
Obesity may have bad effect on memory

According to the original publication published in The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, researchers at School of Psychology of Cambridge found that high body mass index (HBM) is related to the poor performance in situational memory test.

Although this is a small study, the results have been found to support previously a number of inferences that is overweight may be associated with changes in brain structure and function of the brain and cognitive function related to the best ability. Special mention is that obesity is considered to be the hippocampus (Hippocampus) functions related disorder that the hippocampus is responsible for memory and learning ability in the brain, but it is the decision-making part of the brain involved in the frontal lobe, problem solving and emotional processing, indicating that it may also affect memory, but still not enough evidence to prove lack of memory associated with obesity.

Obesity increases the risk of physical illness, such as diabetes and heart disease as well as mental illness, such as depression and anxiety.

"In people know the risks of obesity, the diet to understand what drives and conscious diet is becoming increasingly important," says Dr. Lucy Cheke. "We know that to a certain extent, hunger and satiety by balancing our body and brain of hormones caused, but the psychological factor is also an important role - for example, we often while being distracted or TV work eats more, but some may eat to comfort themselves when getting hurt."

The researchers tested 50 participants aged 18-35 with their body mass index in the range of 18-51. The range of 18-25 is considered to be healthy; 25-30 is overweight; over 30 is obese. Participants took part in the memory test of Treasure-Hunt Task. They needed to hide items in complex scenes for two days (such as a snack hidden in palm trees). They then needed to remember where the items were hidden and when they hide them. Overall, the research team found that high BMI is related to poorer performance on memory tests.

The researchers say that this study suggests that changes before the discovery of high body mass index in populations of brain structure and function may be accompanied by the formation and / or episodic memory recall ability weak. For example, it affects young adults in the show, which provides more evidence suggests that obesity and lack of cognitive ability may appear in the early adult body.

"We're not saying that people who are overweight must be very forgetful," Dr. Cheke cautioned, "But if these results extend to daily life in the memory of the words, indicating that overweight people will become increasingly difficult to extract details and vivid memories of the past - such as what to eat for the past research on diet and memory impact statement overweight people use the memory capacity by damage to the control diet in other words, is likely to become overweight people ate more difficult to track what. also how much to eat, it is possible to make people eat too much."

Dr. Cheke believes this study is an important step to understand the impact of psychological factors on obesity. "The possibility that overweight people have a scene memory of missing cause for concern, especially seeing the evidence that has now been found, episodic memory may have noteworthy impact on eating habits and diet," she said.

More can be found here: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/Rabbit-anti-human-DNA-directed-RNA-polymerase-III-subunit-RPC1-polyclonal-AntibodyPOLR3A-11106205.html

