
Regulatory B-cells play an important role in immune response and inflammatory reaction

B-cells play role of immune regulation mainly by presenting antigen and producing antibodies. In recent years, it was found that part of the B-cells play regulatory role in immune response and inflammatory reactions. These B-cells are named regulatory B-cells. Regulatory B-cells can produce IL-10 to reduce inflammation, controlling T-cell immunity.

Research team from school of Life Science at Sun Yat-sen University found cancer-promoting regulatory B-cells in human hepatocellular carcinoma. The results were published recently in the journal Cancer Discovery and the article corresponding author is Professor Kuang Dong Ming from School of Life Sciences.

Studies have shown that B-cells promote tumor development continued to express higher levels of PD-1 (programmed cell death-1), in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) accounts for 10% of all B cells. Hepatocellular cancer is one of the highest of the main types of primary liver cancer, but also the degree of malignancy.

Further studies showed that, TLR4-mediated upregulation of Bcl-6 cells for induction of HCC environment B is very important. PD-1 expression in B cells by IL-10 signal, inhibition of tumor-specific T cell immunity; promote the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.

Nicotinamide ribose (nicotinamide riboside) is a derivative of vitamin B3. Scientists have recently discovered that this substance through dietary supplements, can prevent the development of liver cancer in mice, and induce tumor regression. Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) researchers, the establishment of the first truly reproduce HCC development in a mouse model. Studies have shown that DNA damage in the early stages of HCC, nicotinamide ribose rich diet can provide protection for the mouse.

Cyclin cyclin E1 cell cycle G1 / S transition when a key regulator of hepatocellular carcinoma and other cancers. Despite the expression and regulation of cyclin E1 stability it has a better understanding, but it is unclear post-transcriptional regulation. To this end, Fudan University researchers conducted in-depth research. They found that, HCC samples ubiquitous nuclear factor 90 (NF90) of the regulation, NF90 is a double-stranded RNA binding protein. Studies have shown, NF90 by regulating cyclin E1 mRNA stability, cell cycle control of HCC. NF90 can reduce cancer cell growth inhibition, delaying G1 / S transition.

Hypoxic microenvironment invasion and metastasis of HCC is a powerful driving force. As we all know, HIF-1α (hypoxia inducible factor) is a key transcriptional regulator of hypoxic response, capable of inducing the expression of multiple target genes involved in different stages of HCC metastasis. HCC metastasis essential molecular mechanism for understanding these target genes identified. Research team at Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University identified an important target gene of HIF-1α in HCC, providing a potential new target of HCC treatment.

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