
MiR393 mediated disease resistance to Botrytis Cinerea in Arabidopsis exposed to SO2

It has been found that some disease resistance genes were up-regulated in Arabidopsis response to SO2, and meanwhile DCL1, associated with miRNA synthesis pathways, was differently expressed. In order to analysis the mechanism of enhanced resistance induced by SO2, the role of miR393 during the resistance increase in Arabidopsis plants was investigated in this study. The results showed that SO2-fumigated Arabidopsis plant showed higher levels of resistance to Botrytis Cinerea after exposed to 30 mg/m3 SO2 for 72 h. Also, pathogenesis-related protein genes were up-regulated in plants. In addition, the expression level of MIR393a was increased along with the decrease in transcriptional level of their target genes TIR1, AFB2 and AFB3. In summary, the expression pattern changes of miR393 together with its taget genes in Arabidopsis plants, which can regulate plant disease resistance via auxin signaling, are involved in resistance to Botrytis Cinerea in Arabidopsis exposed to SO2 and might play important roles during abiotic-iuduced cross-resistance in plant response to environmental stresses. You may like the content below:http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/SRPRB-Antibody-Biotin-conjugated-11098203.html

