Moreover, it is advantageous not only because of its noninvasion, but also because that it only cost £ 15.

This test later this year will be applied to clinical trials among patients with lung cancer, and is expected to receive approval of US Food and Drug Administration within two years. Professor David Wong believes it can be applied to detect other types of cancer such as oral cancer. He said on the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in Washington that if a patient signs circulating tumor blood or saliva exists, we can find it through this test. It just needs a little saliva and can be completed within 10 minutes."

He also said: "The early detection of cancer is quite crucial. It should be better to be detected as early as possible. With this deadly cancer test, the patient may manage it on their own at home or at the dentist office and pharmacy."

Go through this link: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/Rabbit-anti-human-Transcription-factor-p65-polyclonal-Antibody-11106202.html


New study suggests that peaceful eye movement sleep contributes to treating depression and anxiety

A new study suggested that restless rapid eye movement (REM) sleep disturbance overnight solve emotional pain led to the emergence of long-term hyperarousal.

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that is related to depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder. The development of effective treatments for is restrictive due to incomplete understanding of these disorders caused by physiological hyperarousal. Physiological hyperarousal is a key feature of insomnia. Rick Wassing and his colleagues recorded brain activity in 32 volunteers and two nights, eye movement and other physiological measurements, the volunteers also completed a questionnaire about at night thinking. These findings confirm the restless REM (REM) sleep - it is often associated with insomnia - the richness of the night thinking can be approximated, the richness of the night thinking is a sufficiently large population sample variables can be measured.

The researchers then assessed the frequency of 1199 at night thinking subjects; these subjects also completed questionnaires after the measure hyperarousal and severity of insomnia and personal grief experience grief duration. Subjects exhibited restless REM more (REM) sleep signs, a night of sleep helps eliminate from the less tragic extent of such experiences. Accumulated grief resulting in turn appears to contribute to the long-term hyperarousal.

The researchers noted that the targeted interventions to promote calm rapid eye movement (REM) sleep may benefit patients suffering significant emotional anguish and torment of sleep disturbance.

Learn more by going through this link: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Mus-musculus-Mouse-Cytochrome-P450-3A13-11106402.html

Some human cognitive functions may depend on seasonal

A new study found that certain human cognitive functions appear to depend on the season.

Emotion changes have been linked together with the seasonal, but people understand little about how other brain functions of human change depending on the seasonal. Christelle Meyer and his colleagues measured cognitive brain functions of 28 volunteers in different periods in a year. In each test phase, each subject were arranged in the absence of sunlight and other seasonal cues such as contact with the outside the laboratory for 4.5 days. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging to assess two separate tasks of sustained attention and executive functions in the higher 4.5 days of the end of the period, the researchers. Subjects in both task performance remains constant, but the brain resources to complete these two tasks with the seasons change. Sustained attention-related brain activity in the vicinity of the peak summer solstice in June, the lowest in the vicinity of the winter solstice. In contrast, working memory-related brain activity of these higher-level tasks in the autumn peak, lower in the vicinity of the spring equinox.

The researchers say that these results do not melatonin measurement data or other endocrine alertness and sleep neurophysiological measurements are correlated. In addition to the daily circadian rhythm, some brain functions may be more seasonal than previously expected and seasonal rhythm of these cognitive processes may have specificity.

You may like this: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Rattus-norvegicus-Rat-Transforming-growth-factor-beta-1-11106403.html


High intake high-fiber foods can reduce the risk of female breast cancer

In the United States, breast cancer is the second most common female cancer big. By 2015, more than 246,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Dr. Maryam Farvid Harvard University School of Public Health noted that most explore the link between fiber intake and breast cancer risk is not prominent results of previous studies. She pointed out that these studies have generally focused on adolescence and early adulthood people's diet, because this period is closely related to a number of risk factors for breast cancer.

In order to overcome the deficiencies of the study, the researchers studied 90,534 women (participants in the Nurses' Health Study 2) conducted a follow-up survey and data analysis. The researchers analyzed data on women dietary fiber intake, the participants also evaluated the incidence of breast cancer. The results showed that, compared to early adulthood cellulose intake fewer women, high fiber intake reduced the risk of women suffering from breast cancer 12-19%; more fiber intake of adolescent women who suffer 16% reduction in risk of breast cancer, the risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer decreased by 24%.

In addition, the researchers found that the more fiber intake in early adulthood, the lower the risk of breast cancer in the future, the daily intake of 10g of cellulose (the equivalent of an apple and two slices of whole wheat bread), the women suffering from breast cancer the risk reduction of 13%. If you get cellulose from fruits and vegetables, then a woman's risk of breast cancer is reduced more.

The researchers are also unclear why the intake of fiber-rich diet may reduce a woman's risk of developing breast cancer. They assume that high-fiber foods can help women reduce high blood estrogen levels, thereby reducing the risk of cancer in women.

The researchers suggested that young women should intake more foods rich in fiber to reduce the risk of suffering from breast cancer.

Harvard University professor of nutrition and epidemiology, Walter Willett, pointed out that many other studies shows that if children and adolescence are exposed to carcinogens or anticancer substance, it is easy to change their breast tissue. Some evidence suggests that more fiber intake of teens or adolescence will reduce their risk of cancer.

Refer to this linnk: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Sheep-Interleukin-11IL-11-ELISA-KIT-1035330.html

Scientists study for restoring intestinal flora of the caesarean infants

Injection of mother's vaginal secretions to the baby after the caesarean birth will bring them healthy intestinal bacteria.

A baby in a huge transition from the womb to the world, they will absorb the first permanent residence of microorganisms in their gut. But babies born by Caesarean section is missing out on this process will eventually leave different microorganisms in the intestine, including some microorganisms from the hospital environment.

Some studies have found that babies exposed to Caesarean these organisms make their future for a number of diseases or health problems are more sensitive, such as asthma, food allergies, pollen allergies and obesity. "Perhaps, we can restore the intestinal flora of caesarean section babies and reduce the risk." Jose Clemente Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City said.

Scientists are still aware of the importance of intestinal flora on people's health. Gut microbes began to develop in the womb, but the process will really take place at birth, the fetus in the process get a parent bacterial vaginal cavity and skin. Clemente and New York University's Maria Dominguez-Bello, who has been trying to re-copying process. Before caesarean section, they will provide maternal gauze and 1 hour before surgery to put it at the birth canal. Then, after the baby was born 2 to 3 minutes, put gauze in his mouth, body and anus.

"After such treatment, caesarean section babies are more similar to the intestinal bacteria along births." Clemente said in a recently published research results. However, whether such a measure has long-term health effects on infants still remains further study.

"It's hard to say action produced in this way is sustainable and whether this approach is sufficient to have an impact on the immune system." David MacIntyre Imperial College London, UK said, "But this is really an easy way for the caesarean baby to have gut microbes just as natural born babies do."

More reading as you like: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Human-keyhole-limpet-hemocyanin-antibody%EF%BC%88Ig%EF%BC%A5%EF%BC%89ELISA-kit-1035445.html

A protein is found to help rice greatly improve drought resistance

Chinese and American researchers said on February 1th that making rice plants produce a large amount of PYL9 protein can significantly increase their drought resistance, thus helping to improve food security. This study is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and the joint completed by the Shanghai Institute of Plant Stress Biology Research Center and the American Purdue University and other units.

First author, Shanghai Plant Stress Biology Research Center, Zhao Yang said, these genetically modified crops of drought strategy is to accelerate the aging old leaves, but the leaves and buds of nutrients left to improve survival, which is similar to the gecko tails .

Zhao Yang is also doing research Purdue University. He said the plant drought-resistant mechanism relies heavily on a plant hormone called abscisic acid. But how ABA helps plants tolerate drought molecular mechanisms are not yet understood. For this, they artificially controlled the generated PYL abscisic acid receptor protein by the transgenic plants. And they found the overproduction of a protein PYL9 would do well to enhance the drought resistance of rice plants.

Experiments show that in the case of two-week drought, wild rice survival was 10%, while the survival rate of transgenic rice was above 50%.

Yang Zhao said, PYL9 Drought has taken a variety of strategies, including the closure of pores, inhibiting growth, and promote sleep, promote leaf surface wax synthesis, the most interesting is the old leaves accelerate aging. Water is the raw material of photosynthesis, the photosynthesis of plants in extremely arid environment is weak. Yeh aging can save water and nutrient depletion, water or nutrients at the same time transferred to the young leaves and buds, leave and shoot increased survival. Although this study used only rice and Arabidopsis, but Zhao Yang believes that this method is suitable for most drought-resistant plants.

Zhao Yang and other researchers did not analyze the impact PYL9 transgenic has on crop yield and quality. He said: "Because the water is raw materials of photosynthesis, drought will inevitably lead to the total biomass yield and quality is reduced, the transgenic plants can improve drought resistance, enhanced survival," to avoid the crops in extreme conditions, thus improving food security.

For the significance of the study, he said, one confirmed ABA directly induces senescence rather than to promote leaf senescence and shedding through the synthesis of other substances, which solves the long-standing controversial issues; the second is to clarify the meaning of the old leaves senescence plant drought tolerance, indicating that the old leaves senescence is conducive to plant survival in extreme drought conditions. While previously researchers have suggested that preventing aging is conducive to resist crop drought, and proposed it as a standard of screening drought resistance varieties.

More reading: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Mouse-coagulation-factor-VIIIa-light-chain-F8aLC-ELISA-kit-1080379.html

Blood lipid can help predict the graft function of living donor liver transplant recipients

According to a study published in the journal Liver Transplantation, measuring lipids after transplantation may help predict living donor liver transplant recipients graft regeneration and some plants dysfunction.

Liver transplant recipients with living donor liver transplantation (LDLT; different from non-living donor liver transplantation [DDLT]), the liver can regenerate quickly, sometimes partial graft dysfunction (SGD). "Liver regeneration requires a lot of re-synthesis of lipids, we previously reported, the expression of living donor liver transplantation abnormal lipid-related genes", outside the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Kim M.Olthoff scientific and colleagues note that "now, we measure and compare a lipid levels 41 cases of living donor liver transplant recipients (LDLT) and 43 patients with non-living donor liver transplant recipients ([DDLT) baseline and after liver transplantation series of time points.

Study enrolled patients from the University of Pennsylvania genome and regenerative transplantation research, measuring their lipid levels to assess the living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) lipid / Apolipoprotein whether liver regeneration (use within 3 months of liver volume growth percentage [% VI] measurement) or partial graft dysfunction degree (segmental graft dysfunction, SGD) related.

The results showed that, compared to non-living donor liver transplantation (DDLT), the lipid levels declined in living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) in early stage. But 30 days later it restored to the same baseline lipid levels. Within 30 days of serum apolipoprotein increased by 1mg / dL, liver regeneration significantly (> 90% VI) OR = 2.53 (95% CI, 1.15-5.52); donor age growth per year SGD OR = 1.19 (95% CI, 1.15-5.52), 7 serum high-density lipoprotein days increased by 1mg / dL OR = 0.61 (95% CI, 0.34-1.11). Preoperative blood lipid/apolipoprotein in living donor liver transportation is not related to SGD or percentage (% VI) of expansive liver's volume.

The researchers concluded that the start-up of liver regeneration makes the liver not be able to participate fully in the lipid transportation and metabolism. If graft body cannot meet the metabolic demands, it may lead to liver dysfunction and some graft dysfunction (SGD).

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Rat-Adrenocorticotropic-hormone-receptorMC2R-ELISA-kit-1081318.html


Enough sleep is helpful to prevent diabetes, according to a new research

Recently, researchers conduct a research on 133,353 female subjects with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer and analyzed the data, participants from two queues: NHS 30-55 years old, NHSⅡ 25-42 years old.

When included in the study, NHS and NHSⅡ queue respectively 5.9% and 4.8% of women with sleep difficulties (all the time or most of the time it is difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep). In the ensuing 10 years of follow-up, there are 6,407 women suffering from type 2 diabetes.

After adjustment for baseline lifestyle factors, the researchers found that sleep difficulties Female 45% higher than normal women, the risk of diabetes (aHR 1.45 (1.33 to 1.58)). After high blood pressure, depression, BMI, etc. correction, HR = 1.22 (1.12 to 1.34). Sleep has four women have four times the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (4.17 (2.93 to 5.91)): difficulty sleeping, frequent snoring, sleep less than six hours per night, sleep apnea (NHS) or shift work (NHSⅡ ). Two cases in which women have twice the risk of diabetes, but the three cases to three times increased risk.

Previous studies have shown that sleep difficulties metabolic disadvantage, can lead to obesity, high blood pressure and depression, but the research shows that lack of sleep can lead to impaired glucose regulation.

The researchers concluded that, good sleep patterns is very important, enough sleep may be able to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Related reading>> http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/FGL2--Antibody-11098189.html

Schizophrenia is related to clearing synaptic genes

Schizophrenia is a group of unknown etiology of severe mental illness. The symptoms of Schizophrenia are mostly first found on young adults and often manifest in different syndromes involving perception, thinking, feeling and behavior more in and uncoordinated mental activity. Patients are usually conscious and normal in intelligence, but some patients in the disease process would show the damages of cognitive function. The general course of persistent was repeated seizures, aggravation or deterioration in some patients eventually decline and mental disabilities, but some patients may remain cured or substantially cured after treatment.

Scientists have discovered a gene that makes the human's rate of suffering from schizophrenia. What's more important, they also found a biological explanation for this phenomenon.

The main culprit is C4 gene. This gene is associated with the immune system and will need to label the foreign cells. A new study recently published in the journal Nature shows that this gene has a long form, and especially those people with multiple long copies are more likely to develop schizophrenia.

In the test carried out in mice will connect the dots, showing C4 neurons perform the task and what it does for similar foreign cells: produce the synapse marked "trimmed" of proteins. So, if the finding applies to humans, it may explain an intriguing fact: people afflicted by schizophrenia have an abnormally low number of synapses.

Related reading>> http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/CD34-Polyclonal-Antibody-11106189.html


Jan Medical funds 7.5 million dollars for developing diagnostic equipment for neurological diseases

German company Jan Medical, which is located in Mountain View, California, has raised $ 7.5 million recently from Brainlab Company for the research and development expenditure of diagnostic equipment for neurological diseases. The device will help to detect concussion, stroke and other neurological diseases. It is reported that so far, Jan medical has funding at least $ 10.6 million on the project. The company will use the funds to complete the initial application for a variety of clinical trials, FDA approval and CE certification registration.

Jan Medical CEO Paul Lovoi's wife, named Jan, died of subarachnoid hemorrhage stroke. After his wife's death, Lovoi established this medical company and named the company after his wife's name.

"About the stroke, I understand a lot. I set up this company in order to develop a better way to determine cerebral vascular lesions instead of catheterization laboratory and angiography, Lovoi tells the Mobi Health News. "This is my original intention of the establishment of this medical company."

Although Lovoi had already started work at the company from 2003, he left midway. It was not until 2008 did he returned to the company for full-time work.

The diagnostic equipment developed by Jan medical is called Nautilus BrainPulse 1100, which is composed of a headset, data collector, battery and touch-screen computer and other components. There are two sensors on the headset - one for detecting heart rate, and the other one for detecting ambient noise. Besides, there are six accelerometers on the headset used to determine the head impact acceleration. Diagnostic test consists in the neurological intensive care nurse in charge of the emergency department, only three minutes, will be able to complete the test.

Lovoi said that although at present the diagnostic device has been able to connect with a laptop computer, his ultimate plan is to synchronize the headset and tablet PCs, and the data stored in the cloud.

The effect of the diagnostic equipment for the use of, Jan medical company has been doing experimental research, in which the most important is related to a concussion. The company plans to recruit 600-800 or very likely to suffer a concussion or not susceptible to concussions people to complete the test, and relatively easy to suffer concussion through the crowd and the crowd is not easy to suffer a concussion BrainPulse readings Evaluation of the effectiveness of Nautilus BrainPulse diagnosis of brain concussion.

The company plans to apply for the permissions of Nautilus BrainPulse's accuracy and security when detecting brain pulses, then the certification related to neural spasm, ischemic stroke and brain concussion.

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Scientists 3D-print blood vessel implant to treat congenital heart disease

Congenital heart disease is a very tough disease, affecting as many as the United States alone more than 40,000 newborn babies a year. Although there are some treatments make some children with congenital heart disease to get a more healthy life, but they are not universally applicable. This intermediate biggest problem is due to differences in each person's anatomical structure. Its performance is not the same out of the heart defect. By the cardiac implant grafts to treat, but requires a perfect match of the implant patient's condition - and not always feasible. In addition, current implant transplant often prone to progressive obstruction, infection, lack of negative impact on growth potential and the like. In fact, if a patient from 10 - 15 years after the case, the graft failure rate within the range of 70 to 100%.

Fortunately, the development of 3D bio-printing provides a viable alternative scheme that uses biodegradable materials for patients’ customized vascular implant. Researchers professors John Fisher at the University of Maryland and his tissue engineering and biomaterials laboratory has been working to develop a biodegradable scaffold manufacturing platform.

Although before the Heavenly agency has also been reported in several 3D printing functionality can be vessels, but these vessels are often only suitable for large organs and other tissues, it is not suitable for the heart. More importantly, the needs of patients with congenital heart disease are those implants immediately after manufacture sufficient mechanical strength.

They therefore set out to develop a functional full 3D printing acellular vascular implant. In particular, they used a biocompatible material is called a polypropylene fumarate (PPF) of. This is a biodegradable polyester, which comprises a carbon - carbon double bond, which makes it possible to establish a connection between the polymer chains - this feature makes it very suitable for 3D printing or as a functional tissue bracket. However, to make it available 3D printing, also needs to be mixed together with DEF (in accordance with 5: 4 weight ratios).

When in actual 3D printing, the research team used a DLP light curing rapid prototyping technology, they affect the data use SolidWorks software to design a 3D model based on MRI and CT, and then based on DLP technology EnvisionTEC Perfactory P4 3D printer to print out a customized vessels implant. "3D printing implants effective length of 7 mm, a width of 2 mm." The researchers added.

Ultimately, the research team found that the PPF stent can adhere well to the cell structure and verify its efficacy in mouse cardiac venous system. This proves that by resorting to 3D printing technology to develop these vascular grafts can significantly reduce the steps necessary for manufacturing the stent. More importantly, the scientists see these PPF and mechanical properties exhibit the same native vascular grafts. Therefore, they think this PPF 3D printing technology and materials in custom stent aspect great potential, and accordingly will also be of great help to patients with congenital heart disease.

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Staphylococcus-aureus-strain-MRSA252-Gamma-hemolysin-component-C-11106395.html