
The ultimate objective of an ecosystem is to improve its energy utilization efficiency

Before, a hypothesis was proposed that “life evolution route is the process of elevating energy efficiency. The ultimate objective of an ecosystem is to improve its energy utilization efficiency”.

In the present research, the hypothesis is only primarily proved by the evidence of higher net primary productivity in terrestrial ecosystems than in aquatic ecosystems. It was also found that the soil food web’s energy utilization efficiency is higher than in ocean cost food webs. For the lack of evidence about an integral terrestrial ecosystem consisted of producer, consumer and decomposer, it has not yet been proved that the energy utilization efficiency of whole terrestrial ecosystem is higher than aquatic ecosystems.

There will be other ways to prove this hypothesis, if related researchers are interested in this proposition. For example, we can take human population and feeding animals as a fraction of consumers at the biosphere, to estimate the energy utilization efficiency of the whole terrestrial consumer food web. In this case, we should carefully to calculate the fraction of natural food web and artificial food web. In addition, human beings are not only the omnivorous consumer of terrestrial products but also consumer of aquatic products. A panoramic overview on the global biosphere’s energy utilization efficiency will be an interesting academic progress, meanwhile it maybe a “thinking toolbox” for the management of our earth.

Read more here: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Fish-Apolipoprotein-EAPOE-ELISA-kit-1035336.html

