
Using computer program to analyze p28GANK protein's function in liver cancer

Gankyrin is a recently discovered oncoprotein that is a component of the 19S regulatory cap of the proteasome. It contains a 33-amino acid ankyrin repeat that forms a series of alpha helices. It plays a key role in regulating the cell cycle via protein-protein interactions with the cyclin-dependent kinase CDK4. After searching for the gene pool, the researchers found that the gene sequence of gankyrin was exactly the same with that of p28 (Nas6p) which was found in 1998 by Hori et al. Then it was named as p28GANK. Cancer gene p28GANK coded protein is a non-ATP complex enzyme that human 26S proteasome (26S Proteasome) regulating subunit 19S/PA700 complex, the nucleic acid sequence of which contained five units-arranged in series ANK repeated units, and its conserved ankyrin sequences mediate protein-protein interactions.

20S protein corpuscle in 26S proteasome is a place at which to degrade certain misfolded proteins or cell cycle proteins in vivo. It is not clear about the specific molecular mechanisms of oncoprotein P28GANK in 26S proteasome protein degradation process. Previous studies found that cancer protein P28-GANK regulates the degree of phosphorylation of Rb through direct interaction with Rb. In addition, after the binding of P28GANK and pRb, they may also promote pRb degradation through S6bATP enzymes of 26S proteasome; or pRb directly combines with the 20S nucleus of 26S proteasome to mediate its own degradation.

Through a variety of signaling pathways of P28GANK above regulation CDK4 / CyclinD1 / p16INK4a / Rb1 / E2F-1, researchers knew that the signal transduction pathway had a very important role in the development of HCC. Therefore, interventions against the pathway and related targets may be a new way of treatment of liver cancer. This study mainly focused on critical areas and amino acids of the interaction between P28GANK and Rb in the signal transduction pathway of CDK4 / CyclinD1 / p16INK4a / Rb1 / E2F-1, using computer-aided drug design program to design specificity to block combined small molecule compound and conduct its biological function identification.

This is the first time to take Rb and spatial areas and key amino acid interactions as a target to use computer-aided drug design to conduct analysis of small molecule inhibitors on hepatocellular carcinoma p28GANK signal transduction mechanism. They have selected a specific biologically active small molecule compound, small molecules that can block the binding of Rb and P28GANK and inhibit the proliferation of liver cancer cells. Scientists also like to do experiments using recombinant rat protein and recombinant horse protein. It depends on what results you need.

Tsinghua University makes great progress in the study of humanized antibody against MERS virus

So far, there have been no specific therapeutic drugs and preventive vaccines against MERS coronavirus clinically. A research team first used of protein crystallography method to resolve three-dimensional structure of the MERS coronavirus membrane protein and the receptor-binding domain of the human receptor extracellular domain of DPP4 compound, revealing the molecular mechanism of MERS coronavirus infecting cells. The researchers also further screened and got two fully human monoclonal antibody MERS-4 and MERS-27 against MERS coronavirus with high neutralizing capacity and they can effectively inhibit the infection and spread of MERS coronavirus. Recombinant protein also can be acquired in vitro and in vivo.

Its mechanism mainly interacts by blocking the receptor binding domain of a cell surface receptor. Through in-depth analysis of the structure and function, the research group revealed that two antibodies recognized viral surface membrane proteins, and the combination of these two antibodies can significantly improve the antiviral synergy and broad spectrum. This series of studies were respectively published on July 9, 2013 and April 30, 2014 in the journal Cell Research and the US Science sub-journal Science Translational Medicine published paper entitled "MERS coronavirus S protein with the human receptor surface dipeptidyl peptidase 4 composite structure" and "Potent Neutralization of MERS-CoV by Human Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibodies to the Viral Spike Glycoprotein". Internationally renowned virologist Albert Osterhaus and Dr. Bart Haagmans spoke highly of the research team's achievements in the same period of "Research Highlights" of the journal Science Translational Medicine, saying that "the humanized monoclonal antibodies they developed with neutralizing activity play an important role in the prevention and treatment of MERS coronavirus ", and "completely humanized antibody library and the screening technology cannot just be applied for the antibody research and development of anti-MERS coronavirus but also provides key platform technology and tools for research and development against other infectious agents antibodies."

Since the end of 2013, the research group has focused on research of second-generation anti-MERS coronavirus humanized monoclonal antibody MERS-4s and has made significant progress. In recent progress, they not only maintain a high affinity and neutralizing activity of the original antibody, but also made the antibody expression levels expected to increase by 10 times, laying a solid foundation for the further development of animal experiments and clinical applications. At the same time, the research group will also further optimize MERS-4s and MERS-27 antibody, and they are now constructing antibody with a double bispecific expression. Bispecific antibodies not only have efficient neutralizing activity but also can neutralize the virus mutant, and its performance in terms of broad spectrum antiviral will be significantly improved. There are also other types of proteins that play important roles in biology research, such as recombinant protein.


Chinese scientists analyse the structure of NPC1 protein for the first time

Recently, Yan Ning study group at Tsinghua University and academician Gao Fu study group at The Chinese academy of sciences microbial groups worked together to gain a high achievement. They resolved a clear structure of NPC1 protein in the world for the first time and initially revealed its work processes, thus opening a new door for intervening and treating rare genetic disorders such as "Niemann - Pick disease" and Ebola virus.

Professor Yan Ning has been systematically studying Structural biology and biochemistry in the past nine years aiming at regulation pathways of cholesterol metabolism; academician Gao Fu has been engaged in the study of Structural biology of related virus invasion mechanism of major communicable diseases including Ebola. Their collaboratively-completed research paper NPC1 protein-mediated cholesterol transport and Ebola viruses molecular mechanism was published in the journal Cell on May 26. The paper first reported 4.4 Mr Resolution frozen electron microscopic structure of human-derived cholesterol transport protein NPC1 and analyzed to explore the molecular mechanisms NPC1 and collaboration within NPC2 two proteins mediated cholesterol transport. At the same time, it provides a molecular basis for the molecular mechanism of understanding of NPC1 protein mediator Ebola viruses invading.

It is reported that "Niemann - Pick disease" is a class because of rare genetic diseases caused by metabolic aberrations of cholesterol, sphingomyelin and other lipids, and there is no effective treatment for it now. NPC1 exception is the main risk factor of type C "Niemann - Pick disease". Over the past nearly 20 years of genetic and biochemical experiments, researchers found that NPC1 protein is indispensable porter in human cells of cholesterol. If NPC1 mutations happen, it can cause abnormal accumulation of cholesterol in the lysosomes, which may lead to excessive accumulation of lipids of the patients' liver, kidney, spleen and even brain, causing organs lesions and may be fatal. To unlock the mystery of NPC1 mutation causing the unnormal metabolism of cholesterol, to obtain a clear structure NPC1 is a key step. (Want to know other recombinant protein such as Recombinant human Protein and Recombinant Rat Protein?)

According to reports, NPC1 is a membrane protein consists of 1,278 amino acids and contains 13 transmembrane helices. Because of its number of molecule is too small and it is very unstable, making use of electron microscopy to study structural biology is a great challenge. During the process of study, Yan Ning study group developed a new electron microscopy data processing method type of "random phase 3D category", thus analysing this unstable monomer membrane protein structure to 4.4 ? and preliminaryly revealing the melecular mechanism of NPC1 and NPC2 mutual identification and cholesterol transport. In addition, NPC1 is receptor of Ebola virus in human cells, playing an irreplaceable function in the invasion process of Ebola. Yan Ning study group and Gao Fu study group worked together and parsed out frozen electron microscopic structure with a resolution of 6.6 ? of NPC1 and GPcl combination, so as to provide a molecular basis of further studying NPC1 mediated Ebola viruses invading mechanism and how to undermine the recognition interface to conduct intervention.


Efficient photothermal tumor treatment based by heat shock protein developed by Chinese scientists

Professor Zhou Jingfu at Capital Normal University made use of new-type soft template synthesis method to synthesize rare-earth conversion luminescent nanomaterials with a porous structure, and they took it as a vector between small molecule photothermal conversion material cypate and heat shock protein siRNA. By interfering with the synthesis of heat shock protein, they achieved an efficient photothermal tumor therapy of multi-mode imaging guidance, providing a new idea for increasing the depth of treatment, improving the therapeutic effect and reducing the side effects of treatment.

Heat shock proteins are a class of heat-related proteins which exist widely in all living organisms, from bacteria to humans. Heat shock proteins (HSP) are a family of proteins that are produced by cells in response to exposure to stressful conditions. When the organisms are exposed to high temperature, they will synthesize such protein to protect themselves. Thus, inhibiting synthesis of heat shock protein can reduce the heat resistance of tumor cells so as to enhance the effectiveness of photothermal tumor treatment and reduce the temperature of treatment required. In addition, by visualization means of multimode imaging can they effectively locate the tumor, further enhancing the photothermal efficacy and safety.

The findings were published in the journal Adv. Funct. Mater. More information about protein can be found in Cusabio which is a company specialized in the production and sales of recombinant proteins and antibodies. Feel free to contact Cusabio.

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New-type technology "genetic barcode" reveals detailed information of cell lineage

According to a new study, we may be possible to track the cell lineage in a living organism by making use of CRISPR gene editing tool to create a unique genetic "barcode". Although there are several different ways of tracing cell lineage, each of the methods has limitations. For example, we can use dye to track the production of daughter cells, but dye can't provide clues for the relationship among progeny cells.

Aaron McKenna and colleagues developed a method which is called GESTALT. It is used to trace the genome editing of the synthesis of target array of cell lines. This method introduces a unique pattern of mutations into the genome barcode. The DNA sequence of mutation barcode in the daughter cells is used to reconstruct the relationship among cell lines. McKenna and other researchers demonstrated the efficacy of this technology in cell culture and live zebrafish. After introducing the barcode in embryonic zebrafish and analyzing different tissues in their adulthood, the researchers found that only a few embryonic progenitor cells produced majority of the cells which composed of the adult organs. For example, they only observed in 1,138 blood cell gene variants; there were only five blood cells that had developed more than 98% in a four-month-old zebrafish.

The authors noted that this new technology can be used to make future analysis of normal development of tracking more complex multicellular process. It can also be used to identify the origin of the tumor cells and metastasis. This development can accelerate our understanding of cellular processes.

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Air pollution has great threat to heart

New research shows that air pollution may worsen heart disease risk factors, especially for diabetics. The first author of the study, Maayan Yitshak Sade at Ben-Gurion University and the University Medical Center Suoluo Ka said, "We found the relevance between exposure to moderate air pollution and increase of cholesterol level. This suggests that the accumulation of exposure to air pollution during lifetime may lead to increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

The researchers analyzed 600,000 blood samples collected from 73 000 adults in southern Israel from 2003 to 2012. All participants were smokers or had been diagnosed with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure or with too low/high blood fat. 3 months before taking blood sampling, they had higher exposure to air pollution and had higher level of blood sugar, high LDL bad cholesterol and blood fat; lower level of good cholesterol HDL than people with low exposure level.

Generally, the link between air pollution and these heart disease risk factors on people with diabetes is more significant. However, besides taking insulin, other antidiabetic drugs also showed a protective effect. The study has been published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism on May 24.

Dr. Victor Novack at Suoluo Ka University Medical Center and Ben-Gurion University said although the impact of air pollution on metabolic cardiovascular risk is relatively small, the continuity of exposure to air pollution and the number of people affected by it need our attention. Even minor changes of blood sugar level and glycemic control may also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

More details: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Rattus-norvegicus-Rat-Cytochrome-P450-1B1-11106404.html

The symptom of headache can be relieved with green light

Migraine patients have such an experience: when seeing light, the symptoms will increase; however, once seeing green landscape, the symptoms usually ease up. White, blue, red and amber light all will exacerbate migraine, but low-intensity green light seems to play a role in mitigation. The team hopes to make special sunglasses to filter all light except green light to help migraine sufferers.

Many migraine sufferers are very sensitive to light. Such reaction is thought to be related with brain structure. In the hypothalamus part of the brain, retinal nerve passing through the sensory information interleaved with other perceived pain neurons. Therefore, light will aggravate the pain of migraines, and pain will lead to visual impairment, said Rami Burstein at Harvard. But not all light have the same optical effect.

A new study, Burstein and his colleagues have migraine but let sighted volunteers stay in a dark room, and gradually enhance the white, blue, green, amber and red light intensity, while record Volunteers light headache who influence the process described herein. Burstein's team used tiny electrodes placed on the eyelids recorded neurons transmit signals from the eye to the brain activity. They also measured by electrodes placed on the head of the volunteers' brain activity. Surprisingly, low-intensity green does not exacerbate migraine, but it reduces the pain of volunteers. "I am thinking in this regard still deep, but I did not think why the green light help alleviate migraine headaches."

Volunteers from the brain and eyes, records show that in terms of the other colors of light compared to green light produced less electrical activity in the brain and eyes. The electrodes were inserted into the rat brain mound; the electrodes show a green light to trigger the minimum amount of current activities.

"Any methods that can help alleviate the suffering of patients with migraine are useful. And it also means that at least green wavelengths of light is not like other lights, because headache is caused by photophobia," said Simon at New York University who didn't participate in the study, "This also explains why some wavelength lights are much easier to cause migraine than other wavelength of lights." Burstein hopes that green light or sunglasses which only spread the green light can help migraine sufferers.

You may like this: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Homo-sapiens-Human-Protein-CYR61--11106405.html


A newly-developed drug is expected to cure the type 1 diabetes

"Efficacy of a single injection can maintain at least four months." An US research team has developed a new drug to control blood sugar and gained success in animal experiments. The researchers say their study involves a hormone which naturally exists in the human brain, and it is expected to provide assistance for the treatment of diabetes in the future. Related papers were published online at the website of journal Nature.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common disease worldwide, and its incidence is increasing year by year. Its characterization is that the blood sugar would pathologically elevate. If left unchecked and uncontrolled, it can easily lead to serious complications and even be life-threatening.

Previous research had found that injecting a hormone which involved in many biological processes - fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1) into the peripheral blood system of mice can produce a strong anti-diabetic effect. But to achieve this, a large amount of drug is needed and the injection times should be more often.

In the new study, Mike Schwartz and his team at University of Washington changed an throught, trying to directly inject the hormone into the brain of mice and rat with type 2 diabetes. It was found that only one injection of FGF1 can make blood glucose levels in these animals maintain normal for at least four months.

The researchers say that this treatment works on obese mice caused diet and genetical factor. In addition, for genetically-induced obese rats, the therapy also proved to be effective. This long-lasting anti-diabetic effect did not influnced by food intake or body weight, indicating that the improvement of blood sugar levels has nothing to do with weight loss. The study fully demonstrated that brain can play a strong role in systemic glucose signaling.

Schwartz said that although the therapy is currently effective only on mild diabetic rodents, the finding has the potential to be converted to clinical drug for diabetes because it involves a hormone which naturally exists in humnan brain. However, because the specific mechanism of the therapy is not yet clear, they also need further research to answer this question and determine whether FGF1 have side effects.

See more: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Dog-complement-fragment-3aC3a-ELISA-kit-1042166.html

Understanding more about the molecular pathogenesis of leukemia

Scientists conducted genome research on B acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) and gained significant progress, full analysing molecular pathogenesis of the disease and providing a new model for medical precision. Related study was recently published in the journal E biomedicine.

B-ALL is a common type of acute leukemia and more common in children. It accounts 20% of adult acute leukemia. Long-term survival of B-ALL among Chinese children reaches about 70%, but there are still 20% to 30% of treatment failure, and adult long-term survival rate is only about 20%.

The United Study Group first used international application of the full set of exons, whole genome and whole transcriptome sequencing to conduct panoramic analysis of the genome on 92 adults and 111 children with B-ALL. This study not only confirmed the known major genetic abnormalities of the disease but also found 105 reproducible gene sequence mutations and 29 fusion gene which were not previously reported.

Studies have shown that fusion genes associated with MEF2D and ZNF384 can block the differentiation of early B lymphocytes, and ZNF384 fusion gene can also induce acute leukemia in a mouse model. The study also found that compared to the condition of children that they have a higher rate of positive fusion gene and poor prognosis, the molecular markers of good prognosis is obviously less, and the number of mutations in the gene sequence is significantly more.

The study reveals the pathogenesis of B-ALL, improving existing molecular diagnostic and prognostic classification system and prompting the intervention strategies of regulatory pathway for the B-ALL of abnormity of each group. One of the authors, Chinese Academy of Engineering academician Chen Saijuan said that the research result show direct application conversion prospects. Or the B-ALL precise classification model can be promoted to other leukemia and solid tumors, promoting the development of Chinese and international translational medicine and precision medicine.

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Bovine-Japanese-Encephalitis-AntibodyIgGELISA-Kit-1042169.html


Intestinal bacteria can also be passed on to next generation

According to Genome-Wide Association Study of more than 1000 pairs of British twins, some parts of the human intestinal bacteria are genetic and can be shaped - microbe is not passed on to their children from their parents, but by the effect of gene. Recently, a study published in the journal Cell - Host and Microorganism, these conclusions provide new cases of species inheriting the bacterial and dietary preferences which are related to dietary favor, metabolism and immune system.

"We plan to identify human genes involved in intestinal flora." Senior author of the study, associate professor Ruth Ley at Cornell University said, "We have identified more than 12 health-related microorganisms that can be inherited. These organisms have environments availability, but they also have some genetic influence."

The researchers analyzed the intestinal bacteria 1126 pairs of twins. This is part of "British twins" project, which took several years of research involving 12,000 twins, to study a large number of diseases. Monozygotic and dizygotic twins grew up with relevant data from, to identify environmental and genetic double impact.

The researchers analyzed the genes of these twins, finding that each participant had 1.3 million small genetic variations (single nucleotide polymorphisms). The research team used whole genome association method to find a group of twin’s link genetic variation and certain bacteria types.

"For genome-wide association study, the sample size of the study is still small, but it also helps to confirm some findings in our small study." Ley said. The study also confirmed several other bacteria can also be found in previous genetic, but the specific genes associated with not found. "Such research raises many questions, but did not give many answers, but it gives us a lot of research ideas." Ley said.

Prior studies have shown that, some natural factors, once thought to play a key role such as caesarean section, natural childbirth, breastfeeding or body mass index, are not as important as previously thought. On the contrary, drugs including heartburn, antibiotics and statins, including drugs, and respiratory frequency, stool hardness and age, are all associated with the presence of intestinal microflora.

More details: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Homo-sapiens-Human-Protein-CYR61--11106405.html

It is promising to treat cancer with healthy people's immunity

The researchers from the Netherlands Cancer Institute and the University of Oslo / Oslo University Hospital discovered a new breakthrough in cancer immunotherapy. Their studies showed that even if the patient's own immune cells can't recognize and fight the tumor, other immune cells may play this role. The study has been published in the journal Nature on May 19.

This study shows that the introduction of DNA in mutations in cancer cells to immune activated cells can create an immune response in healthy immune cells of healthy donors. By inserting target groups in immune cells of donators back to the immune cells of cancer patients, the researchers can make the patient's own immune cells to recognize cancer cells.

The purpose of Cancer immunotherapy which is rapidly developing is to create some technologies that can help some of the patient's own immune system to fight cancer. There are many reasons stopping the immune system to control cancer cells. First, the activity of immune cells have a lot of "gate" to control, it may interfere with their function, these "gate" inactivation treatment for a variety of human cancers are tested. The second reason is that some patients may be immune cells do not start to recognize cancer cells as foreign substances. Therefore, help the immune system to better recognize cancer cells cancer immunotherapy is the most important concern.

Netherlands Cancer Institute Ton Schumacher and Johanna Olweus of the University of Oslo decided to test the "borrowed the immune system," Is it possible to recognize cancer cells as foreign bodies. Identify foreign body cells by immune cells called T cells to achieve. All T cells in our body scans the surface of other cells, including cancer cells, to check whether these cell surface protein fragments should not exist. Upon recognition of these foreign protein fragments, T cells will kill these cells. Because cancer cells as well as the wrong protein, it will also show the external surface protein fragment, which is a new antigen, as virus-infected cells expressing viral protein fragments.

In order to determine whether the patient's T cells to foreign protein fragments on all cancer cells respond to the research team first of all possible before new antigens on the surface of three different melanoma patients were planning. 3 patients, the cancer seems to show a lot of new and different antigens. But when the researchers tried to incorporate these new antigens and T cell cancer patients within a pair, a foreign protein fragments most cancer cells have been ignored.

The second step, the researchers examined why the same new antigens can be identified healthy volunteers T cells. Shockingly, these donor T cells can recognize a significant portion of new antigens, and these new antigens have been ignored by the patient's own T cells.

Ton Schumacher said, in a sense, our findings suggest that the immune response of cancer cells can be strengthened; there are many features of cancer cells can be considered exotic features. You can achieve this goal is to find a way suitable donor T cells paired with a new antigen. These T cells use receptors donations can be used for patients with T cells genetically modified so that they can recognize cancer cells.

Johanna Olweus said that the research shows that obtaining cancer immunity from donors is feasible. However, it also needs a lot of work to determine how the patient may benefit from this discovery. Therefore, we need to find the enhanced method. We are exploring high-throughput methods to identify cancer cells on T cells that can be detected by the new antigen and isolate the corresponding cells. But the results show that we can get cancer-specific immunity from healthy human blood, and this method is promising.

Go through this link: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Lophura-leucomelanos-Kalij-pheasant-Lysozyme-C-11106406.html


The epidemic situation of Zika virus gets more serious

The U.S. centers for disease control and prevention said on the 20th that after changing the statistical approach of Zika virus infections, the cases of infections in pregnant women in the United States has climbed doubled. According to statistics so far, 279 pregnant women have been infected with Zika virus.

Head of CDC Birth Defects Centre Margaret Hu Naiyin said on that day's telephone press conference that the United States would begin to change Zika infections statistical methods from then on: pregnant women either with or without signs of infection would be counted as Zika cases as long as the diagnosis is positive. Hu Naiyin said as of May 12, according to new statistics calculation, 157 pregnant women in the continental United States were found infected with Zika virus; 122 people found in US territories; while according to the old statistical methods, the total cases are only 112 pregnant women.

Previously, the US statistics only counted people who show positive Zika diagnosis and symptoms of infection. But some latest reports show that some pregnant women whose Zika virus detection was positive but didn't have symptoms of infection also gave birth to a baby with microcephaly or other serious brain defects.

On the same day, US President Barack Obama listened to report on the Zika problem from his public health team in the White House. And after the meeting, he said the continental United States currently had total more than 500 cases of Zika infections, most were infected when traveling abroad; in addition, the Puerto Rico belonging to United States had more than 800 cases. Obama also urged the US Congress to approve $ 1.9 billion emergency fund to deal with the threats of Zika virus.

The World Health Organization announced on the 20th that the laboratory of French Pasteur Institute in Dakar, Senegal confirmed that the Zika virus epidemic popular in Cape Verde in Africa is the same with the Zika virus which is currently popular in America. The virus is likely to be spread from Brazil to Africa.

This is the first time scientists have found the type of American Zika virus in Africa. WHO noted that African countries would reassess the risks and adjust their preparation to face the outbreak of Zika. It is suggested that African countries should make their effort to control mosquito to reduce the risk of being infected.

See more: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Bos-taurus-Bovine-Agouti-signaling-protein-11106390.html

Scientists discover a potential anti-aging gene which is called Oct4

According to the report of British Daily Express, scientists have discovered a potential gene which is called Oct4, which will have a significant impact on aging research. According to experts, it plays an important role in the root cause of preventing heart disease and stroke.

Researchers at University of Virginia Academy of Sciences have claimed that this kind of gene opened a new door for human: they have effects that can prevent or at least delay aging. Director Gary Owens at Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research Center of University of Virginia said, "Finding a way to enhance the gene expression in mature cells may have far-reaching impact in health promotion and a reversal of aging."

Scientists previously thought that this gene which plays an important role in organism development would be closed permanently after embryonic development. However, the latest research shows that this kind of genes remain active in the cell's life and they protect atherosclerotic plaque in blood vessels, and the break of the plaque is the root cause of heart attacks and strokes.

Olga Cherepanova from the research group said, "Our findings have important influence, and may offer a new approach in the protection of atherosclerotic plaques." The research also showed that, Oct4 gene also protects the change in gene expression. In addition, they think this gene may also be a breakthrough in the field of regenerative medicine.

The research team suspects that some of the impacts of aging on the body result from the loss of Oct4 gene activation. Mr. Owens added, “Discovering a way to activate it again may of great significance in the study of health and aging. We believe that controlling the plasticity of body cells is only tip of the iceberg. What's more, this study can bring effects for the treatment of a number of human diseases and the field of regenerative medicine."

More reading: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Homo-sapiens-Human-Atypical-chemokine-receptor-3-11106391.html


High-level p62 protein may be able to detect HCC recurrence

Santiago Sangfudebo Burnham Institute for Medical Research and the University Of California School Of Medicine found that the increase of levels of p62 protein human liver is closely related to cancer recurrence, reducing the survival rate of patients. Mouse model shows that p62 protein is a necessary requirement for the formation of liver cancer. The study was published May 19 in the journal Cancer Cell, suggesting that p62 protein can be used as a prognostic marker and potential therapeutic targets of liver cancer.

Dr. Michael Karin honorary professor of pharmacology and pathology noted that promote the progression of liver cells precancerous condition factors for cancer by definition, we find a factor (p62), can be used to predict the previously completely resected liver cancer patient outcomes.

p62 protein commonly used as cellular garbage collector. p62 protein also acts as a communication hub - that combines a number of different proteins to regulate cell growth and survival and other important cellular functions. Many cancers can be found in a large number of p62 proteins, including liver cancer and liver cancer early liver disease.

The study, Karin's team had received from the treatment of liver cancer in individuals included in non-cancerous liver samples. The researchers based on the detected p62 protein mean the liver Rating: 0-3. Study included 121 cases of subjects, of which 79 cases were positive for p62 protein. Liver samples using the corresponding medical records, the research team also recorded each subject's cancer free survival years.

The researchers found that, compared to low protein levels of p62 or p62 protein is no individual, high-level individuals more prone to cancer recurrence. Further studies using 450 cases of liver cancer patients from a national research database available genomic data and clinical data recorded, the researchers found the same correlation between p62 gene and survival outcome.

Studies on mouse models of cancer before such research will affect p62 protein are attributed to other proteins (NRF2, mTORC1 and c-Myc) and its gene activation. The researchers found, p62 protein is sufficient to cause liver cancer in mice. No p62 protein, it cannot form a liver tumor.

According to Liver Cancer Institute analysis of the type of hepatocellular carcinoma, liver cancer is most common in adult. Before physicians to make treatment decisions using p62 protein information, in addition to the need for further testing, but also an urgent need for a new liver cancer detection and prevention. HCC usually do not show symptoms until late in was discovered. According to the American Cancer Society, it said all liver and bile duct cancer patients, only 17% of patients can survive for five years without cancer.

Moscat concluded, "Our new study indicates that p62 protein is a necessary requirement for inducing mouse liver tumors. When tumor is resected, liver p62 protein expression levels may predict tumor recurrence. We believe that small molecules which interfere p62 protein may contribute to the prevention of chronic liver disease to develop liver cancer."

More detail: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Fish-Apolipoprotein-EAPOE-ELISA-kit-1035336.html

Some early dangerous factors may lead to obesity of children to some extent

New research shows that some early dangerous factors may lead to obesity of children to some extent and cause social inequality. The study was published in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood. The researchers wrote in the article that to establish policies for pregnant women to maintain a healthy lifestyle to improve maternal and child health outcomes is important. Dr. David Taylor-Robinson and colleagues from the University of Liverpool in the UK Millennium Cohort Study evaluated 11,764 cases of children aged 11 data to determine whether early life risk factors can reduce the relevance of socioeconomic status and overweight.

Researchers assessed early life risk factors associated with overweight of children, including: overweight women during pregnancy, smoking, premature birth, cesarean delivery, breastfeeding, complementary feeding too early. Maternal education levels can assess socioeconomic status. All subjects, overweight children accounted for 28.84%.

Early life risk factors which lead to the increase of relative risk (RR) of children being overweight are: low maternal education, Pakistan and Bangladesh mestizo, black people, pregnant women aged ≥35 years during childbirth, overweight women during pregnancy, maternal smoking during pregnancy, non-one-child families, neonatal weight gain, cesarean section, breastfed ≤4 months, complementary feeding newborn ≤4 months.

Compared to pregnant women with higher level of education, risk of overweight children of pregnant women with low education increased (RR = 1.72; 95% CI 1.48-2.01). After controlling early factors (overweight women during pregnancy and smoking) prenatally, the relative risk decreased to 1.44 (95% CI 1.23-2.69).

The researchers said that the establishment of a policy of promoting pregnant women to maintain a healthy weight, quit smoking during pregnancy and breastfeeding can help to improve the results of maternal and child health. In addition, it is also promising to solve the inequality of overweight children's rising overweight. The policy should emphasize the importance of promoting a healthy diet, especially in pre-pregnancy and prenatal time.

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Fish-Apolipoprotein-EAPOE-ELISA-kit-1035336.html


Scientists find secretin has effect on some chronic liver diseases

According to a new study published in the journal Hepatology, a kind of high-level digestive hormone which is called secretin may play an important role in the management of some chronic liver diseases. This finding may lead to new ways to treat cholestatic liver disease.

Scientists team Texas A & M Health Science Center found that specific secretin receptor antagonists may reduce liver fibrosis and cholestasis animal model. Liver fibrosis (scar tissue accumulation) can eventually lead to cirrhosis, liver failure or liver cancer. But at present, there is no good treatment.

One of the research authors, Texas A & M Health Science Center Gianfranco Alpini said, "We show for the first time, and the secretin receptor antagonist can inhibit hepatic fibrosis. In addition to improving hepatic fibrosis, the antagonist can also" Close "expression of related genes, even those suffering from congenital fibrosis of the individual." Assistant Professor, Texas a & M University School of Medicine study authors Fanyin Dr. Meng said, "this work may help manage extrahepatic biliary obstruction and primary sclerosing cholangitis associated with hepatobiliary disease."

Some previous studies Alpini and his team have done show that secretin can cause bile duct (biliary epithelial cells) cell proliferation and inhibit the secretion of bile. After eating individuals without liver disease, gallbladder releases bile into the small intestine to help digestion and absorption of fat. An important part of this process is the bile duct cells, which are the only cells to produce the hormone secretin.

Alpini said the study also showed that compared to healthy individuals, cholestatic disease individuals secretin / secretin receptor pathway is activated. The next step will be more translational research, in order to explore the human individual other types of cholestatic disease. "Impact of secretin on the rest of the body (such as the brain and heart) may neuroendocrine hormone how outer onset generate new knowledge in the gastrointestinal tract.

Dr. Shannon Glaser at Texas a & M University School of Medicine said, "This is very encouraging - if we can identify bile duct cell-specific signaling pathways, then we might be able to target treatment of cholestatic disease. If detected early, maybe we can target this pathway to delay the occurrence of fibrosis, which will prevent certain liver cells to be damaged."

Go through this link: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Rattus-norvegicus-Rat-Transforming-growth-factor-beta-1-11106403.html

A combination of AIDS vaccine may be used to cure AIDS in the near future

US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases announced on the 18th that they would carry out large-scale clinical trials in South Africa later this year to test the effectiveness of an AIDS vaccine combination which is widely considered promising.

Such a combination of AIDS vaccine is made of a vaccine which stimulates the immune system and a vaccine which enhances immune response. A landmark trial in 2009 in Thailand shows that it can reduce the risk of human infection by about 31%. After improvements, scientists in South Africa launched a small and preliminary study, and the results show that it has security and can trigger a strong immune response.

US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said in a statement that if all goes well, this large-scale trial will be carried in South Africa in November 15 sites. They would recruit 5400 healthy adults with higher risk of infection aging between 18 to 35 years. Each participant will be vaccinated five times a year and randomly assigned to the vaccine or a placebo. Test results are expected to be released in the second half of 2020.

Director Anthony Fauci of the Institute said, "This will be the first time that the scientific community carries out large-scale clinical trials of AIDS vaccine in seven years. Safe and effective vaccine will continue to help to end the AIDS epidemic. AIDS in southern Africa is more serious than other places in the world. Thus they need AIDS vaccine particularly."

AIDS has been found for 30 years, and to develop an effective AIDS vaccine is always a tireless pursuit of the goal of the scientific community, but progress had been slow. To carry out such a combination vaccine study in South Africa is placed high hopes for the scientific community.

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Rattus-norvegicus-Rat-Cytochrome-P450-1B1-11106404.html


Tsinghua university researchers create protein mirror which is closely related to life functions

According to the report of US technology website engadget on May 18, Tsinghua university researchers create protein mirror which is closely related to life functions, copy DNA and convert it into RNA, which is the key step to create reverse version of molecule which can be more effective against viruses.

Although some "chiral" molecules are naturally present in normal and reverse forms, the most basic of lives have proved DNA cell would twist right, and viruses and enzymes have been developed to target these templates in life. Therefore, the most prevalent theory so far is that artificial DNA in a mirror version also prevents the virus invasion with their own function during normal operation.

In recent years, scientists have always been manufacturing mirror DNA, so Tsinghua University researchers have been in control of the progress of their experiment. On the one hand, they must establish their own reverse polymerase copies of DNA, which will greatly slow down the whole process; while on the other hand, they need to accelerate the progress of the whole process to achieve gains. But biochemistry companies have been long aimed at profit margins of molecular mirror to make it play a role more effectively in the body in the case of non-enzymatic degradation saboteurs.

See more: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Guinea-pig-dopamineDA-ELISA-kit-1035515.html

Some heart diseases show no typical symptoms

A new study recently published in Circulation showed that asymptomatic heart disease is equally fatal and not all heart diseases show chest pain or some other typical symptoms.

As we all know, a typical example of a heart attack is chest tightness, squeezing chest pain, and some pain will appear in the shoulder, arm, neck, back, teeth, jaw and other parts. Stomach pains, shortness of breath, dizziness, sweating, nausea, and anxiety are also common symptoms. In fact, it does not appear when about half of patients with heart attack symptoms typical of Appeal, but the flow to the heart, nutrition, cardiac blood is decreasing, myocardial ischemia.

Because of lack of typical symptoms, the exact time is difficult to grasp the onset, doctors usually only by ECG performance can be judged. Not typical symptoms do not mean asymptomatic heart disease is not dangerous. United States Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center (WFBMC) of 9498 middle-aged man carried out a study to observe the prevalence and asymptomatic heart disease risk, they found that 45% of heart disease patients with asymptomatic heart disease the mortality rate of heart disease than the typical symptoms appear three times higher, and more men than women are more prone to asymptomatic heart disease, but higher female disease severity.

Therefore, the research team recommends doctors to persuade patients to quit smoking, weight control, control blood pressure and cholesterol in the admissions of these patients.

Go through this link: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Rabbit-creatine-kinase-BB-isoenzyme-CK-BB-ELISA-kit-1035550.html


How to effectively reduce the risk of diabetes

A 20-year large-scale study of analysis demonstrated that high level of cardiovascular fitness (CRF) is very important to reduce the incidence of diabetes and pre-diabetes. The study was published recently in the journal Diabetologia.

Previous studies have shown that adults who improve cardio-pulmonary function can reduce the risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. However, these studies have limitations, such as restrictions on the types of people observed a short time and so on. In the new study, researchers study the data on coronary risk in young (CARDIA) in a lot of analysis to observe the relationship between CRF and diabetes and pre-diabetes.

Study shows that higher levels of pre-diabetes and heart and lung function and reduced risk of diabetes, in which the height adjustment - still exist after the body mass index. Although high levels of cardiorespiratory function may be related to genetic factors, but physical activity can increase heart and lung function it is well known. The study found that when using the treadmill, cardio each additional 8-11%, pre-diabetes or diabetes risk fell 0.1%. To achieve this intensity of exercise, you're required to do high-intensity exercise for 30 minutes every day and five days a week; or 40 minutes of moderate exercise a day and five days a week.

The study is clinically relevant. It provides evidence to support the widely accepted creed: sports and fitness are an effective way to reduce the risk of diabetes.

See more: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Rabbit-creatine-kinase-BB-isoenzyme-CK-BB-ELISA-kit-1035550.html

Scientists find new-type fat, promising to treat obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Researchers have discovered a new molecular pathway which stimulates the body to burn fat; the discovery can be used to treat obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The study was published in the journal Genes & Development. It is a study by research team from McGill University on ovarian follicle stimulating hormone and its regulation of adipocyte Activity of McGill University. Researchers knock mouse fat cells produce ovarian follicle stimulating hormone genes by triggering a number of molecular signals, the cells changed from stored fat to burn fat.

This process is called adipocytes "browning". Fat is turned brown from the iron-rich mitochondria, a large number of iron-rich mitochondria herald in a high metabolic state of the cell. The main role of brown fat is to burn energy to provide heat to maintain constant temperature of the human body.

Recently, scientists have found a novel is organized in a fat brown fat in a healthy and less healthy white fat between the beige fat is called fat that can respond to specific stimuli like brown fat - such as exposure to a cold environment. These cells are more active, less unhealthy fat deposits, so that we stay away from obesity. Since fat is found in beige, beige find white fat into fat approach has become a new challenge.

"The transformation of white fat into brown fat or cream for the treatment of obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome has a very significant effect, because the excess energy of the body is no longer stored in the adipose tissue, but in brown or beige fat burn out "senior author of the study, Professor Arnim Pause said.

Vincent Giguère research team and cooperation with fatty junk food fed mice continued to 14 weeks, the mice include mice, normal mice and ovarian follicle stimulating hormone-deficient mice fat cells do not produce hormones in ovarian follicles. It was found that normal mice weight increased rapidly, while the ovarian follicle stimulating hormone-deficient mice remained slim, and the insulin and triglycerides did not appear to the explosion. By measuring the amount of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide generation, the researchers found that the ovarian follicle stimulating hormone-deficient mice consumed more fat. In the end of the experiment, the mice a lot less white adipose and white adipose tissue. In addition, the excess energy can make them more tolerant to produce low-temperature environment.

By positioning the ovarian follicle stimulating hormone molecular pathway to stimulate fat cells "brown" of course. This discovery has the potential to develop new treatments. "Since the protein involved in the lock mechanism is a set of drug targets may be directed protein, then one possible inference is that we can develop a beige or brown fat cells activated drugs to help manage obesity and other metabolic disease, "Giguère says.

Go through this link to learn more: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Human-Coronaviruses-IgG-ELISA-kit-1035578.html


Emx2 gene therapy is found to inhibit brain tumor

International School for Advanced Studies developed a gene therapy that can effectively help treat one aggressive brain tumors: glioblastomas. The key factor in the treatment of the disease is Emx2 gene. The genetic research now has been published on Oncotarget which can be found at SISSA website.

Emx2 is responsible for suppressing the growth of one type of glial cells - astrocytes during embryonic development. Astrocytes with large prominent part, it's shaped like stars. It, like other glial cells, and can provide protection for nerve nutrition, you can also modulate their function. During embryonic development, neurons active division was part of glial cells. After the nervous system begins to form, it will begin to reproduce astrocytes.

During this period a sharp decline Emx2 activity. This gene can regulate the growth of glial cells, according to scientists confirmed that it can be used with glioblastoma confront. This tumor and astrocyte - astrocytes set very similar. For cell culture experiments show for the first time: Activate Emx2 gene can successfully inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Study shows: genes can contribute to the destruction of six different points of tumor metabolism. Typically there will be a lot of detours in the treatment of cancer, but the role of Emx2 gene on malignant glioma is very significant.

In the next phase of the study, the scientists conducted experiments in mice. Scientists successfully found some DNA; it will activate the malignant cells Emx2 gene. The researchers used a dead virus genes activated successfully delivered to the tumor being, they can be integrated where astrocytes genome. The results show: gene therapy successfully resisted the four variants of malignant glioma, and there is no damage to the nervous system among healthy cells.

The researchers believe that this approach can successfully prevent the recurrence of tumor.

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Human-Interleukin-18IL-18-ELISA-KIT-11090105.html

A newly-developed special macromolecule is promising to eliminate all viruses

The reason why the viruses are difficult to be killed is that they have no obvious features. Based on this, researchers used a special macromolecule to actively adsorb the active virus so that they are easier to be recognized and destroyed by the immune cells.

Finding a cure for the Ebola virus, Zika virus or even for the flu virus is a very difficult task because the similarity among different viruses is very low, and even one virus can mutate and change. This is why doctors would use a different vaccine every year. A group of researchers from IBM and Singapore's Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology are trying to find similarities among all of the viruses. By using a method of finding similarities, they devised a macromolecule that has the potential to handle a variety of viruses in order to prevent these viruses to invade our body. The study was recently published in the journal Macromolecules.

In their study, DNA and RNA viruses are being ignored. Although it's easy to locate DNA and RNA, the success rate is not targeted high because the difference between DNA and RNA of viruses is relatively large and they are very prone to mutation.

The researchers turned their attention to the glycoproteins, to which all viruses are attached. The viruses complete all dirty work of infection and pathopoiesia through adhering to somatic cells. Based on this theory, the researchers created a macromolecule which was a molecule made up of smaller units. The key feature of this macromolecule plays important role in the fight against the viruses. Firstly, this macromolecule adsorbed the virus by static electricity. When the virus approached, the macromolecule adsorbed on virus body and made the virus not able to adsorb on health somatic cells. Then it neutralized the acidity of the virus and the virus was difficult to replicate.


In addition, this macromolecule has another trump card that it contains a kind of sugar called mannose. This sugar is adsorbed on healthy immune cells and forces them to get closer to the virus, thus the virus infection cases are easier to be eliminated.

Some researchers conducted research on viruses including Ebola and dengue virus. They found that these high molecular were just working as they had imagined. This macromolecule adhered to the surface of the virus protein carbohydrates, eliminating the massive amount of virus. Then mannose adsorbed on the healthy immune cells further eliminated remaining virus, which successfully prevented the virus to invade somatic cells.

Although there are some problems to take the macromolecule as a disinfectant to prevent and treat viral infections in practical use, anyway, at least it gives us right direction in the treatment of a viral infection.

More details: http://www.cusabio.com/Clone/PTBP1-1090400.html


New study on naked zokors may solve the security issues of regenerative medicine

Researchers at Hokkaido University and other institutions in Japan reported on 10th in the UK Journal online edition of Nature Communications that naked zokors are renowned for their longevity, and researchers used ordinary cells of the animal to successfully induce pluripotent stem cells (also called iPS cells) for the first time. Such cells are less likely to cause cancer and they can help to resolve security issues of regenerative medicine.

In Eastern Africa perched naked zokors can live 30 years. The life expectancy is about 10 times more than the normal mice, and they are not susceptible to cancer. Longevity mystery of naked zokors causes attention of many researchers in the worldwide.

Japanese researchers said in a communique that iPS cells of general mammalian have the ability to differentiate into many cell types, but there are also some risks. For example, when using cardiomyocytes differentiated from iPS cells of rat for transplantation, if these cardiac cells are mixed with undifferentiated "original" iPS cells, it could lead to cancer.

However, iPS cells of naked zokors did not show such risks. Researchers at Hokkaido University and Keio University's recently used skin cells of naked zokors firstly successfully developed iPS cells and transplanted them into naked zokor body under the undifferentiated condition of the iPS cells; concretization did not happen.

The researchers further found that the trait of stem cells of naked zokors was associated with the expression condition of their two genes, while the activities of these two genes are associated with cancer. In ordinary experimental mice, the researchers also verified the expression of one of the two genes can inhibit cancer.

The researchers said that these findings will not only help to find ways to extend lifespan but also can help to solve the risk of iPS cells inducing cancer in the field of regenerative medicine.

See more: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/SRPRB-Antibody-11098200.html

Scientists achieve accurate positioning of tumor tissue

Fluorescent dyes biometrics in the biomedical field has a very broad application prospects, particularly special fluorescence identifying and fluorescence imaging have the characteristics of being fast, safe, efficient and non-invasive, are ideal for the early diagnosis and guide treatment of diseases in organizations or in vivo.

Recently, Zhu Weihong research group at College of Chemistry, East China University of Science and Technology achieved recognition in the near-infrared fluorescent dye research important progress, the successful implementation of β- galactosidase real-time in vivo and in situ detection, and access to the high-resolution three-dimensional in vivo imaging signal, the tumor tissue of precise positioning. Relevant research results are published as "Real-Time Tracking and in Vivo Visualization ofβ-Galactosidase Activity in Colorectal tumor with a Ratiometric Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probe" online in American chemical Society. The work is mainly done by doctoral Gukai Zhi Guo and former Associate Professor, and has been ably assisted Biological Engineering Professor Shi Ping.

β- galactosidase is an important marker of cell aging process and primary ovarian cancer and other related diseases and benzopyran nitrile group is a near-infrared fluorescent dye signal group. The group skillfully constructed of β- galactosidase specific recognition rate of near-infrared fluorescence probes detection performance β- galactosidase when ratio and enhanced near infrared signal in response to the two modes, successfully achieving quantitative detection in living cells by endogenous β - galactosidase. They used near-infrared specificity and high-sensitivity fluorescence signal to achieve precise positioning of tumor tissues with β- galactosidase overexpression.

Go through this link: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Lophura-leucomelanos-Kalij-pheasant-Lysozyme-C-11106406.html

Why are some people older than they actually are?

Why are some people older and some people able to stay young? A study published in the journal Current Biology for the first time explains why some people seem very different from the actual age from the genetic level.

Researchers at Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Erasmus University Netherlands, Unilever Group and researcher from other countries made cooperation to conduct a large-scale study on age genetic factors of skin perception. In this project, the scientists shared the nearly one hundred thousand people repeatedly assessed over four thousand individuals face quality photos, precise quantification of each person's perception of age (i.e. old looks young extent), and analyzed nearly 8 million a DNA loci and perceived relationship with age.

The first study found that age and perceived links between genes and found that people with a particular gene MC1R genotype looks better than other peers on average two years old. This discovery is expected to rapidly increase our understanding of the perception of age. MC1R gene is human skin melanin synthesis process of the key genes, genetic defects can cause skin lacks natural protection of melanin, leading to more ultraviolet light on the skin caused by a variety of long-term damage, and may thus lead to skin cancer.

"Melanin synthesis MC1R gene only their perceptions of age a small part", the first author of the study, the researchers pointed out that Beijing Genomics Liu Fan, "The data show the role of MC1R gene in the perception of age are not subject to skin color, Effect of UV damage and sun exposure and other factors, there are other features described MC1R plays a key role in the present cell function known by the MC1R also include the participation of oxidative damage, DNA repair and immune regulation, which may lead to the perception of age reasons for the changes."

Liu Fan also noted, "This study found multiple functional alleles in MC1R interact with each other in a special way of heterozygous compound. Next, we will use our newly-developed method to conduct comprehensive detection to heterozygous compound at genome-wide level, expecting to find more genes that affect the perception of age."

More can be found here: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Streptomyces-viridochromogenes-Phosphinothricin-N-acetyltransferase-11106407.html


Unprecedented breakthrough: observing single RNA expression in real time

In a new study, researchers from Colorado State University (CSU) has acquired an unprecedented achievement: made in living cells in vivo observation of ribosomal RNA translation --- basic cellular processes protein. Research results on May 5, 2016, published online in the journal Science, the paper titled "Real-time quantification of single RNA translation dynamics in living cells".

Francis - Crick first described in such centers after 60 years of rule, the researchers clarify this final step in gene expression in single living cells. Their tools are some smart protein modification and customization of a microscope, this microscope can be observed where a single RNA translation, with nanoscale precision.

This groundbreaking study was conducted by Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Colorado State University Tim Stasevich leadership. First author is a researcher Tatsuya Morisaki, wherein Morisaki created this microscope and conduct these experiments.

Stasevich said, "Before this, no one protein is expressed for imaging. This is the start-up and one of the key steps to turn genes, and genes at the translational level of regulation and many diseases are associated. This is very important, the reason is that such incidents can not be imaged, we can not recognize what went wrong. people in vitro to do this, but can not do this in living cells."

Proteins perform most cellular functions, and is the reason we are alive. Protein is translated from the RNA. But why it is difficult to observe it happen? This is because it takes time to mature and protein folding, and protein can be irradiated latest technology too slow and not able to catch the earliest stages of life of the protein. Even the use of green fluorescent protein (GFP) of the RNA is labeled, it takes too long. Stasevich explained, "When the light is turned on, the translation has been completed a good long time."

To solve this problem, the researchers encoded a protein receptor sites, sites where these receptors like a key in a lock. They let their experimental living cells express a simple fluorescent antibody fragments (ie, marked with GFP antibody fragment), wherein the antibody fragment is like the key to the lock. Once the translation occurs in cells that need to join the key in the lock, the results of this protein emit bright green fluorescence. Nascent protein remains attached to its messenger RNA (mRNA) on, and the researchers were able to observe and record everything that happens. By using different biochemical markers, they can perform a variety of posttranslational RNA imaging, wherein each protein could be identified by a different fluorescent colors.

This tagging process is one thing, but how to capture it is another matter. The researchers used their custom microscope capture. The microscope has no moving parts, but comprises two highly sensitive cameras, two colors can be simultaneously imaged on the RNA and protein.

Through these experiments, other researchers shared knowledge, including the proteins in living cells 10 extending in the rate of occurrence of the second amino acid. They also confirmed that the polysomes (polysome) consists of a string consisting of the ribosome is spherical, rather than elongated. Finally, they found that more ribosomal sometimes interact with each other, even when they are completely different encoded protein.

Translation of the RNA can be imaged may be able to more fully understand the mechanisms of gene expression. For example, the virus is too small to not have their own translation system, which was described as a battlefield translation virus and host cells. Stasevich said, "how viruses hijack our translation system for imaging will be very interesting."

Furthermore, such diseases such as cancer almost always involve multiple genes, and these genes often "talk" to each other. The researchers hope that they can study more deeply into the network of genes in order to understand how they function together and finally understand how to prevent their failure.

See more: http://www.cusabio.com/Clone/c1714-1089580.html

What is the key factor that decides whether you can grow inversely

Years will leave traces on everyone, but the depth of this trace is individual. A recent study published in the journal Current Biology reports that whether you look young or not depends on your genes. MC1R gene will make people grow red hair and pale skin. Now scientists have found that the perception of the individual variation and age-related gene on. Carry a particular variant MC1R people look two years older than their actual age. "This is the first to find such genes," Manfred Kayser Netherlands, Erasmus MC University.

Previous studies have shown that a person's perception of age affected by genetic and environmental factors in a group. Interestingly, the perception seems to predict an individual's age, health and death. This shows that our biological age and state of health and appearance important link.

Kayser and colleagues of 2,000 six hundred elderly genome and face digital photos in-depth analysis. Studies have shown that the elderly age and looks MC1R gene variant strongly associated with carrying a particular variant MC1R people look two years older than their actual age. This relationship MC1R mutation and age perception is not affected by age, sex, skin color, sunburn and other factors. In addition to affecting the color, MC1R also inflammation, DNA damage repair work in the process. MC1R gene may affect human physical appearance it is through this way, we decided to look not years of age. Such studies can help people learn more about the nature of health and aging.

Aging makes us the original luxuriant hair is more sparse, or even completely disappear. Science magazine two papers, in the form of a commentary article, reveals the mysterious mechanisms behind this process, describes the relationship between aging, hair loss and dry cells. Tokyo Medical and Dental University research team found that aging will damage the hair follicle stem cells to make them into the skin. As time goes by slowly, this problem occurs on a growing number of stem cells, eventually leading to hair follicles to shrink and disappear.

In the last journey of life, the body functions gradually aging degradation, getting closer and closer to death. A comprehensive understanding of human aging is not easy, because the process is quite complex. Researchers Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing published in Cell Systems magazine articles, first proposed four levels of aging, aging research and discusses some of the problems in this framework. Corresponding author of the article is Pei Liu (De-Pei Liu) early academicians and Dr. Hou-Zao Chen.

Joslin Diabetes Center scientists hava conducted aging research at one millimeter-long nematode. They found different ways (such as caloric restriction and rapamycin therapy) to extend the life will affect the expression of collagen and other extracellular matrix proteins (ECM). Extracellular matrix is an important framework that provides support matrix for the tissues, organs and bones. Related papers are published in the journal Nature.

Go through this link: http://www.cusabio.com/Clone/c1714-1089580.html


Learn more about T cells to develop effective immune response

A recent study found that, T cells - the public security of immune system can use of a mechanical "handshake" to differentiate the cells they encounter are friend or foe. Research results published in the US National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) of May 2 was done by physical and chemist Khalid Salaita at Emory University who is specialized in cellular processes of mechanical force in collaboration with Brian Evavold at Emory University School of Medicine and Microbiology and Immunology.

Salaita said, "We provide the first direct evidence that, T cells to other cells to produce precision mechanical traction force. We show that this traction force to decide whether to launch a T cell immune response is extremely important. If one kind of traction force easily released, similar to casual handshake, then the other is a 'friend'. If it indicates a stronger pull the other side is the 'enemy' ".

T cells in the body constantly patrol, looking for foreign invaders. They are known to have a T-cell receptor molecule (TCR), recognize a specific antigen may be a peptide or pathogenic cell surface of cancer cells. When T cells detected an antigen-presenting cells (APC), which is connected to a TCR ligand APC or binding molecules. If the T cells is determined that the ligand is foreign, it will quickly be activated and begin injecting calcium. Calcium is to recruit other cells to come and give a portion of the signal chain to start the immune response.

For decades, scientists have known this process, but they did not fully understand "T cell antigen ligands how to distinguish a small modification, and how it responds to this decision." Salaita said: "If you do this kind of T-cell responses as a purely chemical process, and cannot fully explain the extraordinary specificity of binding when you select two components - TCR and the ligand on the cell surface, and. just let them combined in one solution, you cannot predict what will it causes a strong or a weak immune response."

The researchers speculated that mechanical forces may also play a role in T-cell responses, since T cells are locked even if combined with a ligand antigen, can continue to move. To test this idea, Salaita laboratory developed a tension sensor based on gold nanoparticle DNA can fluoresce in response to a skin Newton force is minimal mechanical force - about the weight of an apple million millionth.

Researchers using T cells from mice of the experimental design, allow them to test peptides comprising 8 amino acids (slight mutation) ligands. Salaita said, "We swap out fourth amino acid positions, to produce a very subtle chemical changes in the ligand, in the absence of a mechanical assembly, it is difficult to distinguish."

Salaita explains, "When a T cell across the cell surface, and encountered a ligand, it drag it. It will not be hard to drag; this is a very precise and minimal drag, not sustained .T cells and stop the drag, drag and stop across the entire surface. it's like the T cells are doing a mechanical test ligand."

During the experiment, when T cells encounter an anchor ligand with weak and not fully activated. In contrast, when T cells encounter having a solid anchor ligand, T cells become activated, thus indicating that it has undergone a skin Newton force resistance.

Researchers tension probe by using different stiffness detection of T cells to implement the pull size. 19 Newton force in response to skin probe does not fluoresce, but more flexible, the probe 12 Newton force the skin to produce high signal. After the probe fluoresces, T cells turn their calcium pump and an increase in intracellular calcium concentration, thereby indicating that T cells are launching an immune response.

Salaita said, "We were able to identify a series of chemical and mechanical cascade. First, T cells use a very special and fine mechanical drag force, to distinguish between friend and foe when it feels a precise skin Newton power level in response to such force when dragging, T cell realize it has encountered a foreign object, and send a signal to attack."

This finding may help us find therapies for autoimmune diseases and develop cancer immunotherapy. Salaita said, "There is another molecule cancer cells can make T cells remain 'drunk' or 'sleepy' state, so that they cannot function properly. Understanding of the mechanical forces for an effective immune response involved more can help us develop some way to evade the defenses of cancer cells."

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-mouse-Oxysterol-binding-protein-related-protein-11-11089629.html

Sirt6 genes is of great significance in delaying the aging of stem cells

According to reports, Professor Ju Zhenyu research group at Hangzhou Normal University found the important role that longevity gene Sirt6 plays in the process of hematopoietic stem cell homeostasis is of great significance for delaying aging of cells and preventing bone marrow failure syndromes, and it can be the target of the treatment of bone marrow failure syndromes. At present, four subtypes of deacetylase have been known in mammals and play a role through the interaction of the same or different enzymes and enzyme substrate. They are widely involved in physiological homeostasis such as stress regulation, fatty acid oxidation and energy metabolism, and they drop off with age. Therefore, they are closely associated with aging and age-related diseases. It has been found that promoting sirtuin (SIRT) genes to produce proteins that can extend the life of lower organisms, but its specific mechanism of stem cell homeostasis remains unclear. Ju Zhenyu said that the new study found that sirtuin enzymes (Sirtuin), the fourth class member SIRT6 protein family miss, cause the wingless gene (Wnt) signaling pathway regulated activity that overexpression of downstream genes, resulting in hematopoietic Stem cell depletion, and the use of Wnt signaling pathway inhibitors can reverse the proliferation and excessive depletion SIRT6 knockout of hematopoietic stem cells. At the same time, the study reveals an important pathway for the first time that SIRT6 gene can regulate stem cells and ageing from the level of epigenetics, providing potential target and through for the study and intervention of aging and stem cell related diseases and new perspective for exploring the biological function of longevity gene Sirt6 in regulating stem cells. Ju Zhenyu research group also found an important molecule (Wip1) in recent study. It regulates stem cell aging and tissue and organ regeneration by two aging-related signaling pathways. This important molecule phosphatase-mediated DNA damage response negative feedback regulation mechanism plays an important role in stem cell aging and tissue and organ regeneration. Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-mouse-Oxysterol-binding-protein-related-protein-11-11089629.html


Science: Niemann-Pick disease type C can be screened through new method

Niemann-Pick disease type C (NPC) is a fatal metabolic disease, due to lack of an enzyme involved in cholesterol metabolism caused. Recently, the University of Washington School of Medicine, led the research team developed a method based on mass spectrometry, can be screened for the disease in newborns. This results of recently published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

Daniel Ory led team found that compared with normal controls bile acid levels increased in patients with NPC, then devised a method of mass spectrometry to detect dried blood spots of bile acids. The study found that this detection can be highly sensitive and specific distinction between NPC patients and controls.

Niemann-Pick disease type C is an autosomal recessive genetic disease, manifested as excess accumulation of cholesterol in the liver and spleen, and excessive lipid accumulation in the brain. The disease is incurable in the past, but new treatments are in clinical trials. However, NPC diagnosis is often delayed because its early symptoms, so researchers hope to develop a detection before symptoms of the nervous system appear to realize diagnosis and treatment.

Ory and his colleagues focused on the analysis of bile acid, because studies show that bile acids affect sterol metabolism changes by The use of three targeted metabolomics methods, the researchers locked three candidates bile acids, which increase the patient's plasma in NPC1, but no control. Bile acids A and B were increased by 41 and 144-fold increase in bile acid C 6 times.

By combining high-resolution mass spectrometry, hydrogen / deuterium exchange mass spectrometry and high resolution series funky, researchers have attempted to resolve these unknown bile acid structure. Based on their charge to mass ratio of hydrogen / deuterium exchange and possible hydroxyl positions, the researchers propose bile acids A and B are 5 α-cholanic acid-3β, 5α, 6β-triol and 5 α-cholanic acid-3β, 5α , 6β-triol N- (carboxymethyl) -amide. The bile acid is 3β, 5α, 6β bayerite cholestane metabolites.

After confirming these bile acids can be measured by dried blood spots, Ory and colleagues set out to develop a method for detecting to detect dried blood spots in bile acid B. They used two strategies, wherein the first layer is 2.2 minutes using short LC conditions, using a second layer of 7 minutes long LC conditions. In this way, they can be analyzed every day about 500 samples, the method can not distinguish between the first layer after the second layer of analysis.

In order to establish a cut-off value, the researchers analyzed 1013 controls, 130 carriers and dry blood spot samples NPC1 25 NPC1 patients to obtain the reference range for each group. They reported that, 13.5 ng / ml cutoff obtained 100% sensitivity and specificity, only one normal sample need to accept the second layer detection.

"Extensive screening of NPC for newborns would avoid a delay in diagnosis," the authors said. "The drug intervention and support non-drug treatment in non-symptom stage is expected to significantly delay disease progression and prolong life."

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-mouse-Oxysterol-binding-protein-related-protein-11-11089629.html

Humans have bigger brain volume because of faster metabolism during evolution

A recent US study found that humans evolved brains which are bigger than any other primates due to a faster metabolic rate. The difference between man and ape on the metabolism may be an important factor that makes the two ultimately choose different paths of evolution.

Compared with other primates, the most important difference lies in the volume of the brain. In the course of human evolution, human brain size is increasing, after 200 million years of evolution, the human brain size has increased threefold, and other primate brain has changed little.

The study is published in the journal Nature. The paper says that compared to other primates, humans live longer, more growth, higher percentage of body fat, the digestive system is smaller, but bigger brain, these features need more metabolism, which means that the difference in energy consumption and the ape and distribution significantly. However, the mechanisms behind these differences were previously unclear.

To solve this problem, the United States Hunter College of the City University of New York Pangse Hermann and his team studied 141 individuals known to large apes and daily energy consumption was measured, and the data were compared and analyzed. The results showed that, compared to other primates, humans have a faster metabolic rate, a higher energy consumption. Human consumption of energy per day, respectively, higher than that of chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans 400,635 and 820 kcal. The total energy consumption basal metabolic rate was up from some of the major human higher, that is the human body in a sober and extremely quiet state, not muscle activity, ambient temperature, food and mental stress when energy metabolism rate impact. Major service in the maintenance of basal metabolism cardiopulmonary function of internal organs and brain functioning, a higher basal metabolic rate description cardio, internal organs and the brain more active.

In addition, the researchers also found that compared to other primates, humans have evolved a higher percentage of body fat, providing energy reserves for a wider metabolism and significantly reducing the risk of high energy demand.

\ Go through this link to learn more: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-mouse-Oxysterol-binding-protein-related-protein-11-11089629.html


Study on the origin and development of genetic code

Nature is constantly evolving - its only limit is dependent on the viability of threatened species variation. Origin and Development of the genetic code, to explain the evolution of life is very important. In a recent study of "Science Advances" published, a group of biologists specializing in this field, explains the genetic code of a limit for further development, we know that the genetic code is a set of common rules, all the earth organisms with which to translate nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) gene sequence into an amino acid sequence of the protein composition, perform cell function.

Under the joint guidance of Fyodor Institute of Biomedical (IRB Barcelona) ICREA researcher Lluís Ribas de Pouplana and genomic control center of A. Kondrashov of the team of scientists has demonstrated that the genetic code evolved to include up to 20 amino acids, it cannot grow further, because the transfer RNA molecule functional limitations - transfer RNA molecule that is the language translation and its encoded protein genes. This will happen in life increased by 30 million years ago complexity stopped before bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes evolved independently class, because all living things use the same genetic code, proteins produced by genetic information.

The study authors explain that the machine which translates genes into proteins does not recognize more than 20 kinds of amino acids, as it would confuse them. It continues to lead to protein mutation, causing incorrect translation of genetic information and having a "catastrophic consequences". The researchers said, “Based on the genetic code, protein synthesis is a defining characteristic of biological systems. Faithful translation of the information is vital." the transfer of the cancer cells can be the recent gene soul.

More details can be found here: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-human-HLA-DMA-protein-11089636.html

Curves along edge of tumor play an important role in the activation of cancer cells

According to a recent study of University of Illinois in the United States, among malignant tumors, only a few tumor cells can escape and spread to other parts of the body. However, curves along the edge of the tumor may play an important role in the activation of these cells.

Use in a variety of shapes and patterns designed organizational environment, the skin cancer study found that the more curved cell cultures, at the edge of the display there are more cancer stem cell marker characteristics - it is spreading to other key organizations. This is for us to learn more about cancer and the development of personalized treatment programs has a profound effect.

The study, by a professor of materials science and engineering and professor of veterinary Kristopher Kilian Timothy Fan complete guide, published in the latest issue of the journal Nature Materials.

Kilian said, "Cancer metastasis is the most dangerous place. Some we call cancer stem cells, can be deadly performance, they can be reached through the bloodstream to other tissues and form new tumors. Now we need some way to these cells are found and understand them, and it is important, given the development of new drugs to target them because these cancer stem cells to targeted primary tumor chemotherapy drugs produce drug resistance, which can lead to cancer recurrence."

Kilian's team specializes in tissue engineering to create tumor models to more accurately study the cancer process in a petri dish in. In the new study, the researchers cultured in a variety of different shapes and patterns 2 d and 3 d environment mouse skin cancer cell colonies, to explore whether the shape of the tumor helps activate the cancer stem cells, cancer stem cells and to explore which appeared in the tumor site.

They found that most of the cancer stem cells appear to be designed at the edge of the tumor environment, particularly in the angular and convex curve place. Kilian said, "It is very strange to normal stem cells prefer soft, slimy internal position so cancers, everyone agrees that cancer stem cells in the middle of the tumor, we found that the geometric constraints - like tumors. Healthy tissue in contact with the site, it seems to activate these cancer stem cells at the edges."

Researchers in their engineering environment have done a lot of testing to confirm the ability of tumor spread, such as genetic analysis. They also tested other cancer cell lines - human cervical cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer, and found them in the same way there is a pattern of the tumor environment responded.

Then, Kilian's team in collaboration with Fan's team tested skin cancer stem cells in live mice, they found that, compared with the traditional dish, from the culture environment have a pattern of cells, are more likely to cause cancer.

Kilian said, "We found that when the cells are designed to have characteristics of these stem cells, when transplanted into mice, the mice developed more tumors, their incidence of lung tumor metastases is much higher. The same in a tumor, this area developed into shape, you may activate the cells, then the cells to escape and form more tumors. This may help the surgeon to view the growth of the tumor periphery, and use them to guide the shape of the tumor, may be more uncertain for the site to assess, which means that they may need to remove more tissue surrounding the tumor, they may not need to take so many organizations."

Kilian hope, bring a patterned tissue engineering environment, will give researchers a new way to find cancer stem cells and cultured in conventional medium which has been very elusive - less than 1% of the cells be found. In addition to basic scientific discovery and understanding of these tumor cells, he also believes that the engineering design of the tumor environment in personalized medicine will have great therapeutic applications.

He said, "You can imagine, each patient has a particular cancer. You can design it in a dish, using the patient's own cells, you can develop a specific tumor models to test drugs. If you can take out the patient's cells and within a few days to get used to screen all available drugs micro tumors, the oncologist can give patients to develop individualized treatment programs, targeted at present we do not see the tumor cells and these elusive cancer stem cells."

Kilian said, "Although there is much work to be done, but we are very excited that that tumor growth in very simple material properties may be a culprit in the spread of the disease. We believe that it opens up for the development of the study drug a new way, and be able to guide the surgery, as well as understand the development and spread of cancer. Cancer is very complex, so put it in the background is the key. If a micro-environment provides the background which activates the spread of cancer cells, then it is quite important to understand this background."

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Rattus-norvegicus-Rat-Transforming-growth-factor-beta-1-11106403.html


Scientists use killer gene to fight against Zika virus

According to the report in British Daily Mail on May 1, British biotechnology company implants "killer gene" in the Aedes aegypti which spread Zika virus in through genetic modification. Killer gene aegypti mosquito larvae make life shortened, so that the sharp drop in the number of vector mosquitoes to prevent the spread of Zika virus. At the same time, the number of one million mosquito variants will be sent to the United Kingdom the United States, released in Florida, aims to fight Zika virus.

Experiments show that in Brazil, the number of genes is altered mosquitoes dropped 90%, to achieve "an unprecedented degree of control."

World Health Organization has announced that Zika virus outbreak a public health emergency, pregnant women are also reminded not to travel to affected areas.

Zika virus is regarded as thousands of cases of infant cerebellar disease culprit, currently in South America the epidemic is serious threat to the United States are also being increased.

Biologist Derric Nimmo from biotechnology company Oxitec Nemo said, "We expect to release 3.3 million mosquito gene is altered in more than nine months during which we know very well the effect of this technology is currently the key is to expand and develop. release strategy."

It reported that the plan has encountered opposition. West Island section of Florida (Key West) residents said genetically altered insects on the environment and mankind unknown risks, mosquito release may scare tourists.

However, Dr. Amesh Adalja at University of Pittsburgh thinks that the fight of human against the vector mosquitoes spread diseases have been more than one century. Genetically-altered mosquitoe is a "pioneering" tool that can help to improve human life.

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Mus-musculus-Mouse-Complement-receptor-type-2-11106401.html

A poor sense of direction may be the premonition of Alzheimer's disease

Many people say they are "road nerd" with no sense of direction. However, poor sense of direction will not only lead to lose of way but also may lead to more serious consequences. According to a study in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, published poor sense of direction may be a precursor to Alzheimer's, but these symptoms may precede memory loss.

According to the French health journal TOPSANTE,researchers at University of Washington conducted an experiment virtual navigation to detect whether poor sense of direction is a precursor to Alzheimer's disease. Principle of this experiment is: to identify people in everyday life mainly depends on two different directions of spatial expression and navigation. Volunteers need to conduct two navigation capability tests: the ability of route learning and memory and cognitive ability on the surrounding environment.

In participants in this experiment, 42 of them were clinically normal and without signs of Alzheimer's disease; 13 of them were clinically normal but with the signs of Alzheimer's disease; 16 had early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

The results show that there are signs of Alzheimer's participants can not draw a cognitive map of the environment, however, these people can remember the routes. The navigational tasks for assessing cognitive mapping capability will be able to be an effective way to detect Alzheimer's first change.

University of Washington Psychiatry Dr. Samantha • Allison said that early Alzheimer's disease showed atrophy and difficulty drawing hippocampus. In the development stage of the disease, cognitive mapping capability would be weakened and change of the caudate nucleus occured and the lack of ability to learn would also manifested.

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Mus-musculus-Mouse-Cytochrome-P450-3A13-11106402.html


Gut bacteria can predict the risk of blood infection

Recently, a study published online in the Genome Medicine shows that the gut bacteria may predict the risk of the life-threatening blood infection after high-dose chemotherapy. The study was led by researchers at University of Minnesota and the Hospital of University of Nantes.

Each year, about 20,000 cancer patients receive high-dose chemotherapy to prepare for bone marrow or stem cell transplantation. Usually, about 20% -40% of patients would be infected with bloodstream after chemotherapy. Sadly, about 15% -30% of patients die from due infection. Currently, it is generally considered that because chemotherapy induces gastrointestinal inflammation of the lining, the bacteria enter the bloodstream through the small intestine. Once infected, the patient's own immune system shows failure and are often unable to resist pathogens; and antibiotics are usually ineffective.

There is no effective way to predict which patients would suffer bloodstream infections. The differences of antibiotic regimens vary widely. In some clinics, all patients use antibiotics in the process of chemotherapy for prophylactic. In other clinics, a small number of patients use antibiotics for prophylactic, because antibiotics can lead to the increase of antibiotic resistance in patients.

In this study, researchers have begun to understand how intestinal bacteria startup affects the risk of blood infection before starting treatment. They collected blood infection stool samples of 28 patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma before the start of chemotherapy. Researchers bacterial DNA sequencing of each patient to measure bacterial ecosystem health. 11 of 28 subjects in bloodstream infections after chemotherapy, the researchers found that the composition of their intestinal bacteria in patients with uninfected significantly different. The use of computational tools, researchers have invented an algorithm, by a group of patients studied, the bacteria can know the pros and cons, and then predict whether a patient infection occurs, the accuracy rate of about 85%. "This method is better than we expected results, because we found a consistent difference between infection and infection did not occur in patients with intestinal bacteria," co-author of the study and assistant professor at the University of Minnesota DanKnights said.

Knights said, "This study is an early demo, we can use gut 'holes' to predict infection, and it may develop a new predictive model of other diseases."

Although the model used in this study is robust, the researchers suggest that their study is still based on a limited number of patients with a single clinic and a single type of chemotherapy. They said the next step is to verify their methods in a plurality of therapeutic centers, different types of cancer and treatment.

The researchers said, "We still need to determine whether these types of bacterial infections play some causal role in, or they are just as another condition induced biomarkers."

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Goat-vitamin-B12-VB12-ELISA-kit-1042287.html

Mental illness may be linked with the acquired genetic alterations

Loneliness, anxiety, aggression, insomnia or inattention... all these are signals of the risk of mental illness. To better diagnose these symptoms, the French National Health and Medical Research Institute researchers studied biological changes associated with mental illness symptoms and the study is published in the medical journal Molecular Psychiatry.

According to the French health magazine "TOPSANTE" reported in France, Professor of Psychiatry Kele Bo (Marie-Odile Krebs), led by researchers for 39 with mental illness risk volunteers were studied, these people are in the age 15-25 between years. The researchers looked at their DNA methylation in 400,000 locations and compare the history of mental illness in people with and without history of mental illness who methylation situation. The results showed that people who have a history of mental illness acquired genetic changes, in particular the body's genes controlled oxidation reaction and inflammation stress.

French National Health and Medical Research Institute said the study so that people can better understand the relationship between biological changes and mental illness. Produce mental illness may be related to oxidative stress and inflammation, since the two reactions will break the fragile balance is caused by genetic, environmental and neurological development.

In addition, the study also makes it possible for people to detect mental illness through the blood in advance, thus allowing the patients to be treated before the situation worsens.

You may find more here: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Mouse-chemokine-C-X-C-motif-ligand-17-CXCL17-ELISA-kit-1042303.html