
Who can be the leader in the animal kindom?

In human's society, people are always keeping eyes on who will be the leader, or to be specific, the president. Rresearchers shows some interesting perspectives about that question in animal kindom in the journal Trends in Ecology & Evolutionhttp://www.cusabio.com/catalog-13-1.html. They examined patterns of leadership in a set of small-scale mammalian societies from a wide range of disciplines. The objects includ humans and other social mammals. "While previous work has typically started with the premise that leadership is somehow intrinsically different or more complex in humans than in other mammals, we started without a perceived notion about whether this should be the case," said Jennifer Smith, who is from Mills College in Oakland, California. "By approaching this problem with an open mind and by developing comparable measures to compare vastly different societies, we revealed more similarities than previously appreciated between leadership in humans and non-humans." As we know that chimpanzees travel together, capuchins cooperate for fights and spotted hyenas cooperate for hunting, but it is still mysterious about the common ways that leaders promote these collective actions. The problem about how much human leaders living in small-scale societies have in common with those in other mammaliansocieties is also unknown, too. To figure out this issue, a team of biologists, mathematicians, psychologists and anthropologists cooperated in the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis. They reviewed the related evidence and categorized patterns of leadership in five dimensions. They are distribution across individuals, emergence, power, relative payoff to leadership, and generality across domains. Comparing with other mammal species, human leaders are not that powerful. In fact, leadership in other mammalian species is more concentrated. The researchers are still planning to quantify the various dimensions identified in their new research work. More remains to be uncorvered. More interesting content, click here:http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/TSPAN31-Antibody-HRP-conjugated--11098197.html

