
How a molecular machine inside the cell acts as a gatekeeper?

New clues about how a molecular machine inside the cell acts as a gatekeeper has been found by the scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). The molecular machine allows some molecules to enter and exit the nucleus and keeping other molecules out. They started by studying pore nuclear, which crosses the membrane that separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell. To their surprise, the nanomachine can handle the selective transport of more than one thousand molecules per second. It is very important to maintaining an organism's health, including human's. This nanomachine transports RNA and ribosomal proteinshttp://www.cusabio.com/catalog-13-1.html out of the nucleus and only allows important molecules to come in. It is also involved in many diseases when it goes out of order, such as cardiac and infectious diseases, cancer, and nervous system disorders. After years of research, scientists got to know that the nanopore uses a family of proteins called FG Nups to transport molecules. These proteins are inside the pore and have floppy regions that briefly interact with molecules, allowing passage to some and blocking others. However, they haven't got the details about how these proteins perform like this. Recently a study published by Berkeley Lab scientists found that the proteins' transportation ability is likely due to specific features encoded in their sequences. Protein sequences are mainly composed of amino acids. In FG Nups proteins, the scientists found different types of amino acids arranged just so within their sequences. This arrangement seems to form a network inside the nuclear pore complex to perform a extremely efficient transportation mode. The findings come out by analyzing the sequences of more than 1000 FG Nups proteins across 252 species. They provide numerous implications in health and disease. Read more as you like:http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/TSPAN31-Antibody-FITC-conjugated--11098198.html

