
New discoveries help develop more safe and effective drug

GPCRs are the largest and most important human receptor protein family. GPCRs in almost all biological processes, and most of the diseases, including neuropsychiatric disorders, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, inflammation and cancer in both play a role. Almost half of current drug use GPCRs are to achieve a therapeutic effect.

The new study investigated the mechanism of action of GPCRs at the molecular level, reveals some important knowledge about how drug-related treatment on this receptor family interaction.

Professor Arthur Christopoulos from Monash University, Australia, Rat Insulin-like growth factor 1 ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-84020/ said he hoped this study will contribute to create a more targeted, less side effects of the drug.

"We've solved this research study a new class of drug molecules over time, and how to combine and alter the structure of GPCR proteins in order to achieve the secret of its unique molecular effects," said Professor Christopoulos said.

"This kind of study can explain the behavior of the drug at the molecular level, and to promote the structural basis of the design of a more targeted new drug."

One starts with a known GPCR crystal structure as a template, the research team used computer simulations to map out how and receptor are able to "find" each other different drugs, and when they interact is how to change their shape and direction. Importantly, some predictions generated by computer simulation, both through new biological experiments as well as through the rational design of more effective targeting GPCR molecules has been verified.


DNA testing information to be protected

Recently, some experts encourage people to donate their large public databases of DNA, in order to be able to promote genetic testing and diagnosis faster. But many people need to make sure that their genomic information is safe, strict management standards.

In Canada, the protection of citizens against racial discrimination is a basic national policy. But now, Canadians are facing genetic discrimination. Existing law does not protect the privacy of personal genetic information, so insurance companies and employers through personal genetic test results to decide whether to provide insurance or job opportunities.

Two brothers, which participate in genetic testing brother, was informed that the gene mutation, there is a high risk of long QT syndrome Human Estradiol ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-75680/ . His brother in the job for fear of being discovered employer, so refused genetic testing. Who is the right approach? Thanks to the timely prevention and treatment, his brother greatly reduce the chance of a heart attack, but he did not get life insurance. Did not participate in genetic testing to obtain life insurance brother died at the age of 40, leaving behind his wife and young children. Because of privacy protection, the employer can not inquire about a person's marital status, but they can learn personal genetic information.

Genetic testing can help doctors make an accurate diagnosis and more effective treatment options, and ultimately save lives and reduce health care costs. But patients are often faced with a dilemma: take the test, you can improve the quality of their health; Once the risk is detected, they are likely to be discriminated against, or deprived of some opportunities.


Certain immune system cells play an important role in obesity

Early studies suggest that certain immune system cells may play an important role in body weight control. Now scientists have known, immune cells may contribute to obesity in mice resist. The new findings are published in the journal Nature.

The researchers found that people with relatively thin compared ILC2s cells in abdominal fat in obese adults is less common, but more importantly, in the mouse experiments, they found that seemed to irritate ILC2s "beige" fat cells, thereby enhancing the calorie burning. Seen in this light, these (ILC2) cells do not work properly in obesity.

Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City, said researcher David Artis: exactly why or how this happens is not clear, but for future research are key issues. He said the ultimate hope is to develop new ways to solve obesity. Over the past few years, researchers have been trying to understand how the immune system, metabolism and weight control. This sounds surprising, because the body's immune defense system is mainly infections, but evolutionary point of view it makes sense.

He explained that, although the immediate task of the immune system is to fight infection, but it is conceivable that some components of the immune system under stress conditions, the evolution of evolution and adipose tissue had "communication" to change the body's metabolism. As you can imagine, the immune system to "tell" the body's adipose tissue will face malnutrition, but also allow the body to adapt to stress conditions.

Dr. Charles Billington noted that when people are injured or have an allergic reaction, the body often into the "high metabolism" or revved burn calories. But Billington says this study and other recent work shows how the immune system, metabolism, and may have weight control. However, he also stressed that there are many unknown factors, there is some overlap between the immune system and metabolism, we do not really know.

ILC2s is a group of immune cells to help fight infections, allergies play a role in the. Artis and his colleagues wanted to know whether these cells may have other effects. The researchers began to study in obese adults and adults of normal weight belly fat. It turned out that obese people have less fat ILC2s, the same as the experimental mice obese. The researchers then injected with interleukin-33 to laboratory mice, interleukin-33 is a protein of the immune system. The researchers found that Human Kidney injury molecule 1 ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-82146/ , which increases calorie burning.

White fat, Billington explained that store extra calories, the body expressed as a beer belly or love handles. But there is another type of fat called brown fat is to burn calories to generate heat. In addition to white and brown varieties, there is a third category of body fat called beige fat. Like brown fat, which burns calories to generate heat. More importantly, beige fat may play an important role in the prevention of obesity.

In his experiment team, ILC2 cells seem beige animal fat by enhancing memory, in order to improve burn calories. Obviously, this research is in its early stages, there are a lot of work to do. But the goal is to better understand the communication between the immune system and the body fat, the development of new ways to treat obesity.


CRISPR miss the whole genome

CRISPR-Cas genes are among the most popular editing tools. Recently, the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) research team has developed a new method for detecting CRISPR off-target effects in the genome-wide, GUIDE-seq (Genome-wide Unbiased Indentification of DSBs Evaluated by Sequencing). The results published in the journal Nature Biotechnology on December 16 in.

"People in the past when it detects CRISPR-Cas nuclease-induced off-target DNA breaks, often presupposes off target sites and target sites similar .GUIDE-seq is the first method does not need to do so, but it is quite sensitive," This senior author of the study, associate professor at Harvard Medical School, said J. Keith Joung. "This is very important for the clinical assessment of CRISPR-Cas security."

Guiding CRISPR-Cas RNA nuclease (RGN) by disconnecting the double-stranded DNA to introduce genetic changes, RGN Cas contain a nuclease and a short RNA sequence complementary to the target DNA. Joung, who first reported last year, when the difference between the target fragment of DNA fragments in five nucleotides, CRISPR-Cas RGN will be off target. Such off-target mutation can cause side effects, including cancer, to identify and reduce these CRISPR DSB is to ensure that the foundation of clinical safety.

The researchers used a short double-stranded oligonucleotides to mark CRISPR-Cas-induced off-target fracture, sequencing these genomic regions where the label, it is possible to determine the location of off-target mutation. Studies have shown that even the appearance of an off-target mutation frequencies as low as 0.1%, GUIDE-seq also been able to detect. Because Human Haptoglobin ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-83112/ in a large off-target and target site local differences, so off-target DSB number and position is difficult to predict.


Human skin cells can be transplanted into a simple method with leukocyte

American scientists have for the first time using a simple method to human skin cells into white blood cells that can be transplanted. As we all know, the white blood cells are the immune system's "guardian", can help the body fight off infection and intruders. The researchers said the new study will help them conceive therapy, the new white blood cells into the body to deal with cancer or other illnesses.

From induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells to produce blood cells often fail to implant an organ or bone marrow, but also may lead to tumors; and researchers have developed, called "indirect lineage transformation" of new technology takes only two week, it will not generate tumors, while previous studies indicate that this new technology can be used to generate human vascular cells.

The main author of the study, researchers Salk Institute Ignacio Sancho - Martinez said: "We did not let the skin cells back to stem cells, but rather the use of new technology that allows skin cells to forget that Horse Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-84107/ , then let it be converted to the type of cells we need. in the latest study, we have successfully transformed in order to let their white blood cells. Moreover, the induction of cell loss of memory and guide its 'morph' for new cells only two creatures elements. "

In the new study, scientists have to borrow new technology will become a molecule called SOX2 has plasticity, that is, they are allowed to lose the memory of a particular cell type, then let the researchers called miRNA125b of genetic factors, induced cells into white blood cells.

Currently, toxicology, cell transplantation, pre-clinical and clinical studies, such as proof of concept before going to researchers. They said the latest study them towards the use of stem cell transplantation for the treatment of human diseases, but also a step closer.

Reveal secrets collagen growth at the molecular level

A research team from Texas A & M University biomedical engineers composed of at the molecular level to reveal how the growth of collagen and how it helps the body to form a variety of structures, including bones, tendons, blood vessels, skin, various structural heart, even the cornea and so on.

Using computer models and newly developed computer program, an associate professor of biomedical engineering at A & M University Wonmuk Hwang, has been able to distinguish the difference between a complex network of collagen formation under different conditions at the molecular level. His findings as scientific journal "Physical Review Letters" featured cover article.

Collagen, widespread use as a cosmetic, is the body's most abundant kind of protein. As the major structural protein of connective tissue, they are also tendons, ligaments and skin were found. Furthermore the cornea, cartilage, bone, blood vessels and teeth are rich in these proteins. Hwang studied collagen is how to form such a diverse materials. In particular, he studied the collagen fibers on the surface of how to assemble orderly network.

Hwang said surface assembly of collagen, particularly with biomedical engineers are looking for collagen-based coating implantable medical devices, in order to prevent the equipment being refused the body's immune system.

"We compared the differences in the structure of collagen formation on," Hwang said, the difference between what is real, "these molecules from different parts of the body between the? What differences exist between the formation of collagen and bone formation cornea? If you study the problem at the molecular level, you can begin to see the difference. our research aims to provide a quantitative and detailed analysis of these differences. "

As part of his study, Hwang found that collagen fibers assembled into a complex network of triangular shape, wherein the larger the shape of a small filled. Hwang explained that this type of structure is composed of a network of scientists based on fractal division. Bovine Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-84103/ distributed throughout nature, such as water systems, clouds, shoreline and mountains. Similar networks or even in between the light carrying optical nanofibers based electronics.

To explain this phenomenon has been widely observed, Hwang developed a theoretical and computational model for network formation process, so that he accurately predicted and simulated growth process of the network. Hwang collagen network to test the model, using a computer program, he developed a technique called CAFé, (Hwang aid of a computer program called CAFé, collagen network test model) or called computer-aided features extraction. Hwang explained, CAFE can identify complex network of collagen fibers single image.

By combining models and CAFé, making this method becomes unreliable. Hwang said that in order to accurately distinguish between different networks to form under slightly different experimental conditions, similar to the distinction between the two actually looks like there are subtle differences in the painting. This is the scientists are trying to understand collagen and it is an important milestone for versatility.


The essential role of senescent cells

Cells under certain pressure conditions will forever lose the ability to divide, a process known as cellular senescence. Cellular senescence bad reputation, although it can prevent precancerous cells, thereby inhibiting the growth of cancer, but it is also considered an important driving force of human aging. Over time accumulate senescent cells, will continue to release a series of inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, growth factors and proteases, build organizational environment in many diseases, such as arthritis, atherosclerosis and the elderly cancer.

Buck Institute Judith Campisi and Marco Demaria found cellular senescence in fact be beneficial in wound repair process, they identified senescent cells secrete factors promoting wound repair. The study was published recently in the journal Developmental Cell.

Now many researchers try to remove senescent cells, prevent the development of age-related diseases. And this study has important significance for them. The researchers constructed two different mouse models, one can observe in vivo and removal of senescent cells, there are two other key mutations blocking the senescence program. The researchers found that Human anti-hepatitis B virus e antibody ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-114473/ in the collagen-producing cells and vascular wall cells. These senescent cells secrete PDGF-AA to accelerate wound closure, PDGF-AA is a growth factor present in the platelet.

In blocking the aging process in mice, wound closure is greatly delayed. Researchers recombinant PDGF-AA introduction of these mice, these mice wound repair back to normal.

Studies have shown that in the process of tissue repair aging cells appear shorter, and in aging or chronic tissue senescent cells persist. In addition, in vitro cultured cells to induce senescence, PDGF-AA activation occurs at a very early period. This shows that the senescent cells beneficial or harmful, may depend on time-dependent regulation of secretion. This study suggests that in addition to preventing cancer, cellular senescence may assume more beneficial role in human life.


Reveals the roots of acute myeloid leukemia

In the small part of cancer patients, the treatment is intended to cure diseases in turn lead to a form of leukemia, a poor prognosis. The traditional view that a series of chemotherapy and radiotherapy-induced genetic mutations can kill harmful cancer cells while stimulating careless acute myeloid leukemia (AML) formation.

Now a new study from the University of Washington School of Medicine, challenged the treatment of cancer is the direct cause of treatment-related AML in this view.

Studies have shown that cancer diagnosed years ago with individuals age, number of hematopoietic stem cells accumulate mutations in P53. When the formation of the cancer, the mutant cells are more resistant to treatment, and after exposure to Mouse glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibody IgM ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-114807/ accelerated proliferation, which subsequently led to the AML.

Published in the December 8 "Nature" (Nature) magazine these findings for predicting which patients have a risk of developing treatment-related AML, and find some way to avoid the formation of AML has opened up new avenues of research.

In the United States each year, about 18,000 confirmed cases of AML, about two thousand of cases are due to past exposure to chemotherapy or radiation induced (Further reading: Nature released a major discovery of cancer drug resistance mechanisms). Even given active treatment, therapy-related AML is almost always fatal.

Senior author of the paper, director of the Genome Institute at Washington University Richard K. Wilson, said: "This is in contrast with doctors and scientists have long accepted the fact that it allows us to propose a new hypothesis: In patients with therapy-related AML diagnosed long before as part of the aging process P53 random mutation accumulation in some hematopoietic stem cells.


The driving mechanism of the body's uptake of glucose in the brain

Glucose is a carbohydrate component, which is also the main source of energy used by brain cells, recently, researchers from Imperial College London studied by rat identified a novel mechanism that reveals into the brain glucose content, and the ability to stimulate the brain in animals actively looking glucose absence of glucose, research published in the international Journal on JouRNAl of Clinical Investigation.

The researchers believe that this mechanism plays in favor of human-driven sugar and starchy foods in an important role, said Dr. James Gardiner, our brains rely on large amounts of glucose for energy, while glucose is an important nutrient, but in the past evolutionary process, we are difficult to obtain glucose, so we have to glucose-rich foods like deep-rooted feelings and preferences of Mouse hepatitis B virus e antigen ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-82185/ .

Article, the researchers assume that enzymes called glucokinase glucose in driving our "enthusiasm" on plays an important role, glucokinase can participate in the liver and pancreas to glucose sensing process, and the presence of glucokinase in the hippocampus, may be necessary to regulate the body's various functions, including food intake, but the specific molecular mechanism involved is not yet clear. The researcher found that when rats 24 hours without eating, the brain hippocampus appetite regulation center glucose kinase activity will be significantly increased.

When the researchers used a virus to increase the hippocampus glucokinase activity, they found that rats will give priority to food consume more glucose, and when the glucokinase activity decreased, the amount of glucose consumption would be reduced accordingly . Said Dr. Gardiner, in this study we first found in the brain of the existence of such a special nutrient reaction system, it is not just energy intake system, when we recall the time of their daily diet would think different nutrients, rather than heat.


Open source qPCR: Everyone can do DNA diagnostics

English full name is Real-time Quantitative PCR Detecting System, namely real-time quantitative nucleic acid amplification detection system, also known as gene amplification in real-time quantitative fluorescence detection system, which refers to the polymerase chain reaction PCR.

Real-time PCR thermal cycler (Real-Time PCR) is a powerful technique that can detect this type of E. coli and listeria foodborne contaminants can diagnose AIDS (HIV) and malaria such infections, currently raging Ebola virus on the African continent can also use it to help diagnose. Selective breeding of plants and animals, monitoring water quality and found that the genomic DNA mutations that may occur, these problems can be easily resolved qPCR. qPCR can help humans earlier completion of the Human Genome Project, in the near future, perhaps immortality is no longer a luxury.

However, the conventional PCR machine costs up to $ 2,000, in those places really need, it is hard to afford its high cost. In order to change this situation, Chai Biotechnologies from California begun making more Mouse Estradiol ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-75683/ . In 2010, the founder Josh Perfetto and Tito Jankowski start on Kickstarter to raise the public, and successfully delivered the world's first open-source real-time PCR thermal cycler. Today, about 800 people around the world in the PCR was required to use the. Four years later, Chai Biotechnologies again embarked on Kickstarter, this time, Josh set up an include electrical, mechanical, optical and software engineers, including a strong R & D team, and their goal is to qPCR upgrade to a more professional level, not only only copy DNA, but also to convert it into data.

The new gene knockin technology insertion of foreign genes

Recently, researchers from Hiroshima University, etc. The use of a novel gene knockin technology to achieve effective exogenous gene inserted into the genome, now the technology has been in human cells, animal models, such as frogs and the successful implementation of the silkworm, this technology not only can make the gene in cells in culture is inserted, may also be implemented in the insertion of foreign genes in various organisms. The findings are published in the journal Nature published the sub NatureCommunications.

Programmable nuclease genome editing can be realized homologous recombination-mediated gene insertion, however, the level of activity of homologous recombination in cultured cells and the majority of organisms is very low, which is the current development of homologous recombination-mediated gene insertion technology has brought some new problems.

Article, the researchers Ken-ichiT.Suzuki that we use a transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALENs), and short palindromic repeat regularly spaced by precisely into the target chromosome system (PITCh) mediated sequence gathering successfully achieved the inserted gene.

TALENs mediated PITCh donor can make an exogenous DNA can be targeted effectively integrate into human chromosomes in cells and animal models; researchers also said that the future to HUMAN ESTRADIOL ELISA KIT http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-75680/ mediated PITCh technology might be in not carrying plasmid backbone when applied to human cells sequence studies.

PITCh system has applications in many areas, including the development of disease model cells, animal models for drug screening and therapy development; researchers said that this new gene insertion technology will increase the production efficiency of recombinant proteins useful class cultured animal cells, such as pharmaceutical materials.

In silkworm cells, this new technology can help create more award functional recombinant silk protein, the researchers said finally, PITCh system will be able to enhance the effectiveness of gene editing technology in a variety of cells, especially in those with recombination lower level cells.


Scientists influenza vaccine skin patch

Darrell Irvine, Paula Hammond et al found that the micro-needle combination with a polyelectrolyte multilayer technology, can enhance the effect of DNA vaccine delivery. This is achieved with the use of biological agents joint delivery of DNA to achieve the same effect, can increase the intake of cell nucleic acids. This "patch" of the polymer micro-needle is used on the skin, the vaccine will be loaded biodegradable polyelectrolyte film implanted skin surface. Contact with the skin layer of the polymer is dissolved will occur in the application process, so that the micro needle can be removed quickly and easily. Implanted film is released DNA and immunostimulatory RNA into the skin, the duration of the release process is adjustable from a few days to several weeks.

Such multi-layer technique using micro needles triggered immune responses can greatly exceed the direct injection of DNA vaccine. In addition, such a patch containing micro needles can be stored for several weeks at room temperature dry environment without loss of activity. Because it does not require refrigeration technology and Monkey Insulin ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-84817/ embedded biological agents can remain active for a long time, therefore, the vaccine is very suitable for worldwide patch delivery.


Anticholesterol rosuvastatin not associated with reduced risk for fractures

Treatment with the anticholesterol medicine rosuvastatin calcium did not reduce the risk of fracture among men and women who had elevated levels of an inflammatory biomarker, according to a report published online by JAMA Internal Medicine.

Fractures resulting from the bone-weakening disease osteoporosis are a burden facing an aging population. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and osteoporosis may share common biological pathways with inflammation key to the development of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and possibly the development of osteoporosis. Several studies suggest statin users may have a reduced risk of fractures, while other studies find no association, according to the study background.

Jessica M. Pena, M.D., M.P.H., of Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, and co-authors examined whether statin therapy reduced the risk of fracture in the JUPITER (Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: an Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin) trial that enrolled 17,802 men (older than 50 years) and women (older than 60 years). Participants had inflammatory biomarker high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels of at least 2 mg/L. Participants were divided equally in two groups: one group received 20 mg daily of rosuvastatin while the other received placebo.

There were 431 fractures reported during the study with 221 fractures among participants who took rosuvastatin compared with 210 fractures among individuals who received placebo, according to the study results. The incidence of fracture in the rosuvastatin group was 1.20 per 100 person-years and in the placebo group 1.14 per 100 person-years. Overall, Mouse Progesterone ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-98268/ was not associated with an increased risk of fracture.

"Our study does not support the use of statins in doses used for cardiovascular disease prevention to reduce the risk of fracture," the study concludes.


Japanese scientists use iPS cells to repair muscular dystrophy gene

Japanese researchers in the United States the latest edition of "Stem Cell Report," the author says, they use induced pluripotent stem cells, successfully repaired the trigger genes that cause muscular dystrophy. This achievement is expected to facilitate the development of a method to improve the symptoms of muscular dystrophy.

Muscular dystrophy is a genetic damage to human muscle diseases, because the body can not produce supporting muscle protein structure, the patient becomes unable to sports, there is almost no effective treatment.

Muscular dystrophy is a common form of muscular dystrophy. The disease due to genetic mutation, leading to maintain muscle structure essential in the synthesis of dystrophin stops midway, and the incidence of abnormal proteins. Occur in patients with decreased muscle strength and muscle atrophy symptoms. Human epidermal growth factor receptor ELISA Kit  http://www.cusabio.com/html/product/CSB-E12124h.html is difficult to aim only causative gene without harming other genes.

Because iPS cells can be reproduced in vitro symptoms of the disease, researchers at Kyoto University in Japan were collected from patients with muscular dystrophy skin cells, iPS cells were cultured. By identifying the genetic structure of the research team, successfully repaired iPS cell disease genes, and genes other than the target gene are no major damage and change. Until iPS cells develop into muscle cells, appeared intracellular dystrophin.

The researchers believe that this kind of normal muscle cells transplanted into the body of muscular dystrophy patients, it may improve symptoms. Next, they will continue to study how to repair a good iPS cells develop into muscle cells transplanted into the patient.


The visual observation of X chromosome inactivation

In this study, the researchers bred inducible Cre recombinase expression of a fluorescent reporter protein --- green fluorescent protein (green fluorescent protein, GFP) in the nucleus, or what is known as a red fluorescent protein tdTomato --- mice transgenic varieties. Using a mouse species each species a tissue-specific promoter to drive the expression of Cre, and the expression of GFP expressing mouse strains of mice after propagation tdTomato breed heterozygous female mice, and heterozygous females in each two X chromosomes of mice, one X chromosome from the GFP-expressing mouse strains, one from another species of mice expressing tdTomato. They analyzed the green fluorescence and red fluorescence in each cell expression of Cre found in X chromosome inactivation methods are very different between different organizations, sometimes Mouse Platelet Factor 4 ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-95923/ exhibit unique about asymmetry. Different ways of X chromosome inactivation leads to retinal vascular disease X-linked differences in the symptoms, but also cause central nervous system of biological diversity.

Nathans said, "The brain is the diversity of the really important things." He said, different gene expression patterns can help the brain process information. In this study, the researchers propose this method can be used in accordance with a variety of different ways, including the development of visualization when the mouse X chromosome inactivation observed, sorted and carry the mutation because active X chromosome in the cell and X chromosome carrying the normal cells, and compare the differences between these two types of cells in gene expression.

More news: http://www.letstradetoday.com/ads/human-osteopontin-elisa-kit/

Progress signaling pathway in the pathogenesis of lymphoma cells

Mantle cell lymphoma (mantle ceul_ymphoma, MCL) accounts for about 6% B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, tumor cells derived from lymph nodes or primary follicular mantle zone of naive B cells, pathological types can be divided into classic type, small cell type, the mother and pleomorphic cell type. They have different growth characteristics and gene expression profiles.

Phenotype characterized by the expression of CD5 and B cell-associated antigens CD20, CD22, CD79, and strong expression of IgM IgD, but the lack of CD23, CD10 and expression of Bcl-6. Most of MCL patients showed aggressive clinical course, but recent studies have found that a small number of patients with MCL is inert clinical course, longer median overall survival of these patients.

Reproducibility has been reported cytogenetic abnormalities including 9p21.3,11q22.23 and 22q11.22 deletions, and 10p11.23 and 13q31-3 amplification, and P16, mutated ATM, CHEK2 and P53 in MCL patients also plays an important role.

As a cell signaling pathway necessary for life activities regulatory mechanisms in the biological behavior of tumor cells plays an important role. Gene expression profiling studies have found that at different stages of normal B cell development, gene expression levels related signaling pathways is insignificant, they are in B cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis plays an important role.

In the MCL. These signaling pathways associated with abnormal expression of genes but, MCL and is closely related to the occurrence and development. Therefore, raising awareness of these signaling pathways, Human Osteopontin ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-105826/ will help us to have a deeper understanding of the pathogenesis of MCL.


Severe hemophilia gene therapy

In this study, the participants received a third dose of gene therapy, using a modified adeno-associated virus (AAV) 8 as a carrier, transfer of genetic material producing Factor IX. Carrier single injection into the arm of each participant in a peripheral vein.

With severe hemophilia B, all 10 men, after receiving gene therapy, Factor IX levels are elevated, and remained stable in more than four years. Overall, spontaneous bleeding episodes decreased by 90%. In the first 12 months after the investigation based therapy, the use of Factor IX replacement therapy reduced by approximately 92%.

Receiving the highest dose of 6 subjects, levels of coagulation proteins from normal level (less than 1%), increased by 5% or more. This increase makes them into a serious illness from mild to enable participants to participate in sports, such as football, without having Factor IX replacement therapy does not increase the risk of bleeding.

Receiving the highest dose of 6 patients, 4 patients with increased liver enzymes, may be due to an immune response to the carrier. These people have no symptoms or stay healthy, after Human Interleukin 6 ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/html/product/CSB-E04638h.html, their liver enzymes returned to normal range.

Hemophilia B is a mutant Factor IX gene causes that can lead to low levels of coagulation proteins important risk. The disease affects about 30,000 individuals among a majority of men. The disease is characterized by Factor IX levels less than 1 percent of normal for these patients, scrapes and collisions will lead to medical emergencies. Spontaneous bleeding episodes of pain that can lead to severe joint damage early, increasing the risk of potentially fatal brain hemorrhage.

In this paper, the senior author Dr. Andrew Davidoff St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Department of Surgery, said: "This study provides the first evidence that this gene therapy has long-term safety and efficacy so far, these results by dramatically reducing the risk of bleeding. of life study participants had a significant impact. "

In this paper, first author and corresponding author Amit Nathwani added: "We have reported data, marking a model of hemophilia B treatment changes, and for the treatment of bleeding disorders such major basis of these results, it is. development of such gene transfer methods, for the treatment of other diseases (from other congenital clotting defects such as hemophilia a, to metabolic birth defects, such as phenylketonuria), provides a solid platform. "

Before gene therapy, 70% of patients at least once a week to accept the Factor IX replacement therapy to prevent bleeding episodes. Others according to need replacement therapy to stop the bleeding.

Since participating in the trial, seven patients who had finished the regular four injections of Factor IX. Despite the increase of physical activity, but no one spontaneous bleeding. Nathwani said: "Some of the patients within four years of the time do not need clotting factor, which has changed their lives." Researchers estimate that these study participants accepted Factor IX replacement therapy overall spending more than $ 2.5 million .

Factor IX is usually produced by hepatocytes. AAV8 was selected as the carrier, because the virus can infect liver cells, but does not cause disease in humans or integrate into human DNA. This study is limited in patients with no previous AAV8 infection, to eliminate the need for immunosuppressive drug, such that the carrier of the immune system from possible attacks.


Direct link DNA repair and cancer

BRCA2 germline mutations in the cells is increased susceptibility to breast and ovarian cancer, the cells of the BRCA2 function may have been many studies. BRCA2 have been found with the RAD51 protein interactions, and regulation of its function, the function of DNA repair and recombination RAD51 about. Their interaction on the physiological activity of cells.

Tom Blundell, Ashok Venkitaraman and colleagues reported in Nature BRCA2 structural basis for the regulation of RAD51. They describe the BRCA2 BRC4 (BRC repeat 4), and the RAD51 homeodomain of RecA formed crystal structure of the complex. They reported BRC repeated RAD51 conserved domains are very similar, thereby BRCA2 can modulate the activity of RAD51.

When mammalian cells, DNA is damaged, RAD51 damage at the end of the formation of DNA oligomer, a nucleic acid-protein complex formation for DNA repair is required. The researchers compared the composite structure and RAD51 homolog of bacterial RecA BRCA2-RAD51 and BRCA2 complexes formed. They found that the sequences have a sequence BRC4 a conserved sequence of RecA very similar, they may also be speculated RAD51 through a similar mechanism BRC4 phase separation. Human Testoterone ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-107004/ from bacteria to humans, are very conservative, it also shows a general mechanism acting on the BRCA2 protein-DNA repair.

Finally, the researchers found that the tumor was found BRCA2 mutations can cause previously have affected its interaction with RAD51 and RAD51 which leads to DNA damage can not be repaired. This important discovery for the treatment of cancer drug development accordingly provides a new way of thinking.


Shanghai Life Science epicardial progenitor cells

Epicardial fat surrounds the heart and coronary vessels is a visceral fat to cushion the heart protective effect also increases the risk of coronary heart disease, and coronary atherosclerosis, heart disease, there is a high correlation while the sources of these fats are still unknown.

Located in the heart cells of the outermost layer is a group of epicardial progenitor cells having pluripotency, research to date found to differentiate into fibroblasts, vascular smooth muscle cells or myocardial cells, but its ability to be converted into Mouse Free Tri-iodothyronine Indes ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-79135/ rarely have been reported. Research to explore the origins of epicardial fat may provide new research directions and ideas for the diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease.

In this study, doctoral student under the guidance of Zhou Bin Liu Qiaozhen and other researchers, the use of transgenic mice Wt1-CreERT2; Rosa-RFP, specific markers to track the fate of epicardial cell development. The results showed that embryonic cells labeled epicardial coronary vessels in addition to differentiate into smooth muscle cells than fat cells can also be formed between the atrioventricular heart. However, in the adult epicardial Shique again labeled this phenomenon was not observed, indicating that the ability of the outer membrane into the fat body into the center of the steady state is suppressed. Previous studies have shown that adult cardiac injury, the epicardial cells can re-stimulate the embryonic development of some of the features, differentiate into other cell types. Therefore, further study of the work under the change of heart damage epicardial cells into fat cells, the ability, the results of the accident found that the formation of fatty tissue injury site, while some of the fat cells is derived from the epicardium. The study also found that the cells derived from epicardial and are pluripotent, and under different culture conditions may be induced into adipocytes, chondrocytes and osteoblasts.

The research work is the remainder of the eagle and nutrition researcher, segment wins Chung Fellow at Harvard University Medical School professor William Pu, Juan Melero-Martin collaboration professor and get the Ministry of Science, NSFC, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission and other financial support.


Longevity gene SIRT1 uncover the secret of eternal youth

Research team Shin-ichiro Imai professor at Washington University School of Medicine, led the show, SIRT1 activation of neural activity in specific regions of the hypothalamus to induce skeletal muscle dramatic physical changes and prolong life. Research published in the journal Cell Metabolism.

Professor Shin-ichiro Imai said the skeletal structure of the brain SIRT1 gene expression in aged mice and young mice are similar to 21-month-old mice (equivalent to 70 human years) looks like a 5-month-old mice as active. Previous studies show that the control diet, a low intake of calories can prolong life. But SIRT1 play in the aging process, an important role in the specific mechanism is not clear. Therefore, Shin-ichiro Imai professor team decided to study this.

Researchers designed a two transgenic mice overexpressing can SIRT1 protein: a mouse in body tissues overexpressed SIRT1 protein, while the other group only in the brain of mice overexpressing SIRT1 protein.

Control their diet study found that only brain overexpression SIRT1 ( Human islet cell antibody ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-114618/ ) transgenic mice, although diet freedom, but has shown to delay aging and life extension and other signs, these signs are just like normal mice when feeding structure shown.


United States on RYGB may reduce diabetes risk factors

Recent studies have shown that Roux-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYGB) can quickly reduce the hyperglycemia associated with type II diabetes. Indeed, to accept RYGB obese diabetic patients even before their weight loss can often stop taking their medication. However, mechanisms to achieve reversal of diabetes in these patients has been unclear.

It was suggested, RYGB may cause intestinal hormone cycle - that is, change those in the brain have been told to eat after eating hormone.

However, in this report, the researchers introduced a related RGBY is how to induce a beneficial efficacy in diabetic patients a new perspective. In doing RYGB surgery, the stomach is divided into an upper portion of the assembly is small food pouch and a large number of the lower portion of the food can no longer build the pouch. Only a small pouch and the lower part of the intestine - specifically, small intestine - connected. However, the small intestine first surgical approach to what is known as "Roux loop" Y-type rearrangement.

Some recent studies in rodents and humans showed that after the RYGB procedure, Roux loop will experience a change in size will be extended. Growth in this sense is not clear.

The researchers assumed that build Roux loop and the morphological changes they experienced on blood glucose in patients with diabetes reduce RYGB has a direct role in suggesting undigested food will enter it, trigger it extended, while Roux loop through uptake of glucose and gather energy to sustain this expansion, so that glucose in the blood leaving fewer. This process represents a reprogramming of glucose metabolism, which is a loop structure in terms of Lu's unique process.

To test their hypothesis, the researchers in obese rats did Roux loop RYGB surgery and RYGB treated rats in the control group of rats with metabolic profile corresponding bowel metabolic activity were compared.

They found that the intestinal glucose RYGP treated rats in a way that would be like in a non-diabetic patients with metabolic; it will enter into the decomposition pathways capable of producing the desired tissue expansion matrix. But in the intestine without transformation of the control group of rats is not the case, these rats glucose will stay in the blood.

These findings confirmed the researchers' hypothesis that RYGB beneficial effect on diabetic patients due to change in the Roux loop glucose metabolism. ( Rat Free Thyroxine ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-79272/ )

However, if that is the case, these findings may give new diabetes treatment, paving the way, that is, by changing the intestinal metabolism that occur after RYGB to replace the use of invasive gastric bypass surgery methods.

Latest Cell Research RNAs and small molecules associated protein

South Korean famous female scientist Narry Kim graduated from Seoul National University, worked in the University of Oxford, and the University of Pennsylvania study in the US study, then returned to Seoul National University, this year was only exceptional promotion to full professor, and selected Cell editorial ranks the scientist young, but in a small rnas research successes.

Professor Narry Kim Research Group recently published a review article in the journal Cell, describes small molecules RNAs, as well as the latest research progress of its associated proteins. RNAs and small molecules in vivo associated proteins have different modified forms, these modifications will affect the abundance of small molecules and functional RNAs, some of which have also been modified regulation of cell signal, and therefore has important implications for the regulation of rna dynamics of silence.

Recent research group Professor Narry Kim also published the results of another study: by Drosophila and human hepatocytes identified a gene regulating the body grow works.

The researchers found that the general shape of the fruit flies are carrying miRNA miR-8, but the size is very small flies who do not have this miRNA. They believe that miR-8 to participate in insulin signaling by inhibiting the core gene, so that normal body growth. The researchers implanted human miR-8 small larva inside the body, found that the larvae grow into normal Drosophila body size.

The body which also has to play the same role as the Drosophila miRNA. Researchers mentioned, cell size and miRNA workload in human liver cells proportional shape. If the insulin signaling problems, it is easy to suffer from diabetes and cancer. Another study results showed that insulin signaling regulate body aging.

Last year, Professor Narry Kim Research Group study also micrornA on self-regulation functions to make new progress, microRNA is a key factor regulating cell function, in addition to regulating cell function has an important role outside, microRNA itself also needs to be strictly regulated party can play its due role. Lin28, a multifunctional factor, is reported to have reduced let-7 miRNA functions, Lin28 mediated end Let-7 precursor of uridine, thereby blocking the processing of Dicer and the mature let-7. However, the molecular mechanism of this process is unclear.

Researchers coprecipitation by Human Interleukin 18 ELISA Kit (http://www.cusabio.com/html/product/CSB-E07450h.html), demonstrate an unusual Poly (A) polymerase -TUT4, the involvement of the enzyme in the Lin-28 is coupled to pre-let-7 while still blocking its maturity.

In vitro tests found, TUT4 in Lin28 help, you can pre-let-7 were uridine-oriented. TUT4 knockout mouse embryonic stem cells let-7 expression levels rise, eventually lost pluripotency. The authors found that this interaction occurs in the GGAG motif, the motif is present in the ring portion of the pre-let-7. Other miRNA precursor bearing this motif, it may be Lin28 / TUT4 be pathway of uridine. The findings on stem cells and cancer biology research has a very important significance.


Japanese scholars achieve the ultimate dream of Systems Biology

Japan's RIKEN and Tokyo University scientists will be organized decolorization and combine light cut fluorescence microscope imaging a variety of organs and the whole organism, has been extremely detailed internal images. The results published in this issue of the journal Cell.

Understanding of life's modus operandi is always the ultimate dream of systems biology. The tissues and organisms transparent and accurate imaging of single-cell resolution, will become a new way to achieve this dream. Maybe you will choose a good Mouse Cystatin C ELISA Kit from:http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-73147/

In this study, the researchers used a method called CUBIC, and they have used this method before imaging the entire brain. Lipid-rich brain tissue more easily transparent, but in many other parts of the body can absorb light containing chromophore (chromophore), such as heme-heme. Heme is a vital component of hemoglobin present in the vast majority of the body tissues, and will block the light.

CUBIC need to use reagent fixed tissue, it is not used for living organisms. However, CUBIC can help people understand the 3D structure of the organ, as well as the expression of specific genes in different tissues, the first author Kazuki Tainaka said. "Our approach can be almost transparent body pups and adult mice. With this technology people can observe the organization of the cellular network, which is a fundamental challenge to the field of biology and medicine."

"CUBIC can be used for 3D pathological studies, anatomy studies and immunohistochemical analysis of the entire organism. For example, you can use CUBIC observe the development of the embryo at the cellular level, or the development of cancer and autoimmune diseases. In-depth understanding course of the disease will help us to develop new therapeutic strategies. at the single cell level whole-body imaging, is expected to achieve the ultimate dream of the field of systems biology, "the study's leader Hiroki Ueda said.

The research team is being further improved microscopic imaging method for fast imaging of the human brain and even the whole body of adult mice. They hope that through this technology, in-depth understanding of the mechanisms of autoimmune diseases and mental illness.


Preoperative supplement VD reduce the risk of thyroid cancer

According to the latest study of 2014 meeting of the American Thyroid Association (ATA), preoperative vitamin D deficiency significantly increased the risk of thyroid cancer patients rows total thyroidectomy and central compartment neck dissection (CCND) postoperative hypocalcemia before surgery is recommended for oral vitamin D, so that preoperative vitamin D deficiency in thyroid cancer patients were symptomatic hypocalcemia risk minimization.

Although vitamin D deficiency had been with Graves' disease and toxic multi-nodular goiter patients with total thyroidectomy postoperative hypocalcemia related, but its role in patients with thyroid cancer is unclear.

Korea Severance Hospital, Kee-Hyun Nam, MD, led the research team of 267 cases underwent total thyroidectomy and thyroid cancer CCND conducted a survey in which 73 cases defined as preoperative vitamin D deficiency (Mouse TNFRSF1B ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/cusabio-109389/), the remaining 194 cases of normal (vitamin D levels ≥10ng / ml).

Postoperative incidence of symptomatic hypocalcemia, vitamin D deficiency preoperative patient group than in the control group (43.8% vs 30.4%, P = 0.043). According to the demand for intravenous infusion of calcium, low postoperative serum parathyroid hormone levels (<15pg / ml) was the strongest predictor of hypocalcemia (P <0.001). But a predictor of preoperative vitamin D deficiency is symptomatic hypocalcemia (P <0.007), the odds ratio was 3.00.

Postoperative patients with low thyroid hormone levels, and if they are also vitamin D deficiency, will show a significantly higher proportion of symptomatic hypocalcemia (77.5% vs 53.2% of non-deficient group, P = 0.008).

Gefitinib can improve survival in patients with esophageal cancer

Recently, the National Cancer Institute Cancer (NCRI) conference, researchers from the University of Aberdeen, said through research, the latest drug for treatment of lung cancer can make special esophageal cancer patient survival was significantly prolonged. Patients with esophageal body up to sixth in the tumor cells are able to find copies of EGFR, and patients often by taking drugs gefitinib to targeting the "wrong", and then the patient life expectancy can be extended to six months, sometimes even longer.

Antineoplastic Gefitinib is an epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors, which has been approved in Japan, the US and Australia and many other countries for the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer; esophageal cancer as the most common of the six one of malignant disease, its cause no obvious early symptoms often makes specific clinical diagnosis in most patients found to have advanced, only about 10% 5-year survival rate.

This study used therapies for the treatment of malignant esophageal first chemotherapy failed, and Human TSH ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/cusabio-110365/ can effectively improve the survival of patients; while it is also an effective treatment for targeted therapies for other diseases; researchers in this study the test is named "TRANS-COG", researchers from 295 deceased patients with esophageal cancer in tumor samples organism extra copies of EGFR gene finding in the trial; 48 additional copies of the EGFR patients the body's tumor cells, accept gefitinib-treated patients, 13% of individuals have survived for at least a year, while placebo-treated individual survival time is not long.

The use of gefitinib treatment of patients do not carry the extra EGFR no obvious improvement in their survival, which shows, EGFR detection can identify acceptable gefitinib therapy to benefit patients with esophageal cancer; Dr. Russell Petty said this study, we first found gefitinib to effectively unresponsive to chemotherapy prolonged survival of patients with esophageal cancer, until now we therapy in the treatment of esophageal very limited, and the disease caused at least 8,000 deaths per year, while let's sad to late diagnosis of the patient tends to reduce the success of their treatment.

Researchers believe there are 16 percent of esophageal cancer patients will benefit because of gefitinib imatinib, finally, Professor Matt Seymour said that despite the improvement of gefitinib on survival in patients with relatively modest, but this study is to develop a new type of cancer treatment special therapy has taken an important step; scientists in the development of specific treatment of digestive cancer therapy has made certain achievements, but still difficult to deal with esophageal cancer, only 13% of the survival of patients greater than or equal to 5 years, if the drug gefitinib accurate targeting in patients with esophageal cancer, then it will be a very promising drug.


Gene sequencing: a new method of TB diagnosis

UK and Gambia researchers have developed a new method to diagnose tuberculosis (TB), this method uses Illumina's MiSeq system sputum DNA was directly sequenced to detect and identify mycobacteria, rather require time-consuming laboratory culture.

The study, published in the September 23 on "PeerJ" open-access journal. It is composed of microbial genomics, Dr. Warwick Medical School Professor Mark Pallen and the British Medical Research Council in Gambia TB diagnostic laboratory director Martin Antonio guidance. CUSABIO Human AsAb ELISA Kit is a good proven method. You could buy this kit here:http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-114542/

Professor Pallen said all along, laboratories are using traditional methods to diagnose TB, which will take several weeks or even months. "Metagenomics using the latest high-throughput sequencing technology and some intelligent bioinformatics, allows us to detect and identify the bacteria that cause TB within one to two days time, while allowing us insight into their genome sequences and belongs to the lineage, "he said.

In this study, Pallen and his team of African scientists together to jointly develop novel sequencing and analysis methods. Dr. Antonio said: "TB is still a major problem in Africa and around the world participate in the development of new diagnostic method for this deadly disease makes it exciting.."

The researchers examined the sequence of 8 TB bacteria in sputum samples, the bacteria can be assigned to seven samples of known pedigree. They also found that two samples containing M. tuberculosis in Africa (Mycobacterium africanum) sequence, which is a Mycobacterium tuberculosis, primarily in West Africa. The researchers used the difference lysis method for analysis of sputum samples, and then using the kit to extract DNA, and on the Illumina MiSeq platform to carry out the sequencing.

Also use the shotgun metagenomic to detect some of the material in the present and past pathogens before Pallen and colleagues. Last year, his team used a method metagenomics to determine the outbreak strain of E. coli from stool samples and found that the TB genome from 215-year history of the Hungarian mummies. Earlier this year, they also found a goat species of Brucella (Brucella melitensis) genome from the Italian island of Sardinia bones dating back 700 years, the bacteria cause brucellosis in cattle and humans appear.

PNAS: Learn row alien bacteria to develop new antibiotics

Massachusetts State University biochemist Peter Chien with the University of California, Berkeley research team by regulating protein degradation to specific destruction of key proteins, in order to rebuild the strict control of bacterial growth and division of the process itself. The study results on September 2, published online in the United States National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
All organisms using specific enzymes to selectively degrade the specific protein to alter the behavior of cells in vivo or in vitro in response to stimulation signal to the body's growth and react on the ever-changing environment. Energy-dependent protease is considered to be small at the molecular level of the machine, are present in all living organisms, but especially important in bacteria. When the situation has deteriorated, such as bacteria are antibiotic attack, energy-dependent protease precisely the point in time in the process of cell division and destruction of key proteins alternative splicing, cells stop dividing and instead committed to self-repair, spend difficulties. Thus, regulating protein degradation for bacterial virulence and disseminated is critical to understand how bacteria use energy-dependent protease in cellular and molecular level to help find a cure for infectious diseases drugs.

Cell cycle C. crescentus CtrA by activation of transcription factors required for degradation to control, but it is exactly how it works at the molecular level is still unknown. Researchers as early as 20 years ago have learned very important for protein degradation energy-dependent protease ClpXP. ClpXP usually in the cell cycle of the bacteria occur, but not always degrade CtrA, which implies the existence of a more complex regulatory mechanism. CUSABIO HUMAN ATGA ELISA KIT http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-114554/ service measured qualitatively and quantitatively. The researchers found that the process of establishing a connection was CtrA ClpXP protease substrates and required a second messenger (help of different cell passages communicate with each other small molecule protein), and is fixed CtrA dephosphorylated adapter protein fixed ClpXP. Researchers three proteins as more than one component aptamers function together to simulate CtrA degradation in crescentus bacteria. The aptamer function only when one of the components of CpdR dephosphorylation and the other ingredients PopA link in the signaling molecule cyclic adenosine two birds (cyclic diguanylate) on. This ensures CtrA only during certain times of degradation of the bacterial cell division cycle.

Chien's research team in the future will be dedicated to finding possible as the active inhibition of bacterial virulence or prevent bacterial antibiotic against environmental pressures targeting new pathways.


Scientists unlock mystery of cell division is important

Cell division process is essential for life. Since the emergence of the Victorian era of cell biology, the final stage of cell division - the two daughter cells separated from each other in the process has been so fascinated scientists. However, in the past a very long time, to study the final step before the process of cell division that is divided into two furrow formation is extremely difficult.

Early biologists will be named this process "cytokinesis" , has been interpreted as a "cell movement" and a series of highly active and organized events. Scientists now have more understanding of proteins and their associated behavior, but there is an important puzzle remains unsolved: how cells send signals to the cleavage furrow at?

A simple reason for this lies in the blind spot: is difficult to see and detect such complex processes in living cells. Now, the system biologist at Harvard Medical School in the "Science" magazine reported that they rebuilt cytokinesis in cell-free conditions - including some of the molecular signals directing traffic. Combined with frog egg extracts and analog cell membrane lipid membrane, they constructed a cell-free system repeat furrow assembly process. Cusbaio offer SHEEP INS ELISA KIT http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-84822/ for use in common research applications. Each SHEEP INS ELISA KIT is fully covered by our Guarantee+, to give you complete peace of mind and the support when you need it.

The cell-free system has two great advantages: it expands the size of the event furrow constructed so that they become easier to observe, and to provide a simple study of the method for manipulation of related proteins. When the cells intact, it is difficult to achieve rapid removal and restoration of certain proteins were observed to change the role of the molecule for cytokinesis effect, and when the internal structure of the cells spread on a microscope slide of it becomes very easy .

The key challenge lies in cytokinesis behavior is totally dependent on the cell membrane to form a cleavage furrow - and build the cell membrane of the cell-free system must be removed. Recognizing the flat membrane can be controlled using a glass composed of two layers of lipids manually, instead of bending, the complex membrane constantly moving, making it possible to work in this study.

New analysis for single nucleotide polymorphisms of the tenomodulin

Scientists have long known from clinical trials that tenomodulin is a member of a family of kind II transmembrane glycoproteins. It's expressed in animal tissue and at lower levels in the eye and thymus. Tenomodulin is processed in vivo which the proteolytically cleaved C-terminal domain is found in sinew extracts. Loss of tenomodulin expression in gene targeted mice abated tenocyte proliferation and diode to a reduced tenocyte density. Tenomodulin is a regulator of tenocyte proliferation is concerned in albuminoid fibre maturation however don't ensure in vivo involvement of tenomodulin in maturation.

Tenomodulin containing a C-terminal anti-angiogenic domain and is preponderantly expressed in tendons and ligaments. Retroviral expression of Scx resulted in the vital upregulation of tenomodulin in cultivated tenocytes, however not in chondrocytes. The misexpression of RCAS-cScx by electroporation into the hindlimb couldn't induce the generation of extra tendons, however did end in the upregulation of tenomodulin expression in the tendons. Tenomodulin is a late marker of sinew formation which Scx absolutely regulates tenomodulin expression in a very sinew cell lineage-dependent manner.

The sensitivity of tenomodulin elisa kit was outlined because the lowest macromolecule concentration that would be differentiated from zero. It was determined as the mean O.D worth of 20 replicates of the zero customary other by their 3 customary deviations. CUSABIO tenomodulin elisa kit( www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-109456/ ) has high sensitivity and glorious specificity for detection of tenomodulin. No vital cross-reactivity or interference between Tenomodulin and analogues was discovered.


Fingerprint can be determined character, ability and genetic defects

Nowadays, online heat from the "fingerprint password", "fingerprints game." By "fingerprinting" to determine appearance was beautiful, of course, just a fun little game. But experts believe that indeed able to see the person's character and ability from fingerprints, genetic defects can be seen. If class homicide, the murderer of illness due to genetic defects, resulting in sudden confusion and murder, such person's fingerprint is very abnormal. Use fingerprints to diagnose congenital Chi Daier in medicine is now a mature approach. Fingerprint also carry family health history.

Why is there so much information logo on the fingerprint? Since fingerprints are genetic factors revealed outstanding!

A fingerprint inferred from variation mentally ill murderer

Case: One day in August 2005, two police a city in Zhejiang Industrial and Commercial Bank of a mysterious shot and killed.

After investigation determined that the police in the case of methyl acetate unsuspecting police, equipped with a pistol suddenly be knocked down, and then shot himself.

Jiamou introverted personality, good-natured, in the army had more than a dozen meritorious service award. 1988 jobs to the bank when the economic police, that work with acetic a partner. They usually extremely harmonious relationship. After love to kill, like the suspected killings, were eleven excluded.

Investigators when viewing Jiamou fingerprints, instantly stunned, his fingerprints was actually a rare height variation fingerprints, therefore concluded that he suffered from "sexual diseases the number of chromosomal abnormalities."

People suffering from such a disease, and it will suffer from male infertility. After confirmed, no more than ten years of marriage Jiamou birth, eat a lot of drugs to no avail, had adopted a child.

Investigators also informed that before the incident in a very short period of time, Jiamou parents, her parents died one after another; his wife died suddenly in a car accident; and daughters is difficult to report on the accounts; invest in stocks, partnership business, both have a loss to As he often daze, trance, answer the question ......

Accordingly can be identified, this tragedy is Jiamou due to genetic abnormalities, leading to neurological recessive congenital defects exist in the external environment is triggered under pressure, sudden temporary confusion, loss of control caused. CUSABIO also engaged in the professional customization services of Mouse ALB ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-63935/

2 fingerprint associated with nerve because they belong to the same cell development

Fingerprints are on the distal finger protruding ridge epidermis. Fingerprints and genetic and nervous system, what relevance?

Embryonic theory: After the formation of the fertilized egg will continue to grow split, one cell splits into two, two and then split into four, when the fertilized egg splits into eight cells, they begin to develop in the direction of the organ. Then cells were divided into three layers, the outermost layer of the major developments for the two organs, one of the nervous system, and the other is the skin.

In other words, the skin and nervous system are both ectodermal system is determined by the same type of cells (ectodermal) in embryonic three months time, the role of genes, at the same time, with the speed of formation and development, striae (including fingerprints) is the outward manifestation of nervous system development, and higher nervous activity has a close relationship.

As can be seen on three fingerprint character and ability

Case: All-Russian Institute of Physical Kinematics Lab humans from many years ago, it is required to provide fingerprints Olympic athletes. The reference fingerprint expert to determine whether an athlete has to adapt to a particular sport.

What fingerprint reference value? Fingerprint doctrine: "The fingerprint someone's character, ability information."

Fingerprint most common is "fighting" and "Kei", in addition to other miscellaneous lined bow-shaped pattern.

Fiber problems with a tumor suppressor protein

Polydactyly, infertility, obesity, retinal degeneration, polycystic kidney disease, these seemingly unrelated diseases has been confirmed the scientific community, and the human cells are called "cilia" structure is closely related to abnormal.

"Cytoskeleton and disease," Task Force Nankai University Professor Zhou Jun, State Key Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry, Biology, led the discovery of new mechanisms of cilia occur: Tumor cell cilia formation process called "CYLD" inhibitory proteins play a a key role. After repeated tests, the research team to map out the full path CYLD protein regulation of cilia occurred. Recently, the "Cell Research," published online this outcome.

Dr. Yang Yunfan group members said the latest study found that the reason why malignant proliferation of tumor cells, and its surface abnormal cilia can not perceive external signals are closely related. Research group found that knockdown gene synthesis CYLD protein, mice appeared much toe, skin and kidneys classic original cilia, trachea motile cilia and sperm flagella defects "fiber illnesses" disease, cilia length, the number was significantly cut back. SEM analysis showed that, CYLD not only helps cilia base located in the cell membrane, but also for the substrate and the axial filament organization is very important.

On the one hand, CYLD promote Cep70 deubiquitination, it interacts with the γ-tubulin, thereby helping Cep70 located in the center of the body; on the other hand, CYLD inhibition of HDAC6 activity and increased levels of acetylated tubulin. CUSABIO can provide customers with high-quality Mouse AMBP ELISA Kit, buy it here: http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-64187/


German pharmaceutical companies to increase investment in China

German pharmaceutical industry leader Bayer and Merck are to their respective Chinese businesses to invest, because the two companies are taking advantage of a new wave of investments and acquisitions to compete for global market share.

China's pharmaceutical market is growing rapidly, with total market reached $ 102 billion, will soon be ranked the world's second-largest pharmaceutical market after the United States.

In September of this year, Merck invested $ 80 million in a new factory in Nantong, Jiangsu broke ground, and in the last year, the company has expanded its partnerships with the Chinese focus on cancer drugs biopharmaceutical research company Baekje Divine . Merck is a large scale than competitors Bayer has announced a plan that will be $ 100 million investment in its Beijing Pharmaceutical Factory. A month ago, Bayer also announced the acquisition of Yunnan Rainbow Pharmaceutical Group, but did not disclose the specific amount of the transaction, which is the second large-scale mergers and acquisitions pile Bayer conducted in the Chinese market.

In order to meet the needs of an aging society, the Chinese government is committed to improving the availability of health care and medical services, while Western pharmaceutical companies have had responded, Bayer and Merck is one of only two representatives.

However, overseas drug manufacturers want to enter the Chinese market is not easy, because of China's drug approval process is slow, strict regulatory standards and increasingly fierce international competition. The two German companies are currently utilizing their high quality reputation of the pharmaceutical and willing to share relevant technical track record, seeking to gain an advantage in competing for market share in China in the process.

"Germany has a very good brand recognition in the Chinese market." McKinsey's German subsidiary in charge of the pharmaceutical business, Thomas ? Rudolph (Thomas Rudolph) said. Compared with the US pharmaceutical company, the German drug dealers in addition to a cash investment in the Chinese market will also be more willing to develop their own technology to China, Rudolph said.

According to Deloitte Statistics data show that China's pharmaceutical market is growing at 15% per annum growth. Rudolph noted that this market has become large enough that Western visitors so far have not yet really started "Bull." For example, Pfizer Oncology from the United States is a leader in the field, while Bayer is a leader in the field of diabetes treatment.

Bayer's pharmaceutical sales last year of 112 million euros (Human AsAb ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-114542/), where sales from the China market share of approximately 10%. Bayer will be published in Thursday's quarter ended September 30 earnings report, analysts expect this quarter in the company's overall pharmaceutical sales and pharmaceutical sales in China have increased.

President of Bayer HealthCare prescription drug China / Hong Kong region Kangluo Ke (Alok Kanti), said the company's goal is to keep the "three or top four transnational" druggist's position on the Chinese market. He also said that despite China's pharmaceutical market is very promising, but the market also brings great challenges. For example, the regulatory hurdles means that if you want to launch a new drug in the Chinese market, then in general than the time required to launch the same product in the US market more than a maximum of four years.

At the same time, overseas drug manufacturers want to perform follow the standard in China has also become costly, especially after so GSK involved in bribery scandal even more so. Chinese government in this British drug dealers last month fined $ 490 million, and the judgment it toward Chinese doctors and hospitals to promote their products bribery charges. GlaxoSmithKline declined to comment, but had quoted the September release of a letter of apology, said the company "fully investigated the facts and evidence."

In addition, Western drug companies also face competition from low-priced products to local companies. Partner of Deloitte China sector ? Mike Brown (Mike Braun) pointed out, you want to fight with these local companies, Bayer and Merck and other companies' need for local production for the local market "in order to gain an advantage in regulation.

US pluripotent stem cells cultivated with gastric tissue

Recently, US scientists in the laboratory successfully guide the embryonic human stem cells through developmental stages, cultivate a miniature "stomach." Although this piece of living tissue much bigger than a sesame seed, but it has the same human stomach and glandular structures, and even accommodate intestinal bacteria. The researchers noted that the study opens a window to let people see the deformation stage in human embryonic cells develop into what organ. These "Organ Class stomach" can be used for the study of disease, response to the drug test the stomach and the like. Related papers published in this week's "Nature" magazine.
The team is used for the culture of micro pluripotent stem cells of the stomach, i.e., in a suitable environment can develop into any cell type. But to induce them to press a particular route development, the need to accurately reproduce the signal sequence and timing of the uterine environment in the laboratory - when and where to send out a signal of proteins and hormones, which tell cells into tissue. Previous studies have used this technique to train a small number of kidney, liver, brain and intestine.

The key cells into pluripotent stem cells of the stomach is an interactive path, like a converter controls the tissue is grown in the gut or in the antrum (human ATGA ELISA Kit http://www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-114554/) were grown. According to "Nature" magazine website on October 30 (Beijing time) reported that in about 3 days old hours of stem cells, the researchers prepared to give it added a mixture of proteins, including noggin (noggin), inhibition hand path and time added a dose of retinoic acid. 9 days later, cells were left in the "protein bath" in the self-growth.

The first 34 days, when the organoid diameter of only a few millimeters, there is no blood cells and immune cells, but also unable to digest food or bile. But their structures and glandular development of each feature, and are very similar to control tissue. The study leader, Children's Medical Center of Cincinnati, Ohio, developmental biologist James Wells said, In this respect, they are "and a real stomach is very similar."

Stanford University stem cell biologist, said Calvin library Austria, can reproduce a simple stomach in a dish, is a remarkable technical achievement.

Researchers also micro stomach as subjects to which the injection of Helicobacter pylori to study human disease, which is a bacteria against gastric antrum can cause ulcers and stomach cancer. It was found that within 24 hours, so that kind of organ Helicobacter pylori accelerated cell division twice, and activate a particular gene c-met, and this gene may cause tumors. In the human stomach infected with H. pylori will appear after these consequences.

The researchers say they can not only embryonic stem cells, but also with the skin induced pluripotent stem cells cultured classes stomach organs. Washington University School of Medicine gastrointestinal pathologist Jason Mills said that if this kind of organ culture thousands, each from a different human cells and infect them with the pathogen, we can study the function of individual genes.

Wells said the research team's long-term goal is to develop the human stomach tissue to repair ulcers. He and some colleagues have been trying to block the employing class organ stomach hole mice.


Immunomodulatory Properties of IL-26

An associate professor of biology recently co-authored a research paper that identifies IL-26 is a 171-amino acid protein. IL-26 is expressed in sure herpesvirus-transformed T cells however not in primary excited T cells. IL-26 signals through a receptor complex comprising two distinct proteins called IL-20 receptor 1 and IL-10 receptor 2. By sign through this receptor complicated, IL-26 induces fast phosphorylation of the transcription factors STAT1 and STAT3, that enhance IL-10 and IL-8 secretion and as expression of the CD54 molecule on the surface of animal tissue cells.

IL-26 was detected in many T lymphocyte lines, including human T lymphocyte cancer of the blood virus-transformed cell lines. IL-26 is created by activated memory however not by naive CD4+ T cells, severally of costimulation. IL-26 could influence sure aspects of the response, the foremost operate of IL-26 remains to be outlined. As a primary step in process IL-26 activities, we tend to known a receptor complicated specific for IL-26 and characterised the signal transduction events induced by this protein.

IL-26( www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-84485/ ) was quantified by ELISA. Briefly, 96-well plates were coated with 5 μg/ml polyclonal goat anti-IL-26 Ab. After saturation with PBS containing 2% non-fat powdered milk, plates were in turn incubated with samples or recombinant human IL-26, with a biotinylated polyclonal goat anti-IL-26 Ab and so with streptavidin-HRP. Plates were washed between every steps and sure Abs were disclosed with the TMB substrate. Optical density was measured at λ = 450 nm.


New self-healing materials and bioprocessing technologies

For most people biofilms conjure up images of slippery stones in a streambed and dirty drains. While there are plenty of "bad" biofilms around -- they even cause pesky dental plaque and a host of other more serious medical problems -- a team at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University sees biofilms as a robust new platform for designer nanomaterials that could clean up polluted rivers, manufacture pharmaceutical products, fabricate new textiles, and more.

In short, they want to give biofilms a facelift, and have developed a novel protein engineering system called BIND to do so. Using BIND, which stands for Biofilm-Integrated Nanofiber Display, the team said biofilms could be tomorrow's living foundries for the large-scale production of biomaterials that can be programmed to provide functions not possible with existing materials. They have reported the proof-of-concept in Nature Communications .

"Most biofilm-related research today focuses on how to get rid of biofilms, but we demonstrate here that we can engineer these super tough natural materials to perform specific functions -- so we may want them around in specific quantities and for specific applications," said Wyss Institute Core Faculty member Neel Joshi, Ph.D., the study's senior author. Joshi is also an Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS).

Biofilms also self-assemble and self-heal. "If they get damaged, they grow right back because they are living tissues," said lead author Peter Nguyen, Ph.D., a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Wyss Institute and Harvard SEAS.

Biofilms are communities of bacteria ensconced in a slimy, but extremely tough, matrix of extracellular material composed of sugars, proteins, genetic material and more. During biofilm formation individual bacteria pump out proteins that self-assemble outside the cell -- creating tangled networks of fibers that essentially glue the cells together into communities that keep the bacteria safer than they would be on their own.

Interest in biofilm engineering is skyrocketing, and while several other teams have recently developed genetic tools to control biofilm formation, Joshi's team altered the composition of the extracellular material itself -- essentially turning it into a self-replicating production platform to churn out whatever material they wish to produce.

"Until recently there was not enough cooperation between synthetic biologists and biomaterials researchers to exploit the synthetic potential of biofilms this way. We are trying to bridge that gap," Joshi said.

The team genetically fused a protein with a particular desired function -- for example, one known to adhere to steel -- onto a small protein called CsgA that is already produced by E. coli bacteria. Monkey LH ELISA Kit www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-156110/ service technology from CUSABIO. The appended domain then went along for the ride through the natural process by which CsgA gets secreted outside the cell, where it self-assembled into supertough proteins called amyloid nanofibers. These amyloid proteins retained the functionality of the added protein -- ensuring in this case that the biofilm adhered to steel.

Amyloid proteins traditionally get a bad rap for their role in causing tremendous health challenges such as Alzheimer's disease, but in this case their role is fundamental to making BIND so robust. These amyloids can spontaneously assemble into fibers that, by weight, are stronger than steel and stiffer than silk.

"We are excited about the versatility of the method, too," Joshi said. The team demonstrated an ability to fuse 12 different proteins to the CsgA protein, with widely varying sequences and lengths. This means in principle that they can use this technology to display virtually any protein sequence -- a significant feature because proteins perform an array of impressive functions from binding to foreign particles to carrying out chemical reactions, transmitting signals, providing structural support, and transporting or storing certain molecules.

Not only can these functions be programmed into the biofilm one at a time, but they can be combined to create multifunctional biofilms as well.

The concept of the microbial factory is not a new one, but for the first time it is being applied to materials, as opposed to soluble molecules like drugs or fuels. "We are essentially programming the cells to be fabrication plants," Joshi said. "They don't just produce a raw material as a building block, they orchestrate the assembly of those blocks into higher order structures and maintain that structure over time."

"The foundational work Neel and his team are doing with biofilms offers a glimpse into a much more environmentally sustainable future where gargantuan factories are reduced to the size of a cell that we can program to manufacture new materials that meet our everyday needs -- from textiles to energy and environmental clean-up," said Wyss Institute Founding Director Don Ingber, M.D., Ph.D.

For now the team has demonstrated the ability to program E. coli biofilms that stick to certain substrates, such as steel, others that can immobilize an array of proteins or promote the templating of silver for construction of nanowires.


Research reveals DEFB123

A findings was described in the Oct. 16 issue of the journal Nature Medicine, could cause researchers to rethink DEFB123. DEFB123 exerted antimicrobial activity against a broad spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative bacterium, that was assessed by microbroth dilution assay and radial diffusion zone assay. The amide showed lipopolysaccharide-binding activity during a genus Limulus amoebocyte lysate assay. DEFB123 prevented LPS-induced growth gangrene factor-alpha secretion during a murine white corpuscle cell line. DEFB123 abolished LPS-mediated MAPK induction in these cells. Protection against LPS-mediated effects was then investigated during a murine model of acute infection. The artificial beta-defensin DEFB123 prevents LPS-induced mortality in C57BL/6 mice during a therapeutic approach. The physiological role of beta-defensins might embrace interference with LPS-action on macrophages, a perform erst thought to be restricted to the family of cathelicidins, a structurally unrelated cluster of antimicrobial peptides.

CUSABIO DEFB123 elisa kit( www.cusabio.com/ELISA_Kit-74401) employs the quantitative sandwich accelerator bioassay technique. Antibody specific for DEFB123 has been pre-coated onto a microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and any DEFB123 present is sure by the immobilized protein. when removing any unbound substances, a biotin-conjugated protein specific for DEFB123 added to the wells. Following a wash to get rid of any unbound avidin-enzyme chemical agent, a substrate resolution is added to the wells and color develops in proportion to the quantity of DEFB123 sure within the initial step. The DEFB123 elisa kit colour development is stopped and the intensity of the colour is measured.