
Learning more about low birth weight live birth

Syncytial knots are seen with increased frequency in the last weeks of pregnancy and more villi show these changes in high risk pregnancies.Out of 50 placentas, 44 showed increased number of syncytial knots (88%) in the present study. Fibrinoid necrosis is nothing but a fibrinoid patch that replaces villous stroma and the vasculature underneath a more or less intact trophoblastic cover. It occurs occasionally in normal mature placentas, but the incidence is increased in complicated pregnancies. Significant villous fibrinoid necrosis was noted in 44 cases (88%) in the placentas of PIH, anemia and IUGR. These findings are in concordance with other studies. The incidence of villi showing a thickened basement membrane in more than 3% of the villous population is regarded as abnormal and is a common feature of placentas from complicated pregnancies. In the present study, 25 placentas showed increased basement membrane thickness (50%). These findings concurred with those of other authors. In the present study, 32% of placentas showed stromal fibrosis. There was an increased incidence of fibrotic placenta in pregnancy complicated by Fox et al, also correlated with this finding. Vasculosyncytial membrane (VSM) is an index of fetal hypoxia. The incidence of VSM deficiency was noted in 34% of cases. The paucity of VSM was seen in higher grades of PIH, correlating with the severity of disease. Chorangioma is an expansile nodular lesion composed of capillary vascular channels, intervening stromal cells and surrounding trophoblasts. Intermediate sized chorangioma are associated with IUGR.In the present study, one case of chorangioma was found. In conclusion, placental morphological changes increase in direct proportion to the severity of diseases in high risk pregnancies. Study of these features in placenta will help to understand the role of the placenta in LBW live births and may give an insight into the etiopathogenesis of intrauterine growth retardation. Learn more here>>>http://www.cusabio.com/Recombinant-Protein/Recombinant-Mus-musculus-Mouse-Perforin-1-11090031.html

