
Researchers confirm the key mechanism of tau protein preventing the formation of memory

As we all know, twisted tau protein fibers would aggregates in the brain cells of Alzheimer's patients, but their exact role in this disease remains unclear. Now, a study in mice conducted confirms how human memory formation tau hinder key mechanism - strengthening connections between neurons.

In healthy cells, tau protein to help secure microtubules, while microtubules act as the surrounding cells transport substances track. However, in Alzheimer's patients, the protein becomes toxic, but the important question is what form of outstanding tau toxicity.

In the latest study, from San Francisco's Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease Li Gan and colleagues found that the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease possess a higher level of special tau. It is with a particular change and is known as the acetylated tau.

They then studied the acetylation of tau in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease role. The study found, it will accumulate in the synapse connections between neurons. When people form memories, synaptic cell membrane by insertion of additional receptors can be strengthened, and this enhances their response. However, acetylated tau depletion of another protein called KIBRA, and KIBRA essential for synaptic strengthening this mechanism.

"We are very excited because now we have learnt the link between tau and memory." Gan said, "We are very cautious, because we know that this may not be the only link in understanding this mechanism, we are still in early stages."

In the trained neurons, restore KIBRA levels can reverse the effects of acetylation of tau and restore its ability to strengthen connections. Gan believes that this provides a strategy for the treatment. "If we provide more of these proteins into neurons, we can repair generally-observed loss of synapses enhancements."

See more: http://www.cusabio.com/Polyclonal-Antibody/MAGEA10-Antibody-11098208.html

