
We may open our cellphone with skull recognition in the near future

According to foreign media reports, at present, it has become more and more common to unlock the mobile device using fingerprint scanning technology, and iris and facial recognition technology to unlock is also under intense research and development. But next major biological unlock device may come from our skulls. Recently, a research team composed of researchers from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, Saarland University, Max Planck Institute for Informatics developed a system called the SkullConduct, namely using the unique sound of skull to unlock the device.

Firstly, the research team adapted the Google Glass. They put a bone conduction speaker and a bone conduction microphone inside the glasses so that users can be able to wear the two key components of the system on the head.

After uses wear the device, it will play one-second audio. It is learned that this audio can't be detected by human's ear. After that, the microphone on Glass would identify and record the skull voice. Since the skull structure of each person is unique, so the reflected sound is unique, too. Moreover, this authentication method doesn't require user to write down anything or make a physical action. Research team said that the success rate of SkullConduct is as high as 97%.

Now, SkullConduct is still in the early stages of development, so it has to be faced with some limitations, such as the impact of the surrounding environment noise on pickup of skull voice, changes in body weight which would change the skull echo of the users.

More details: http://www.cusabio.com/Clone/c1714-1089580.html

