
A kind of lymphoma drug is also effective for treatment of liver cancer

Associate Professor, University of Tokyo Kato Naoya led research team has announced that they found in animal experiments, a therapeutic T-cell lymphoma (lymphoma) existing drugs used for liver cancer has a therapeutic effect. After using this medication, liver cell surface protein will increase as the immune cells attack identified and thus more easily damaged. This discovery will help to develop new treatments for cancer immunotherapy.

Liver cells infected with hepatitis B, hepatitis C virus or the emergence of cancer, stress response occurs (stress) when there will be a cell surface protein called MICA enhances expression. The MICA protein is known as NK cells, immune cells target, NK cells subsequently begin to attack.

When the research team had previously investigated approximately 1,500 liver cancer patients and about 6,000 healthy human genetic variation, found that these patients had suffered from liver cancer caused by hepatitis viruses, the expression of MICA little, causing risk of liver cancer increased to 2 times . The expressions of MICA protein about 55% of patients with liver cancer are few.

The research team investigated the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved 640 kinds of existing drugs, to find out whether there are drugs that increase the expression of MICA protein. It was found that if the added hepatocytes in vitro for the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma) of "histone deacetylase inhibitors" (histone deacetylase inhibitor), the expression of MICA protein will increase to 30 times.

The team believe that this is due to the "histone deacetylase inhibitor" adds the ability to activate the transcription factor gene function, resulting in a more MICA protein.

The team of human hepatoma cells transplanted into mice subcutaneously injected discovered histone deacetylase inhibitor after injection with no one group of mice as compared to the latter half of the 30 days of tumor size. The team believes that histone deacetylase inhibitors, although not directly attack cancer cells, but it can attack the immune cells gather.

In the future, the team prepared to apply existing drugs cannot play a role in liver cancer patients as the object to carry out clinical trials to verify the histone deacetylase inhibitor effect. The team believes that if and after in vitro activation of immune cells re-injected into the body of existing cancer immunotherapy and use, it is possible to enhance the therapeutic effect.

In addition, the drug treatment of liver cancer, sorafenib, is to help prevent the expansion of the tumor, and the "histone deacetylase inhibitor" actively helps destroy liver cancer cells, it is expected to receive better treatment.

Currently, for removing hepatitis C virus, Sofosbuvir's results were better, but still not able to clear the hepatitis B virus and prevent cirrhosis develop liver cancer drug, the research team believes that "histone deacetylase inhibitor” may also play a role.

We recommend this for you: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Fish-Apolipoprotein-EAPOE-ELISA-kit-1035336.html

Japanese study uncovers new mechanisms of AIDS virus infection

Recently published Japanese RIKEN communique said, the researchers found that the new mechanism between HIV infected cells, and found that a compound can contain the infection. This is expected to promote the development of new drugs to treat AIDS.

Previously, the researchers found that the AIDS virus membrane will form tiny pipe is called "tunneling nanotubes", making possible the rapid intercellular material exchange, the virus can be transmitted in this process, but has been unable to ascertain "tunneling nano tube "mechanism.

RIKEN research team let HIV-infected macrophages derived from human blood, it was found macrophages began to form "tunneling nanotubes." But if the lack of Nef protein of HIV infection of macrophages, the observed "tunneling nanotubes" formation, visible Nef protein for "tunneling nanotubes" formation is essential.

In addition, the team also found that if you add a compound called "NPD3064" to macrophages, can impede "tunneling nanotubes" formation. The researchers plan to synthesize similar compounds to curb HIV infection. The study was published in the online edition US Journal of Immunology.

More can be found here: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Rabbit-creatine-kinase-BB-isoenzyme-CK-BB-ELISA-kit-1035550.html


The world's first 3D-printed titanium thumb bone implanted successfully

January 26, 2016, doctors in Phramongkutklao hospital of Bangkok, Thailand announced that they successfully replaced a thumb metacarpal using 3D printing titanium prosthesis, which is the first time in the world.

Dr. Thipachart Punyaratabandhu, director of orthopedic physician at the hospital made the announcement. At the same time, he shows the details of how his team implanted a 3D-printed titanium thumb phalanx to a female patient's hands. The patient's phalanx had deteriorated due to a tumor before the surgery.

In traditional metacarpal transplant, the doctor will usually take down a bone from the hip or legs as an implanted phalanx, but subsequently the activity of the surgically implanted phalanx is not so flexible. In contrast, 3D printed titanium prosthesis is lighter and stronger. The 37-year-old patient can resume normal use of her thumb after surgery, just as before.

"If you use the old method, the patient will be unable to move her thumb or the tumor may have grown back, but after implantation of titanium phalanx 3D printing, patients are able to use her hands as usual." Dr. Thipachart Punyaratabandhu explained.

Treatment team beginning to patients' health left thumb scan and X-rays taken, and then mirroring render her right thumb phalanx should look like the original, and the resin material 3D printing its model, and finally with a medical titanium casting out. The entire manufacturing process a total of only about a week, but Phramongkutklao Hospital orthopedic team of doctors to develop the 3D thumb print project has spent nearly two years.

It is understood Heavenly Society, surgery is the last from the beginning of June, when the doctor will worsen bone removed from the hands of the patient, and wait for some time to ensure that the cancer will not recur. When in late September after the confirmation, the surgeon continued operation, and implant titanium phalanx joined together with the nearest tendon.

Now, a few months later, the patient's body recovers well and she can already precede normal use of her hands as before. Boonrat Lohwongwatana, who was involved in manufacturing this 3D printing implant, said: "This technique also can be used to replace damaged bones elsewhere in the body. It can be produced in just a few weeks."

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Clone/PTBP1-1090400.html

Too low or too high levels of Vitamin D both could be bad for health

According to the study of Danish scientists, high or low levels of vitamin D are detrimental to health. We may need to reconsider the nutrient intake.

Human blood vitamin D levels should not be too high or too low. According to scientists at the University of Copenhagen study, the first time they show there is a correlation between high levels of vitamin D content of death and cardiovascular disease. From a public health point of view, a lack of vitamin D has been a focus of attention. Several studies have shown that blood vitamin D levels are too low and a higher risk of dying from coronary heart disease or stroke-related. The study was published in the "Endocrinology and Metabolism."

"We studied 247,574 Danes‘blood levels of vitamin D, which is the maximum amount of data of such research. After extracting the initial blood samples of the testees, we analyzed the death rate in the last 70 years, during which there were 16645 deaths of patients. In addition, we also investigated the relevance between their death and the vitamin D levels in their blood, “explained Professor Peter Schwartz at Institute of Clinical Medicine Schwarz. The conclusion is obvious. Study confirmed relevance between the death rate and low levels of vitamin D, but the new finding also shows that higher vitamin D levels are also risk factors.

"If your vitamin D levels of blood are below 50 nanomoles or higher than 100 nanomolar per liter, then it is more relevant to death. We investigated the cause of the patients' death and found that, when the blood vitamin D levels are higher than 100 nanomolar, the higher risk of dying of stroke or coronary heart disease for the patient. In other words, the content of vitamin D in the blood should not be too high or too low. It should be between 50 to 100 nmol per liter. Our studies have shown that 70 nanomolar should be the most appropriate level, “Schwartz states.

No previous studies have shown high levels of blood vitamin D are also harmful to health. It may affect our future intake of nutrients supplements before that.

"This conclusion is very important because modern people are more and more concerned about the supplement of vitamin D. Taking this opportunity, we should consider more about whether it is suitable to intake more vitamins and other nutrients. And we also need to consult with a doctor on such a problem." Schwartz Says.

More can be found here: http://www.cusabio.com/Clone/rpmE2-1089585.html


Making USF1 protein disable may help treat a lot of cardiovascular metabolic diseases

The researchers say that making a protein called USF1 disable may open up a new way of treating cardiovascular metabolic diseases ranging from diabetes to obesity and atherosclerosis and fatty liver disease.

New study shows that blocking USF1 can protect mice suffering from these diseases, but people also tend to reduce the expression of USF1 are protected. USF1 is a transcription factor gene expression, it is a genetic disease and coronary heart disease and high cholesterol and fat are associated. However, whether the protein will lead to or protect the body against these diseases have been confusing you. When mice lack Usf1 research, Pirkka-Pekka Laurila and colleagues found, USF1 loss can produce a wide range of metabolic benefit. They even fed high-fat diet, mice lacking Usf1 also leaner than normal mice and lower blood lipid levels. Mice lacking Usf1 also more sensitive to insulin, the liver less fat, less artery-clogging plaque occur. The researchers attributed these benefits they have more active brown adipose tissue, which is often called "good" fat. And white adipose tissue (which will store excess fat) is different, and brown adipose tissue to generate body heat will burn fat. Order Usf1 disability seems to activate brown adipose tissue, stimulate it and burn more fat intake, which in turn can remove blood lipids.

The researchers also found that, compared with normal people, people who has reduced expression of the gene USF1 carrying mutant has better lipid metabolism. What's more, their blood has more "good" cholesterol and less fat. And it is also unlikely for them to have insulin resistance and arterial blockage.

In conclusion, these findings with USF1 gene may lay the foundation of treating heart disease, obesity and other metabolic diseases.

Related reading: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/ATL3-Antibody-11098193.html

Scientists first discover the second generation of parthenogenesis Chiloscyllium

According to the British newspaper Daily Mail report, when there is no male around the female shark mating, they will use their own special skill - parthenogenesis. Before, scientists thought it would enter an evolutionary dead end, posterity parthenogenesis cannot reproduce. However, scientists have a new study shows that having Chiloscyllium miracle fertility, far exceeding previous expectations, the current second-generation first discovered parthenogenesis Chiloscyllium.

Bavaria Animal Collection Center Nicholas - Manchester Lauber (Nicolas Straube) a research team led by Dr. of Karlsruhe City National History Museum reared a Chiloscyllium tested and found it does not "own father".

More importantly, this female shark in the absence of male condition also can breed offspring. The latest study, published in a recent issue of “Journal of Fish Biology,” the researchers believes that this is the first case so far observed the second generation of vertebrate parthenogenesis.

Chiloscyllium is a smaller size of the shark, which lives in coral reefs in Indonesia waters, spawning offspring. For egg-laying species, parthenogenesis occurs in the fertilized egg has no sperm cells condition. This means that the offspring of DNA inherited only from the mother's body, but not from the parent.

Parthenogenesis appeared in some reptiles, for some species is a universal phenomenon, the scientists observed that some of the current captive animals due to lack of a mate, and take parthenogenesis way to procreate. In 2002, the United States and a female shark aquarium Detroit male shark will be born not in contact with the three small sharks. However, scientists in the wild also observed a similar phenomenon, Oklahoma rattlesnakes and American scientists have found home Copperhead use parthenogenesis to achieve the breed. 2015 Florida study researchers analyzed the phenomenon of inbreeding sawfish, sawfish are found in a few generations through parthenogenesis way fertility.

We recommend this for you: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/CD235a-Polyclonal-Antibody-11106191.html


New developed mini-microscope helps doctor recognize cancer cells

When in resection of malignant brain tumor, doctors don't want to leave any cancer cells, but also protect the health of brain tissue, nerve damage will be minimized as much as possible. However, once a patient skull is opened, there is no time in the heavy microscope pathological analysis of tissue samples. According to the University of Washington news, the school engineer and Stanford University Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Barrow Neurological Institute, to develop a kind of hand-held mini-microscope, so that the doctor can see during surgery cellular level to help them decide where to decisively under the knife, where the knife mercy.

New handheld microscope slightly larger than a pen point, with a new method called "dual-axis confocal microscopy technology", to more clearly "see through" opaque tissue, tissue capture half a millimeter below the surface details. One of the researchers, associate professor of mechanical engineering at Washington University Jonathan Liu said: "To see the tissue below the surface, just like the lights on driving in the fog, you cannot look too far ahead, but we use the (microscopic) like fog. Light, illuminated from different angles and reduced glares, can see farther in the fog."

To make smaller the microscope, usually at the expense of image quality or resolution, field of view, depth, contrast, processing speed and other properties. The researchers combined a fast high-quality image processing and transmission technology to achieve a balance of image indexes. They published in "Biomedical Optics Express" on paper, said miniature microscope resolution enough to see the subcellular level, organizations can image that captures the mouse and the image in the clinical pathology laboratory after several days after treatment comparable.

Jonathan Liu said the surgery to know whether the tumor has been cut in the resection. Sometimes it would be quite subjective, for the surgeon can only see with eyes and feel with tactile and brain imaging before surgery. If you can magnify tissue during surgery and see the cellular level, which helps them accurately distinguish tumor and normal tissue, it makes better surgical results.

Related reading: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Escherichia-coli-O6:H1-strain-CFT073--ATCC-700928--UPEC-Inner-membrane-transport-permease-YbhS-11106397.html

Zika virus can spread through sexual contact

According to World Health Organization, is currently in Brazil and other American countries ravaged Zika virus may spread through sexual contact between humans. It has found a case of possible human transmission cases and Zika virus was isolated from a male patient's semen, but still needs more study of whether the transmission Zika virus to confirm sexual transmission .

Currently, the Zika virus is mainly spread in Brazil, Colombia and other American countries. WHO warned that the next Zika virus may spread to most countries in the Americas, to be prepared in advance to deal with?

Outside the American continent, Britain was first discovered last week in the local Zika hot cases, three patients had traveled to the Americas regional tourism; one born in Hawaii on the 17th head newborns were confirmed infected with the Zika virus.

Since October 2015, the newborn Microcephaly cases thousands of cases have been reported in Brazil, which is considered to be related to Zika virus infection in pregnant women. Although the medical community is still not a hundred percent confirmed Microcephaly and Zika virus infected mothers concerned, but the WHO Director-General Margaret Chan, 25, said the current number of available evidence does point to a causal relationship between the two, which a situation particularly worrying.

Currently, Colombia and Jamaica, the government has recommended that pregnant women will plan their postponed 6-8 months to avoid the current Zika virus peak.

British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline, 25, said, is studying the possibility of Zika virus vaccine prevention. France also said Sanofi Pasteur vaccine R & D related.

Zika virus is usually spread through mosquito bites, which cause Zika fever, symptoms similar to dengue fever, including fever, rash, headache, joint pain, muscle pain and non-purulent conjunctivitis. The virus originated in Africa, was first discovered in 2014 in Brazil.

See more: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Homo-sapiens-Human-Thioredoxin-related-transmembrane-protein-2-11106398.html


Human thermal sensor structure diagram plotted

When you touch a hot stove, your fingers will immediately draw back because the tiny temperature sensor in your skin detects the heat and signals to the brain: wow! It is hot! Get away from it! According to the news website of Duke University, the school of Medicine in collaboration with researchers at the Scripps Research Institute, generate a sense of pain and heat associated with the 3D structure of the protein TRPV2 to develop receptors for pain, taking an important step to new therapy.

TRPV2 is an ion channel on the cell membrane. All the cell membrane ion channels have, as control information out of the guard cells, plays an important role in many biological processes, such as maintaining heart health, help deal with pathogens. TRPV TRPV2 is a family of proteins, which information is calcium substance, their configuration diagram deduced, contributes to the design of drugs targeting ion channels. Not long ago, researchers have drawn up TRPV family first TRPV1 protein structure showing the switch two states. In the present study, they identified the second member of the family of the 3D structure of TRPV2 by cryogenic electron microscopy and computer programs, the resolution near-atomic level.

TRPV1 exists only in the nervous system, while TRPV2 is throughout the body. The researchers compared the structure of TRPV1 and TRPV2 found TRPV2 and TRPV1 on or off the model does not match, it seems that an intermediate state. They made it a third state, this time on repetitive stimulation of ion channels become insensitive, like the condition that a man is accustomed to false alarms sound. Research on this insensitive third state is expected to indicate a new direction of relieving chronic pain.

For many conditions of chronic pain, the pain signals will continue for months or years. Currently, the number of Americans who suffers from certain acute and chronic pain is over 100 million. Diagnosis shows no causes and it is too difficult to treat. One of the researchers from Duke University said that people's perception of these receptors, the response to their environment is critical. The outcome of the working mechanism of receptor provides clues to develop new methods for treating a variety of symptoms associated with the feeling that is an essential part.

Currently, researchers are trying to induce TRPV2 to turn to other forms, thus defining its form when open or closed, and looking for structure of other TRPV family members.

More details: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Human-midregional-pro-atrial-natriuretic-peptide-MR-proANP-ELISA-kit-1042031.html

The molecular mechanism of ribosome backwards in the translation process of protein

January 25, Nature series Nature Structural & Molecular Biology Journal published the online the latest research results from RNA biology Qin Yan Task Force, Institute of biophysics, Chinese academy of sciences. The article, entitled EF4 disengages the peptidyl-tRNA CCA end and facilitates back-translocation on the 70S ribosome, reveals the molecular mechanism of "retrogression" of ribosomal protein translation.

Ribosomes are the protein factories translation. In the translation process, elongation factor 4 play an important catalytic function, which is a polypeptide chain elongation process of displacement enzyme, so that the ribosome back along the mRNA, thus the regulation of protein synthesis. "Ribosome retrogression" Qin Yan phenomenon was first discovered in 2006. Since this phenomenon has been reported back mechanism EF4 proteins and ribosomes become popular research scientists from various countries to study this issue triggered a global research group of dozens, including in 2006 the establishment of the Institute of Biophysics of RNA laboratory. After years of efforts, Qin Yan's research group explained the molecular mechanism of EF4, that EF4 by catalytic transfer RNA (tRNA) in the 3'-end, which was pulled back in order to achieve the ribosome. Meanwhile, the machine reason Tsinghua Gao Ning's research group has been confirmed by the method of cryo-EM structure of biology.

Over the years, Qin Yan's research group has been engaged in research ribosome movement, preliminary work explains the mechanism of the ribosome forward. The outcome is an important breakthrough in the mechanism of the ribosome obtained retrogression. The achievement is not only a major breakthrough for EF4 research, while understanding the ribosome to play an important role in the life course provides a molecular basis for further human understanding of life processes have important guiding significance. Meanwhile, seeing from the application perspective, on the basis of catalytic mechanism EF4 obtained, researchers can perform manual intervention on the translation process in prokaryotes, and thus providing a theoretical basis for the development of new antibiotics.

More content for you: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Dog-CeruloplasminCP-ELISA-Kit-1042096.html


Estrogen may reduce the risk of older women's diabetes ischemic stroke

A new study was designed to investigate the possible link between risk of ischemic stroke and female patients who are over 55 years old with diabetes conjugated estrogen (CEE).

This study collected information from Taiwan National Health Insurance system between 2003-2009, using CEE 55 years old diabetic female patients (0.625 mg per day) 428 cases. For comparison, 21,026 women from the same cohort of women not using estrogen diabetic patients as a control group, excluding patients with a history of ischemic stroke. Applications propensity score method according to 1: 3 ratio is determined as the control group (n = 1284). Propensity score matching covariates, including age and co-incidence. Cox proportional hazard model to estimate the relationship between CEE and ischemic stroke.

Compared with the control group, the incidence of the use of CEE ischemic stroke patients was significantly lower (0.9% VS 3%, P = 0.016 compared to). Cox proportional hazards model for further analysis showed that after adjustment for age, total incidence, socioeconomic status, urbanization and other drugs associated with ischemic stroke, patients with a lower risk of stroke CEE (HR: 0.34; 95% CI: 0.12-0.97). Because of the nature of the database, it can not determine the time of menopause.

CEE may reduce the risk of women over 55 years diabetic patients with ischemic stroke.

More can be found here: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/SIRP-%CE%B11%CE%B21-Polyclonal-Antibody-11106177.html

Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy for peptic ulcer can't prevent gastric cancer

A new study shows that treatment of H. pylori may not prevent heterochrony gastric cancer which is from mucosal intestinal metaplasia (IM). The author of the study found no significant change in H. pylori eradication on the carcinogenic effects associated molecular alterations.

Rutgers University Kiron M. Das, PhD, and his colleagues for the first time to clarify the carcinogenic effects of molecular markers in patients with IM, this cross-sectional study included 131 cases underwent endoscopic resection of gastric cancer patients and 22 cases of chronic gastritis in the control group patients. They assessed the MSI (microsatellite instability), hMLH1, CDKN2A and methylation status of APC gene, and the use of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) Das-1 immunoreactivity assessment.

Compared with the control group, MSI and mAb Das-1 reactivity in Helicobacter pylori positive and negative group were significantly increased, suggesting that MSI and mAbDas-1 reactivity associated with the stomach tumor formation (MSI odds ratio, 5.06; mAb Das-1 Reactivity odds ratio 2.51).

Then, the researchers recorded 19 cases of Helicobacter pylori treatment involved in a randomized controlled trial of eradication of patients and 17 cases a year did not eradicate the molecular characterization of changes in a patient marker. The study on December 15, 2015, published online in the British Journal of Cancer, H. pylori eradication no significant reverse change any molecule, including MSI, the primary endpoint, the other methylation status, mAb Das-1 reaction times To the end.

"We are planning further studies to determine the IM phenotype, especially mAb Das-1 phenotypes associated colon, which may facilitate the early identification of high-risk patients," Das said Dr. in an email.

Related reading: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/CD249-Polyclonal-Antibody-11106183.html


New technology is coming: measuring heart rate without touching

Heart rate is an important part of fitness track. From Apple Watch to wearable devices such as a user-specific heart rate chest belt, all the equipments can provide the uses with accurate heart rate tracking. But have you thought about tracking your heart rate without wearing a device? Recently, a research team Kyoto University in Japan is working with Panasonic Corporation to develop millimeter-wave radar technology and a specially designed algorithm to achieve this goal.

The new technology can collect uses' real-time heartbeat upon telemetry. The data would be collected by the millimeter-wave radar first and then processed by an algorithm. The algorithm can isolate the heartbeat of the object, excluding interference from other signals emitted by the body, such as breathing and body movements.

The research team believes that measuring data without wearing sensor can reduce the user's pressure during a test, which means that users will be more willing to use the technology.

Although the results of early testing under controlled environment equivalent ECG tracings return the data, the technology is still some time to be commercialized. "Now that we know that remote sensing is feasible, we need to make the detection capability more powerful so that the system can detect target objects of different ages under different situations," Toru Sato Kyoto University said.

Read more if you're interested: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/ATL3-Antibody-11098193.html

Hhex, a protein which is considered as a new target for the therapies of AML

Recently, researchers at the University of Melbourne found that they set a target protein - the protein is the handbrake which can pull the growth of cancer cells - can curb the development of malignancy leukemia. The researchers found that targeting a protein called Hhex can cure preclinical disease models of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and it may be a key target for new therapies of leukemia. The study is recently published in the magazine Genes & Development.

Ben Shields and Dr. Matt McCormack from Australia Walter and Eliza Hall Institute discovered that missing Hhex protein can pull Leukemia's cell growth and division. This protein is a key factor which makes leukemia cells to grow uncontrollably, a sign of cancer.

AML is an aggressive cancer of the blood system. AML will suddenly appear and its development is quite rapid, and what's worse, the prognosis is poor. The conventional treatments of AML show serious side effects. About three quarters of patients will relapse within a short time after treatment, and 5-year survival rate is only 24%. Finding out how to overcome the normal control of cell growth and division of AML is a breakthrough in search for new therapies, Dr. McCormack said.

Dr. McCormack pointed out: "There is an urgent need for new therapies to treat AML. We found that blocking Hhex protein could prevent leukemia development, and completely eliminate the AML in preclinical models. This protein can be targeted through new drugs to treat human's AML."

Learn more about other proteins, go through this link: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/CD235a-Polyclonal-Antibody-11106191.html


Taiwan's first Zika virus infection diagnosed, brought in by a Thai man on his entry

Health and Welfare Department of Taiwan stated in January 19th that Taiwan's first case of Zika virus infection cases, by a Thai man diagnosed on the 10th entry, to be classified as second category of modifiable infectious diseases, and enhance Central and South America and six countries in Southeast Asia Travel epidemic recommendation rating.

Prior Colombia National Institutes of Health released a report, in Colombia there are 1.1 million people infected with the Zika virus, including 459 pregnant women diagnosed, and World Health Organization claims that this virus can cause newborns suffering "microcephaly syndrome." The emergence of this case, for the Asia-Pacific region of the South American travel itinerary pregnant woman pulled the alarm.

The World Health Organization issued a global warning about Zika virus

At the local time on December 1, 2015, the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization issued a global warning about Zika virus. In the warning, the World Health Organization officially acknowledged that Zika virus spread in Brazil and neonatal microcephaly related disease for the first time, and suggested that pregnant women should pay special attention to prevent mosquito bites.

It is reported that in 2015, cases of Zika virus infection have been discovered in nine countries, namely Brazil, Easter Island, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Suriname and Venezuela. Lately, the epidemic in Brazil is in quite serious condition.

Brazil's Health Ministry said Zika virus is a yellow fever virus, which is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The symptoms of infection are low-grade fever, itching, and red spots on the body. It is also demonstrated that the recent focus on the outbreak in northeastern Brazil neonatal microcephaly Zika virus-related disease and infection. Brazilian Ministry of Health official statistics Latest data show that up to November 28th in 2015, a total of 1248 cases of reported suspected cases of neonatal microcephaly syndrome, seven of whom have died. These cases are mostly from northeastern Brazil, and the most serious outbreak of Pernambuco reported as many as 646 cases. Pernambuco had declared a health emergency since last December.

Go through this link as you like: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Homo-sapiens-Human-60S-acidic-ribosomal-protein-P1-11106389.html

Dads who have depression can also affect premature delivery?

Previous studies have demonstrated that a maternal’s depression would increase the risk of premature birth and low-weight baby. Then what about the impact of prospective dads' mental state on fetus?

A baby whose gestation <37 weeks (259 days) is called a premature. A baby whose gestation <32 weeks (224 days) is an extremely preterm baby. Preterm birth is the main reason for infant mortality in high-income and middle-income countries. WHO (World Health Organization) said a surviving preterm fetus has a series of adverse consequences including learning disabilities and visual power issues. In addition, it is the main cause of global deaths of children under 5 years of age. Although previous studies have indicated that greater pressure of pregnant women is one factor of the risk for preterm birth, the results are not the same due to different sample sizes and pressure measurement methods.

To address the limitations of previous studies, professor Hjern and his colleagues chose people who have antidepressant prescription or outpatient / inpatient treatment in the study. The time of the research was from women diagnosed before long as 12 months to the second trimester of pregnancy. The researchers investigated more than 350,000 children who were born between 2007 and 2012, assessed the parents' depression and collecting phenomenon of extreme prematurity and mild preterm at the same time. The parents did not have depression within the 12 months were diagnosed as "emerging", and the other were "relapse".

The results showed that the risk of women giving birth to very preterm child increased by 30-40% under the new and recurrent depression; at the same time, the risk of very preterm children appeared to increase by 38% due to new depression of the fathers. Recurrent depression of father has nothing to do with the risk of preterm children. It is only the fathers' new onset depression that increased the risk of preterm children.

Professor Hjern believes that husbands suffering from depression may be one reason why pregnant women suffer from depression, thus increasing the risk of fetal preterm birth. The depression fathers suffer can not only affect sperms' quality, but also affect placental function. But the risk of patients with recurrent depression has lower risk, indicating that treatment of depression can reduce the risk of preterm birth fetus. According to the researchers, further research is still needed.

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Homo-sapiens-Human-Atypical-chemokine-receptor-3-11106391.html


Antibodies act an important role in the diagnosis of diseases

We all know from school biology class, antibodies help us fight disease and it is an important part of our immune system. However, what many people don't know is that doctors and scientists using animals’ antibodies to identify diseased or mutant cells. It makes them an important tool for the diagnosis of diseases like cancer.

1. Binding function

Antibodies are formed in certain blood cells in response to the substances that the immune system classifies them hazardous. These so-called antigen is the location of the molecule, e.g., on the surface of the virus or bacteria. Again, the antibody binds an epitope of an antigen known as certain areas. Thus, their immune system is the signal to reduce these foreign binding.

This combination of characters is also helpful in the diagnosis: in immunohistological or immunohistochemical procedures insertion of some structure to the antibody, such as proteins, can be seen. "Since the 1970s, these programs have been used and continue to improve and expand," says Jürgen Frerichs, the head of DIANOVA GmbH, one of the established commercial enterprises in the sector.

2. The antibody targeted synthesis

In short, biotechnology companies and research institutions produce antibodies by injecting a specific antigen into a mouse, sheep or horses. Subsequent immune response can stimulate the body to produce a lot of characteristics with the antigen-binding antibodies. Then they are separated from the blood of the antibodies directly, or even to isolate specific antibody-producing blood cells extracted from a mixture of certain animals and start a complicated biotechnology processes for the production of an excess of a single antibody. Such antibodies produced are called "monoclonal" - they just issued in conjunction with a particular epitope from a single cell.

Antibodies are very small, even a microscope is not easy to see. That's why they are specially prepared for diagnosis. They combine to produce visible colorant or labeled with a fluorescent colorant enzymes. There are two ways: direct and indirect techniques. The latter works in conjunction with the first one (primary antibody) to add the bridge by another antibody (secondary antibody).

3. The antibody helps to distinguish tumor cells from each other

One example is the anti IDH1 R132H DIANOVA GmbH monoclonal antibody clone H09, wherein different brain tumors can be distinguished from each other. Originally developed by the famous German Cancer Research Center, the antibody labels glioma accounts for about 20% of all brain tumors. Glioma brain tumor differentiation from other makes launch targeted treatment and help predict the course of the disease.

4. In contrast to gene sequencing, they show multiple advantages

In using antibodies offer many advantages compared to molecular biology method for diagnosis, particularly in the diagnosis of brain tumors, when there are often fewer organizations. In addition, tissue samples in the percentage of tumor cells are a key factor. Immunohistochemistry appears to be much faster and cheaper than gene sequencing.

Continue to read as you like>> http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Homo-sapiens-Human-Glycogen-synthase-kinase-3-beta-11106412.html

Scientists study ultrasound healing for peripheral nervous system

Biomedical Engineering Laboratory is investigating the ultrasonic stimulation of the peripheral nervous system as a technology of human organs for treatment.

Peripheral nervous system connected to the central nervous system is an array of neural connections - the brain and spinal cord - and all the other organs and functions in the body. The basic function of the peripheral nervous system that includes the human autonomic functions, such as heart muscle provisions, voluntary skeletal muscles and sensory organs, such as visual and auditory.

DARPA, through its electronic prescription or ElectRx program designed to explore the use of the peripheral nervous system stimulation, improve physical and mental health. The agency hopes to develop a better scientific knowledge behind the cause invasive stimulation of peripheral nerves, to encourage the natural healing function in the human body technology. ElectRx award results from the feedback control of proof of concept demonstrations neuromodulation.

Colombia team, led by biomedical engineering professor Elisa's Konofagou, being studied as part of this strategy over stimulating role. The most well-known in the medical ultrasound imaging techniques, such as fetal echocardiography image and to view heart shape and motion. The technology is also used for conventional therapies, such as breaking up scar tissue or kidney stones.

Konofagou advanced features ultrasound laboratory investigations, including imaging, treatment, and drug delivery systems through the blood-brain barrier. In this project, Konofagou and Colombian engineering and medical colleagues will determine whether ultrasound can produce concentrated nerve stimulation of peripheral organ specific delivery of therapeutic signal. Expected results between the wearable devices went mid-thigh saphenous nerve stimulation, responsible for skin feel.

"We know that, as the ultrasonic wave propagation through biological tissue," Konofagou said in a university statement. “It exerts mechanical pressure on that tissue, which stimulates specific mechanosensitive channels in neurons and causes them to ‘turn on.’ So we think that this is a way we can use ultrasound to turn specific nerves ‘on’ or ‘off’ depending on what the treatment calls for.”

See more: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Rabbit-Vascular-endothelial-growth-factor-receptor-1FLT1-ELISA-kit-1035338.html


Photo-bioelectrochemical cells used to develop new way of turning solar energy into electrical power

According to a study published in the journal Nature Energy, a new paradigm for the development of photo-bioelectrochemical cells is developed by researchers from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in Israel, and the University of Bochum, in Germany. This design of photo-bioelectrochemical cells is based on native photosynthetic reaction, and it is considered as a means for the conversion of solar light energy into electrical power and attracts substantial recent interest.

Photosynthetic reaction is coupled to biocatalytic transformations resulting in CO2 fixation and O2 evolution. Although the integration of native photosystems with electrodes for light-to-electrical energy conversion has been successful, the conjugation of the photosystems to enzymes to yield photo-bioelectrocatalytic solar cells is still a problem.

Recently, researchers shows the construction of photo-bioelectrochemical cells using the native photosynthetic reaction and the enzymes glucose oxidase or glucose dehydrogenase in a new report. The system consists of modified integrated electrodes that introduce the natural photosynthetic reaction center which is known as photosystem I, conjugated to the enzymes glucose oxidase or glucose dehydrogenase. The native proteins are electrically wired by means of chemical electron transfer mediators. Photoirradiation of the electrodes leads to the generation of electrical power, while oxidizing the glucose substrate acting as a fuel.

A model is provided by this system to harness the native photosynthetic apparatus for the conversion of solar light energy into electrical power, using biomass substrates as fuels. On the contrary, this study introduces the implementation of the native photosystem to produce electrical power using light as the energy source. The results of the study offer a general way of assembling photo-bioelectrochemical solar cells with wide implications for bioelectrocatalysis sensing, and solar energy conversion.

Know more by going through this link: http://www.cusabio.com/Clone/lmo1075-1089566.html

Are antibiotics really safe as we usually think?

When people get cold or flu, they are commonly given antibiotics by doctors. But colds, flu, sinus congestion and cough are usually the symptoms of upper respiratory infections caused by viruses typically. Antibiotics aren't effective against viral infections but bacteria. Taking antibiotics may make you at risk if you don't need them, for they can drastically intestines' normal and protective intestinal flora, thus leaving you deficient and at risk of getting more infections.

Not long ago, a research on antibiotics shows that a person who takes a single regimen of antibiotics for ten days is more likely to get another infection then normal people. It is because that antibiotics often kill off too much of the host’s inherent beneficial flora, making the host more dangerous in the fight against new infections agents.

In a general way, infections are typically caused by being viruses, bacteria and fungi. Virus includes the flu, common cold and Aids. Bacteria infections include strep throat, bladder infections and ear infections. Although antibiotics such as sulpha and penicillin can kill bacteria, they create abnormal, cell-wall deficient bacterial forms that can embed deeper into your intestinal mucosa. This explains why taking antibiotics makes you more dangerous for future infections. With every dose of an antibiotic, you also increase the potential incidences of resistant, “super forms” of bacteria. Fungal infections are the diseases like tinea pedis (athlete’s foot) and cryptococcal meningitis which is a type of meningitis. Antifungal drugs often show a lot of negative side effects and won't be effective on those people who have a weakened immune system.

Partly because of the extensive side effects of many drugs including antibiotics, taking properly prescribed medical drugs was listed as the third leading cause of death, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. People should be aware that antibiotics may be quite toxic and even deadly sometimes.

Continue to read>> http://www.cusabio.com/Clone/CT0239-1089564.html


The mutations at specific positions lead to instability at E22P and L34P stalled the aggregation of the peptide

Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease that affects memory loss and is unable to continue to stimulate the brain, is the most common cause of dementia elderly (65+) delayed and less common in childhood Response (65 years ago) early onset, is divided into two phases. The disease prevalence extension of time, loss of memory deterioration, which hindered every aspect of everyday life. Personality and behavior changes affect social interaction and social environment of the trouble. Stirring, extraction, as well as memory loss and skills are appropriate result in death due to other infections, such as pneumonia, malnutrition, common symptoms of early-onset cases account for less than 5% in. Gene responsible for the disease is APP, which provides instructions for the preparation of the brain and spinal cord of a protein called amyloid precursor protein. Although the researchers envision that it can be combined with each other and pathogenesis mechanism attached to the surface of cells or help other several proteins remains a mystery. Several enzymatic cleavage of amyloid precursor protein into two smaller fragments or peptide amyloid precursor protein (APP) and β-amyloid peptides, which are released into the cell. β-amyloid peptide is likely involved in neuronal change and adapts over time (plasticity) capabilities.

In the APP gene mutation is responsible for the same accounting more than 50 kinds of different types of mutations, leading to early and late onset of the disease, some of which will be discussed later. The most common mutations are V717I leading to β-amyloid accumulation in the brain and form clumps called amyloid plaques and thus release of 40, 42 residues of Aβ peptide β-amyloid peptide. Six APP gene mutations has been found to cause hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy and characterized stroke and intellectual function (dementia), which began in the middle of the fall adult conditions. Dutch type, the most common of all types, is replaced by the amino acid glutamine and glutamic acid protein sequence (Glu22Gln or E22Q) caused by the position 22. Italian style and also cause changes in the Arctic-type glutamic acid at position 22. In Italy type, glutamic acid is replaced with lysine (Glu22Lys or E22K), and type in the Arctic, the amino acid glycine, glutamic acid substitution (Glu22Gly or E22G ). Flemish type substitution from alanine amino acid glycine section 21 (Ala21Gly or A21G) caused. It is switched to the amino acid asparagine at position 23 (or Asp23Asn D23N) in Iowa type amino acid aspartic acid. Piedmont type of hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy is replaced by the amino acid leucine at amino acid valine (Leu34Val or L34V) position 34 caused. These mutations lead to aggregation and β-amyloid peptide (1-42) in the brain prone to deposition, the formation of clusters and thus is known as plaque buildup in blood vessels leading to dementia.

In the recent study, the mutations were reported using NAMD and their deviation (RMSD) of molecular dynamics simulation, analysis and use of chimeras generate plots. The mutation leads to the formation of β fibers (α- helix into β fold) use stability PASTA2.0 mutant peptides were predicted using mutation analysis tools as PolyPhen 2.0 and I-3.0 mutants compared analysis wild-type β-amyloid peptide.

Recommended reading: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/Rabbit-anti-human-DNA-replication-licensing-factor-MCM3-polyclonal-AntibodyMCM3-11106199.html

Deleting the Dicer DNA-Repair Enzyme makes cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapeutic drugs

Blocking the Dicer enzyme's activity in rapidly growing cancer cells holds back them from correct DNA damage, which makes them more sensitive to chemotherapeutic drugs.

Dicer, also known as endoribonuclease dicer or RNA helicase enzymes with motifs, is an enzyme, the gene encoding the human subject DICER1. As part of a family of RNA III enzyme, Dicer cleavage of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and pre-micro RNA (miRNA precursor) into short double-stranded RNA fragments called small interfering RNA and micro RNA, respectively. In 2012, it found that, in addition to its effect on RNA, DNA damage repair enzymes have played a direct role.

Link to expand the results of DNA repair enzyme Dicer, researchers at the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, USA) Delete Dicer medulloblastoma, pediatric brain tumors in preclinical mouse models of common types, and from normal, rapidly dividing cells in the developing brain cerebellum.

They reported in the December 31, 2015 in online edition of the journal Cell that in the developing mouse cerebellum missing enzyme Dicer cause DNA damage, leading to the accumulation of cerebellar degeneration ancestors. Dicer deficiency disorders also lead to DNA damage and other rapidly dividing cell death, including embryonic stem cells and mouse models of medulloblastoma in malignant cerebellar progenitor cells. In the enzyme-deficient mice with medulloblastoma, tumor burden is lower than the control animals, and the cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapy.

"This is the first enzyme of DNA damage in a specific function in brain development has been looked at or even in the case of brain tumors, despite the fact that the protein has been studied extensively," said senior author Dr. De Ximu Mohanish g, University of North Carolina professor of cell biology and physiology. "We have found that targeting enzymes may be an effective treatment to prevent the development of cancer or any tumor actually sensitive to chemotherapy. We are pleased to see these results because hint Dicer enzyme inhibitors, can be developed for the treatment of rapid potential therapeutic dividing tumor samples of medulloblastoma."

Read more if you're interested: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/Rabbit-anti-human-Actin-like-protein-6A-polyclonal-AntibodyACTL6A-11106197.html


Study on the FE-binding Protein's Amino Acid Preference

Metal elements are widely used in the biosphere. Metal ions can be combined with protein in many biological fields to implement a variety of important functions. All organisms require trace metal ions, among the proteins which have been found, more than a third of them must be combined with a metal ion as a cofactor, or contain a metal binding site. Among them, the iron must be in vivo, which is the most abundant transition metal ion. Redox reaction can take place in iron. Iron has two kinds of oxidation state - divalent and trivalent, which is widely involved in various biochemical reactions.

Besides, the iron can also be combined with proteins in the form of the cofactor. Through the analysis of tendentious the distribution of protein sequences of amino acids and short peptides distribution, and through mining and analysis the pattern of information of iron-binding proteins, researchers could explore the biological and evolutionary information.

It is quite important to explore the sequence features iron-binding protein, mainly from the point of view of ferritin, research content through theory and methods of bioinformatics, combined with computer science and metals group technologies to further explore ways to ferritin binding sites and sequences.

You may like this: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Mus-musculus-Mouse-Cytochrome-P450-3A13-11106402.html

A protein that allows brain cells to dampen their sensitivity is found

Strengthening and weakening the connections between neurons, known as synapses, is vital to the brain's development and everyday function. In the nervous system, a synapse is a structure that permits a neuron or nerve cell to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another neuron. It is important for the brain's development and common function in every day. By swallowing up receptors on the surfaces that respond to glutamate which is the brain's excitatory chemicals, neurons weaken the synapses.

MIT neuroscientists just published a new study, explaining how the receptor reabsorption happens, allowing neurons to avoid undesired connections and to dampen their sensitivity in cases of overexcitation.

"Pulling in and putting out receptors is a dynamic process, and it's highly regulated by a neuron's environment," Elly Nedivi says. Nedivi is a professor of brain and cognitive sciences and member of MIT's Picower Institute for Learning and Memory. The understanding of how receptors are pulled in and how regulatory pathways impact that has been quite poor. They found a protein, known as CPG2, is critical to this regulation. It is notable, for mutations in the human version of CPG2 have been previously linked to bipolar disorder. This sets the stage for testing various human mutations and their impact at the cellular level, according to Nedivi.

Read more if you're interested: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-human-HLA-DMA-protein-11089636.html


Does powerful gene editing tool CRISPR really help treat diseases?

Does powerful editing tool CRISPR really help treat diseases? There are a lot of pharmaceutical companies racing to find the answers.

Recently, Bayer AG announced a joint venture with startups CRISPR Therapeutics for the treatment of three hundred million US dollars to develop drugs for blood disorders, blindness, congenital heart diseases. This is just the pharmaceutical industry eager to take advantage of the first signs of CRISPR find and develop new methods of treatment. However, fully grasp the CRISPR tool to develop the full potential of the drug is still too early, will focus on recent developments in the CRISP system uses to edit specific condition to go.

CRISPR Therapeutics is one of three high-profile start-up companies, the other two are Editas Medicine and Intellia Therapeutics. They hope to use CRISPR gene editing tools to develop new drugs. All three companies are working with a large pharmaceutical manufacturing company has won or investment transactions in the past year has revealed broad areas of disease drug manufacturers see opportunities for the application of new tools.

In the short term, CRISPR's use in some genetic diseases or cancer cases may be more attractive. These therapies mean removing the body cells, modifying their DNA, and reintroducing them. However, the three companies are also interested in the development of technology to deliver CRISPR cells in the body, without removing it. This will be a more complex challenge.

A major goal of Bayer and CRISPR Therapeutics create the joint venture is to develop new transmission technology, which is the future of drug development in vivo cell is the "key", Rodger Novak, CEO of CRISPR Therapeutics. This is not a small challenge. In order to work, the drug must first find a suitable organ or tissue. Once it's there, it must be a safe way to put payloads into the correct cells.

You may like to read this: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Goat-vitamin-B12-VB12-ELISA-kit-1042287.html

The tumors’ condition can be distinguished partly from miRNA Expression in Mucinous Appendiceal Neoplasm

Mucinous adenocarcinoma of the appendix is a rare case. Differentiation mucinous carcinoma from mucinous cystadenoma is very challenging, depending on the establishment of the appendix wall in the presence of malignant cells. In some cases, the invasion may be difficult, especially in the early stages of the disease, the patient's condition could have a devastating impact. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a secondary test. Scientists can use it to distinguish mucinous cystadenoma and mucinous adenocarcinoma. So far, there is no relevant difference in miRNA expression in the diagnosis of appendiceal mucinous adenocarcinoma of the report.

Recently, a study led by researchers at Wayne State University School of Medicine has been completed. In the research, six confirmed mucinous adenocarcinoma of the appendix and twelve selected cases of mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix. All RNA extracted from the above-mentioned cases of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens. Comprehensive miRNA microarray gene expression RNA samples from these two institutions merged to analyze, detect differential expression of miRNA of mucinous adenocarcinoma. MiRNA best seven differentially expressed in individual cases, by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (quantitative RT-PCR) for verification.

The LC Sciences miRNA microarray analysis revealed mucinous adenocarcinoma is 646 differentially expressed miRNA. These differences in miRNA expression, the expression of 80 miRNA difference was statistically significant (P <0.01). Quantitative RT-PCR to verify the expression of miR-1, miR-4328 is significantly lower compared to mucinous adenocarcinoma, mucinous cystadenoma (P <0.05). In another aspect, miR-200b in, miR-200c in, miR-451, miR-223 and miR-21, their expression in mucinous adenocarcinoma (P <0.05) were significantly increased.

The researchers observed miRNA detection appendix mucinous adenocarcinoma samples significant change compared to the expression level of mucinous cystadenoma. These data suggest that in mucinous tumors of the appendix of miRNA expression in cancer helps distinguish benign form of supplementary assessment.

More about life science here: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Mouse-chemokine-C-X-C-motif-ligand-17-CXCL17-ELISA-kit-1042303.html


Electronics giant Philips plans to invest in digital health firms with EDBI

Philips, which is an electronic giant, together with EDBI, which is the venture unit of the Economic Development Board, has set up a fund to invest in digital health start-ups. EDBI think it is the first alliance with great corporations to support open innovation.

Besides the investment, both of the two sides will use their own business networks in certain region to assist the start-ups to launch in Asian market. Start-ups which have own products, devices and solutions about telemonitoring, telehealth and others in healthcare-based big data and analytics will be supported by the fund.

The partnership will strengthen Singapore's position as one of the leading digital health hubs in Asia, stated Chu Swee Yeok, the chief executive of EDBI. When the digital health start-ups base themselves in Singapore, other business opportunities in this area would also come out and develop, according to Ms Chu.

The Dutch conglomerate are going to offer business mentorship and guidance to those start-ups and help them develop the necessary skill sets which are required to run a scalable and sustainable business, said Mr Fabian Wong, who is Philips' chief executive of ASEAN and Pacific.

According to US venture capital firm Rock Health, the investments in digital health care start-ups reached US$4.5 billion in America. The fund is all for the sectors such as biosensing, telemedicine, wearables, personal healthcare tools and tracking and care coordination. Besides, one third of the fund is used for growth and business expansion for those companies.

Refer to this link: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/Rabbit-anti-human-DNA-replication-licensing-factor-MCM3-polyclonal-AntibodyMCM3-11106199.html

EEGs go out of the lab: making phone calls with our thoughts will be realized in the near future

A team of researchers in the Jacobs School of Architectural and Institute for Neural Computation from UC San Diego get produced any 64-channel "dry" electroencephalogram (EEG), which is reported to be the world's first. Regular EEGs demand its electrodes end up being covered in the conductive substance and also the body down below them end up being flushed and organized before use. These specific offers normally prohibited employing them beyond the research laboratory. Nonetheless, the brand new EEG foregoes the conductive substance even though reportedly giving equivalently accurate psychic readings of brain exercise.

It does so by using sensors produced from a real mix of magic and carbon dioxide that allows them to operate through an individual's curly hair even though incorporating minimal noises towards transmission. These kinds of signals tend to be contaminated by using electro-mechanical disturbance due to switching or maybe talking so, to create an apparent reading, the dry EEG's transmission is actually feasted into a custom-designed criteria which divides them within real-time in to several pieces. These kinds of pieces tend to be then likened versus base psychic readings to distinguish the images in the electro-mechanical noises.

"This is going to take neuroimaging to the next level by deploying on a much larger scale," Mike Yu Chi, a Jacobs School alumnus and CTO of Cognionics, a startup that helped with the study, told PsyPost. "You will be able to work in subjects' homes. You can put this on someone driving." The team envisions dry EEGs in a variety of futuristic applications -- from mobile sensor networks to mind-controlled phone apps and prosthetics.

They will especially need to see it employed in neurological solutions. "We can induce the brain to mend its difficulties,” reported Gert Cauwenberghs, UCSD bioengineering teacher and also the study's principal investigator. "We are attempting to get away from invasive technologies, for example strong brain activation and prescription drugs, and as an alternative commencement any fix method utilizes the brain's synaptic plasticity.”

This technology is just in its beginning state of the development. But it is possible that we live the life that we manage to make phone calls using our thoughts in the not near future.

You may like to read this: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/Rabbit-anti-human-Actin-like-protein-6A-polyclonal-AntibodyACTL6A-11106197.html


New study shows that gene expression impacts on cichlid's social status

A new study is conducted to investigate the roles of gene play in fish dominance. The results overturn the common thinking that the genetic codes are fixed throughout life. In the research on African cichlid fish, colorful male fish does better in life, and they tend to get more breeding opportunities and more chances of obtaining food. Without doubt, the color and behavior can decide much of the perceived dominance of the fish by its community. New research shows the mechanisms behind the superficial metrics.

Stanford University biologists conducted the research, the results of which are regulated at a genetic level proved by tweaking genes in male cichlids. They found that regulating genes can happen on the way during the processes of epigenetics, which provides the potential to change fish behavior in the whole life.

Through different mechanisms, gene expression can be turned on and turned off easily. One of those mechanisms is called DNA methylation, through which methyl molecules can be added to genes, which prevent them from being expressed. The Stanford scientists applied this approach to their research on the dominance behaviors of male African cichlids. The results show how social dominance can be regulated through methylation, though status differences exist in all social organisms. They think that the process may also be affected through experiences that occur over an organism’s lifetime, which cause certain genes to express themselves somehow.

In this study, scientists concentrated on Astatotilapia burtoni (a kind of cichlid). The males in this cichlid rely on their dominance which is obtained by commonly fighting each other, thus getting more food and females. The researchers did research by subdividing the cichlid into several pairs of males. In every pair, one male was injected with a methylating agent while the other received a methylation suppressor, and the two fish fought for dominance. The cichlid which was injected with the methylating agent found most likely to be the winners.

In conclusion, the epigenetic processes can cause changes in social status for this species of African cichlid but not reflect. The researchers will confirm which genes respond to methylation and causes change in dominance behavior the next time.

You may to read this: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-mouse-Glucagon-like-peptide-1-receptor-11089633.html

The best way to relieve back pain is exercise

When you're suffering back pain, most of you are more likely to lie in bed all the time, considering that you will recover from the great discomfort soon. Recently, a research suggests that in fact, exercising may be the best way to relieve the pain.

A series of study involving over 30,000 participants, consist of more than 20 researches by using different treatment methods for lower back pain. The researchers get the conclusion from the research that proper exercise along with right education and exercise alone can help to decrease the risk of back pain.

The study shows that in patients who do much exercises, the lower back pain complaints reduced to thirty-five percent in the whole year. What's more, the percentage went to 45% when they were taught the right ways of sitting and lifting heavy things.

Although the researchers think that exercise alone may be useful, which means reducing risk of its episode and sick leave occurrences, they can't ensure whether the effects can last over a year. They noted that about 50 percent of the patients experience intermittence a year after recovering.

According to estimation, there may be 80 percent of the population suffering from back pain in their daily life mainly due to bending awkwardly, bad posture or lifting heavy objects improperly. This new finding provides proof of effects of exercise in relieve lower back pain, which is of great importance as a precautionary measure.

Besides, this study also finds various benefits from different forms of exercises, including back and abs strengthening, motion exercises. Yoga is effective for both women and men as a result of muscle strengthening and stretching combo. But the new findings show no evidence about the benefits of back belts shoe insoles or education alone to relieve back pain.

Read more as you like: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Mus-musculus-Mouse-Complement-receptor-type-2-11106401.html


New protein is found: promising to help find treatment of certain breathing problems

Lungs are necessary for almost all of the land animals to survive. But there is still a rare exception - the largest group of salamanders in the world. Recently, researchers finally know how these animals conduct breathing through their skin but not lungs.

The researchers reported on the meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology that a copy of a key lung gene shift where it is active, rendering skin capable of efficient gas exchange. This way of breathing without lungs stand for great evolutionary change, one expected to limit the size, lifestyle, and whereabouts of any specie. However, about 448 species of plethodontids family of salamanders might have not gotten the information, for they roam across the Western Hemisphere, South Korea, and Italy, ranging from 25 millimeters to 27 centimeters long, and calling burrows to tree tops home. To figure out the problem, evolutionary developmental biologists did research on one of these species, the dusky salamander (Desmognathus fuscus) by tracking them. Then they found that the lungs actually begin to form, but never develop. On the contrary, this species make more blood vessels to the skin. Other gene studies on gene activity on this species and other vertebrates showed that a key gene is found in the vertebrate lung and the lung exists in 2 copies in salamanders. This gene is active only in the lungs of salamanders which have lungs, but it is also active in the skin, mouth, and throat in the species without lungs. It codes for a protein that helps membranes become more receptive to gas exchange. Thus, the gene's existence in the skin and mouth can just help figure out why some salamanders can breathe without lungs.

By the way, the protein referred above is a surfactant protein. This protein, which is new-found, may be helpful for the treatment of breathing problems.

More can be found here: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Mouse-chemokine-C-X-C-motif-ligand-17-CXCL17-ELISA-kit-1042303.html

Do our bodies really have more bacteria than human cells?

We always know that the number of bacteria and other microbes in human's body are larger than our human's own cells by the ratio of 10 to 1. However, researchers from Israel and Canada suggest people forget this "myth". They think that the ratio between resident microbes and human cells may be 1 to 1 as they calculate.

Scientists find bacteria bonanza in a remote village in Amazon. According to Ron Milo and Ron Sender, there is a man contains on average about 30 trillion human cells and 39 trillion bacteria. They are scientists form Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and Shai Fuchs at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. The numbers are approximate. It means there may be another person who have half as many or twice as many bacteria, but the results are far from the 10:1 ratio as people always think.

“The numbers are similar enough that each defecation event may flip the ratio to favour human cells over bacteria,” they delicately conclude in a manuscript posted to the preprint server bioRxiv1.

To create global microbiome effort, the scientists expressed their doubts about the 10:1 claim. They think that there were very few good estimates for the numbers of human and microbial cells in the body. Sender, Milo and Fuchs made up their mind to re-estimate the number. They reviewed a wide range of recent experimental data in the literature including DNA analyses to calculate cell number and magnetic-resonance imaging to calculate organ volume. The scientists found that the most of human cells are red blood cells.

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Guinea-pig-anti-hepatitis-B-virus-surface-antibodyHBsAb-ELISA-kit-1080378.html


Application of image-based flow cytometry in cell phagocytosis

Phagocytosis is an important cellular process in innate immunity, development, and disease. Current methods for analyzing phagocytosis are largely limited to flow cytometry and manual image-based assays, providing limited information.

Here, we use image flow cytometry, an image-based and automated assay to rapidly quantitate binding and internalization stages during phagocytosis. PE-F4/80 labeled peritoneal macrophages were incubated with NBD-labeled PS beads, flow cytometry was first performed to analyze phagocytosis, and double positive cells were defined as phagocytic cells. It showed that the phagocytic percentage decreased from 63.83±6.30 % in ctrl to 32.66±4.79 % in Cytochalasin D treated (P<0.05), indicating that there were about 30% beads were bound to but not internalized into macrophage. The phagocytic level was also statisticaled by the Internalization wizard in image flow cytometry. The beads that overlapped with two peripheral pixels of phagocytes were considered as bound but not internalized; the rest was considered as internalized.

The results showed that the binding and internalization percentage were 64%, 36% respectively. Image flow cytometry offers the ability to automatically distinguish large amounts of image data into the binding and internalization within minutes, clearly demonstrating its potential value in investigating phagocytosis.

You may like this: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/CD34-Polyclonal-Antibody-11106189.html

Research on protein expression in the 4T1 murine breast cancer model system

Lately, a research team looked over protein phrase in the 4T1 murine breast cancer tumor design system. As soon as 4T1 cellular material tend to be which is injected in to the mammary muscle of rodents, they will encourage cancerous growth progress which is very similar to a highly metastatic kind of breast cancer tumor generally known as triple-negative, basal-like breast cancer tumor, which is affecting humans. Working with a supplementary cancer tumor, especially lung cancer is actually frequent by using this sort of breast cancer tumor. Several investigations suggest that TGF-β antagonists can certainly hold back 4T1 lung metastasis through a variety of several influences. What’s a lot more, TGF-β can certainly initially action to be a cancerous growth suppressor but then transition into a pro-oncogenic aspect from after disorder levels.

In order to find out about TGF-β-induced metastasis, Sato and his colleagues injected six-week-old rodents by using 4T1 cellular material and granted that cancers to build. Within some of the rodents, they will handled cancers which has a TGF-β inhibitor (a receptor I kinase inhibitor, SB-431542). The team hypothesized that through suppressing TGF-β, they could have the ability to distinguish proteomic improvements associated with TGF-β.

Once enabling cancers expand, the researchers sacrificed both the handled and non-treated rodents and resected the cancers. With all the action transfer surfactant (PTS) approach, they will organized protein extracts and then digested protein lysates by using trypsin. Later, they will execute dimethyl labeling before fractionation by using good cation swap chromatography.

Utilizing a LTQ Orbitrap Velos hybrid ion trap-Orbitrap size spectrometer (Thermo Medical), the researchers determined 36, 239 peptides from 6th, 694 proteins. Of these final results, 4, 531 proteins were being differentially spoken to. They will additional determined any subset of proteins employing European blotting and immunohistochemistry.

The researchers found that dealing with 4T1 rodents by using SB-431542 didn't impact progress in the key cancerous growth, nonetheless would considerably slow down lung metastasis. The researchers also established the fact that signaling path ways regarding that eukaryotic translation initiation factors eIF2 and eIF4 were being essentially the most enriched path ways within metastatic rodents. The researchers noticed that these kinds of proteins can be down-regulated through TGF-β pathway inhibitors and regarded as book potential mediators of TGF-β tumor-promoting exercise.

In the end, the researchers retain that perform uncovers eIF signaling to be a potential book restorative aim for avoiding breast cancer tumor metastasis.

More can be found here: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/ATL3-Antibody-11098193.html


Effects of seeding density and within-rows-intercropping on seed yield of corns and peas

A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of different seed sowing density of corns and intercropping with peas on yield, by using double-ridge mulching with film with ridge width of 40 cm and 70 cm, respectively, in which corn plants were sown along the rows with spacing 40, 50 and 60 cm, respectively, and one or two individual plants of peas were inserted between corn plants equidistantly.

The result shows that the yield increased with the spacing of corn decreased when the number of peas was fixed, the total grain yield in within-rows-intercropping of spacing was 40 cm and 50 cm and grain yield of corn in monoculture was significantly greater than 60 cm; the total ground biomass in corn monoculture and intercropping in which inserted two peas between two corns when spacing is 40 cm was significantly greater than 60 cm, total aboveground biomass of intercropping in which inserted one peas between two corns when spacing was 40 cm was significantly larger than 50 cm and 60 cm; Corn aboveground biomass in monoculture which spacing was 40 cm was significantly greater than 60 cm. When corn spacing was fixed within-rows-intercropping had big effect on grain yield, it increased with the number of peas increased, but had little effect on total aboveground biomass and had no effect on corn yield. The total grain yield in intercropping of inserting two peas between two corns when spacing was 40 cm and 50 cm, which was significantly greater than the intercropping of inserting one pea between two corns.

Total aboveground biomass in intercropping of inserting two peas between two corns when spacing was 50 cm was significantly greater than the intercropping of inserting one pea between two corns in the same spacing.

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Rattus-norvegicus-Rat-Lumican-11106399.html

Making use of immunotherapy to find better cancer therapy

You may be a little unfamiliar with immunotherapy for it is relatively new in biotech field, but it has been commercially successful. Immunotherapeutics in the market include inhibitors like Humira (adalimumab; AbbVie Inc.), for autoimmune diseases such as plaque psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis, and Erbitux (cetuximab; Eli Lilly and Co.), for head-and-neck and metastatic colon cancer. There are also some other big companies in the trial, such as Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. and Genentech/Roche Holding AG, developer of blockbusters Avastin (bevacizumab) and Rituxan (rituximab).

These therapies have shown great efficacy in treating various diseases either on the cell membrane or in the microenvironment surrounding. But sector analysts and researchers consider the interior of the cell the ultimate target—or, as Frost & Sullivan analyst Dorman Followwill dubs it, the "Holy Grail" of cancer treatment. They want to deal with cancer by taking out the core of it. At that time, nothing is left and cancer is cured.

Recently, Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Sorrento Therapeutics Inc. have launched a new collaboration focused on delivering therapeutics intracellularly. For the last 30 years, scientists have always been seeking ways of building inside the cell. Here come more breakthroughs.

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-human-Medium-chain-specific-acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase-mitochondrial-11089628.html


Proteins reshape themselves to take part in the cancer progression

In accordance with a newly released analyze printed from the Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital have found precisely how proteins linked to malignancy change into distinct constructions that will hinder their particular usual characteristics. Scientists are capable of identify these types of conversions using combining the next three tactics: single-molecule biophysics, fluorescence resonance vitality airport transfer (FORM A CHORD) and circular dichroism. Famously, scientists include centered on the nucleophosmin (NPM1) protein. Inside its usual say, NPM1 does not employ a defined system yet relatively morphs in between the monomer plus a five-subunit folded pentamer. Mutations of the protein hinder its power to be able to curb growths, probably its numerous usual characteristics. Mutated NPM1 has been obtained in cancers such as non-Hodgkin lymphoma and severe myelogenous leukemia.

Since NPM1 morphs in between its 2 forms, it needs distinct pathways. For example, one transformation happens if phosphoryl groups affix to NPM1. The phosphorylation reasons the ordered pentamer sort to get disordered and depart the cell’s nucleus, whereby the binding spouse sounds invert transformation to your pentamer. Even so, NPM1 does not receive similar journey to re-enter the nucleolus. There are various advanced beginner measures in between the change through monomer to be able to pentamer that are on the impulse with adjusting disorders such as salt concentrations, and phosphorylation. Foreseeable future experiments while using three tactics posted previously mentioned to be able to identify conversions, together with a way to tag proteins intended for single-molecule fluorescence, may also allow perception into alternative disorders linked to protein condition and folding, such as neurodegenerative condition, cardiovascular disease, infectious condition, and variety only two diabetes.

What a number of the alternative important things about you get involved with the results with protein restructuring? Which are the feasible therapeutic earmarks of understanding precisely how adjusting proteins influence condition?

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Fish-Apolipoprotein-EAPOE-ELISA-kit-1035336.html

New study on mice shows new development on Cancer immunotherapy

The field has been gaining traction since the publication Science hailed cancer immunotherapy as the breakthrough of the year two years ago. The theory is always to stimulate the body’s individual immune cells to identify cancer cells as disease-causing, and order them to attack the cancer. Efficiently, as an alternative to offering poisonous chemotherapeutics to the whole entire body, cancer immunotherapy would certainly allow ideal focusing on while using body’s immune cells simply. It’s similar to a vaccine, but for cancer. Numerous strategies have become inside professional medical demos to be able to explore the opportunity, and so are featuring many possibilities.

A new research from the Fiering Lab at Dartmouth’s School of Medicine utilized an empty cowpea mosaic virus just as one adjuvant intended for revitalizing the immune system. These types of infections shortage their particular key DNA just like numerous vaccines, therefore is non-infectious, yet includes floors which might be identified from the immune system.

The experts observed that breathing in these types of 40 nm cells minimized metastatic lung cancers with melanoma and boobs cancer inside mice. The cells in addition addressed colon metastatic growths from the skin color, plus a fluid-producing ovarian cancer. The experts consider that the actual system with cancer cellular passing away will be not known, yet offered the dependency on precise proteins, involves the immune system.

The system is possible total, and mostly avoids the offering challenges that nanotherapeutics run into by simply giving the doses straight to the impaired organs. The study will be exciting since neutrophils, inborn immune cellular, include the responders to the present viral contamination. In addition, it’s ambiguous the reason why usual tissues were spared and cancers were aimed in such an inborn immune result, it is ordinarily nonspecific. Additional experiments to understand the mechanisms from the cowpea mosaic virus may possibly bring on much better therapy benefits and translatability to humans.

More can be found here: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Bovine-C-telopeptide-of-type-%E2%85%A1-collagenCTX-%E2%85%A1-ELISA-Kit-1035497.html


You'll be healthier as you remember the following tips

Everyone wants to have a healthy body to live, to work, to enjoy good times, and many people set losing weight, eating healthy, and getting fit compete as their whole-life healthy resolutions. However, many of them drop out of the plans as their resolutions are too vague to follow and perform. How to solve this problem? Here I will share some detail and practical healthy resolutions for you! I'm sure you can master several of them and just keep doing them, you'll deserve so much more.

1. Go vegan for a day. Here's a high-protein vegan meal plan to give you some ideas.

2. Ditch soft drink for a day (or a week).

3. Give someone you don't know a compliment.

4. Try green tea. It's really good for you!

5. Take lunch to work two times in one week. Too challenging? Then try to brown-bag it once, your choice. We just ask that you set yourself up for success and make good choices.

6. Skip alcohol, wine and beer included, for a week.

7. Read a book — it's good for your brain.

8. Plan a fitness date with a friend.

9. Take a compliment by just saying, "Thank you." And not explaining why you don't deserve it.

10. Start your day with lemon water.

11. Make your own salad dressing — it costs less money, saves calories, and tastes better. Here are our favorite salad dressing recipes.

12. Reconnect with an old friend — off of Facebook. Yes, it is possible.

13. Do squats while brushing your teeth — make use of those 2 minutes!

14. Sing the ABCs every time you wash your hands to ensure they're really getting your paws clean.

15. Make overnight oats so you have breakfast waiting for you in the morning.

16 .Give yourself an at-home spa day — a long bath can make you feel so good.

17. Schedule an at-home workout. Seriously. Put it in your calendar and do it.

18. Get your vision checked — those tension headaches could be about your eyes.

19. Get rid of old, unsupportive sports bras and take time to find one that really works for you.

20. Sleep 8 hours a night for a week.

21. Take healthy snacks to work; trail mix is easy and requires no cooking.

22. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and stay hydrated all day long.

23. Buy, and more importantly use, a set of medium-weight dumbbells.

24. When you are cold, don't turn up the heat — do 10 push-ups (doing them on your knees is cool with us.)

25. Skip the fries and order a salad with your burger.

26. Eat carb free for a day — do you feel better or just super cranky?

27. Stop eating when you are 3/4 full instead of stuffed.

Be healthier as much as you can! Remember some of the resolutions in the list and just keep in mind. You will change day by day.

More reading: http://www.cusabio.com/Monoclonal-Antibody/Vimentin-Monoclonal-Antibody-11106186.html

Get to know the horrible new killer, Zika virus

Zika virus (ZIKV) is a member of the Flaviviridae virus family and the flavivirus genus. It is a mosquito-borne virus that may be causing thousands of babies to be born with tiny heads and brains, which results in a defect called microcephaly. The first case of Zika found in Easter Island is in 2014. Zika has been spreading through island to island in the South Pacific since 2007. Easter Island has an annual festival that attracts Polynesians, who may bring Zika with them.

There are so many virologists believe the breakout of the virus in New York City is caused by the blood of someone from a plane travel. The first cases were found in Queens, home to Kennedy International Airport, so the virus might also have been brought in a stowaway mosquito or even a bird. West Nile spread slowly towards west, stopped in each winter because the mosquitoes died off and the birds flew back to south. It is until 2005 that the virus reaches the Pacific Northwest. What's more, mosquito-borne pathogens are not the only ones which can be moved. There are also ticks that can carry more than 30 diseases, including the fatal Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

In other areas of America, the Gulf Coast tick is expanding north. Scientists even found other species that carry a combined 18 infectious bacteria in new places. The living conditions and medical treatment is quite important, which has been proved by malaria. And in the age of plane travel, nearly two thousand Americans come back from abroad with malaria every year, but there is no outbreak happens. It is because that the patients are always treated quickly, thus killing the parasites in blood.

Besides, most American homes have air-conditioning and screens, so they can be hardly bitten or only a few times all over the year. But people living in the poor condition such as a windowless shack in Rio or Mexico City might be more dangerous.

"Zika may have changed in the past decade," said Dr. Weaver, a co-author of a paper that foresaw the emergence of Zika virus in the Americas. "It might have increased its transmissibility in Aedes aegypti or its ability to build up to high levels in the human bloodstream."

Refer to this link to read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/TSPAN31-Antibody-11098188.html


Pediatric sickle cell study was stopped because of good results

"It appeared to be any freedom to be a part of this specific well-designed and executed study. Russell Ware presented the results at the ASH meeting, and eighteen years ago, almost the day, I presented the STOP study results to the same meeting," said Robert J. Adams, M.D., study principal investigator, MUSC professor of neurosciences and director of the South Carolina Stroke Center of Economic Excellence." The study demonstrated just how successful transcranial Doppler possibility stratification, then frequent reddish colored cell transfusions within people that have riskly the circulation of blood, can be in the avoidance of cerebrovascular accident within these kinds of youngsters. This specific grew to become generally known as the PREVENT method and its wide usage continues to be of a sharpened fall within ischemic cerebral vascular accidents within youngsters by using sickle cell disorder. The downside of indefinite transfusions nonetheless, appeared to be any limitation to more expansive use of the PREVENT method. This specific study exhibits which several youngsters can be changed from transfusion to treatment once at the least a year. The mixed realizing and evidence from these kinds of not one but two reports produces us better to accomplishing the National Institutes' objective of an 'stroke cost-free generation' within sickle cell disorder."

Ordinary treatment for youngsters by using sickle cell disorder that are from riskly of cerebrovascular accident includes frequent bloodstream transfusions. Youngsters who obtain frequent bloodstream transfusions tend to be then at an increased risk for iron bars clog. Chelation, or maybe iron-reduction, treatment is necessary for all receiving transfusions. The National Institutes of Health (NIH)-supported study searched for to response whether or not hydroxyurea would present a similar perk because bloodstream transfusions, given these kinds of extra treatment has effects on. Hydroxyurea is an only substance sanctioned because of the Meals and Substance Insolvency to treat sickle cell disorder. The Transcranial Doppler with Transfusions Changing to Hydroxyurea (TWiTCH) study appeared to be ended earlier thanks to good initial results in November 2014.

Investigators from twenty six medical web pages supported because of the NIH's National Heart, Lung, and Bloodstream Institute (NHLBI) recruited and undertook studies 121 youngsters age range 4 to 16 years old and split them into no two groupings: one who obtained transfusions and the other that was transitioned from transfusions to daily doses of hydroxyurea.

"No baby must ever have got to face that possibility of suffering through a cerebrovascular accident,” reported Gary H. Gibbons, M. N., director in the NHLBI. "Our institute is actually striving to obtain any stroke-free era of youngsters coping with sickle cell disorder. Reports like this tend to be essential for switching us toward this specific of great benefit objective. "

The authors indicated that the results suggest that hydroxyurea may be good to decrease possibility of stroke for other patient populations.

More reading as you like:http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/HIST1H2AG--Antibody-11106201.html

New ways to study gene activation in brain

Two developments in technology made the current study possible. The first, TRAP, was developed at Rockefeller. It enables researchers to map gene expression in specific types of neurons. Hatten’s team applied this method to identify the genes expressed in granule cells, one of the two cell types that make up the cerebellum, in the mouse brain from birth through adulthood. The researchers focused on changes in gene expression 12 to 21 days after birth, for this is the main period during which the circuitry of the cerebellum is formed.

The second key method used in this study is metagene analysis, which is a mathematical model developed at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard that allows the researchers to study large sets of genes and see changes in patterns that would be too difficult to interpret by looking at each genes. Three researchers from Broad collaborated on the study. Using the analytical tool, the researchers found that during this crucial period of time in development, all the pathways that control the remodeling of chromatin changed.

Read more: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/Rabbit-anti-human-Transcription-factor-p65-polyclonal-Antibody-11106202.html


Identifying ADP-Ribosylation Sites more accurately by various methods

Let's talk about something about ADP-ribosylation. It is catalyzed by ADP-ribosyltransferases (ARTs) and is quite an important element in apoptosis, DNA repair, cell signaling, gene regulation. Though researchers now can identify some ADP-ribose covalent acceptor sites, there are still some challenges. ADP is a post-translational modification and is easily lost during the state of extraction or sample preparation. Another problem happens in identifying remaining ADP-riboslyated proteins, because the ADP-ribose modification is very short. Hydrolytic enzymes can degrade poly-ADP-ribose to mono-ADP-ribose.

Researchers explain that another a tough nut is due to a lack of appropriate methods to identify and count the actual amino acid acceptor sites on ADP-ribosylated proteins. In order to optimize ADP-ribosylation detection, researchers use a hybrid ion trap-Orbitrap mass spectrometer to develope a method to identify ADP-ribosylation sites.

The researchers prepared some ADP-ribosylated samples and a mixture which is consist of the 4 core histones and the H1 linker histone as full-length proteins. In order to complete their analysis, the researchers chose an LTQ Orbitrap Velos ETD mass spectrometer coupled to a high-performance liquid chromatography system and used Proteome Discoverer software revision 1.4 to go through the data carefully.

The researchers took a strategy of combining higher-energy collisional dissociation with electron-transfer dissociation. The strategy produced more comprehensive coverage of ADP-ribosylation sites compared with only using HCD (higher-energy collisional dissociation). Instead of using the two methods together, the researchers used HCD followed by ETD on the same precursors only when one or more marker ions was present in the HCD spectra, or a product-dependent approach.

Further analysis showed more improved results using an HCD spectra ion trap product-dependent approach, or two-stage ion trap HCD-ETD. It helps researchers to identify ADP-ribosylation sites more accurately and be more confident in vitro modified proteins.

More can be found here: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Human-Haptoglobin-Related-Protein-HPRELISA-Kit-1042050.html

New finding on proteins helps to find new cancer treatment

Lysine methyltransferases and lysine demethylases are two chromatin-modifying enzymes in the nucleus. In the past, researchers concentrated on the way the enzymes target nuclear proteins. But Rechem et al. assume that there are another important roles the chromatin-modifying enzymes plays outside the nucleus. In order to prove the argument, the team showed that earlier data has implicated chromatin-modifying enzymes as important players in multiple disease states. Thus these enzymes have a possibility of using these enzymes to design drug therapies and are beneficial in disease research.

Rechem et al. investigated chromatin-modifying enzymes in the cytoplasm, and analyzed the lysine demethylase KDM4A, which is a JmjC domain, ontains enzyme and is present both inside and outside of the nucleus. Then they used endogenously immunoprecipitated KDM4A from whole-cell extracts which are derived from cell lines. They adopted a multiplexed quantitative proteomics strategy, using TMT10plex isobaric label reagents and a synchronous precursor selection-based MS3 method on an Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid mass spectrometer equipped with an EASY-nLC 1000 liquid chromatograph and integrated autosampler. They identified interacting proteins from both compartments after matching MS data against a protein sequence database containing all protein sequences in the human UniProt database and that of known contaminants.

Next step they examined proteins interacting with KDM4A using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) and got the result that there are proteins related to translation. At the same time, they confirmed the interactions by co-immunoprecipitations with a separate KDM4A antibody. There is also a Western blot that help to confirm that KDM4A can affect translation directly and is present in the initiating fractions of polysome profiles. The team found that reduced KDM4A levels can reduce whole protein synthesis but not change cell proliferation.

The researchers say that KDM4A depletion use chemical inhibition with JIB-04, a JmjC demethylase inhibitor, to prevent translation initiation, reduce overall translation and enhance inhibitor sensitivity. The direct interaction between KDM4A with proteins is involved in translation. It is well-known that mTOR is a first-line defense drug to slow cancer growth by impeding DNA replication, so this finding is considered to be quite earthshaking. KDM inhibition could increase the effectiveness of cancer treatments.

The authors maintain that KDM inhibition could increase the effectiveness of cancer treatments such as mTOR, KDM4A and other JmjC proteins. More research on these protein should be done to develop a more effective cancer therapy.

Read more as you like: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Rat-angiostatin-ANG-ELISA-kit-1042047.html