
Scientists have developed a new technology to joint DNA barcode in a single cell

According to the latest issue of Molecular Systems Biology, Canada researchers have developed a new technology that can joint DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) barcode in a single cell to search interaction among millions protein pairs.

In recent years, DNA barcode technology enables scientists to carry out high-parallel test (many different types of cells in the same test tube) possible, and develop next-generation DNA sequencing technology, to further improve the counting and the barcode reading results of efficiency.

However, the number of tests carried out in the same test tube, but is limited by the number of cell type-coded. All along, DNA barcodes are one-dimensional, which is a bar code can only do one test. Allow barcode together in the cell, which means scientists can now break this barrier. The new technology can significantly increase the number of experiments carried out in a single test tube, under the same conditions can cost 10 times more efficient.

Widely used in yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) method, carry a "bait" proteins in yeast cells and carry a "prey" proteins in yeast cells mate. After Y2H manipulate the system, only the "bait" and "prey" protein cells stick together to survive, so that scientists can observe the correlation between what each protein. It is named "Fusion barcode Genetics - yeast two-hybrid (BFG-Y2H)" new technologies, carrying thousands of "bait" and "prey" protein pair in the same cell culture dish.

The novelty of the method is that the BFG-Y2H by cells programmed from the "bait" and "prey" DNA barcoding cells connected together to form a "fusion barcode", then use the next-generation DNA sequencing methods for fusion barcode testing.

The researchers said the ultimate goal of this study is to establish a three-dimensional view of protein interaction network rather than a static map. By establishing effective protein interaction maps contain richer information, BFG-Y2H method can extend the researchers' understanding of the mechanism of cells, proteins and show interaction among proteins which only take place under certain environmental condition, thus accelerating the understanding of gene functions and human disease.

More details: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA-Kit/Guinea-pig-anti-hepatitis-B-virus-surface-antibodyHBsAb-ELISA-kit-1080378.html

